Lecture Notes Introduction to Timber Structures 7PPX0 Dimensioning of structures ir. W.H. de Groot 2018-2019 Eindhoven University of Technology Faculty Architecture, Building and Planning Unit Structural Engineering and Design Den Dolech 2 5612 AZ Eindhoven Content Content .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Part 1: GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2 Use of wood ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3 Coniferous and deciduous wood [3] ................................................................................................ 6 4 Dendrochronology ......................................................................................................................... 10 5 Wood properties ............................................................................................................................ 12 5.1 Density ................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Wood Moisture Content ......................................................................................................... 13 5.3 Shrinkage and Swelling ......................................................................................................... 15 5.4 Fungal degradation ................................................................................................................ 16 5.5 Strength and stiffness ............................................................................................................ 16 5.6 Load duration ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.7 Load duration classes ............................................................................................................ 17 5.8 Volume effects ....................................................................................................................... 17 5.9 Heat-properties ...................................................................................................................... 19 5.10 Electrical conduction .............................................................................................................. 19 5.11 Durability ................................................................................................................................ 20 5.12 Preservation........................................................................................................................... 21 5.13 Modification............................................................................................................................ 22 5.14 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 22 6 Structural design calculations ........................................................................................................ 23 6.1 Strength analysis (Safety) ..................................................................................................... 23 6.2 Stiffness analysis (Serviceability) .......................................................................................... 27 7 Grading: wood quality and strength .............................................................................................. 29 7.1 Quality classes and strength classes .................................................................................... 29 7.2 Quality marking ...................................................................................................................... 33 8 Wood products .............................................................................................................................. 36 9 Literature........................................................................................................................................ 37 Part 2: DESIGN OF WOODEN LOAD-BEARING STRUCTURES ...................................................... 38 10 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 38 11 Rules of thumb for girders and columns .................................................................................... 40 11.1 Rules of thumb for girders ..................................................................................................... 40 11.2 Rules of thumb for columns ................................................................................................... 45 12 Rules of thumb for three-hinge-frames ...................................................................................... 46 13 Structural detailing ..................................................................................................................... 48 14 Stability ...................................................................................................................................... 54 15 Literature.................................................................................................................................... 58 Annex 1: Calculation example: Unity Checks of the stresses in a single span beam ...................... 59 Annex 2: Tables Eurocode 5 ............................................................................................................ 62 Annex 3: Floor beams: ratio span versus beam height (rules of thumb) .......................................... 66 Annex 4: Rules of thumb for Timber Constructions .......................................................................... 69 Annex 5: Standard timber sizes ........................................................................................................ 74 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 1 Part 1: GENERAL 1 Introduction This is the introduction to the course “Timber structures” developed by the Faculty Architecture, Building and Planning, Unit Structural Engineering and Design (SD), at Eindhoven University of Technology. For centuries wood has been an important construction material. After the development of "modern" materials like concrete and steel, a steady decline in the amount of wood as construction material occurred. This is illustrated in Figure 1.1 [1]. Figure 1.1 Development of wood in the construction as a percentage of the total material usage. Since a number of years the application of wood in constructions is increasing. The material is "rediscovered". Especially the visual qualities and the "cuddle factor" of the material, whatever that may be, contributes to this increase. Also other positive qualities such as the high strength and stiffness parallel to the grain in relation to the mass, the high fire resistance, “free form” production possibilities, chemical resistance, the natural durability, the very low energy use in production and very low emissions of so-called greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2) contribute. The low natural durability of different wood species is often seen as a negative property. However, the natural durability is no indicator for sustainability of structures realized with certain wood species. Wood constructions realized with low durable wood species still function after hundreds of years because the conditions for damaging mechanisms (fungi – insects – bacteria) are absent or very low in many circumstances. The variation in wood appearance is very large. Even within one tree significant differences occur. This results in possible fascinating designs. Also with regard to the structural properties big variation can be expected. Also in this case: every piece of wood is different. Result is that considerable efforts need to be made to get a well-defined impression of the properties. Hundreds, if not thousands, of wood species exist. Only a limited number, ca. 45, are classified in so-called strength classes, so that these species can be used structurally in a sound, well defined way. However, for most of these species all the wood is classified in only one strength class limiting the efficient use. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 2 Wood is a natural material. It can be applied directly as raw material (round wood); e.g. as foundation pile, which outnumbers all other raw material usage. A rough estimate indicates, that in the Netherlands, especially in the western part (Holland) about 25 million tree trunks used as foundation piles support all kind of structures. Recent data provided by suppliers of wooden foundation piles, indicate that there is still a (small) market for wooden piles in Netherlands and Flanders. Wood can be cut (sawn) into all kind of elements (girders, columns, boards, laths, etc). Sawn elements can be combined into so-called composite elements, with glue (glulam) and/or mechanically (wire nails, bolts, etc.). Veneer, usually obtained by peeling the tree, is glued on less attractive wood species to obtain plate material for furniture manufacturing or finishing panels. Veneer layers can be glued together to obtain, plywood, a sheet material, or LVL (laminated veneer lumber). Thicker boards glued together crosswise result in so-called CLT (cross laminated timber). From waste, from sawdust to chips other sheet materials like particle board, composed plate OSB (oriented strand board), MDF (medium density fibre board) and HDF (high density fibre board) are manufactured. Generally the structural properties reduce with increasing amount of glue needed (e.g. MDF needs relatively much glue and plywood relatively little). All these products are used in the construction, often as finishing (embellishing, fire resistance, etc.). In a number of cases structurally for which plywood, CLT, LVL, fibre board, OSB and particle board are most suited. In Netherlands in the construction practice a number of organizations, so-called industrial associations, are active. Of these organizations are the Wood Centre (Centrum Hout - www.centrumhout.nl), located in Almere, the Dutch Branch Association of Timber products manufacturers (NBvT), located in Bussum (www.nbvt.nl), the Association of timber frame builders (VHSB), since July 1, 2013, part of the NBvT (www.vhsb.nl), the VVNH (Association of Dutch timber traders), located in Almere and the VHC, the association of structural timber designers (www.houtconstructeur.eu) the most wellknown. In the Dutch language area a number of journals on building with wood with some regularity are issued. “Het Houtblad”, see www.houtblad.nl, is issued 8 times per year; via the website https://www.houtblad.nl/Abonneren/Abonneren_student students find how to get “Het Houtblad” for free. Additionally, Het Houtblad issues an on-line weekly news magazine for free. “De Houtconstructeur”, magazine of the VHC focuses on structural design (www.houtconstructeur.eu); it is issued rather irregularly. “Houtwereld” (www.houtwereld.nl) is issued every other week and “De Houtkrant” (www.houtkrant.nl) is issued every other week as well. More specific information, can be obtained via www.nehosoc.nl (the website of the Dutch Association of wood collectors), a Web site that divulges the information only after membership of the Association and www.probos.net, where extensive information on, among others, the (Dutch) forest and forest management can be found. For Belgium additional information can be found on www.srfb.be, www.pmg.be, www.fedustria.be (federation for textile, wood and furniture industries), www.wood.be (research and technical support for the wood and furniture industry), www.hsob.be (timber frame association), www.houtinfobois.be (support of the use of Belgian grown timber), www.woodforum.be (the national Belgian wood information center). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 3 2 Use of wood Timber and timber products are obtained by cutting trees and processing the raw material in some way. Figure 2.1 shows the use of this wood, averaged over the entire world. Figure 2.1 Wood use (worldwide) [2]. Figure 2.1 shows, that more than half of the felled trees is used as firewood. In Western Europe, North America and Japan the ratio is completely different. There is the portion firewood relatively small (can be ignored). For the Netherlands the use of wood is shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2 Wood use (The Netherlands) [2]. The use of the forests, the suppliers of wood, differs. These different purposes do not always strengthen each other (these purposes compete). Different purposes are: • Human shelter (especially in certain areas in Africa, Asia and South America) and animal habitat. • Recreation (especially in the so-called Western world). • Supplier of food, medicine, etc. • Supplier of wood for all kinds of applications. • A positive contribution to the so-called CO2 (carbon dioxide) balance. Worldwide about 0,5 m3 of wood is used per person per year. In Netherlands this is approx. 1 m3, in Japan and the United States even slightly higher. Despite we hardly use wood for cooking in Netherlands we use more than twice as much as the average world inhabitant. Figure 2.3 shows values in tabular form. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 4 Wood availability land surface [· 103 ha] Netherlands (2012) EU World forest surface [· 103 ha] % annual growth 3 [m / ha] Annual usage 3 total [m ] [m3] 3390 360 (+) 10.6 8.0 (4.4 cut) 2.9·106 (+) 12,2·106 (+) 311,900 113,600 (+) 36.4 5.3 602.1·106 (+) ≈ 300·106 (+) 12,980,000 3,454,400 (-) 26.6 4.0 13,800·106 (-) ≈ 3300·106 (+) Figure 2.3 Worldwide wood usage in relation to available surface area and the annual wood growth (global data from the year 2000 [2]). Figure 2.3 shows, that the wood use worldwide, despite the occasionally ominous messages in the media about huge deforestation of especially tropical deciduous forests, is smaller than the growth. However, the situation is still worrying, not least for those population groups that traditionally depend for their entire existence on the forests (for example, Pygmies in Cameroon and the Dayak in Kalimantan-Malaysia). The situation for different animals is also critical. On the other hand, in certain areas more wood grows than is harvested. In these areas the (economic) value of wood is recognized and ensured in a sustainable way. In these areas, forests are maintained like farms. See also the table in figure 2.4. Annual change [km2] remark 1990 to 2000 2000 to 2010 10 countries with largest annual net loss of forest area (a) -79.260 -60.400 slowing down 10 countries with the largest annual net gain in forest area (b) +33.990 +44.140 increasing Figure 2.4 Annual change in forested area. (a) Brazil, Indonesia, Sudan, Myanmar (Birma), Nigeria, Tanzania, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Congo (Kinshasa), Argentina. (b) China, USA, Spain, Vietnam, India, France, Italy, Chile, Finland, Philippines. Socially, ecologically and economically, it is becoming less accepted, that the used wood contributes to the negative effects of deforestation of the Earth. It is more and more expected that the wood used is coming out of sustainably managed forests, aimed at forest conservation and at positive socioeconomic development for all involved. Organizations like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) define global standards for forest management. Basis for these standards, which need to be developed in more detail for each country or region, are the 10 FSC principles, which can be found on www.fsc.org, describing good forest management. If forest owners meet the FSC standards their forest can be certified. Independent inspectors ensure compliance with the rules. The table in Figure 2.3 shows the situation of all wood, deciduous and coniferous wood, together. In the Netherlands mainly softwood (mostly coniferous) wood species are used, which is almost completely originating in the European Community. The wood species used most are Norway Spruce, Pine, Larch and Douglas Fir. See the table in Figure 2.5 for a bit more detailed information [2]. