Uploaded by Rachael Mc Lean

BiographyReportRubric-1 (3)

Biography Rubric for ___________________________________________
Exceeds Requirements!! 4
Awesome Job!! 3
What am I being graded on?
Date ____________________
Good Job! 2
Needs Work 1
Includes all of person’s
significant life events and has
many supporting details.
Includes most of person’s
significant life events (at least
3) and has some supporting
Missing some significant life
events and has a few
supporting details.
Missed many of person’s life
events and has very few
supporting details.
Person’s life is well researched
and developed with facts and
Person’s life is supported with
facts and details.
Person’s life does not seem
Very few clear facts about the
person’s life.
Most related information about
the person is grouped
together. At least one topic
Some related information
about the person is grouped
together, but some is out of
order. No clear topic
Lacks organization and
structure. No topic sentences.
Has some interesting
sentences of varied length.
Sentences sound the same and
have similar length.
Some sentences incomplete and
are very basic, repetitive.
Clearly described in own words
the person’s life,
accomplishments and
Clearly described in own words
the person’s life and
Described with some of own
words the person’s life.
Describes the person’s life but
seems like someone else’s
writing style.
Word choice
Consistently uses a variety of
descriptive words.
Uses some descriptive words.
Very few descriptive words.
Very basic, general word
Included pictures and added
extras to make report special!
Included picture. Added extra
information to make report
Included picture but added no
other details.
Very professional! Two or
fewer spelling or grammar
errors. Typed paper with
indented paragraphs.
Three to four spelling or
grammar errors. Paper typed
with indented paragraphs. Very
neat and professional.
Four to six spelling or grammar
errors. Paper is typed but not
all paragraphs indented.
Needs editing. Over six
spelling or grammar errors.
Paper typed but difficult to
see paragraphs.
Always on task!! Followed all
steps of the writing process
with rough draft, editing, and
final draft.
Almost always on task.
Followed most steps of the
writing process with rough
draft, editing, and final draft.
Sometimes on task. Followed
some steps of the writing
process with rough draft,
editing, and final draft.
Needed to focus more on the
project! Needed frequent help
with the writing process.
Conventions/Overall Neatness
Daily Work Ethic
Following Directions
Writing Process
Related information about the
person is grouped together in
paragraphs. Paragraphs have
topic sentences.
Interesting, keeps reader’s
attention. Complete sentences
with varied length.
Total: ________________/36 points
Missing picture.
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