[Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Original Article A comparative study of retentive strengths of zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements with stainless steel crowns – An in vitro study Abstract An in vitro study was conducted to compare the retentive strengths of zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements using Instron universal testing machine. Thirty preformed and pretrimmed stainless steel crowns were used for cementation on 30 extracted human primary molars which were divided into three groups of 10 teeth in each group. Then the teeth were stored in artificial saliva and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. A load was applied on to the crown and was gradually increased till the crown showed dislodgement, and then the readings were recorded using Instron recorder and analyzed for statistical significance. The surface area of crown was measured by graphical method. The retentive strength was expressed in terms of kg/cm2, which was calculated by the equation load divided by area. Retentive strengths of zinc phosphate (ranged from a minimum of 16.93 to amaximum of 28.13 kg/cm2 with mean of 21.28 kg/cm2) and glass ionomer cement (minimum of 13.69 - 28.15 kg/cm2 with mean of 20.69 kg/cm2) were greater than that of polycarboxylate cement (minimum of 13.26 - 22.69 kg/cm2 with mean of 16.79 kg/cm2). Negligible difference (0.59 kg/cm2) of retentive strength was observed between zinc phosphate (21.28 kg/cm2) and glass ionomer cements (20.69 kg/cm2). Glass ionomer cements can be recommended for cementation of stainless steel crowns because of its advantages and the retentive strength was almost similar to that of zinc phosphate cement. Key words Luting cements, retentive strength, stainless steel crowns Introduction The restoration of primary and permanent teeth with advanced carious lesions has been a constant and Raghunath Reddy MH, Subba Reddy VV1, Basappa N2 Professor & Head, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Uttar Pradesh Dental College & Hospital, Faizabad Road, Lucknow, Utter Pradesh, 1Principal, Professor & Head, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, College of Dental Sciences, Pavilion Road, 2Professor, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davangere – 577004, Karnataka, India. Correspondence: Dr. M.H. Raghunath Reddy, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Uttar Pradesh Dental College & Hospital, Faizabad Road, Lucknow, Utter Pradesh, India. E mail- pedoreddy@gmail.com Access this article online Quick Response Code: Website: www.jisppd.com DOI: 10.4103/0970-4388.76150 PMID: ***************************** difficult problem for the dentist, to prevent premature loss of primary teeth and to maintain normal occlusion. Studies have shown that amalgam, a commonly used restorative material, had to be replaced with stainless steel crowns in 70% of multisurface amalgam restorations. Stainless steel crowns have proved to be efficacious and are relatively easy to use, they have become an important factor in the restoration of hypoplastic, endodontically treated teeth, malformed teeth and fracture teeth to perform their normal function.[1,2] JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY | Oct - Dec 2010 | Issue 4 | Vol 28 | 245 [Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Raghunath Reddy, et al.: Retentive strength of cements In 1950, Humphery introduced preformed or stainless steel crowns, later Helm listed indications for stainless steel crowns in pediatric dentistry. Many studies have investigated the retention of stainless steel crowns and clinicians have suggested that dental cement alone was responsible for retention of stainless steel crowns on primary molars.[3-6] Jefferey et al, however, believe that the significant retentive feature is the close adaptation of the metal crown margin to the tooth surfaces in the undercut areas of the prepared teeth.[7] Placement of well-fitted, contoured stainless steel crown on different crown preparations, without cement is not possible because of its insufficient strength to fit on the tooth. Stainless steel crowns have been cemented with zinc phosphate cement,[4,8,9] polycarboxylate cement,[4,5,8,9] and zinc oxide eugenol cement, but it would appear that glass ionomer cements, due to their adhesive properties to dentin and enamel and fluoride releasing ability, have definite advantages over the other cements.[5,10] So this study was planned to compare the retentive strengths of zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements with the stainless steel crowns. Materials and Methods The study was conducted in the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry, Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere in collaboration with the Department of Metallurgy, Indian Institute of sciences, Bangalore and Department of civil Engineering, B.D.T., Davangere. Instron universal testing machine: (Instron 8502) Figure 1 The specially designed Instron apparatus were used. The applied force was directed parallel to the long axis of the tooth, at a cross head speed of Instron of 0.05 inch/min. A total of 30 extracted human maxillary first and second mandibular primary molars (two maxillary primary first molars, 10 maxillary primary second molars, six mandibular primary first molars, 12 