MACBETH STUDY GUIDE ACT I, Scene 1 1. Describe the atmosphere Shakespeare created. Why did he do this? Thunder and storming. Foreshadows evil. 2. Important lines: 12-13…WHY? The witches take something good and make it evil ACT I, Scene 2 1. Who is Duncan? King of Scotland 2. Who is reported as being brave? What was the purpose of the beheading? Macbeth, to make an example of him and show others not to mess with him. 3. How is Macbeth related to Duncan? Cousins 4. Who is Ross? Solider and messenger 5. Why does Duncan make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor? He captured the original Thane of Cawdor and he pretty much won the war singlehandedly ACT I, Scene 3 1. Why do the witches prophesize Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor? To tempt him, show their power of prediciction 2. Explain lines 39-47. Banquo is questioning if the witches are real 3. Line 28---Where did we hear this phrase before? Scene 1 4. What three prophesies do the witches give? 1. Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor 2. Macbeth will be king of Scotland 3. Banquo will be father of kings, but he will never be a king himself 5. Who tells Macbeth he is Thane of Cawdor? Ross 6. What does Banquo mean when he tells Macbeth, “…oftentimes to win us to our harm the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence?” They lie to suck you in with the truth in order to damage you and make you do evil deeds 7. Who is thinking about killing Duncan? Why? Macbeth, to make prophesy come true and become the king ACT I, Scene 4 1. Who does Duncan name as heir to the throne? Malcolm (oldest son) Prince of Cumberlain 2. Why was the first Thane of Cawdor executed? For being a traitor during war 3. Explain what Duncan means when he stats, “There’s no art to find in the mind’s construction in the face.” You can’t tell what someone is thinking by their face 4. What does Macbeth’s speech (lines 48-53) tell us about his character? He is still having desires to kill Duncan and possibly Malcolm. Evil ambition ACT I, Scene 5 1. Does Lady Macbeth want Macbeth to become King? What does she say about his character? Yes. He is too kindhearted. 2. What is the significance of the Raven? Evil, misfortune, and death 3. What does Lady Macbeth mean when stating the following: “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here…” Take away my feminine weakness 4. What advice does Lady Macbeth give her husband (lines 62-70)? Put on a good face and it will all be fine ACT I, Scene 6 and 7 1. Explain the dramatic irony in Duncan’s first lines. He says the castle is peaceful and serene 2. Explain Macbeth’s soliloquy in lines 1-28. What is driving his desire to kill Duncan? The pros and cons of killing Duncan. The reason is his ambition which is the witches fault. 3. When Macbeth gets cold feet (in regards to the plan to kill Duncan), what is Lady Macbeth’s reaction to him? Calls him a coward and a worthless man 4. Explain the plans to kill Duncan. Intoxicate the guards, take their weapons, use their weapons to kill him. Return the weapons so the guards look guilty and get blamed 5. What is the importance of this scene. They decide if they are going to kill Duncan and how. ACT II ACT II, Scene 1 1. How does the setting of this scene contrast with the last scene’s setting? Why is this significant? Last time the castle was peaceful, this time its black and eerie. Symbolizes evil is about to happen 2. Explain Macbeth’s hallucination. What may this symbolize and how does Macbeth interpret this vision? A dagger pointing to Duncan's chamber, starts to drip blood. Symbolizes his guilty conscience, he will probably lose his mind/not be able to keep quiet 3. Explain lines 56-66. He doesn’t want mother nature to hear what he is about to do because it’s so evil ACT II, Scene 2 1. What is Lady Macbeth’s role in the murder? Planner, drug the guards, takes daggers back and smear the guards with blood 2. Why won’t Macbeth sleep anymore? Guilty conscience 3. What does Macbeth mean when he states, “To know my deed, ‘twere best not know myself.” He will have to forget about his conscience to move on ACT II, Scene 3 1. What symbolism is described by Lennox? Owl screeching (screams of death), the earth shook, rough winds (chimneys broke down, uproar/confusion) 2. Who discovers the murder? Macduff 3. What do we learn about Malcolm and Donalbain? They are fleeing the country (Malcolm-England/Donalbain-Ireland) ACT II, Scene 4 1. Describe the foreshadowing in the beginning of this scene. It was completely dark during the daytime (until justice is served darkness is fallen in them), an owl killed a falcon (food chain), horses broke out of stalls and started eating each other (all men will fight one another to find out who is guilty) 2. Who is suspected of the murder and why? The servants because they were hired by Malcolm and Donalbain to do so, Malcolm and Donalbain fled (Macduff doesn't believe this) 3. Where did Macbeth go? Scone for coronation, Macduff does not go ACT III ACT III, Scene 1 1. In Banquo’s first lines, what is revealed? 2. Why does Macbeth was Banquo killed? Suspect him of foul play 3. How is Macbeth’s view of fate flawed? 4. Who does Macbeth hire to murder Banquo and what rationale does he give them? ACT III, Scene 2 1. Why is Macbeth upset in the beginning of the scene? 2. How has the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth changed since the beginning of the play? 3. How is Macbeth’s intent changing? ACT III, Scene 3 1. Who is murdered? 2. What was the outcome of this plan? ACT III, Scene 4 1. What is this scene’s setting and what is it typically supposed to present? 2. Explain Macbeth’s hallucination. 3. Explain lines 78-84. 4. How does Lady Macbeth excuse Macbeth’s “fit”? ACT III, Scene 5 1. Who is Hecate and what is her perception of Macbeth? ACT III, Scene 6 1. What does Lennox say in the first lines of this act? 2. At the beginning of the play, what did the Scottish lords think of Macbeth? How has that changed? ACT IV ACT IV, Scene 1 1. What is the purpose of describing the “brew”? 2. What do the apparitions symbolize? 3. What are the three prophecies? ACT IV, Scene 2 1. Why is Lady Macduff upset in this scene? 2. Who ordered the Macduff’s murder? ACT IV, Scene 3 1. Why is Macduff in England with Malcolm? 2. What is Malcom’s purpose in speaking to Macduff? 3. Who gives Macduff the news about his family and how does he (Macduff) respond? ACT V ACT V, Scene 1 1. Why is Lady Macbeth sleepwalking? 2. What does Lady Macbeth refer to in her broken speech which she’s sleepwalking? 3. What does the doctor say might cure Lady Macbeth? ACT V, Scene 2 and 3 1. Where is Macbeth stationed, and where do the English army and Scottish rebels meet? 2. What is Macbeth’s mood is the beginning of scene 2? 3. How concerned does Macbeth seem to be about his wife? ACT V, Scene 4 and 5 1. What is Malcom’s plan for the soldiers? 2. What advice dos he give the soldiers? 3. How does Macbeth take the news of Lady Macbeth’s death? 4. Explain Macbeth’s speech in lines 17-28. 5. Does Macbeth believe the messenger? Explain. ACT V, Scene 6, 7, and 8 1. Who kills Macbeth? 2. What did Macduff do to finalize the battle scene? 3. Who is the next king?