ENGL 15 Rhetoric and Composition Research Tools and Strategies for Upcoming Assignments - 9/30/20 Contact Jen Jarson, Head Librarian, for help with research! Email: jmj12@psu.edu / Phone: 610-285-5119 UNDERSTANDING INFORMATION NEEDS 1. Notes about information needs: DEVELOPING SEARCH STRATEGIES 2. What are the major concepts you want to explore? Write a few sentences or brainstorm a list of words that describe your interests / ideas. What are the building blocks? Which words or ideas are most important? Circle/underline/highlight the most important words. Video Games Football Baseball Covid-19 Economy 3. Organize your major concepts in columns. Isolate the building blocks of your idea. Assign each concept to a column. Group related words. Add other words that are synonyms or otherwise related to each concept. Concept 1 Video Games Football Baseball Covid-19 Economy Concept 2 Mental Health Nintendo Sega Sony Microsoft Player Health Social Justice Player Health Substance Abuse Concept 3 Behaviors Games Consoles Protests Concussions Covid-19 Arm Injuries Steroids - Politics Social Distancing Economy Death Toll Supply and Demand Stock Market Small Businesses Corporations Laws and Policies Masks 6 feet Shut Down Small Businesses Essential Workers Opportunity Cost Income Demographics Covid-19 Price Floor and Ceiling Government Involvement Free Market 4. Create keyword search strategies by combining one word from each column. ● ● ● ● ● NAVIGATING SEARCH TOOLS 5. Go to the Penn State University Libraries website (https://libraries.psu.edu/). Choose the FIND: Books, Articles, and More tab. Experiment with strategies to locate quality, relevant sources. Record notes about how to use this search tool effectively. Contains Author, Publication Info, Topics, Availabilityz 6. Go to the Penn State University Libraries website (https://libraries.psu.edu/). Choose the Databases tab. Choose Academic Search Complete. Experiment with your search word ideas in order to locate quality, relevant articles. Record notes about how to use the database effectively. Academic Search Complete JSTOR Project MUSE ProQuest 7. Go to the Penn State University Libraries website (https://libraries.psu.edu/). Choose the Databases tab. Choose one or more of the other recommended databases: JSTOR, Project MUSE, ProQuest - U.S. Major Dailies. Experiment with your search word ideas in order to locate quality, relevant articles. Record notes about how to use the database effectively.