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Stakeholder Analysis: Solar Lawn Mower Project

Abdullah khattak
project management 8464
Stakeholders are those with any interest in your project's outcome. They are typically the
members of a project team, project managers, executives, project sponsors, customers, and users.
Stakeholders are people who are invested in the project and who will be affected by your project
at any point along the way, and their input can directly impact the outcome. It's a good idea to
practice good stakeholder management and constantly communicate with them in order to
collaborate on the project. After all, they have a stake in how it all turns out.
The first lawn mower was invented in 1830 by Edwin Beard Budding. He was said to obtain the
idea after watching a machine in a local cloth mill which used a cutting cylinder mounted on a
bench to trim clothes for a smooth finish after weaving. Budding realized that a similar concept
could be used to cut grass if the mechanism is mounted in a wheel frame to enable the blades
rotate close to the lawns surface. These early machines were made of cast iron and featured a
large rear roller with a cutting cylinder (reel) in the front. Cast iron gear wheel transmitted power
from the rear roller to the cutting cylinder. In 1832, Ransoms of Ipswich (under license) began
the making of Budding’s mower. This company is today the world’s largest manufacturer of
lawn care equipment. By mid-1850, Thomas Green developed a mower which used chains to
transmit power from the rear roller to the cutting cylinder. It was called ‘SilensMessor’ meaning
silent cutter. The machines were found comparatively lighter and quieter than the gear driven
machines that preceded them. By late 1890, motorized mowers appeared as light weight petrol
engines and small steam power units became available. In US, Colonel Edwin George produced
the first gasoline powered mower in 1919. Electric powered mowers and rotary cutting machines
emerged in the 1920’s and 1930’s. By 1960 the introduction of plastic components greatly
reduced cost. Machines for grass cutting are widely used by workers in agriculture, gardening,
landscaping, grounds keeping as well as by public. The main health hazards while maintaining
the lawn using gasoline powered machines are noise and vibration. Both may impair human
health irreversibly. Occupational health and safety requirements exist for workplaces affected by
noise and vibration, but for public users there is no legislation concerning the potential health
hazards for local vibration. The lawn-maintenance industry grows in suburban areas; it has
become a new and significant source of environmental noise and occupational noise exposure.
Most lawn maintenance workers spend from 8–10 h per day exposed to A-weighted sound levels
greater than 85 dB, and it appears that few employees wear hearing protection. Sound levels
were measured and monitored at the operator’s ear and measured at a distance of 10 ft from the
following equipment: lawn mowers, gas and electric edges, gas and electric trimmers, electric
lowers, and electric hedge trimmer. A-weighted sound levels at the operator’s ear ranged from 82
to 102 dB (Lesley et al., 1994).The aim of the study was to connect the local vibration hazard,
the health damages and preventive measures. Additionally, frequency analysis of noise was
conducted. Three types of agriculture machine were investigated: all-terrain vehicles (ATV),
simple lawn-mowers (gasoline-powered push mowers), ride-on mowers (tractor type).Today,
new technology has brought new improved versions. Low emission gasoline engines with
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catalytic converters are introduced to help reduce air pollution. Improved muffling devices are
also incorporated to reduce noise. Today, the recent innovation is the rotary hover mower. There
are primarily two types of mowers namely (i) the reel mowers, and (ii) the rotary mowers. The
reel (cylindrical) mowers seem to be better. Made of blades on a revolving cylinder, they achieve
clean cut by scissors action. As the mower moves forward, the rotating blades come in contact
with a stationary bar called the bed knife and placed parallel to the ground. Grass is held by the
shearing action of the reel blades against the bed knife. The mower is adjusted to various cutting
heights. Rotary mowers are often powered either by an internal combustion engine or an electric
motor and are generally moved manually, with the engine only spinning the cutting blades. The
most common types are fitted with wheels, but a newer innovation is the hover model in which
the spinning blade also acts as a fan that provides a lift force, lifting the mower body clear of the
ground on the same principle with a hover craft. Rotary mowers generally have opening by the
side of the housing through which cut grasses are expelled. Some are attached with a grass
collector at the exit point. The blade is seldom sharp enough to give a neat cutting. The blade
simply tears the grass resulting in brown tips. However, the horizontal blades are easy to remove
and sharpen or replace. Existing engine trimmers suffer from high initial cost, high levels of
engine noise, high fuel consumption rates and high operator’s fatigue in long-run.[1] Studied
noise control issues in the device carrying cutting blades.[2]Studied was to compare vibration
and noise characteristics caused by different types of lawn maintenance machines in association
with the risk factors to workers’ health.[3] This machine was designed for the demands for a
simple harvesting machine that cost less than IDR5 million/unit and power of 2 HP/6,000 rpm,