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 5 Wood usage in the Netherlands Origin Percentage Mainly EU 75 coniferous Russia 10 coniferous Northern America 10 coniferous Tropical forests 5 deciduous Figure 2.5 Wood use in Netherlands with pictures of the species most used (Dutch names between brackets) Deciduous wood species are mostly used in furniture, facade carpentry (window frames, doors, etc.) and civil engineering structures (bollards, scaffolding, alignments, etc.). This wood is predominantly originated from tropical forests. Historically, in the Netherlands the used tropical deciduous wood is originated from Indonesia (Merbau, Meranti in construction), Suriname (Basralocus, Demerara Greenheart, etc. in hydraulic engineering constructions) and West Africa (Azobé in hydraulic engineering constructions). It is clear, that the origin of these wood species is linked to the Dutch colonial past. The last decade’s wood from FSC certified tropical forests in Brazil (Massaranduba, Angelim Vermelho, Cumaru, Itauba, Piquia, etc.) are increasingly used. 3 Coniferous and deciduous wood [3] There is a clear difference in structure, properties and growth area between coniferous and deciduous wood species. In general coniferous wood is softer, lighter and less strong than deciduous wood. Also, generally, the natural durability of coniferous wood is less compared to deciduous wood. Most coniferous wood species grow between 70 and 50 latitude as a belt bordering the Arctic across North America, Europe and Asia. Also in the southern hemisphere forests with coniferous wood species can be found (e.g. in in New Zealand, South Africa and Argentina-Chile, where large areas are forested with so-called Radiata Pine trees). Tropical forests (in which deciduous trees are found) are present in the rest of the world: globally in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones between the 50 latitude north latitude and 50 South latitude. Figure 3.1 shows the global growth areas. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 6 Figure 3.1 Growth areas (something more than 25% of the land surface is forested worldwide) [3]. Deciduous trees respond strongly to the changing of the seasons. The food intake in the root structure occur especially in spring time resulting in a relative high growth rate (creating so-called early wood) and leave creating, through which moisture evaporates. Summer growth conditions for the tree are more hazardous resulting in slowing down of the growth rate and leave creating, which almost fully stops in autumn and winter periods. The wood created in summer, autumn and winter periods, the socalled “late wood”, is denser than the wood created in springtime. The “late wood” is visualized by the so-called annual rings. Consequently, no annual rings develop in regions where the differences between the seasons are negligible. Deciduous wood trees lose their leaves in winter time; coniferous wood species, except Larch, do not loose leaves (needles). The wood structure of deciduous wood species is different from that of coniferous wood species. There are also similarities. Both are shortly discussed with the help of figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 7 Figure 3.2 Tree trunk cross section and three dimensional trunk views. Fibre structure A tree grows in two directions, longitudinally and radially (height and in thickness directions). In longitudinal direction, the cells split at the top of the branches, the stem and the roots. Actually, these cells stretch themselves. The thickness growth in the stem, the roots and the branches takes place in the cambium, a single cell layer between the bark and the sapwood. Growth rings are formed. The cambium cells remain active throughout the life of the tree. By cell division to the outside the inner bark (also called soft bark) is formed. By cell division to the inside, wood cells (sapwood) are formed. Usually, the number of cells formed for the inner bark is much smaller than the number of wood cells (a tree contains more wood than bark). Because the tree thickens, the cambium layer increased in the tangential direction also (the circumference increases). Creation of these cells in the circumference is called dilation. As described earlier in this chapter, annual rings are formed by the changing of the seasons Figure 3.3 Coniferous wood (Pine) Nutrition from the roots to the tree crown takes place through the outer parts (inner bark to sapwood) of the trunk: in the sapwood the rising flow takes place, the inner bark the descend flow. Horizontal moisture transport is possible via the rays. After some years, the middle section no longer contributes to the nutrition transport. This part, the heartwood, "dies" after the cells present herein may be filled with natural chemicals to enlarge natural durability, after which in most species these cells are closed (for durability reasons too). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 8 In deciduous wood species the organisation of the fibres and fibre groups (tissues) looks much less uniform than in coniferous wood species. In deciduous tubes, called vessels, develop if cells grow together in length direction. For deciduous wood, these vessels are an important feature. Softwood lacks these vessels. In coniferous wood the moisture transport (nutrition transport) from one cell to the other takes place through (small) lockable openings, called bordered pits (pits that connect cells), see Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4 Difference in structure between coniferous and deciduous wood [3]. All important wood properties such as strength, stiffness and shrinkage / swell behaviour are explained on the basis of the chemical structure and the anatomy, or the structure of the cells and the properties of the cell wall material. If the cell wall material degenerates due to e.g. wood degradation or fire, the material and thus the mass and strength properties reduce. Because wood is a natural product, growth “failures” and imperfections like knots and growth disturbances (due to geometrical imperfections) can be expected. The wood grain is not completely straight resulting in strength and stiffness reductions. Wood is characterized by its fibre direction (longitudinal direction). Due to this typical structure, the wood anatomy, physical and mechanical properties vary widely in different directions (e.g. the material strength is higher parallel to the fibre direction than perpendicular to the fibre direction). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 9 When observing wood with help of an electron microscope, the cells can be seen as an integrated bundle of fibres. These can be compared to vertical tubes. Under the microscope also the annual rings can be seen. The fibres (tubes) can be loaded in different directions. The strength and stiffness properties vary in different directions. This is meant when talking about the anisotropic nature of wood. In axial direction, or parallel to the fibre direction, wood very strong, both in tension as in compression. Perpendicular to the wood fibre, on the other hand, wood is less strong and stiff. Compression perpendicular to the fibre direction may lead to fibre crushing, which does not lead to failure (and is therefore a safe “failure mechanism). However, tension perpendicular to the fibre direction, wood is weak. Tension perpendicular can lead to brittle failure which must be avoided (unsafe failure mechanism). See also Figure 3.5. The cell walls thickness and the size of the void cavities varies per wood species. The density of the cell wall material itself is independent of the type of wood and is approximately 1550 kg/m³; a high density of wood means that the cell walls are thick and robust. The density of wood is the mass of 1 m³ of wood at specific moisture content, usually 12% or 15% (relative to the dry mass, see chapter 5). Generally Figure 3.5 Directional sensitivity of wood. heavier wood species show higher values for the mechanical properties than lighter wood species. That is also logical. A high density means a relatively high amount of wood fibre material per mm² cross-section and consequently the strength properties (tensile, pressure and bending) parallel to the fibre directions show relatively high values. The strength properties generally exhibit a slightly larger variation in softwood than in deciduous wood, due to the difference in the presence of knots. Generally deciduous wood is also heavier than softwood, which is reflected in the strength properties. The differences in wood structure and the dependence of the strength and stiffness on the fibre direction is clearly shown in the strength classes of wood (tables 6.1 and 7.1). 4 Dendrochronology Dendrochronology, or tree ring research, is the scientific discipline that deals with dating of wooden objects or archaeological findings on the basis of recognizable annual rings in the objects (growth rings). Large parts of the world exhibit seasons. The largest growth occurs in the spring, the smallest in the winter. As a result, the spring wood (early wood) with large wide cells distinguishes itself, see Figure 3.4, from the late wood (formed in summer, autumn and winter). This results in a "circular" lines pattern, also known as annual rings. This enables the age determination of a tree, by counting the number of rings between the edge and the center (pith). This can easily be done after the tree is cut down. For still standing trees this can also be done after retaining a wood cylinder form the tree using a special wood drill, designed for this purpose (increment drill, which is a hollow drill). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 10 Because trees of the same species from the same area are exposed to the same climatic conditions exhibit the same pattern in the same growth years; broad annual ring pattern (generally a sign of good growth conditions), narrow annual ring pattern or abnormalities on the growth ring pattern. By comparing ring patterns of trees from the same growth area with an overlap in time (two time periods with an overlap), these time periods can be linked to one period. By linking several periods together, the age of wooden objects found can be determined which is important for the identification of remains of old construction and/or archaeological findings. The annual ring patterns can be captured by studying a slice of wood under a microscope and by measuring accurately the width (and disturbance) of each annual ring. Based on these measurements, for several regions of provenance dating calendars are developed. Thus, dendrochronology is not limited to living, or recently felled, trees. With a piece of (archaeological) wood containing older unknown annual ring information in addition to known annual ring information the dating calendar can be expanded. Figure 4.1 shows this principle based on a tree cut in 1973 whose ring pattern perfectly suits the growth ring patterns in older wood. Figure 4.1 Use of dendrochronology. It is essential to realise that the dating calendars are attached to a combination of growth area and wood species. Consequently, the correct dating calendars must be used. If this is done correctly, information on the growth areas of the wood used can be obtained. Based on these studies it is shown that the oak for the Dutch ships during the Dutch Golden Age was obtained from the Baltic Area (North Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 11 5 Wood properties The following items are briefly discussed in this chapter • density • wood moisture content o shrinkage and swelling o durability; biological resistance o strength and stiffness • load duration o strength and stiffness • volume effects o strength and stiffness • heat properties o conduction coefficient o heat capacity o expansion coefficient • electric properties o conduction • chemical characteristics o chemical degradation o chemical resistance 5.1 Density The density of wood varies from ca. 150 kg/m3 (balsa) until ca. 1230 kg/m3 (lignum vitae). The density is calculated with formula (5.1). = m [kg/m3] V With (5.1) density at the wood moisture content m mass at the wood moisture content V volume when the wood moisture content It is usual to determine the density at a wood moisture content ( ) of = 12 %. The mass of the solid material in the cell wall is, at = 12 %, approximately 1550 kg/m3 for every wood species. The proportion of air, the hollow spaces (void cavities), is the reason for the large differences in density between the different wood species. The amount of void space relative to the material without void cavities is expressed in the pores share [%] that is calculated using formula (5.2). p = 1001 − 12 [%] 1550 7PPX0 (5.2) Introduction to Timber Structures 12 For three wood species the pore share is calculated in table 5.1. Table 5.1. Pore share for three wood species. wood species density [kg/m3] Pore share [%] Lignum vitae (pokhout) 1230 100 − 1230 100 = 21 1550 Spruce 440 100 − 440 100 = 72 1550 Balsa 150 100 − 150 100 = 90 1550 5.2 Wood Moisture Content The wood moisture content is calculated according to formula 5.3. = m − m = 0% 100 [%] m = 0% (5.3) Formula (5.3) shows the definition of the wood moisture content: the mass of the water in the wood, expressed as a percentage of the mass of the dry wood. Note that wood moisture content values higher than 100% is realistic. For example: the void cavities in spruce occupy, see table 5.1, 72% of the total (wood) volume. If these void cavities are filled with water the wood weighs ca. 400 + 720 = 1120 kg/m3 and the wood moisture content 1120 − 400 100 = 180 % (+12%) . 