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Plagiarism in Schools: Why It's Unacceptable

The pressure of getting good grades is very enormous for college or high school
students. Therefor e, they have to do everything, mostly cheating, to achieve their goal. One of
the easiest method of cheating is to plagarize sample essays on Internet. It may lead to a good
result but to my opinion, and may the others’, I disagree with plagiarism because of many
Firstly, plagiarism is unacceptable because it is stealing ideas from the other people.
Everyone has their own concept. When they show it to you, you can only learn the useful
details from their work and make your design based on what you are inspired. Just imagine that
one student displays his/her project in front of the class and then another student copies
his/her work and claims it as their one without asking for permission. It may ruin the friendship
between two students. If you do not have any ideas, you shall demand for help from the other
students so they can give you one hand. No one agree when you replicate their efforts.
The next reason I think plagiarism is wrong because it hurts the academic principles. This
illegal act is against the school laws. When the school officials find out their pupils plagiarize
essays from any sources, it does not only affect the school integrity but also makes the other
students feel like they are studying in an unfair environment. Eventhough the school leaders
investigate and prevent the violated acts annually, it seems like the plagiarism problem remain
and keeps bugging the academy reputation.
Lastly, the plagiarism should not be welcomed because it decreases the working
capacity of students. As a result of the spread of many articles which is plagiarized repeatedly
on Internet, students may become too lazy to do their assignment on their own. It (plagiarism)
reduces the ability to reason, to create and to work individually of an undergraduate. Students
sometimes blame for the schedule but to me, if they are thoughtful, they will arrange their time
reasonally. Moreover, the available essays on Internet are undentified that whether they are
correct or not, so if these unvenrified studies keep spreading, learners may be mislead by
untrue information.
In conclusion, I believe that plagiarism should be discouraged as a result of these
culprits mentioned above. Plagiarism damages the rapport between students and students,
even teachers and students. It also violates the school rules and creates the dishonest academic
environment. I think every student should complete their assignments by themselves and stop
the plagiarism issue for the better education.