Uploaded by Nick Burke

Project 1 database

To: National Investments Partners; Alexandra, David, Mary, Vitali
From: Nicholas Burke, Manager of Applications, National Investments
Date: 9/7/2020
Subject: Database design and development
Thank you for selecting me to lead the task of creating a system to improve productivity and
serve all client-facing needs. For this task, a database will need to be used in place of
spreadsheets. A database will allow the storage of multitudes of client data in a way that will
assist with proper and more efficient ways of organizing the relationships between clients and
their specific needs. Client data from each portfolio can be analyzed to find relationships that
may not have been found otherwise.
For this task, Microsoft SQL Server presents the best option in terms of cost and functionality.
SQL server will allow us to begin with minimal cost through use of its free entry level service
called Express. SQL Server also includes built in security features, artificial intelligence, machine
learning services, and is used by 98 of the Fortune 100 companies currently. An Enterprise level
service is also available for future expansion as well as cloud features that will allow for more
efficient distribution of data.
The most beneficial feature is the inclusion of AI services to find new relationships in client
data. This feature will improve productivity in processing of reports for investors and assist in
accurately predicting trends that will benefit our clients and company alike. With future
expansions, it will be more important than ever to ensure that client specific data is analyzed
and secure. The cost of time spent analyzing spreadsheets can be greatly reduced and more
accurately reported.
A database will allow expansion of our client base without the need to increase employment
due to its ability to organize and analyze data faster, and on an increasingly larger scale as we
move forward.