400 Moisture in wood is partly bound and partly free. Bound water is chemically bound to the cell walls. Free water is located in the hollow spaces (void). If all positions where moisture can be bound to the cell walls are occupied, the wood has reached the so-called saturation point (FSP: Fibre Saturation Point); see also Figure 5.3. The wood moisture content is governed by climatic conditions, described with the relative humidity (RH) and temperature, see Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1 Relationship between the wood moisture content (equilibrium moisture content) and climatic conditions (Temperature and Relative air humidity). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 13 The wood moisture content that sets itself in certain climatic conditions, mainly determined by the relative air humidity, is called equilibrium moisture content. With regard to this equilibrium moisture content three climate classes are defined as can be seen in figure 5.1. • Climate class 1: the equilibrium moisture content is expected not to exceed = 18 %. • Climate class 2: the equilibrium moisture content is expected not to exceed = 20 %. • Climate class 3: the equilibrium moisture content is dominantly higher than 20% ( 20 %). These climate classes are defined in table 5.2 in a bit more detail. Table 5.2. Climate classes. Climate class average Description [%] 1 2 3 12 20 >20 Standard indoor conditions Outdoor, covered structures - poorly ventilated spaces (indoor) - fully exposed to outdoor conditions (not covered) - structures in and underneath water If the climatic conditions change, the wood moisture content will also change. The change rate of the wood moisture content depends on the wood species, the surface area of end grain cut (moisture exchange with the environment through end cut surfaces(parallel to the grain) is much faster than perpendicular to the grain) and dimensions of the wood. In any case there is a delay between the changes in climatic conditions and setting the associated wood moisture content (preferably the equilibrium moisture content). This is illustrated in Figure 5.2; the graph shown in figure 5.2 is called hysteresis. Most wood species show a fresh wood moisture content of 50-60% (moisture content immediately after felling). There are, of course, exceptions such as the Poplar, with a fresh wood moisture content above 100% (a result is that the water from the wood flows out of the wood after felling). Wood under water is completely saturated and most hollow spaces are completely filled with water. Figure 5.2 Hysteresis [4]. adsorption: increasing wood moisture content desorption: decreasing wood moisture content 7PPX0 The bound water influences the wood properties up to a high extend. The properties are hardly affected by moisture content changes above Fibre Saturation Point; see figure 5.3. Introduction to Timber Structures 14 Figure 5.3 Effects of the wood moisture content on wood properties. 5.3 Shrinkage and Swelling The dimensions of wood react to changing wood moisture content: • Wood shrinks when the wood moisture content reduces. • Wood swells when the wood moisture content increases. This applies, however, only if the wood moisture content is less than the FSP (Fibre Saturation Point). Wood shrinks and swells negligible parallel to the wood fibre direction. Shrinking and swelling in perpendicular to the grain directions cannot be neglected. From the perpendicular to the grain directions the dimensional changes are most expressed in tangential direction being about twice as big as in radial direction, see Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4 Shrinkage and swelling in perpendicular to the grain directions (radial and tangential) [4]. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 15 5.4 Fungal degradation Wood is a natural (living) material, which serves as nutrition for many mechanisms resulting in degradation of the wood (structural) properties. One of the best-known effects of this degradation due to fungi attack resulting in wood rotting. The wood rotting fungi can for sure not live below a certain wood moisture content. A safe upper limit value is wood moisture content of about 21%: fungi do not develop in wood when the wood moisture content does not exceed 21% (fungi develops for sure for wood moisture contents exceeding the Fibre Saturation Point. 5.5 Strength and stiffness Dry wood is stronger and stiffer than wet wood. In general, this applies, however, only at wood moisture content below the Fibre Saturation Point (see figure 5.3). From the above it can be concluded, that wood moisture content values exceeding the Fibre Saturation Point, result in filling up the void spaces (free water), and almost exclusively causing the density to increase. 5.6 Load duration The mechanical wood properties (strength-and stiffness) respond to load duration: long term loading result in increased deformations. This phenomenon is called creep (increasing deformation under constant load), shown in figure 5.5. Figure 5.5 Effect of the load duration (and wood moisture content) on the deformation of a permanently loaded beam. On the other hand, the stresses reduce in time when an element is deformed with a constant value; this phenomenon is called relaxation (decreasing internal stresses under constant deformation). The strength of wood is reduced for long term loaded elements compared to the strength of short term loaded elements. This is illustrated in Figure 5.6. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 16 Figure 5.6 Effect of load duration on strength. The load duration effects on strength are described on experimentally-based models. One of these models, the so-called Madison Curve [5], is indicated in Figure 5.6. This is a so-called regression equation based on many experiments (with which only the average values are accessed). The Madison curve is important, because the modification factors kmod , involved in construction calculations, described in formula (6.1), are based on this model. 5.7 Load duration classes The load duration of loads differ (e.g. the load duration of permanent loading is much longer than of short term variable loading). Therefore, the loads usually applied are classified in so-called load duration classes. Table 5.3 shows the load duration classes defined in Eurocode 5 [9]. Table 5.3. Load duration classes. Load duration class Cumulative duration of the characteristic load Examples Permanent Longer than 10 years Dead load Long 6 months - 10 years Storage Medium-Long 1 week - 6 months Life loads on floors Short Less than 1 week Snow, wind (The Netherlands) Instantaneous Accidental load, wind (Belgium) 5.8 Volume effects Volume effects are perhaps best to understand on the basis of a loaded chain. If one link in the chain breaks, the load carrying capacity of the complete chain (the whole system) has disappeared. Actually this illustrates so-called brittle failure. Consider the chains in Figure 5.7. The individual links have certain strength. Due to variation in individual link properties, the "links" are of wood, the individual links vary in strength. This strength 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 17 variation is also shown in Figure 5.7. The chance that besides strong links also (very) weak links are present increases with increasing chain length: in figure 5.7 chain (a) is most probably less strong than the shorter chain (b). In analogy the probability on a weak spot in a large timber element is greater than in a small timber element. The chain represents so-called brittle failure modes (no redistribution possible: if one link breaks, the full system fails). For practical calculations, this volume effect is translated into a volume / height factor. This factor is therefore only applicable to those material properties showing brittle failure modes. Wood in tension and/or bending show brittle failures and consequently the factor applies to these material properties. On the other hand, wood under compression shows tough failure behaviour and consequently the volume Factor (or height factor) is not applicable to compression. Figure 5.7 Brittle Fracture (virtually linear behaviour until failure). The values for the volume / height factors are derived from the so-called Weibull distribution (a probability distribution), displayed with formula (5.4). Probability [ 1 = f for a given Volume V1 and given probability [ 0 = f for a given Volume V0 ] In which 1 = tensile stress level in volume V1 [N/mm ] 0 = tensile stress level in volume V0 (reference volume) f = tensile strength [N/mm2] (5.4) 2 The tensile strength corresponds to a volume V0 = 0.01 m3 which is subjected to a uniform tension stress. The volume V0 is so-called reference volume. Elaboration of formula (5.4) results in, see [10], formula (5.5). d V0 Vh 1 Vh 0,2 max; d Vh ( ( x, y, z) ) dV 0,2 f d [N/mm2] (5.5) In practice, formula (5.4) is for tension and bending parallel to the fibre direction simplified to a height factor kh and length factor k l . The length factor is exclusively used for laminated veneer lumber (LVL); see Chapter 7. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 18 The fact, that, at least for bending, the volume factor can be reduced to a one-dimensional height factor is probably best to understand if one realizes that the span (length), the beam height and beam width are linked to each other. The beam height for beams can approximately be set to: span 20 to 25 for roof beams span 15 to 20 for floor beams 5.9 Heat-properties Heat conduction, heat capacity and expansion due to temperature increase are defined. The heat conduction is expressed with the conduction coefficient W . Wood is a material with m K different properties in different directions. In radial and tangential direction both perpendicular to the grain directions, the values for globally equal. The value parallel to the wood fibre is 2 to 3 times as large. Wood has, relative to many other materials, a low thermal conductivity. This makes wood a suitable material in heat-insulating constructions. See table 5.5 in which some values for are given. Joule The heat capacity is expressed in 3 = m K Dry wood has a specific heat of ca. 1880 energie m3 Kelvin . Joule 3 kg . With a mass of 500 kg/m , this leads to a heat Joule capacity of 500 1880 = 940 103 3 . Stone has a specific heat of ca. 840 m K Joule m3 K . At a mass of Joule 1800 kg/m3, this leads to a heat capacity of 1800 840 1500 103 3 . From this it can be m K concluded that a wooden wall heats up considerably faster than a stone wall. The wooden wall cools down, however, also significantly faster. From this it can be concluded, that for energy reduction spaces which are not constantly heated can better be realised in wood than in stone. Wood tends to expand when temperature increases. At the same time the wood moisture content reduces resulting in shrinkage. The effect of shrinkage due to moisture decrease is much larger than the temperature expansion and consequently thermal expansion is seldom regarded. For European coniferous wood the following values for the coefficient of thermal expansion can be used: 0 4 10−6 ; 90;radial 20 10−6 ; 90;tangential 20 10−6 5.10 Electrical conduction Dry wood conducts electricity poorly. Wet wood on the other hand, conducts electricity well. The extent to which electricity conducts depends, below Fibre Saturation Point, on the wood moisture content. Based to this property electrical moisture content measurement devices have been developed; figure 5.8 shows one. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 19 So-called calibration graphs are determined for different wood species, which must be set before the measurements can start. Voltage difference between pegs initiating an electric current of which the value depends on the wood moisture content. The pegs are driven into the wood, perpendicular to the fibre direction, for about 5 to 30 mm. Figure 5.8 Electrical moisture measurement device. 5.11 Durability The wood moisture content has a big impact on the durability of timber structures. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3: provided that the wood moisture content is ca. 21%, no fungi (causes of wood rotting) develop. Durable detailing and construction is based on reducing the wood moisture content to below 21%. There are big differences in the so-called natural durability between different wood species. General statements in the practice of "common deciduous wood is more durable than softwood" and "tropical (hard) wood species (these are deciduous species) are much more durable than the most commonly used uses coniferous wood species" are to a certain extent true. These statements need, however, nuances which can be understood by studying the tree cross section from Figure 5.9. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 20 Figure 5.9 Tree (trunk) cross section Roughly spoken, a tree consists out of dead area, the heartwood, and a living area, the sapwood, cambium and inner bark (the outer bark protects the tree, e.g. against forest fires, an consists out of dead material as well). Before on the border of heartwood and sapwood wood cells are added to the heartwood, many wood species add components to these cells (e.g. natural toxins), which increase the resistance against fungal degradation. In addition, the cells are closed (in coniferous wood species the border pits, see Figure 3.4, are closed). After the addition of the cells to the (dead) heartwood, these cells are no longer active and the tree itself is no longer capable to protect these cells. Some wood species, e.g. beech, do not protect the cells before adding to the dead heartwood which explains that the heartwood of these wood species can be destroyed by fungi completely. The living part (mainly sapwood) is protected by the tree itself. At the moment the tree is cut, this part is hardly affected by fungi, insects, etc. On the other hand, the tree did not take precautions to protect this part. In other words, the sapwood is not protected like the heartwood. Consequently, the sapwood of each type of wood has a rather low natural durability. The variation in natural durability between different wood species is therefore only true for the heartwood. Consequently, the durability classes given in table 5.4 only reflect the heartwood. The heartwood of different wood species is classified in a so-called durability class based on experimental research, the so-called "graveyard” test. . Five durability classes are distinguished, see table 5.4. Table 5.4. Durability classes (natural durability). class I Time [years] in ground contact without fungi attack ≥ 25 II ≥ 15 III ≥ 10 IV V ≥5 <5 Wood Species HEARTWOOD Azobé, Afzelia, Bilinga, Cumaru, Iroko, Piquia, Masseranduba, Teak European oak, Basralocus, sweet chestnut, mahogany, Merbau, Robinia, Wengé, Western Red Cedar Larch, Douglas Fir, white American oak, Meranti, Pitch Pine Pine, American oak, Hemlock, spruce, Beech, Poplar, Birch, Radiata Pine Notes: (1) durability is always guaranteed when the wood moisture content does not exceed 21%. In that case all wood species, regardless the natural durability, can be applied. (2) under certain conditions wood from durability class III can be applied in an unprotected outside environment (climate class 3), see table 5.2. From table 5.4 it follows that for this application the heartwood of deciduous wood species (tropical) is most suitable. For (almost) vertical elements however, the heartwood of Larch and Douglas Fir (durability class III) are suitable as well in these conditions. 