Uploaded by Nancy Morales

Viruses Guided Notes: Flu, Symptoms, and Immune Response

Viruses (Guided Notes)
1. What is “The Flu?”
The influenza _________________________________ of 1918-1919 killed more people than World
War I, at somewhere between _______________________ million people.
More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the ______________ (1347).
_________________ = outbreak that happens over a large area
_________________ = outbreak that happens in a single region
2. Symptoms of Influenza (The “Flu”)
Severe muscle aches
Chills and sweats
_____________________ and weakness
Nasal congestion
Sore throat
3. How do you catch the flu? (Short video)
1. How does the virus enter the body? ____________________________
2. The “knobby” things on the virus are like what? ____________________________
3. Once inside the cell, what happens to the virus capsules? ____________________________
4. Once the virus “recipe” is inside the cell, what happens? ____________________________
5. Outside the nucleus, the recipes are used to do what? ____________________________
6. How do new viruses leave the cell? ____________________________
7. What keeps a person from dying when they are infected? ____________________________
4. What happens to your cells?
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. The Anatomy of a Virus
6. Viruses come in different shapes
HIV is the virus that causes _________________________
HIV enters the cells of your _____________________________.
Your immune system stops working and you get other _______________.
Kaposi’s sarcoma is found in someone who is HIV positive, it is a type of
7. The Ebola Virus
Health workers are cautious when _________________ bodies of people who died of ebola.
The virus can still be transferred to them. It has a ______________ fatality rate.
8. How does your body respond to this attack?
-Cells that are under attack send out _____________________ to your
immune system.
-White blood cells send out _________________________ to destroy
infected cells. Macrophages digest viruses and infected cells. They
eventually die.
-The phlegm and snot you experience when you are sick contains these ______________________.
9. Other cells produce antibodies
Antibodies _________________________ to the virus or to infected cells
They “tag” the cell for ___________________________.
10. Memory Cells
Your cells remember a virus and the next time it comes into your body, the body responds quickly and
you never get sick.
YOU NEVER _______________________________________________!
11. Hacking your Immune System
Your immune system can be tricked into creating antibodies for a virus that hasn’t made you sick.
1. A _________________________ or killed form of the virus is injected into the body
2. The immune system creates _____________________________ to fight it
3. When the real _______________________ enters the body, you already have the antibodies
12. So you got a virus. Now what?
Antibiotics will NOT help you!!!
Your body’s immune system must learn to ________________ infected cells and destroy them
There are some drugs that can slow the spread of viruses, like TAMIFLU
Drink lots of fluid and get rest, to help your body recover.
Over the counter medicines can help with symptoms, like acetaminophen (tylenol)
Even after you recover, some viruses might hide in your cells, like the virus that causes cold sores
13. Some viruses you might run into
Rhinovirus (common cold)
Herpes (cold sores
Hepatitis A,B,C
West Nile Virus
Human Papillomavirus
Epstein-Barr Virus (mono)