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Cyberbullying & Ethics: Muslim Perspectives Q&A

1. Hazirah (Group 3)
It can be seen nowadays that people are lacking in manners & the rate of
cyberbullying increases by year. What are our roles as a Muslim to ensure we're
potraying the good examples towards the other in the social media platform;
Muslim & non-Muslim ?
The first role that can be taken is by spreading dakwah through an online platform. It
does not necessarily by giving religious talk for hours but can be done as simply as
sharing the hadiths that encourage others to do good deeds and concealing others’
shame. Next, if we ever cross over a posting that reveals others’ shame story or
known as ‘spilling tea’ culture, we can stop from spreading it and report the post so
that it can be removed from the online platform.
2. Syamimi (Group 4)
Is body shaming people through social media is cyberbully? If yes, is there any
specific provision act or any statement regarding this matter?
The act of insulting the physical appearance of a person in any application service or
body shaming using social media can be considered as cyberbully. The relatable
provision is Section 233 (1)(b) of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998.
Those found guilty might be fined not exceeding RM50 000 or imprisonment for a
term of one year or both. The offender might be further fined with one thousand
ringgit for each the day of the offense continued after the conviction.
3. Amalina(group 10)
There are a lot of cyber troopers who get paid for that job. What do you think
about the Muslim who also involve in this job just to get the money and how the
cyber troopers will bring negative impact for our country based on political
Some might argue that being a cybertrooper is also a way to gain money as it is
considered as a job. To answer this, being cybertroopers does give a source of income
to someone however the money gained can be syubhah in status as it is gained by
revealing other’s shame and upholding the one with power blindly. Quoting the reply
of the website of Federal Territories Mufti, ​if the income is solely from an illegal
source of sustenance, then the property is haram, while if it is mixed between halal
and haram sources of sustenance, then the property is a syubhah property. It is not
straight away haram but being a Muslim, such doubtful income shall be prevented.
The cyber troopers might create blind rumour and hearsay that can taint one’s
reputation and this might taint the name of our country as well. Due to that, it will
bring a bad image and affect the political landscape of our country.
4) Silvi (group 7)
We know that hack is under cybercrime, therefore is it wrong or is it a sin if we were
to hack a system in the purpose of canceling their bad mission towards innocent
people for example hacking the Islamic State (ISIS) system.
There are 2 types of hackers. Firstly, white hat hackers which are also known as ethical
hackers as they got the permission of the owner to enter into the system, thus, it is totally
legal. Second, the black hat hackers who gain unauthorized access to computer systems for
personal gain such as to steal data thus, it is illegal and an offence. To answer the question,
if someone tries to hack the ISIS system then he is considered as black hat hacker because
he does not get the permission to enter into the system thus, his act was illegal and an
offence. However, it may be considered as morally right since his intention was done in good
faith which is to save the lives of the innocent.
5) Syaf (group 2)
Does cyberbullying bring long term effect to teenagers? If it does, what are the
initiatives done by the government in order to reduce the rate of cyberbullying?
Yes, it may have long term effect on teenagers. On the legal aspect, there are law that
governing or prohibiting cyberbullying. For instance, under Section 233(1) of the
Communications and Multimedia Act, it is considered as an offence if a person:
"by means of any network facilities or network service or applications service knowingly
makes, creates or solicits; and initiates the transmission of any comment, request,
suggestion or other communication which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive
in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person”. The
punishment were laid out in Section 233 (3) which states that those convicted under the Act
face a maximum fine of RM50,000 or a maximum one-year jail term or both, as well as a
further fine of RM1,000 for every day the offence continues after conviction. Furthermore, in
order to assist the victims of cyberbullying to seek justice, the government prepares a
www.cyberconsumer.my/aduan or ​http://aduan.skmm.gov.my/ in which the MCMC will
acknowledge receipt of your complaint with reference number within 3 days of receiving the
complaint (verification of complaints through MCMC (Malaysia Communication Multimedia
Commission) Consumer Complaints Bureau portal will be done in 1 day). The complainant
will receive answers pertaining to the result of MCMC's investigation within 15 days from the
date of complaint received.
6) Ain (group 5)
What should the parents do if they suspect their child is a cyberbully?
There are several actions that can be taken by the parents, for instance, they need to
address the issue or talk to them firmly about their action and how it affects others
negatively. This would help the children realize that their action was wrong. Furthermore,
they need to discipline their children by taking away the internet or technology privileges.
The point is to demonstrate that bullying behavior has consequences and it will not be
7) Amir(Group 9)
As we know, the internet and social media are one of the branches for us to generate
income through online business and it can also cause us to lose money such as
being stuck with scams and so on. For example we recently heard of fraud cases
through the ishare application. Why are Malaysians easy to cheat and how can an
application like this enter our country?
As for me Malaysians are easy to cheat because they want something too quickly for
example to have money with the easier way
before doing some check whether it is
scammer or not. And for me it is not how an application like this can easily enter our
country,it is just because we are not investigating deeply first before we go through these
activities such as online business . It is because we whom do want to include ourself into this
activity and we have given options whether we want to join this activity or not.
8) Syarif (Group 1)
There were frequent reports of threat actors and cyber criminal taking advantage of
Covid-19 as part of cyber attacks and fraud. How did government of malaysia amend
its cyber security laws during mco?
Under the Ministry of Multimedia and Communications, cybersecurity Malaysia is established
as a cyber security specialist agency to provide a broad range of services and strengthen
Malaysia self reliance in cyberspace . There also exist many cyber laws and policies such as
the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 that act as a safeguard against cyber-criminal
activities in our country. Other than that, Malaysia’s Computer Crimes Act 1997 (“CCA”) has
been enacted in 1997 to cater offences relating to the misuse of computers (which includes
hacking activity ). It was enacted two years after what has been considered as the beginning
of the Internet age in Malaysia.
9) Salshabila(Group 8)
How can Muslim benefits from internet?
Muslim can get benefit from internet for example can know the direction of Qibla or prayer
times appropriately by using certain Internet-based programs, accessing the Quran online,
reading collections of hadith and Islamic books by downloading it at google play store for
example.Muslim also can finding lectures and motivating lectures in social media such as
youtube. Muslim also can give benefits through the internet by spreading through the video
and upload it at the social media such as facebook and Instagram. We can see nowadays
many influencers do their dakwah in social media by uploading a video of tazkirah so that
people especially us as a teenager can get benefit from them as we can see many people
that have social media accounts in this era were from among the teenagers.