with pure premium fuel or mixed gasoline.[4] Design for cost and operation ease.[5] Design and
manufacture of the commercial grass cutting and collecting machine.[6] Studied Two-stroke
single-cylinder internal combustion engines with small displacement volume belong to a group
of driving units which are characterized by considerably noisy operation. These engines, owing
to small sizes, small weight and the convenience of their use, are applied in devices such as grass
trimmers, brush cutters or chainsaws for cutting wood. [7] The design objective is to come up
with a mower that is portable, durable, easy to operate and maintain. It also aims to design a selfpowered mower of electrical source; a cordless electric lawn mower. [8] Designed to increase the
probability of system success, reduce risk and the total lifecycle cost. [9] Design and implement
a Behavior-Based Lawn Mower Robot controller that can be used to mow grass from lawns and
play grounds autonomously. [10] Design for Remote and autonomous operation of robotic
platforms is revolutionizing the way in which work is done and information is gathered. Through
the removal of the human element, costs decrease, quality of work increases, and continuous
operation is achievable at little to no additional cost. Remote control offers almost all individuals
regardless of physical limitations the ability to operate machinery and perform labour intensive
tasks at a safe distance. In this paper, an optimal mowing path planner including minimal time,
minimal energy consumption, and minimal time/energy modes as well as a particular solution of
complete coverage path planning (CCPP) is developed. Especially, incorporating the three
modes enhances user convenience and reduces mowing cost in time and energy. The complete
task of lawn mowing plan consists of two stages. The first stage is for the rough mowing path
planning which considers the factor of working time or energy consumption. The second stage
considers avoidance of static and dynamic obstacles. It modifies the details of the mowing paths
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by introducing a geography method, in which the idea of potential field is incorporated for
obstacle avoidance. Applicability of the proposed design is verified via real world experiments
There are four main steps to analyzing stakeholders’ influence and interest;
1. Identify the Stakeholders
2. Prioritize the Stakeholders
3. Determine the needs of the Stakeholders
4. Document the Results in a Stakeholder Analysis Plan
 Customers
Customer satisfaction surveys, save electricity activities at dealerships, component shows
and other events, etc.
 Capital markets
Meetings with the market related to our project, Meetings with shop owners for new
model / new technology launch events, etc.
 Policymakers
Participation in the industrial groups, participation in international initiatives, and other
initiatives events etc.
 Research institutes
Support for academic meetings, collaboration with universities, special lectures,
merchantability verification for products, co-development of technology, etc.
 Media
Advertising of our product through electronic media, new model / new technology launch
events, press releases, etc.
 NGOs
Collaborative projects, regular communication, response to surveys and questionnaires,
 Suppliers
Supplier networking events / briefings, joint events, supplier risk assessments, etc.
 Local communities
Networking events for local residents, commercial areas tours, events for all
accommodation area (hotels and restaurants), social activities by associates, etc.
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2. Prioritize the Stakeholders
A: Keep them Satisfied High Influence BUT Low Interest
B: Manage Closely High Influence AND High Interest
C: Monitor / Bypass Low Influence AND Low Interest
D: Keep informed Low influence BUT High Interest
This table will clarify that which stakeholders are prioritize for us:
NGOs , Media
Customers , Capital markets , Suppliers
Research institutes
Policymakers and Small shop owners
3. Determine the needs of the Stakeholders
In our product or project the Clients and customers are key stakeholders. Without both, there is
no business.
To explore each stakeholder’s needs in more depth the following step are followed:
 Through interview
 Survey
 focus on group discussion
Mostly our stakeholders are customers and suppliers and capital market holders and all these are
having interest in financial gain and only the customers are having emotional interest in our
project and this kind of interest is positive for all these holders because our device is that enough
capable to motivates all these stake holders.
These are the those stake holders from which we need support to promote our product. The role
they will play in our project is define below:
Capital markets: we will deliver our product to these markets and they will promote our
product to other communities and they also will arrange dashboard in their markets of our
product for advertisement
Suppliers: supplier is the most important part in our product advertisement they will
promote our product in every single home and shops because they goes everywhere.
Media: They will promote our product through electronic media
NGOs: They will arrange surveys and other projects for awareness to our product
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4. Document the Results in a Stakeholder Analysis Plan
 Table will define the analysis plan of stakeholders
Capital markets
Research institutes
Local communities
To improve the product
Research on new technology
in our prodcut
Trials customers
Question 3:
 it is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will
lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome).