5.12 Preservation To prevent the wood from fungi attack it can be treated with toxic substances. This is called wood preservation. Two of the most well known processes are the so-called "waterborne preservatives", 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 21 very suitable for pine, and “coal tar creosote”. During the waterborne preservatives process copperchromium-arsenic compounds, solved in water, are pressed into the wood. During the “coal tar creosote” process liquids based on hydrocarbons are pressed into the wood. Both processes are realized with vacuum-pressure cycles. For environmental reasons and due to social acceptance, the legal and social opportunities for wood preservation with toxic compounds are increasingly restricted in recent years. 5.13 Modification Due to the fact that preservation with toxic compounds is increasingly restricted in recent years, new environmental friendly alternatives have been developed. The so-called modification techniques, both thermal as chemical, are well upgraded to industrial scale and used more and more frequently. 5.14 Summary Table 5.5 shows a number of wood properties discussed in this chapter. A much more extensive table can be found in the “Houtvademecum” [6] (in Dutch). durability class (heartwood) remark deciduous 0.27 0.11 IV coniferous IV coniferous III coniferous II deciduous III coniferous IV coniferous 0.36 European oak 720 15 0.16 0.26 0.12 Silver Fir Scotch pine 460 12 0.15 0.30 0.13 Oregon Pine (Douglas) 530 14 0.18 0.31 0.13 Edible Chestnut 540 12 Larch 590 12 Norway Spruce 440 12 Steel tang. 35·10-6 0.17 rad. 20·10-6 12 1880 720 specific heat [J / kg · K] II European beech tang. λ [W / m·K]* 0.18 moisture content ω [%] deciduous density [kg/m3] V rad. species thermal expansion [mm / K] shrinkage (at 6 ≤ ω ≤ 20) Table 5.5. Some wood properties at a glance [6]. 0.13 0.14 7850 0.26 0.11 50 12·10 6 *according to ISO 10077-2 for window frames 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 22 6 Structural design calculations 6.1 Strength analysis (Safety) For structural design calculations strength and stiffness properties of materials used are essential. Analyses related to safety are carried out to predict the ultimate load carrying capacity (failure level); for these calculations so-called ultimate limit states (ULS) are recognized. For this purpose so-called design values have to be defined for which formula (6.1) is used. fd = fk m With: kmod kh kl (6.1) fd design value of the strength-property [N/mm2] fk characteristic value of the strength-property [N/mm2] kmod modification factor, mainly determined by load duration. To a lesser extent determined by climatic conditions in which the structure is located (to which the wood moisture content is related). kh , k l factors, taking structural element dimensions into account (see volume effects in Chapter 5). Characteristic value of a strength property The characteristic strength value depends on the type of wood and the wood quality. Based on these two identifications the wood is classified into so-called strength classes. The strength classes are, with characteristic strength values, given in EN 338 [7] for sawn timber and in EN 1194 [8] for glued laminated timber. Table 6.1 is a short version of the given tables in EN 338. Table 6.1. Strength classes [7]. Strength class Ultimate Limit States (ULS) Seviceability Limit States (SLS) C18 C24 D30 D40 D50 D70 GL24h f m,k 2 N/mm 18 24 30 40 50 70 24 f t ,0, k N/mm2 10 14.5 18 24 30 42 19.2 f t ,90, k N/mm2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 f c ,0, k N/mm2 18 21 24 27 30 36 24 f c ,90, k N/mm2 2.2 2.5 5.3 5.5 6.2 12.0 2.5 fv,k N/mm2 3.4 4.0 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.0 3.5 k kg/m3 320 350 530 550 620 800 385 Em ,0, k N/mm2 6,000 7,400 9,200 10,900 11,800 16,800 9,600 Em,0, mean N/mm2 9,000 11,000 11,000 13,000 14,000 20,000 11,500 Em,90, mean N/mm2 300 370 730 870 930 1,330 300 Gmean N/mm2 560 690 690 810 880 1,250 650 Note: more detailed information follows in Chapter 7. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 23 Material factor m The material factor m , see formula (6.1), depends on the accuracy with which the characteristic values of the material properties can be determined. For sawn wood this is depending on the accuracy with which the wood can be classified into strength classes. Industrial manufactured products such as glued laminated wood, plywood and Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) exhibit less variation in strength and stiffness properties than sawn wood. Consequently, the characteristic values of industrial manufactured products can be determined more accurate. For this reason, the material factors for industrial manufactures products are smaller. Table 6.2 shows the in EN 1995-1-1 (Eurocode 5) [9] given material factors. Table 6.2. Material factors m . material sawn timber glued laminated wood LVL, plywood, OSB connections metal plate connectors Material factor m 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.30 1.25 For structural calculations using the accidental load combinations, e.g. in seismic design, the material factors all reduce to m = 1.0 . Also for calculations in Serviceability Limit States m = 1.0 . Modification factor kmod The characteristic strength and stiffness properties, given in table 6.1, are based on the short-term strength values, obtained by testing in which failure is obtained in roughly 300 +/- 200 seconds, at a wood moisture content of 12% (climate class 1 according to table 5.2). If the load duration differs from the ca. 300 +/- 200 seconds, which is mostly the case, and / or the wood moisture content differ considerably from 12%, the strength values must be modified. In this paragraph, the influence of the load duration on the modification factor kmod is analyzed. For this reason Figure 5.5 is extended to figure 6.1. Figure 6.1 Effect of the load duration. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 24 The failure load curve shown in Figure 6.1 indicates, that a constant load Fu F1 Fu result in failure at time t1. If the constant load F1 Fu no failure is expected (at any time). Consequently the permanent load must be lower than Fu . However, the total load value, which is the result of ' permanent load and a (number of) variable load, can exceed the Fu for a period of time ( t1 t1 ) without failure of the structure. ' At t = t1 the load value increases from permanent load level to F1 due to an increased variable load. The strength is not considerably reduced compared to the short duration strength (perhaps this strength is slightly reduced due to load history and ageing). Consequently the load duration should be slightly less than t1 and the failure load curve is shifted in time. Occasional increased load levels F1 Fu are therefore no problem and allowed provided that the cumulative value of the time that F1 Fu does not exceed t1 ( ti t1 ). The time spans referred to in table 5.3 equal these cumulative values. The time span ti for load level F1 is determined by the load duration of the variable load. The variable load is the shortest load in the load combination (permanent + variable load). Consequently, for the analysis of the structure loaded with permanent + variable loading the load duration effects due to the load duration of the variable loading has to be considered. Since the load duration effects are taken into account by a modification factor kmod , the kmod values have to be taken from the variable load. In general: the modification factor value depends on the shortest load in the considered load combination. Generally, load combinations consist out of permanent loads and variable loads (long, medium or short duration) and often the modification factor associated to the medium or short hour loading has to be taken into the calculations. Additionally for construction with a high level of dead load a combination considering only the permanent load has to be taken into account On an average level the value 0.56 (see figures 5.5 and 6.1) On the characteristic value level this value is higher. Table 6.3 shows a number of values for the modification factor kmod according to EN 1995-1-1 [9]. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 25 Table 6.3. Values of kmod . Material Standard Climateclass (table 5.2) Load duration class (table 5.3) permanent long mediumlong short very short Sawn timber EN 14081-1 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 Glued laminated wood EN 14080 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 LVL EN 14374 , EN 14279 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 Plywood EN 636 Parts 1, 2 and 3 Parts 2 and 3 Part 3 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 EN 300 OSB/2 OSB/3, OSB/4 OSB/3, OSB/4 1 1 2 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.45 0.50 0.40 0.65 0.70 0.55 0.85 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 OSB Factors kh and k l The factors kh (height factor) and k l (length factor) are both "volume factors”, described in Chapter 5. The volume effect is only considered for those material properties showing brittle failure. Consequently, the volume effect derived from formula (5.5), repeated as formula (6.2), is exclusively for tension both parallel and perpendicular to the grain and for bending. For bending and tension parallel to the grain equation (6.2) is reduced to the factors kh (height factor) and k l (length factor). d V0 Vh 1 Vh 0,2 max; d Vh ( ( x, y, z) ) dV 0,2 f d [N/mm2] (6.2) In the denominator of formula (6.2) the volume-integral is elaborated resulting in one single value for different cases. The values listed in NEN-EN 1995-1-1, 6.4.3 [9], Eurocode 5, are repeated in table 6.4. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 26 Table 6.4. Height factors k h and length actor k l . Material tension parallel to the grain direction and bending 0.2 Sawn timber with k 700 kg/m 150 1.0 kh = h Glued laminated timber 600 1.0 kh = h LVL (laminated veneer lumber) Depending on variations to be determined according to EN 14374 Wood-based panels 1.0 3 1.3 0.1 1.1 Note: the reference length for the length factor k l is L = 3000 mm (element length). 6.2 Stiffness analysis (Serviceability) The serviceability of a realised building must also be guaranteed. Movements / vibrations (for example: floor vibration) must be limited and large deformations must be avoided. These aspects are related to the so-called Serviceability Limit States (SLS) for which material properties are given in e.g. table 6.1. Generally for calculations in the Serviceability Limit States the average values of the modulus of elasticity ( Em,0, mean ) and shear modulus ( Gmean ) are used. Depending on load duration, possibly resulting in creep, and the climate class the expected deformations are calculated. Figure 6.2 shows the basis for these calculations. Figure 6.2 Deformations. From figure 6.2 it follows that With u fin = uinst + ucreep − uc u fin final deformation [mm] uinst the immediate deformation [mm] ucreep the creep deformation [mm] uc the pre camber [mm] u net , fin final deformation minus pre camber [mm] (6.3) The creep deformation is dependent on the load duration. The load duration differs for different loads (e.g. the load duration for permanent loading is much larger than for variable loading). From the variable load only small part is permanently present. This part is taken into account wit a factor 2 (0 ≤ 2 ≤ 1,0), with which the quasi-permanent value of a variable load is calculated, defined in EN 1990 (Eurocode 0) [11]. In principle, the load calculated by multiplying the characteristic variable load 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 27 by the factor 2 results in the variable load which is on average permanently present over the complete life time of the structure. For the permanent tax follows: 2 = 1,0. For variable loads the values given in table 6.5 [11] apply. The quasi-permanent value of a variable load indicates the variable load part resulting in creep deformation. In chapter 5 - Wood properties, part “Wood moisture content” – it is described, that the wood moisture content (in response to the climatic conditions) also has an impact on the stiffness and therefore on the deformations. In practical calculations according to the Eurocodes ([9], [11]) this dependency is only regarded for the time dependent deformations (creep) by introducing a climate class dependent creep factor k def . The deformations u fin can be calculated according to formulas (6.4) to (6.6). u fin,G = uinst ,G (1 + 2,G kdef ( ( ) = uinst ,G (1 + kdef ) for permanent loads G ) for a variable load Q k ) for simultaneous variable loads Q u fin,Q1 = uinst ,Q1 1 + 2,Q1 kdef u fin,Qi = uinst ,Qi 0, i + 2,Qi (6.4) (6.5) 1 def (6.6) i With 0,i = combination value of simultaneous variable loads. 