mandibular primary second molars) were selected for the study. These teeth had sufficient intact tooth structure so that a good crown marginal seal could be obtained on the basis of a good clinical examination. Each tooth was hand scaled and cleaned to remove soft 246 tissue debris and rinsed with deionized water. Each tooth was mounted in self-cure acrylic resin exposing complete crown. The occlusal surfaces of all teeth were reduced uniformly about 1 mm to 1.5 mm. The proximal surfaces were prepared so that contact was broken and all mesial and distal undercuts were removed. All the sharp angles were made rounded. Then pretrimmed and precontoured stainless steel crown (Ion-3M) was fitted on each tooth and crimped, contoured to allow for the best marginal fit achievable on the basis of a thorough examination with an explorer. The crown had two opposing attachments (Begg’s brackets) spot welded to facilitate the attachment of the crown removal apparatus. Then 30 teeth were randomly divided into three groups of 10 teeth in each group, i.e., zinc phosphate cement, polycarboxylate cement and glass ionomer cement, respectively [Figure 2]. The cements were manipulated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. They were loaded into the crown and each crown was seated with hand pressure. All excess cement was removed from crown margins. After 10 min, the teeth were stored in prepared artificial saliva and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Retentive strength was tested using Instron universal testing machine. The machine [Figure 3] was fitted with an Instron recorder. A specially designed apparatus of Instron was used to remove the cemented crowns. Hole was made for each specimen at the base of the mounted teeth with self cure acrylic resin in order to place the specimen in the specially designed Instron apparatus[Figure 4]. A screw was passed through the Instron apparatus and the hole of the each specimen to stabilize the specimen during crown removal and the screw was made tight. The load was applied from zero reading and then gradually increased. The loading was continued until the cemented stainless steel crowns showed first dislodgement during crown removal. The machine was stopped by pressing the button after cemented stainless steel crowns showed first dislodgement and recorded the readings. The specimen was removed and new specimen was placed in the Instron apparatus and the screw was made tight. The same procedure was followed for all the specimens. The applied load was directed parallel to the long axis of the tooth during crown removal. Cross head speed of Instron was 0.05 inch/min. The retentive strength values were recorded, expressed in terms of kg/cm2, which was calculated by the formula: load / area. JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY | Oct - Dec 2010 | Issue 4 | Vol 28 | [Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Raghunath Reddy, et al.: Retentive strength of cements Figure 1: Instron apparatus and specimen Figure 2: Armamentarium Figure 3: Specimen mounted on Instron The surface areas of crowns have been determined by cut opening of the crowns and their surfaces have been developed on graph sheet and the areas of these developed surfaces have been determined by counting the squares on these developed areas. Results An in vitro study of three dental cements was performed to test the retention of stainless steel crowns on extracted primary molars using Instron Universal testing machine. The Wilcoxon Mann–Whitney ‘ U ‘ test was performed to compare the retentive strength between each group to see whether there were any significant differences in strengths among the groups. Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance was performed to know the difference in retentive strength exhibited by different cements. Figure 4: Instron universal testing machine The analysis revealed that there were significant differences in retentive strengths of different cements. The retentive strength of the zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements were ranged from 16.93 to 28.13, 13.26 to 22.69 and 13.69 to 28.15 kg/cm2 respectively. The mean retentive strength with standard deviation for zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements were 21.28 ± 2.91, 16.79 ± 3.28 and 20.69 ± 4.14 kg/cm2 respectively [Tables 1 and 2]. The retentive strength of zinc phosphate ranged from 16.93 kg/cm2 to 28.13 kg/cm2 with an average of 21.28 ± 2.91 kg/cm2. For polycarboxylate cement, the retentive strength ranged from 13.26 to 22.69kg/ cm2 with an average of 16.79 ± 3.28 kg/cm2. The results showed that zinc phosphate cement strength was greater than that of polycarboxylate cement and JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY | Oct - Dec 2010 | Issue 4 | Vol 28 | 247 [Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Raghunath Reddy, et al.: Retentive strength of cements the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) [Table 3]. The retentive strength of zinc phosphate ranged from 16.93 to 28.13 kg/cm2 with an average of 21.28 ± 2.91kg/cm2. For glass ionomer cement, the retentive strength ranged from 13.69 to 28.15 kg/cm2 with an average of 20.69 ± 4.14 kg/cm2. The mean retentive strength of the glass ionomer cement was lesser than that of phosphate cement, but the difference was not