 Financial system failure, causing difficulties in getting loans and the freezing of
capital markets
Shorten decision-making time;
Regarding investment, increase the probability of portfolio adjustment ahead of the
With these benefits, market-to-market losses and trading costs are reduced.
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Financial risk
Competitors in the market
An employee union tactic for senior management to meet their demands
Most Common Project Risks
Cost risk,
typically escalation of project costs due to poor cost estimating accuracy and scope creep.
Schedule risk,
the risk that activities will take longer than expected. Slippages in schedule typically
increase costs and, also, delay the receipt of project benefits, with a possible loss of
competitive advantage.
 Performance risk,
the risk that the project will fail to produce results consistent with project specifications.
Other Types of Risks
There are many other types of risks of concern to projects. These risks can result in cost,
schedule, or performance problems and create other types of adverse consequences for the
organization. For example:
Governance risk
relates to board and management performance with regard to ethics, community
stewardship, and company reputation.
 Strategic risks
result from errors in strategy, such as choosing a technology that can’t be made to work.
 Operational risk
includes risks from poor implementation and process problems such as procurement,
production, and distribution.
 Market risks
include competition, foreign exchange, commodity markets, and interest rate risk, as well
as liquidity and credit risks.
 Legal risks
arise from legal and regulatory obligations, including contract risks and litigation brought
against the organization.
 Risks associated with external hazards:
including storms, floods, and earthquakes; vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism; labor
strikes; and civil unrest.
As indicated by these examples, project risks include both internal risks associated with
successfully completing each stage of the project, plus risks that are beyond the control of the
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project team. These latter types include external risks that arise from outside the organization but
affect the ultimate value to be derived from the project. In all cases, the seriousness of the risk
depends on the nature and magnitude of the possible end consequences and their probabilities.
In addition to project risk, project deferral risk can be important. Project deferral risk refers to the
risks associated with failing to do a project. Like project risk, project deferral risk can arise from
any of the bulleted risk sources listed above (the second list). Project deferral risk can also occur
if there is only a limited window of opportunity for conducting a project—if the project is not
conducted now, there may be a risk that it might never be possible to effectively do it later.
Risk Mitigation
After the risk has been identified and evaluated, the project team develops a risk mitigation plan,
which is a plan to reduce the impact of an unexpected event. The project team mitigates risks in
various ways:
Risk avoidance
Risk sharing
Risk reduction
Risk transfer
Each of these mitigation techniques can be an effective tool in reducing individual risks and the
risk profile of the project. The risk mitigation plan captures the risk mitigation approach for each
identified risk event and the actions the project management team will take to reduce or
eliminate the risk.
Risk avoidance
usually involves developing an alternative strategy that has a higher probability of success but
usually at a higher cost associated with accomplishing a project task. A common risk avoidance
technique is to use proven and existing technologies rather than adopt new techniques, even
though the new techniques may show promise of better performance or lower costs. A project
team may choose a vendor with a proven track record over a new vendor that is providing
significant price incentives to avoid the risk of working with a new vendor. The project team that
requires drug testing for team members is practising risk avoidance by avoiding damage done by
someone under the influence of drugs.
Risk sharing
involves partnering with others to share responsibility for the risky activities. Many
organizations that work on international projects will reduce political, legal, labour, and others
risk types associated with international projects by developing a joint venture with a company
located in that country. Partnering with another company to share the risk associated with a
portion of the project is advantageous when the other company has expertise and experience the
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project team does not have. If a risk event does occur, then the partnering company absorbs some
or all of the negative impact of the event. The company will also derive some of the profit or
benefit gained by a successful project.
Risk reduction:
is an investment of funds to reduce the risk on a project. On international projects, companies
will often purchase the guarantee of a currency rate to reduce the risk associated with
fluctuations in the currency exchange rate. A project manager may hire an expert to review the
technical plans or the cost estimate on a project to increase the confidence in that plan and reduce
the project risk. Assigning highly skilled project personnel to manage the high-risk activities is
another risk-reduction method. Experts managing a high-risk activity can often predict problems
and find solutions that prevent the activities from having a negative impact on the project. Some
companies reduce risk by forbidding key executives or technology experts to ride on the same
Risk transfer
is a risk reduction method that shifts the risk from the project to another party. The purchase of
insurance on certain items is a risk-transfer method. The risk is transferred from the project to the
insurance company. A construction project in the Caribbean may purchase hurricane insurance
that would cover the cost of a hurricane damaging the construction site. The purchase of
insurance is usually in areas outside the control of the project team. Weather, political unrest, and
labor strikes are examples of events that can significantly impact the project and that are outside
the control of the project team