0 and 2 are zero for loading by wind, rainwater, temperature and snow so no for these situations no simultaneous variable loads are present. For variable loads on floors usually only one single variable load is prescribed. Overall this results normally in only one single simultaneously variable load in the combination. However for every occurring load the final deformation needs to be checked. For determining the final deformation ( u fin ) formula 6.4 to 6.6 can then be simplified in formula 6.7: ( ) u fin = uinst + ucreep − uc = uinst ,G (1 + kdef ) + uinst ,Q1 1 + 2,Q1 kdef − uc ( u fin = uinst ,G (1 + kdef ) + uinst ,Q1 1 + 2,Q1 kdef ) (keep this in mind!) (6.7) Example calculations are made during the exercises. Values for 0 and 2 (and 1 ) are given in table 6.5 (based on EN 1990 [11]). Table 6.5. -factors for variable loads. Load type a Description 0 1 2 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 Category A dwellings 0.4 Category B offices 0.5 a Category C congresses, meeting places, theatres, conferences 0.6 / 0.4 0.7 0.6 Category D shopping 0.4 0.7 0.6 Category E storage 1.0 0.9 0.8 Category H roofs 0.0 0.0 0.0 snow 0.0 0.2 0.0 wind 0.0 0.2 0.0 for escape routes like stairs: 0.6, other situations: 0.4 Note: the factor 1 is used to determine the so-called frequent value of the variable loads in case of fire design calculations. The factor 1 is also used to determine the immediate deformations due to the frequent value of the variable loads. These deformations are with the load combination 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 28 according to formula (6.15 b) in EN 1990 [11]. Traditionally there are no requirements for these deformations in the Netherlands. Values for k def for a number of wood products are given in table 6.6, based on EN 1995-1-1 [9]. Table 6.6. k def factors for wood and wood-based materials. Climate class 1 2 3 Sawn timber EN 14081-1 0.6 0.8 2.0 Glued laminated wood EN 14080 0.6 0.8 2.0 LVL EN 14374, EN 14279 0.6 0.8 2.0 Plywood EN 636 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 2.5 EN OSB/2 OSB/3, OSB/4 2.25 1.50 2.25 - OSB Note: if it is to be expected, that the wood dries under permanent loading after erection, k def shall be increased with 1,0. 7 Grading: wood quality and strength 7.1 Quality classes and strength classes Wood is classified into quality classes. For each quality class requirements are set per wood species related to visual aspects as slope of grain, knots, pith, cracks, deformations, reaction wood, wane, .... etc. Traditionally, before the wood is traded, the wood is marked showing the origin (possibly, not always) and from which the wood quality can be read. Figure 7.1 shows some of these marks. Figure 7.1 Example of marked wood (on the end grain cut of the element). For wood applications, a distinction must be made between quality classes and strength classes. For the classification in quality classes, as described above, visual aspects apply. These visual requirements may also be linked to strength classes. However, for the classification in quality classes other requirements for the visual aspects apply than for the classification in strength classes. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 29 Quality Classes (not for structural applications: non load-bearing) The Dutch quality class format is governed by the standards of the KVH 2010 series (quality requirements for wood), NEN 5461, NEN 5466, .... etc. A distinction is made in four classes: A t/m D. Class A: Class B: Class C: Class D: for application with very high demands on the appearance, for example furniture. for applications with high demands on the appearance, for example constructions with extra demand on the visual aspects. common quality, for example timber for regular constructions for applications with no requirements on the appearance; for example, non-load-bearing studs and battens or products like pallets. Strength Classes (for structural applications: load bearing) For calculations according to EN 1995 (EUROCODE – Wood constructions: Eurocode 5) the so-called characteristic values of the material properties are necessary. Calculations related to strength and stability (safety) are carried out in the Ultimate Limit States (ULS) for which the characteristic values are 5% lower values. Calculations related to deformations are carried out in the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) for which the characteristic values are the mean values of the modulus of elasticity and shear modulus. The characteristic values are taken from a table with strength classes like table 7.1 (extension of table 6.1 – based on EN 338 [7]); the strength class itself is chosen by the structural designer. The choice is mainly based on availability. The Dutch strength class format is related to the European and is enshrined in EN 338 [7] for sawn timber and EN 1194 [8] for glued laminated timber. Table 7.1 shows the strength classes for sawn timber (C-classes with “C” from Coniferous and D-classes with “D” from Deciduous). Moreover, the D-classes indicated in table 7.1 are based on the (relatively strong and stiff) tropical deciduous species, also called hardwoods. Result is, that most deciduous species from the temperate regions (Poplar - beech - Birch - oak -.... etc.) do not meet the strength valued listed in table 7.1 and are therefore in classified to C-classes. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 30 Table 7.1. Strength classes for wood. Strength class Ultimate Limit States (ULS) Seviceability Limit States (SLS) C18 C24 D30 D40 D50 D70 GL24h f m,k 2 N/mm 18 24 30 40 50 70 24 f t ,0, k N/mm2 10 14.5 18 24 30 42 19.2 f t ,90, k N/mm2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 f c ,0, k N/mm2 18 21 24 27 30 36 24 f c ,90, k N/mm2 2.2 2.5 5.3 5.5 6.2 12.0 2.5 fv,k N/mm2 3.4 4.0 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.0 3.5 k kg/m3 320 350 530 550 620 800 385 Em ,0, k N/mm2 6,000 7,400 9,200 10,900 11,800 16,800 9,600 Em,0, mean N/mm2 9,000 11,000 11,000 13,000 14,000 20,000 11,500 Em,90, mean N/mm2 300 370 730 870 930 1,330 300 Gmean N/mm2 560 690 690 810 880 1,250 650 • A distinction is made between C-classes ("softwood") and D-classes ("hardwood"). • Any constructive element must be classified in class a strength (no batch approval allowed based on the approval of random pieces). • Wood for structural applications can mechanically or visually be graded. If the wood is visually graded, in the Netherlands this has, for “softwoods” to be carried out according to NEN 5499 [13]. The class T1 defined in NEN 5499 equals class C defined in the “KVH”. The class T2 defined in NEN 5499 equals class B defined in the “KVH”. • Visually graded Pine, spruce, larch, Douglas (European) and classified in class T1 according to NEN 5499 [13] meets the requirements for strength class C18. • Visually graded Pine, spruce, larch, Douglas (European) and classified in class T2 according to NEN 5499 meets the requirements for strength class C24. • Visually graded Douglas (European) and classified in classes T2 according to NEN 5499: C22 • Oak (Central European), classified in class B accordance to “KVH”: C20 • Meranti (red): strength class D24 • Oak (Polish): D18 / D24 / D30 • Iroko: D24 (unsorted) • Vitex, Robinia, Sucupira vermelho: D30 • Bilinga: D24 / D50 • Merbau: D30 / D50 • Teak, Iroko (sorted) Sucupira, Itauba, amarelo, Piquia: D40 • Bangkirai, Sapucaia, Angelim vermelho, Denya: D50 • Masseranduba, Cumaru: D60 • Azobé: D70 Note: the strength classes for the different wood species are based on "Wood hand Strength data [12], a publication of “Centrum Hout” in Almere, the Netherlands. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 31 Wood can be assigned to strength classes on the basis of: 1. Visual strength grading 2. Machine strength grading Both procedures are non-destructive. Visual strength grading (structural applications) Traditionally the strength properties are based on visual aspects. Before assigning the strength and stiffness values to a piece of wood , the visual characteristics must be linked to these values. This relationship is established on the basis of experimental research (by testing in the laboratory). For the most common wood species used in structural applications, this relationship is established. The following steps are performed: • The type of wood is determined • The Visual characteristics are quantified. In the Netherlands this is for coniferous wood species carried out according to NEN 5499 (quality requirements for visually graded coniferous wood species for structural applications) [13]. This standard provides a classification and associated requirements on aforementioned visual aspects for strength graded sawn timber (and wood intended for lamellas to be used in glued laminated wood) with a rectangular cross-section of the wood species European spruce, European larch and European pine for load-bearing structures • On the basis of this classification for solid wood, four strength classes are distinguished: T0, T1, T2 and T3. • These four classes are linked to the European strength class system listed in EN 338 [7] via the European document (European standard) EN 1912 (wood for structural applicationsstrength classes-allocation of visual collation classes and wood species) [14]. Table 7.2 shows this link. Table 7.2. Link between the strength classes determined according to NEN 5499 with the European strength classes in EN 338. NEN 5499 EN 338 T0 C14 T1 C18 T3 C24 T4 C30 Machine strength grading (structural applications) A parameter which can be measured non-destructively, e.g. mass, modulus of elasticity, etc. is used for strength prediction. This parameter is called “indicating parameter” (IP). Figure 7.2 shows a relationship between the modulus of elasticity (IP) and the bending strength. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 32 Figure 7.2 Relationship between the modulus of elasticity (IP) and the bending strength of spruce. Figure 7.2 is based on bending tests. Figure 7.2 clearly shows that the relationship between the modulus of elasticity and the bending strength is ambiguous. Given the measurement of E = 8000 N/mm2, the bending strength can (on the 5% lower and 95% upper levels) vary between f m = 33 N/mm2 and f m = 78 N/mm2 (more than a factor of 2!). However, the majority of the test results is close to average making it very unlikely that on the basis of the measured modulus an extremely low or extremely high bending strength is obtained. Figure 7.2 shows abundantly clear that on the basis of the indicator (modulus of elasticity) mistakes are made. The extent to which errors are created can be minimised by considering, besides the modulus, other indicators: for example: density, visible discolorations, knots, slope of grain, etc. For capturing these indicators devices are developed which are useful in the grading process (for example, X-ray measurements of the density, knot recognition, reaction wood, ... etc.; Laser Scan to capture dimensions, slope of grain ... wane, etc.). 7.2 Quality marking Many different indications are stamped on the wood (one example is given in figure 7.1, which is used by the timber traders). Marks indicating the non-structural quality, e.g. classes A to D according to the “KVH”, as described in part 7.1, are generally not stamped on the wood. From safety considerations it is necessary that the correct strength (and stiffness) values are applied for structurally applied wood. In one way or another the strength class of any constructive element should therefore be known and consequently every piece of wood intended for structural use must be marked properly. There are two marks available in the Netherlands: • KOMO • CE 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 33 KOMO KOMO is the quality mark for the construction market in the Netherlands, originally founded by the industry to distinguish themselves from other players on the market. The KOMO certificate is therefore an important tool to improve the quality of supplied construction elements. The use of construction products/elements/materials supplied by companies that do not possess the KOMO certificate is therefore greatly reduced. From Law, in this case the building Act “Bouwbesluit” - part of the “Woningwet”), a KOMO certificate with certificate is not mandatory. The fact that most construction products equipped with a KOMO certificate is required is the consequence of the legal appointments between parties serving as contracts between market parties (principal – contractor/supplier). The law, public law, establishes minimum requirements for the realisation of construction works while a KOMO certificate is a guarantee that these requirements are generally exceeded. The requirements to which the product/element/material must meet before the KOMO certificate is issued are listed in a so-called assessment directive (BRL). All public safety and health requirements (building Act) are automatically of the BRL. The industry also imposes additional requirements in order to be able to differentiate (from your colleague – concurrent). The system for developing and obtaining a KOMO certificate is in principle shown in Figure 7.3. Figure 7.3 KOMO. The system shown in figure 7.3 “guarantees” that an element/product/material carrying a KOMO certificate automatically meets all requirements from public law (“Bouwbesluit” requirements). Consequently, an element/product/material carrying a KOMO certificate can be applied without any additional testing. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 34 CE CE marking is in the (near) future mandatory for all products traded within the European Union. CE is in contradiction to KOMO mandatory. However, the underlying documents to CE do not set “limit values” regarding the performance requirements. The products are developed for a well-defined purpose, e.g. a fire wall, and the documents describe the properties to be determined and with what accuracy. The limit values are to be set by the individual Member States of the European Union. Consequently it is possible that a product matches the performance requirements in one Member State and not in another. Construction products carrying CE mark does therefore not automatically meet the national requirements. CE marking is based on the so-called construction products regulation in which the essential requirements (for example, safety, health, and environment) are described. Taking into account these basic requirements on The European standardisation Institute (CEN) produces so-called product standards which take these basic requirements into account. These standards serve as basic documents for CE marking. For products for which standards are missing (not developed) the organization EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals) produces so-called ETAG's (European Technical Approval Guidelines, which serve as a basic document for an ETA (European Technical Approval). Products for which an ETA has been derived can be CE marked. The national certification bodies (for example, SKH = Foundation Inspection Wood - “Stichting Keuringsbureau Hout”) are members of EOTA. In CEN standards and ETA’s assessment methods and accuracy requirements for the relevant properties (e.g. fire resistance). The values obtained are part of the CE marking and must therefore be enclosed with each delivery. If not, it cannot be determined whether the properties meet the national requirements and the product cannot be applied. This is different for the strength and stiffness values of a timber element intended for structural use since the strength class is printed (stamped) on these elements as shown in figure 7.4. These stamps can, after thorough research, even be found on the timber sold in the DIY market. CE marking on elements for structural use is carried out on the basis of EN 14081 [15]. Figure 7.4 CE marking on an element intended for structural use. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 35 Figure 7.5 CE. 8 Wood products Sawn timber and round timber See powerpoint slides lectures on: https://canvas.tue.nl/courses/7506 7PPX0 (2018-2) Dimensioning of structures Glued laminated timber (GlueLam) See powerpoint slides lectures on: https://canvas.tue.nl/courses/7506 7PPX0 (2018-2) Dimensioning of structures Cross laminated timber (CLT) See powerpoint slides lectures on: https://canvas.tue.nl/courses/7506 7PPX0 (2018-2) Dimensioning of structures Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL or Kerto) See powerpoint slides lectures on: https://canvas.tue.nl/courses/7506 7PPX0 (2018-2) Dimensioning of structures Sheet material See powerpoint slides lectures on: https://canvas.tue.nl/courses/7506 7PPX0 7PPX0 (2018-2) Dimensioning of structures Introduction to Timber Structures 36 9 Literature [1] Josef Kolb. Systems in Timber Engineering. Birkhäuser, Lignum, DGfH, Switzerland, 2008, ISBN 978-3-7643-8600-4. [2] Leen Kuiper and Rino Jans (eds). ‘Dutch wood use in image’ ProBos Foundation, Zeist, 2001. [3] J. Kuipers. ‘Wood and Wood constructions’ Technische Hogeschool Delft, 1979 (in Dutch). [4] Jan f. rijsdijk and Peter b. Laming. ‘Physical and related properties of 145 timbers, Infomation for practice’ Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-2875-2. [5] Paragraph Foschiand Z.C. Yao. ‘Another look at three duration of load models’ Proceedings of CIBW18/paper 19-9-1, 1986, Florence, Italy. [6] Klaassen René. ‘Wood vademecum’ Centrum Hout, Almere, 2018. [7] EN 338. Wood for structural applications – strength classes. Dutch, Delft Standards Institute, 2016. [8] EN 14080. Timber structures – Glued laminated timber — Strength classes and determination of characteristic values. European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), Brussels, 2013. [9] EN 1995-1-1. Eurocode 5: design and calculation of wood constructions – Part1-1: general – common rules and rules for buildings. Dutch Standardization Institute, 2005. [10] W. Weibull. ‘A statistical theory of the strength of materials’ 1939. [11] EN 1990. EUROCODE – basis of the constructive design. Dutch Standardization Institute, 2002. [12] Wood wiser ' Strength ', a publication of the Data Centre Wood to Almere, located under http://www.houtinfo.nl/pdf/Houtwijzer%20Sterktegegevens%20van%20hout.pdf [13] NEN 5499. Requirements for visually graded softwood for constructive applications (in Dutch). Dutch Standardisation Institute, Delft, The Netherlands, 2007. [14] EN 1912. Structural timber – Strength classes – Assignment of visual grades and species. European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), Brussels, 2012. [15] EN 14081. Timber structures - Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section. European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), Brussels, 2016. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 37 Part 2: DESIGN OF WOODEN LOAD-BEARING STRUCTURES 10 Introduction When designing you start with a course draft, which has to be refined. Designing is a multidisciplinary process. Input from every relevant discipline is necessary. Within the building industry all kind of construction works within the built environment, usually buildings, and civil engineering objects. This part of “Introduction to Timber Structures” focuses on buildings in which architecture, urban planning, building physics, accommodation of installations and structural design are involved in the multidisciplinary designing process. The design process needs a systematic approach. The first design at the start of the building process is extremely important. In this phase, the preliminary design phase, the design effort pays off. Further on in the design process the effect of efforts reduces. This is illustrated in figure 10.1. Figure 10.1 Influence on the design in the various phases of the construction process. During the design phase a (large) number of possibilities should quickly and efficiently be assessed. Experienced designers use their experience where rules of thumb and/or simplifications (for example, the reduction of complex structures into easy to understand static structures) play an important role. The rules of thumb are based on earlier experience. In this part of the course rules of thumb are presented for dimensions based on [1]. Only profiles with a rectangular cross-section are considered. Generally it can be stated that: • 7PPX0 Bending moments require relatively more material (larger cross section dimensions) than axial forces. In an economical design the bending, moments are reduces as much as possible. This means, that the geometry, the position of the neutral axis, follows as close as possible the socalled “line of thrust”. An example of this is the (parabolic) arch structure shown in figure 10.2, where the bending moments due to an evenly distributed load are zero (no bending moments). Introduction to Timber Structures 38 Figure 10.2 Parabolic truss (follows almost the pressure line for evenly distributed layer. On the basis of figure 10.2 three hinge arches can be optimised. Since hardly ever an element loaded in bending is subject to constant moment loading, material is saved by introducing nonprismatic elements. In these cases an option can be to vary the cross section dimensions in relation to the variation in bending moment. Figure 10.3 shows an example. Figure 10.3 At the custom profile height gradient moments. Non prismatic elements must be designed with great care since stresses perpendicular to the grain are introduced and wood is significantly weaker perpendicular to the grain than parallel to the grain. Especially cases where tension stresses perpendicular to the grain are introduced should be avoided (to avoid brittle failure). • High narrow cross sections are usually more economical than low wide cross sections. It should be noted, that this is especially true for glued laminated bending elements, for which cross sections with h 8 are common. Sawn timber profiles are generally stocky (from b b x h = 59 x 146 to 69 x 269). For rafters in prefabricated roof elements sawn timber cross sections are more slender: approximately 30 ≤ b ≤ 40 mm with height ≤ 286 mm). • Since higher strength and stiffness properties result in smaller cross section dimensions, it can be efficient to find an optimal match between these properties and the application conditions. • For elements in bending, the most outside fibres are stressed most. Therefore, for glued laminated timber so-called combined cross sections are produced (so-called GLc – in which “GL” denotes Glued Laminated and “c” denotes combined) for which the outer lamellas are chosen from a higher strength class. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 39 • From a durability point of view (for prevention degradation due to fungi) projects should be carried out, so that exposure to wind and weather is minimised. For example, for housing projects with a number of homes in a row, this means vertical realisation (covered by the roof structure as soon as possible) instead of the usual horizontal construction, which is the usual way in the realisation of brick houses. • To design a building, we are dealing with a main load carrying structure, a secondary load carrying structure, foundation, etc. Structures to ensure stability are also needed. The cost of the load carrying structure is a sum of the costs of these elements. Usually the in between distance of the main load carrying elements is about 5 meters. For larger distances the secondary elements should be glued laminated, which is considerably more expensive than a secondary support structure of sawn timber. However, the cost of the main support system reduces if the distance is increased. For this reason, it is advisable to choose in between distances in the range outside 5 meters to 7 meters. 11 Rules of thumb for girders and columns 11.1 Rules of thumb for girders The main characteristic of structural components in sawn timber (also called solid timber) is the limited dimensions in terms of both cross section dimensions and length. Usual trade dimensions of sawn timber elements show a length range from 1.80 meters in ascending steps of 30 cm up to a maximum of 6,0 meters. However, as mentioned in Chapter 1, it is not expedient to design lengths greater than 5.0 meters because of limited availability resulting in higher costs. In any case it is advisable to inform on the availability in the market if application of elements with length values > 5 meter is intended. Extension of the length above 5.0 meters can be achieved by full cross section finger jointing, which is regularly applied for multi supported beam elements (and purlins) and rafters in roof structures. The application of sawn timber is limited to relatively small spans in roofs and floors, storey high columns and facade poles. Glued Laminated timber on the other hand, is much wider applicable. The dimensions are not limited by the tree dimensions. For standard timber floors and roofs a first estimation of the cross section dimensions can be obtained using rules of thumb as indicated in figure 11.1. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 40 Figure 11.1 Rules of thumb for girders (beams in bending). Note: The cross section width for the sawn timber beam types given in figure 11.1can be calculated according to b = c.t.c. c.t.c. for floor beams and b = for roof beams. (with c.t.c.. = beam 10 15 spacing). The cross section width for glued laminated elements varies from b = h h to . 8 5 In many cases deformation limits are governing the design and consequently the cross sectional dimensions can be corrected by keeping b h3 constant. In those cases that strength is governing, b h2 must be kept constant. Example: flat roof with beam span L = 4.8 m and beam spacing c.t.c.. = 0.6 m Design bar dimensions h= 4800 = 250 mm 19 b= 600 = 40 mm 15 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 41 Cross section dimensions (standard available): h 3 40 2503 = 208 mm : 69 x 219 mm 69 Of course, after some simplification, the cross section dimensions can be determined by a global calculation. Girders (or beams) are loaded in bending. A design on strength is carried out in the socalled Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and the cross section height can be determined according to formula (2.1). 6 Md mm b f m ,0, d h With (11.1) b width [mm] h height [mm] Md design value of the bending moment [Nmm] f m ,0, d design bending strength according to equation (6.1). In the Netherlands the strength and stiffness properties for glued laminated timber are usually taken from the GL24h strength class: f m,0, d = 24 0,9 = 17.3 N/mm2. For sawn timber the strength values are 1.25 taken from the C18 or C24 strength classes: f m ,0, d = 18 0,9 = 12.5 N/mm2 or 1.3 24 0,9 = 16, 6 N/mm2 respectively. 1,3 Fore uniformly loaded beams on two or three supports the governing design bending moments M d are given in figure 11.2. Figure 11.2 Values for M d (design of girders on the basis of strength; ULS). In many cases, certainly for most beams on more than two supports, deformations are governing the design. Deformations are assessed in the so-called Serviceability Limit States (SLS). The required cross section dimensions can be calculated according to formula 11.2. I C qd 1 b h3 = mm4 12 E 7PPX0 and h3 12 C qd bE [mm] Introduction to Timber Structures (11.2) 42 With C coefficient [mm3]. For girders on two and three support points loaded uniformly distributed with qd , C is given in figure 11.3. E modulus of elasticity (average value E0,mean ) [N/mm2]. For glued laminated timber the stiffness values are taken from strength class GL24h: E0, mean = 11,500 N/mm2. For sawn timber the strength and stiffness values are taken from strength class C18 or C24: E0, mean = 9, 000 N/mm2 respectively. E0, mean = 11, 000 N/mm2. Figure 11.3 Girder (beam) designs based on stiffness (SLS). For a preliminary design phase the loads can be taken from figure 11.4. qd = G Gk + Q Qk ULS: G = 1.08 , G = 1.35 (consequence class CC1) qkr = q fin = Gk (1 + kdef ) + Qk (1 + 2 kdef SLS: ) k def = 0.6 (climate class 1) floors dwellings 2 = 0.3 Roofs office buildings 2 = 0.3 sloped flat 2 = 0.0 2 = 0.0 Gk = 0.50 kN/m Gk = 0.50 kN/m Gk = 0.75 kN/m (tiles) Gk = 0.50 kN/m2 Qk = 1.75 kN/m2 Qk = 2.50 kN/m2 Qk = 0.80 kN/m2 Qk = 1.00 kN/m2 2 2 2 Figure 11.4 Loads. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 43 Example: flat roof with beam span L = 4.8 m and beam spacing c.t.c.. = 0,6 m 2 = 0.0 , k def = 0.6 , strength class C24 qd = c.t.c. ( G Gk + Q Qk ) = 0.6 (1.08 0.50 + 1.35 1.0 ) =1.13 kN/m ULS 1 1 M d = qd L2 = 1,13 4,82 = 3.3 kNm 8 8 b = 44 mm : h 6 Md 6 3.3 106 = = 165 mm b f m,0, d 44 16.6 ( qkr = c.t.c. Gk (1 + kdef ) + Qk (1 + 2 kdef max = SLS I )) = 0.6 ( 0.50 (1 + 0.6) + 1.00 (1 + 0.0 0.6)) = 1.08 kN/m 4,800 = 0, 004 4,800 = 19.2 mm 250 5 L4 qkr 5 4,8004 1.08 = = 0.0353 109 · mm4 384 max E 384 19.2 11, 000 b = 44 mm : h 3 12 C qkr 3 12 0.0353 109 = = 213 mm bE 44 The calculation in the Serviceability Limit States results in a higher height value. Consequently SLS is governing. Cross section dimensions (standard available): 44 x 219 mm. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 44 11.2 Rules of thumb for columns Columns are loaded in compression. In many application a horizontal load result in additional bending (e.g. facade post). The rules of thumb for elements loaded in compression and bending are given in figure 11.5. Buckling h= L 20 bh = F e 1 + 3 5 h glued laminated timber b h = F e 1 + 3 7 h sawn timber with b h2 = constant Figure 11.5 Rules of thumb for elements loaded in compression (and bending) [1]. Example: flat roof with beam span L = 4.8 m and beam spacing c.t.c.. = 0.6 m, strength class C24 qd = c.t.c. ( G Gk + Q Qk ) = 0.6 (1.08 0.50 + 1.35 1.0 ) =1.13 kN/m 1 1 M d = qd L2 = 1,13 4,82 = 3.3 kNm 8 8 Additional the element is subjected to a design compression load of Fd = 100 kN. The calculation is carried out in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) only. h= 4,800 = 240 mm 20 e= M 3.3 106 = = 33 mm F 100 103 b= F e 100 103 33 1 + 3 = 1 + 3 = 118 mm h5 h 240 5 240 The profile 118 x 240 mm is not a commercial size. With b = 121 mm it follows that h 118 2402 = 237 mm. Commercial size: 121 x 245 mm. 121 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 45 12 Rules of thumb for three-hinge-frames The in between distance, truss shape (curved/fragmented), the span, the gutter height, and the ridge height and slope, determine the dimensions of the frame. This is graphically shown in figure 12.1, in which figure 10.2 (“line of thrust”) plays a key role. Figure 12.1 Three-hinge kinked frame (left half) and curved frame (right half). The dimensions of the cross section of three hinge frames are mainly determined by bending moments. The axial forces are of minor importance. Figure 12.1 also shows the so-called “line of thrust” for uniform distributed loading. If the system line of the frame coincides with this “line of thrust” no bending moments develop; the load is transferred by the frame by axial forces only indicated with "N" in Figure 12.1. This is the roughly case for a parabolic arch truss. If the truss system line does not coincide with the “line of thrust” bending moments develop which can be calculated by multiplying the axial load by the distance between the system line and the “line of thrust”; e.g. the bending moment in the cranked corner (figure 3.1 – left) equals M = ek N . The deviations are indicated in figure 12.1 with " ek " for the cranked truss (left half) and " eb " for the curved truss (right half). Since " ek eb " the bending moments developed in the frame with the cranked corner (left) are larger than in the frame with the curved corner (right). Consequently, frames with cranked corner require more material than frames with a curved corner. This is reflected in the application of the rules of thumb given in figure 12.2. The cross section dimensions obtained by the rules of thumb in figure 3.2 can be transformed into available dimensions by keeping b h2 = constant. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 46 Figure 12.2 Rules of thumb for three-hinge frames. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 47 13 Structural detailing Structural detailing is the analysis of all forces on the joint to facilitate these forces to pass the joint. The most efficient way to achieve this is by contact pressure. In those cases connectors are only necessary to position the elements and not for load transfer. However, that is not always possible; for example, the load transfer in truss joints have to be taken care for by mechanical fasteners (or glued connections) for which mostly dowel type fasteners are used. Figure 13.1 shows a wide variety of dowel type fasteners available in the market nowadays. Figure 13.1 Dowel type fasteners. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 48 In the preliminary design phase the strength of a connection with dowel type fasteners can be estimated by the equations shown in figures 13.2. and 13.3. Figure 13.2 Load carrying capacity of a connection with a single dowel type fastener, depending on the timber thickness (t1 and t2) Figure 13.3 Rules of thumb for determining the design load carrying capacity of connections with dowel type fasteners. Note: n = number of fasteners (parallel or perpendicular to the grain) 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 49 Figure 13.3 (continued) Rules of thumb for determining the design load carrying capacity of connections with dowel type fasteners. Note: n = number of fasteners (parallel or perpendicular to the grain) Example: calculation of the maximum normal force N for the connection below Step 1: Minimum dimensions: h 2 3d + (m − 1) 4d = 2 3 12 + (4 − 1) 4 12 = 216 mm 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 50 For table A the following condition should apply: t1 5d = 5 12 = 60 mm → t1 = 60 mm OK For table A the following condition should apply: t2 4.5d = 4.5 12 = 54 mm→ t2 = 80 mm OK L 2 ( 2 7d + (n −1) 7d ) = (n + 1) 14d = (n + 1) 14d = (3 + 1) 14 12 = 672 mm Step 2: Determine design force Fv , Rd Graph A in figure 13.3 Fd = nef 40d 2 n 2: nef = 0,75 Fv, Rd = nef 40d 2 = 0.75 40 122 = 4,320 N per shear plane Fv, Rd ,tot = nshear plane nbolts Fd = 2 12 4,320 = 103.68 103 N = 103.7 kN Step 3: Unity Check of the forces in the connection UC= N Ed 100 103 = = 0.96 1.00 Fv , Rd ,tot 103.7 103 OK Note: check the normal stresses in the timber elements, reduced by the holes for the bolts, as an additional assignment Connections in tension are, in the past, also realised with so-called carpentry joints (traditional timber connections). An example is shown in figure 13.4 (Angera castle, Lago Majore, Italy). Figure 13.4 Tensile connection using a so called carpentry connection. The effectiveness of the connection shown in figure 13.4 is low because only a small portion of the timber element is activated for load transfer (only the compressed area). The effectiveness of the connection shown in the example on page 50 is much bigger. This is the main reason the so-called carpentry connections are not applied often nowadays. However, aesthetic reasons and because of the fact that due to automatic production processes the prefabrication is much faster and accurate than they used to be, carpentry connections revived up to a certain extend. Examples where the forces are mainly transferred by contact pressure, the most efficient way of detailing, are developed for prefabricated roof structures. One possible detail is shown in figure 13.5. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 51 Figure 13.5 One of the details developed for prefabricated roof structures. The axial and shear loads, indicated in Figure 13.5, are transferred into vertical and horizontal loads H and V introducing compression and tension perpendicular to the fibre and rolling shear in the wall plate. Additionally, bending stresses are introduced into the F-shaped steel element. The screw only serves to position all elements and for transferring an upward shear load due to wind suction (loading the screw in withdrawal). Figure 13.6 shows an example of a post and beam structure where the mechanical fasteners (in this case: dowel type fasteners) play a key role in the load transfer. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 52 Figure 13.6 Post-and-beam connection (church in Daarle, Overijssel, The Netherlands). In principle the beam shear force results in a compression force in the column. The connection has to transfer this force. The shear force is transferred to the T-shaped steel element by fasteners “A” from which the force has to be transferred to the column central axis. Obviously an eccentricity, resulting in a bending moment “M”, develops. The bending moment due to the eccentricity in the connection (in the case shown in figure 13.6 M = 140 · shear force) is transferred by fasteners “B”, through which de beam is loaded parallel to the grain. Since the fasteners “B” transfer load parallel to the fibre direction, the holes for these bolts in the Tshaped steel plate can be oval shaped (with the large oval axis vertically) allowing the timber to shrink and swell without developing tension stresses perpendicular to the grain. This becomes important when the distance between the bolts “B” in glued laminated timber exceeds 500 to 600 mm and in sawn timber 180 to 200 mm (the reason for this difference between glued laminated timber and sawn timber is that during erection generally the wood moisture content of sawn timber is much higher). Obviously the bending moment on the column resulting in bending stresses is shown in figure 13.6 as M = eccentricity · shear force. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 53 14 Stability In general, timber construction elements like beams and columns are designed to transfer load in one plane. To ensure that the load can actually be transferred, the stability of these elements must be assured. Stability elements are often combined with structures for horizontal wind load transfer. Walls, roofs and floors are loaded perpendicular to the plane. Forces due to stability load these elements in plane for which they can be designed properly (by activating the sheet material with which these elements are usually finished). For walls and roofs, however, often special bracing elements are added. For roofs of houses the sheet material is, however, mostly activated. This is illustrated in figure 14.1. Figure 14.1 Stability provided by the roof sheet material. Note: the sheet material is loaded due to the wind load on the gable wall. Legend to figure 14.1: N1 A Normal force due to the wind load perpendicular to the Gables [kN]. qw = wind load in kN/m2. force parallel to the Gables needed for moment equilibrium [kN] The connection between the gable and roof sheet material must be designed on a force which is a combination of the forces “N1” and “A”. The connection between the individual elements in the roof must be able to transfer the shear force A and a portion of the load N1. Bracing systems can be carried out using inclined steel bars, exclusively on loaded in tension (e.g. the cross bracing system shown in figure 14.4). They can also be realised with inclined timber elements (also cross bracing) of which half of the elements is loaded in tension and the other half in compression; see figure 14.3. No eccentricities should be introduced. This is illustrated in Figure 14.2: it is useful to situate the steel rods underneath the beams. However, than an eccentricity is introduced resulting in an eccentricity moment causing the main girder to rotate: figure 14.2 (a). Figure 14.2 (b) shows an example where this eccentricity, and its negative effects, is overcome. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 54 Figure 14.2 Connection of the (steel) cross bracing system. Wooden bracing, whether or not in cross bracing, have the advantage that the elements are able to transfer both tension or compression resulting in half of the force in the elements (compared to the situation above, where, due to the steel cross bracing, the elements can be loaded in tension only). Consequently, the connections can be designed on half of the force as well. Figure 14.3 shows a cross bracing with timber elements. Figure 14.3 Cross bracing with timber elements (detail). Because of the element cross sectional dimensions they need to be notched at the intersection (in the middle). This notch is a disadvantage regarding the buckling behaviour of the element in compression (which is, however, supported by the element in tension through the bolt indicated in figure 14.3). The notches cause an eccentricity, resulting in a bending moment, resulting in deformation of both the element in tension and compression. Consequently, the deformation of the element in compression reduces the buckling resistance. The annoying thing is that both the elements in tension and in compression tend to deform in the same direction. When assessing the stability in plane of the cross bracing system, half of the element length (see figure 14.3) can safely be taken as buckling length. In the other direction, perpendicular to the cross bracing plane, this somewhat more nuanced; in this direction 0.75 times the element length can safely be taken as buckling length. Due to this larger buckling length, the orientation of the elements with the 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 55 largest cross sectional dimension (height) perpendicular to the cross bracing plan is the most effective orientation. For halls (many main elements parallel to each other, the best location for the cross bracing is immediately after the gables. In that case the wind load on the gables is directly transferred into the roof bracing system. However, gable frames are often not applied. In that case the cross bracing is shifted away from the gable. In order to transfer the gable wind load directly into the roof bracing system it is advisable to match the purlins in the roof structure with the façade poles. The "width" of the bracing, in figure 14.4 indicated with "L", must be large enough to prevent overloading of the frames / trusses. Figure 14.4 Cross bracing (wind loading). In the bracing section of the building, as shown in figure 14.4, vertical loads develop for slopes > zero. These loads, in figure 14.4 indicated with V, increase with increasing slope; for a flat roof the effect is not existing. The effect reduces with increasing “L” (see figure 14.4). Table 14.1 gives a number of recommendations (rules of thumb) to keep this effect acceptable. Table 14.1. Minimum “L” (figure 14.4). = slope L 25o L 10 m 25 35o L 15 m 35o L 20 m Note: L total “width” of the cross bracing; e.g. L in figure 5.5 is the total “width” of the three bracing systems. The cross bracings are spread over the roof structure. Choose a maximum spacing between the cross bracings of about 20 to 25 meters. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 56 Figure 14.5 Location of the cross bracings. Cross bracing systems transfer wind loads and support elements which are loaded in compression and/or in bending. For elements in bending cross bracings are most effective when supporting the cross section zone subjected to compression. However, timber is a very light weight material also applied in large span flat roof structures where wind suction is higher than the dead weight of the structure. Consequently the compression zone is not located near the roof, where it is rather easy to support, but at the opposite side causing this zone to buckle (this phenomenon is called torsion buckling). To avoid torsion buckling the cross section has to be supported against rotation. Figure 14.6 shows some possibilities. Figure 14.6 Support of the cross section against rotation (avoiding torsion buckling). 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 57 15 Literature [1] W.J. Raven. ‘Rules of thumb for determining of floors, beams and columns in wood, steel and concrete' Faculty of civil engineering of the Technical University in Delft, 2003. [2] EN 1995-1-1. Eurocode 5: design and calculation of wood constructions – part 1-1: general – common rules and rules for buildings. Dutch Standardization Institute, Delft, 2007. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 58 Annex 1: Calculation example: Unity Checks of the stresses in a single span beam As a calculation example a floor beam on two supports and a span of 10 m will be checked. No normal forces are taken into account. The loads and safety factors (Consequence Class 1) are: - Gk = 4.0 kN/m1 (including dead load of the beam), g = 1.2 - Qk = 8.0 kN/m1 (including dead load of the beam), q = 1.35 For the assessment of the wooden beam material and modification factors are needed to determine the design value for strength: - Partial factor ( M ) for the material properties for glulam: M = 1, 25 - Modification factor ( kmod ) for climate class and the duration of the load: kmod = 0,9 (climate class 1, short term action) - Modification factor ( k def ) for creep: k def = 0.6 (climate class 1, glued laminated timber) - Factor for variable load: 2 = 0.3 (Category A: dwellings) Glulam beam with dimensions: width x height = 130 x 680 mm (h: L/16, w: h/5) Strength class GL28h For indoor conditions the thickness of the lamellas is 40 mm, for outdoor conditions the thickness is 27 mm. A total of 17 lamellas gives a height of 680 mm. Bending strength ( m , d f m , d ) The design value of the load is: qd = g Gk + q Qk = 1.2 4.0 + 1.35 8.0 = 15.6 kN/m1 The design value of the bending moment is: 1 1 M d = qd L2 = 15.6 102 = 195 kNm = 195 106 Nmm 8 8 The moment of resistance: 1 1 W = w h 2 = 130 6802 = 10, 019 103 mm3 6 6 The design value of the bending stress is calculated as: 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 59 m, d = Md 195 106 = = 19.5 N/mm2 W 10, 019 103 The design value of the strength is: f m,d = f m, k M kmod kh = 28.0 0.90 1.0 = 20.2 N/mm2 1.25 Check of the stresses in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS): Unity Check: m, d f m, d = 19.5 = 0.97 20.2 ≤ OK 1.00 The beam satisfies the conditions with a marge of 3%. Shear stress ( v , d f v , d ) The theory of the calculation of the shear force and the associated shear stresses is also based on a completely elastic behavior of the cross-section. Thus, the shear stress curve is assumed to be parabolic about the height. For the maximum shear stress v ,d in the heart of the beam, therefore, applies: f 3 Vd fv ,d = v,k kmod 2 bh M v ,d = For the calculation example the design shear force is: 1 1 Vd = ( g Gk + q Qk ) L = (1.2 4.0 + 1.35 8.0 ) 10 = 78.0 kN 2 2 For the shear stresses it follows: 3 V 3 78 103 v,d = d = = 1.32 N/mm2 2 b h 2 130 680 The design value of the allowable shear stress is: f v ,d = f v ,k M kmod = Unity Check: 7PPX0 3.5 0.9 = 2.52 N/mm2 1.25 v,d fv,d = 1.32 = 0.52 2.52 ≤ 1.00 OK Introduction to Timber Structures 60 Deflection ( u fin wlimit ) ( u fin = uinst ,G (1 + kdef ) + uinst ,Q1 1 + 2,Q1 kdef ) → q fin = Gk (1 + kdef ) + Qk (1 + 2 kdef ) q fin = Gk (1 + kdef ) + Qk (1 + 2 kdef ) = 4.0 (1 + 0.6 ) + 8.0 (1 + 0.3 0.6 ) = 15.84 kN/m1. This is the load including all the creep factors! No adjustments are now needed anymore for the stiffness (elastic modulus E0,mean ). The moment of inertia of the gluelam beam is: I= 1 1 b h3 = 130 6803 = 340, 634 104 · mm4 12 12 The final deflection, including creep, now becomes: u fin = 4 5 q fin L 5 15.84 10, 0004 = = 48.1 mm 384 E I 384 12, 600 340, 634 104 wlimit = 0.004 L = 0.004 10,000 = 40.0 mm Unity Check: u fin wlimit = 48.1 = 1.20 40.1 ≥ 1.00 not OK Adjustments are needed to increase the stiffness to satisfy the conditions for the deflection. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 61 Annex 2: Tables Eurocode 5 Table 2.1. Material factors m . material sawn timber glued laminated timber LVL, plywood, OSB connections metal plate connectors Material factor m 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.30 1.25 Table 2.2. Height factors k h and length actor k l . Material tension parallel to the grain direction and bending 0.2 Sawn timber with k 700 kg/m 150 1.0 kh = h Glued laminated timber 600 1.0 kh = h LVL (laminated veneer lumber) Depending on variations to be determined according to EN 14374 Wood-based panels 1.0 3 1.3 0.1 1.1 Note: the reference length for the length factor k l is L = 3000 mm (element length). Table 2.3. Climate classes. Climate class average Description [%] 1 2 3 12 20 >20 Standard indoor conditions Outdoor, covered structures - poorly ventilated spaces (indoor) - fully exposed to outdoor conditions (not covered) - structures in and underneath water Table 2.4. Load duration classes. Load duration class Cumulative duration of the characteristic load Examples Permanent Longer than 10 years Dead load Long 6 months - 10 years Storage Medium-Long 1 week - 6 months Life loads on floors Short Less than 1 week Snow, wind (The Netherlands) Instantaneous 7PPX0 Accidental load, wind (Belgium) Introduction to Timber Structures 62 Table 2.5. Values of kmod . Material Standard Load duration class permanent long mediumlong short very short Sawn timber EN 14081-1 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 Glued laminated wood EN 14080 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 LVL EN 14374 , EN 14279 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 Plywood EN 636 Parts 1, 2 and 3 Parts 2 and 3 Part 3 1 2 3 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.80 0.80 0.65 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 EN 300 OSB/2 OSB/3, OSB/4 OSB/3, OSB/4 1 1 2 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.45 0.50 0.40 0.65 0.70 0.55 0.85 0.90 0.70 1.10 1.10 0.90 OSB Table 2.6. -factors for variable loads. Load type a Climateclass (table 5.2) Description Category A dwellings Category B offices Category C congresses, meeting places, theatres, conferences Category D 0 1 2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.6 / 0.4a 0.7 0.6 shopping 0.4 0.7 0.6 Category E storage 1.0 0.9 0.8 Category H roofs 0.0 0.0 0.0 snow 0.0 0.2 0.0 wind 0.0 0.2 0.0 for escape routes like stairs: 0.6, other situations: 0.4 Note: the factor 1 is used to determine the so-called frequent value of the variable loads in case of fire design calculations. The factor 1 is also used to determine the immediate deformations due to the frequent value of the variable loads. These deformations are with the load combination according to formula (6.15 b) in EN 1990 [11]. Traditionally there are no requirements for these deformations in the Netherlands. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 63 Table 2.7. k def factors for wood and wood-based materials. Climate class 1 2 3 Sawn timber EN 14081-1 0.6 0.8 2.0 Glued laminated timber EN 14080 0.6 0.8 2.0 LVL EN 14374, EN 14279 0.6 0.8 2.0 Plywood EN 636 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 2.5 EN OSB/2 OSB/3, OSB/4 2.25 1.50 2.25 - OSB Note: if it is to be expected, that the wood dries under permanent loading after erection, k def shall be increased with 1,0. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 64 Table 2.8. Strength classes for wood. Strength class Ultimate Limit States (ULS) Seviceability Limit States (SLS) C18 C24 D30 D40 D50 D70 GL24h f m,k 2 N/mm 18 24 30 40 50 70 24 f t ,0, k N/mm2 10 14.5 18 24 30 42 19.2 f t ,90, k N/mm2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 f c ,0, k N/mm2 18 21 24 27 30 36 24 f c ,90, k N/mm2 2.2 2.5 5.3 5.5 6.2 12.0 2.5 fv,k N/mm2 3.4 4.0 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.0 3.5 k kg/m3 320 350 530 550 620 800 385 Em ,0, k N/mm2 6,000 7,400 9,200 10,900 11,800 16,800 9,600 Em,0, mean N/mm2 9,000 11,000 11,000 13,000 14,000 20,000 11,500 Em,90, mean N/mm2 300 370 730 870 930 1,330 300 Gmean N/mm2 560 690 690 810 880 1,250 650 • A distinction is made between C-classes ("softwood") and D-classes ("hardwood"). • Any constructive element must be classified in class a strength (no batch approval allowed based on the approval of random pieces). • Wood for structural applications can mechanically or visually be graded. If the wood is visually graded, in the Netherlands this has, for “softwoods” to be carried out according to NEN 5499 [13]. The class T1 defined in NEN 5499 equals class C defined in the “KVH”. The class T2 defined in NEN 5499 equals class B defined in the “KVH”. • Visually graded Pine, spruce, larch, Douglas (European) and classified in class T1 according to NEN 5499 [13] meets the requirements for strength class C18. • Visually graded Pine, spruce, larch, Douglas (European) and classified in class T2 according to NEN 5499 meets the requirements for strength class C24. • Visually graded Douglas (European) and classified in classes T2 according to NEN 5499: C22 • Oak (Central European), classified in class B accordance to “KVH”: C20 • Meranti (red): strength class D24 • Oak (Polish): D18 / D24 / D30 • Iroko: D24 (unsorted) • Vitex, Robinia, Sucupira vermelho: D30 • Bilinga: D24 / D50 • Merbau: D30 / D50 • Teak, Iroko (sorted) Sucupira, Itauba, amarelo, Piquia: D40 • Bangkirai, Sapucaia, Angelim vermelho, Denya: D50 • Masseranduba, Cumaru: D60 • Azobé: D70 Note: the strength classes for the different wood species are based on "Wood hand Strength data [12], a publication of “Centrum Hout” in Almere, the Netherlands. 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 65 Annex 3: Floor beams: ratio span versus beam height (rules of thumb) Gk = 0, 46 kN/m2 Qk = 1.75 + 0.50 = 2.25 kN/m2 Center to center: 600 mm u fin = 0, 004 L = L 250 q fin = Gk (1 + kdef ) + Qk (1 + kdef 2 ) = ( 0.46 (1 + 0.6 ) + 2, 25 (1 + 0.6 0.3) ) 0.6 = 2.03 kN/m1 q fin = 2, 04 kN/m1 4 L 5 q fin L = 250 384 E I E = 11, 000 N/mm2 I= 1 b h3 12 b = 32 - 59 mm b = 32 mm b = 59 wlimit = u fin wlimit = u fin mm L 5 q fin L = 250 384 E I 4 L 5 q fin L = 250 384 E I 384 E I L4 = 250 5 q fin L 384 E I L4 = 250 5 q fin L 4 1 32 h3 L4 12 = 250 5 2.03 L 384 11, 000 4439 h3 = (16, 4 h ) 3 L4 L = L3 L = 16, 4 h 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 1 59 h3 L4 12 = 250 5 2.03 L 384 11, 000 8184 h3 = ( 20, 2 h ) 3 L4 L = L3 L = 20, 2 h 66 h= Rule of thumb: L L á 15 20 Example h= Estimate the beam height: L 3000 = = 162 mm 18,5 18,5 → 46 x 171 mm Check the final deflection in Serviceability Limit State (SLS): I= 1 1 b h3 = 46 1713 = 1917 104 · mm4 12 12 u fin = 5 q fin L 384 E I u fin = 5 2.03 30004 = 10.2 mm 384 11, 000 1917 104 4 L 3000 = = 12.0 250 250 wlimit = 0, 004 L = Unity Check: u fin wlimit = 10.2 = 0,85 12.0 ≤ 1, 00 OK Check of the stresses in Ultimate Limit State (ULS): qd = Gk g + Qk q = ( 0.46 1.08 + 2.25 1.35) 0.60 = 2.12 kN/m1 (Consequence Class 1) 1 1 M d = qd L2 = 2.12 3.02 = 2.39 kNm 8 8 1 1 W = b h 2 = 46 1712 = 224 103 · mm3 6 6 d = M d 2.39 106 = = 10.7 N/mm2 W 224 103 f m,d = 7PPX0 f m, k m kmod = 24 0.8 = 14.8 N/mm2 1.3 Introduction to Timber Structures 67 Unity Check: d 10.7 = = 0, 72 f m , d 14.8 ≤ 1, 00 OK Wherein is: = moment of inertia, in mm4 b h = = = modulus of elasticity, in N/mm2 width of the beam, in mm height of the beam, in mm L = span in mm Md = design value of the bending moment, in kNm Gk = permanent load, in kN/m2 Qk = variabel load, in kN/m2 (floor load = 1.75 kN/m2 variabel lightframe walls = 0.50 kN/m2) q fin = representative load for determining the deflection including creep qd = design load, including the safety factors u fin = final deflection (including creep) wlimit = maximum deflection d = design value of the bending stresses, in N/mm2 f m,d = design value of the strength, in N/mm2 I E 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 68 Annex 4: Rules of thumb for Timber Constructions COLUMNS AND WALLS Element Horizontal en vertical section Usual height L d between the Critical factors for dimensioning remarks - compression ( Columns with extensive loads (several floors) supports ≤ 4.0 m1 Glulam wooden column 15 to 20 L 15 ) d needs a lower ratio - compression and buckling ( ≤ 4.0 m1 Posts in light frame walls 20 - 35 L d L 15 ) d - compression and buckling - thickness for minimal With nailed plywood for stability isolation ( Rc = 4,5 m2·K / W) center to center usually 400 to 600 mm (standard plywood dimensions) Sawn wooden columns ≤ 4.0 m1 15 - 30 Columns with extensive loads (several floors) needs a lower ratio 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures L d 69 FLOORS AND FLOOR BEAMS Element section and plan Usual thickness [mm] / height [mm] Usual span L [m] L L or d h Critical factors for dimensioning / remarks Plywood floors 12 - 30 0,3 - 0,9 30 - 40 - deflection - concentrated loads - bending strength Sawn wood floors 16 - 25 0,6 - 0,8 25 - 35 - deflection - bending strength With tongh and…. Sawn wood floor beams 140 - 286 2-5 15 - 20 - deflection Maximum length: 5,5 m1 Center to center: 305 - 407 - 488 – 610 mm width: b h 3 Strength class C18 / C24 Spruce and pine Glulam floor beams 300 - 1000 6 - 15 14 - 18 - deflection width: b h for instability 8 center to center distance approx. 4 to 5 m1 Spruce, larch and iroko CLT floors 7PPX0 60 - 400 4 - 12 28 - 32 Introduction to Timber Structures 70 ROOFS AND PURLINS 1 Element Purlins flat roofs Sawn wood section and plan Usual height [mm] Usual span L [m] 140 - 286 2 - 5,5 L d Critical factors for dimensioning / remarks 18 - 22 - deflection Maximum length: 5,5 m1 Center to center: 305 - 407 - 488 – 610 mm width: b h 3 Strength class C18 / C24 Spruce and pine Purlins flat roofs Gluelam 300 - 1400 6 - 30 16- 18 - deflection width: b h for instability 8 center to center distance approx. S L L − 3 5 Spruce, larch and iroko pre-arched: Purlins sloped roofs 140 - 286 2-5 18 - 22 L 150 - deflection Maximum length: 5,5 m1 Center to center: 305 - 407 - 488 – 610 mm width: b h 3 Strength class C18 / C24 Spruce and pine Stressed skin panels 100 - 250 3-7 30 - 35 - deflection - supported by purlins a 300 - 500 mm 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 71 ROOFS AND PURLINS 2 Element section and plan Usual height [mm] Usual span L [m] Trusses without girders 1200 - 2000 6 - 10 4-6 - Strength of the connections - Bending in the edge beams Center to center 600 mm Trusses with girders 1000 - 3000 6 - 20 5-7 - Strength of the connections L d Critical factors for dimensioning / remarks Center to center 2 - 5 m1 Truss parallel 1500 - 3000 12 - 25 8 - 10 - Strength of the connections Center to center 4 - 6 m1 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 72 PORTALS Element front view c.t.c [m1] h Usual span L [m] Critical factors for dimensioning / remarks Glulam beam on columns Portal frame Three hinged portal frame Angled corners Three hinged portal frame Arched corners Arched frame 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 73 Annex 5: Standard timber sizes Sawn Timber Scandinavian Lumber Standard (SLS) Other 38 x 89 mm 32 x 100 40 x 146 mm 59 x 146 mm 71 x 146 mm 38 x 120 mm 32 x 125 40 x 171 mm 59 x 156 mm 71 x 171 mm 38 x 140 mm 32 x 150 46 x 146 mm 59 x 171 mm 69 x 194 mm 38 x 184 mm 32 x 200 46 x 171 mm 57 x 194 mm 69 x 219 mm 38 x 194 mm 44 x 194 mm 69 x 244 mm 38 x 235 mm 44 x 219 mm 69 x 269 mm 38 x 286 mm Glued Laminated Timber (Mayr-Melnhof) 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 74 Cross Laminated Timber 7PPX0 Introduction to Timber Structures 75