statistically significant [Table 4]. The comparison of the retentive strength of polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements was also assessed. The retentive strength of polycarboxylate cement ranged from 13.26 to 22.69 kg/cm2 with an average of 16.79 ± 3.28 kg/cm2 with an average of 20.69 ± 4.14 kg/cm2. The mean retentive strength of the glass ionomer cement was greater than that of polycarboxylate cement and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) [Table 5]. The results showed that zinc phosphate cement had better retentive strength than glass ionomer cements but the difference was not statistically significant. Both the zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements showed better retentive strength than the polycarboxylate cement and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Table 1: Retentive strengths of the cements (kg/cm2) Zinc phosphate Polycarboxylate Glass ionomer 15.60 13.26 22.69 20.06 15.89 17.73 20.46 13.71 13.93 14.60 16.79 03.28 23.65 16.91 13.69 18.55 24.76 21.19 18.62 28.15 19.95 21.46 20.69 04.14 21.50 18.56 20.28 21.66 21.82 16.93 20.65 28.13 21.06 22.18 Mean 21.28 SD 02.91 Table 2: Retentive strengths of zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements Cements No. of cases Mini - maxi (kg/cm2) Mean Stand. dev. 10 10 10 16.93–28.13 13.69–28.15 13.26–22.69 21.28 20.69 16.79 2.91 3.28 3.28 Zinc phosphate Glass ionomer Polycarboxylate (Wilcoxon’s Mann–Whitney ‘U ‘test) Table 3: Retentive strengths of zinc phosphate and polycarboxylate cements Cements No. of Mini - maxi Mean cases (kg/cm2) Stand dev. Significance P>0.05 Significant Zinc phosphate 10 16.93–28.13 21.28 2.91 Polycarboxylate 10 13.26–22.69 16.79 3.28 (Wilcoxon’s Mann–Whitney ‘U ‘test) Table 4: Retentive strengths of zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements Discussion An in vitro study was carried out to compare the retentive strength of the three luting cements. Cements Zinc phosphate Glass ionomer No. of Mini - maxi Mean cases (kg/cm2) 10 10 16.93–28.13 13.69–28.15 21.28 20.69 Stand dev. Significance 2.91 4.14 Not significant Zinc phosphate is the oldest of the luting cements used widely for cementation of stainless steel crowns. This cement is generally considered as adequate for clinical crown retention, even though its retentive properties are purely mechanical in nature. It is brittle, has a relatively high solubility in the mouth, and it does not adhere to tooth structure. They do have high compressive strength and are also a potentially caustic substance, to vital pulp tissue due to their low pH.[11,12] (Wilcoxon’s Mann–Whitney ‘U ‘test) The use of fluoride releasing cements with the potential for chemical adhesion and mechanical retention helps in retention of the crown. The polycarboxylates form an ionic bond with enamel and dentin and have a higher adhesive strength than the zinc phosphate.[11] Addition of fluoride to this cement results an increase in strength and anticariogenic properties.[13] They also have a somewhat lower compressive strength than that of zinc phosphate cements and are relatively non toxic to vital tissue.[14-16] The glass ionomer cements are also used because it forms a strong ionic bond to enamel, dentin and nickel chrome alloys providing a high adhesive strength[16-20] and releases fluoride from the setting cement. It gives a high compressive strength[18,21,22] because of the 248 (Wilcoxon’s Mann–Whitney ‘U ‘test) Table 5: Retentive strengths of polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements Cements No. of Mini - maxi Mean cases (kg/cm2) Stand dev. Significance P> 0.05 Significant Polycarboxylate 10 13.26–22.69 16.79 3.28 Glass ionomer 10 13.69–28.15 20.69 4.14 JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY | Oct - Dec 2010 | Issue 4 | Vol 28 | [Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Raghunath Reddy, et al.: Retentive strength of cements unique composition and structure of Al3+ and Ca2+ ions and polyacrylic acid solution, which is also found to be relatively nontoxic to vital pulpal tissue.[23] Studies compared the retention of stainless steel crowns with and without cementation (i.e., mechanical retention from the crown alone and retention due to cementation) and they found the retention due to cementation to be far greater than that gained from mechanical retention alone. This clearly shows that the placement of cement is necessary for the placement of stainless steel crowns.[3-6] Zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements were used in this study, because these are the commonly used luting cements for cementation of stainless steel crowns in routine clinical practice. Primary molars were selected for this study because stainless steel crowns are more widely used on primary molars to prevent premature tooth loss and development of future malocclusion. Pretrimmed and precontoured stainless steel crowns were used in this study because to standardize the surface area of the crowns as in case of other type of crowns trimming is necessary which gives an intra clinician variation in surface area and the specimens were stored in the artificial saliva because it simulates human saliva. Instron tensometer, Hounsfield tensometer and Instron universal testing machines were used to measure the retentive strength of the cements. Whereas, in the present study, Instron universal testing machine was used because of the easy availability than Instron tensometer and Hounsfield tensometer. Mathewson found the highest retentive strength with copper phosphate cement than zinc phosphate and polycarboxylate cements, which he attributed to the low pH of the copper cement during the setting reaction and a possible acid etching effect on the tooth creating a better bond between the cement and the tooth. He also speculated that the acidity of the copper cement potentially was harmful to pulp tissues in vital teeth. So in this study, copper phosphate cement was not considered for testing retentive strength.