Uploaded by Kotrobel Naghmouchi

Global Population Growth & Life Expectancy Worksheet

Ms. K. Naghmouchi
Population around the world
1. Review
Population growth depends on the number of births and deaths, new technologies, medicals
Population density is the number of people in an area.
Population density is different from one place to the other/ many factors affect population density
in different places.
Physical factors (relief, resources, climate) and human factors (economy, politics, social)
2. Population growth around the world
Countries with the highest population growth ( red on map A page 24): Mali, Niger, Chad, Eretria,
South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Oman)
Countries with the lowest rate of population growth (green on map A page 24: United States of
America, China, Korea, Argentina and Brazil.
 Population growth is generally faster in poorer, less developed countries.
 Population is rising fastest in Africa.
3. Why are growth rates so high in some places?
Population is growing fastest in some of the world’s poorest countries because…
People think of children as a form of security. They can earn money, or help on the farm.
Many women have no access to advice about spacing out their children.
Many girls have little choice. They drop out of primary school early. They may get married
very young. Their husbands are in control.
4. Life expectancy around the world
Countries with the highest life expectancy (dark purple): Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia,
Australia, Argentina, Chile, US, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, France, Japan
Countries with the lowest life expectancy (light purple): South African countries
 Life expectancy is the average age a person can expect to live to in a particular area.
Life expectancy can be used as an indicator of the overall 'health' of a country. As a
general rule, the higher the life expectancy the healthier (or developed) a country is.