[4] David R. Myers and Garcia Godoy reported that no significant difference was found between zinc phosphate and polycarboxylate cements in the retention ability of the cements. Whereas in this study, zinc phosphate cement showed better retentive strength than polycarboxylate cement, which was statistically significant (P<0.05). The difference may be due to the fact that zinc phosphate cement lies on mechanical interlocking for its retentive effect and on close physical adaptation for sealing restorative margins, but it does not provide any chemical bonding to tooth or metal surfaces.[8,9] Noffsinger et al found that no significant difference between the overall mean retentive forces of the two glass ionomer cements and polycarboxylate cement using preformed crowns fitted to extracted third molar teeth, whereas in this study glass ionomer cement showed better retentive strength than polycarboxylate cement, which was statistically significant (P<0.05).[5] The exact reason for this difference is not known, but it may due to powder - liquid ratio, viscosity and shorter working time. Advantage of the glass ionomer over the zinc polycarboxylate is the fluidity or lower viscosity of the mixed glass ionomer cement.[24] Studies have shown that glass ionomers have higher adhesive strength and form stronger bonds to tooth structure and stainless steel than the polycarboxylate cements.[16-20] Polycarboxylates form an ionic bond with enamel and dentin and have a higher adhesive strength than zinc phosphate.[11] The chemical reaction of polycarboxylate cement is by which zinc ions link adjacent poly acrylic acid molecules producing a large cross-linked chelate structure. The poly acrylic acid molecules have the ability to chelate to calcium ions in tooth enamel as well as to stainless steel. This shows that polycarboxylate cements are suitable for cementation of stainless steel crowns.[25,26] In the present study, zinc phosphate cement showed better retentive strength than glass ionomer cement. The lesser retentive strength of glass ionomer may be due to the advantage of the cement during initial phase of setting, moisture can adversely affect the hardness of the surface.[27-29] From this study, glass ionomer cements can be recommended for cementation of stainless steel crowns. Because these cements have the ability to bond to enamel and base metals,[16-20] release fluoride from setting cement [21] and are found to be nontoxic to vital pulp tissue.[23] In the present study, the mean retentive strength of zinc phosphate cement was 21.28kg/cm2 and glass ionomer cement showed 20.69 kg/cm2, which was not of much difference. So glass ionomer cements can be recommended for cementation of stainless steel crowns. JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY | Oct - Dec 2010 | Issue 4 | Vol 28 | 249 [Downloaded free from http://www.jisppd.com on Saturday, April 21, 2018, IP:] Raghunath Reddy, et al.: Retentive strength of cements Summary and Conclusion This in vitro study was conducted to compare the retentive strengths of zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements using Instron universal testing machine. Thirty preformed and pretrimmed stainless steel crowns were used for cementation on 30 extracted human primary molars. 6. A load was applied on to the crown and was gradually increased till the crown showed dislodgement, and then the readings were recorded and analyzed for statistical significance. The surface area of crown was measured by graphical method. The retentive strength was expressed in terms of kg/cm2, which was calculated by the equation load divided by area. 9. From the present study, it can be concluded that: • The retentive strength of zinc phosphate cement ranged from a minimum of 16.93 to a maximum of 28.13 kg/cm2 with the mean of 21.28 kg/cm2. • The retentive strength of polycarboxylate cement ranged from a minimum of 13.26 to a maximum of 22.69 kg/cm2 with the mean of 16.79 kg/cm2. • The retentive strength of glass ionomer cement ranged from a minimum of 13.69 to a maximum of 28.15 kg/cm2 with the mean of 20.69 kg/cm2. • The retentive strengths of zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements were greater than the retentive strength of polycarboxylate cement. • Negligible difference (0.59 kg/cm2) of retentive strength was observed between zinc phosphate (21.28 kg/cm2) and glass ionomer cements (20.69 kg/cm2). • Glass ionomer cements can be recommended for cementation of stainless steel crowns because of its advantages and the retentive strength was almost similar to that of zinc phosphate cement. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 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