Uploaded by lethuthuy8102000

Plant Physiology: Cell, Water, Photosynthesis, Respiration

1. Understanding in structure of the cell wall: (2,5 đ)
2. Introduction about membrane systems (2,5đ)
3 .Understanding in protein of the protoplast (4,0 đ)
4.Introduction in specially physic features of Protoplast (2,5 đ)
5.Structure and functions of Vacuole (2,5đ)
6. Introduction in mechanic of water uptake in the plant cell (2,5 đ)
Introduction in roles of water in the cell (2,5 đ)
7.Introduction about water uptake of root system (2,5đ)
8. Writing about the Effects of enviro. Factors on water uptake 2,5đ
9. Transport water in the plants (3,0 đ)
10. Writing in water transpiration of the plants (2,5đ)
11. Writing in mechanic of water transpiration by stomata system (2,5đ)
12. Introduction about water balance of the plants and technique for watering for
crops (2,5đ)
13. Writing in functions of the photosynthesis (2,5đ)
14. Introduction in chloroplast structure (2,5đ)
15. Introduction about Chlorophyll in photosynthesis (4.0đ)
16. Introduction about Carotenoit.in photosynthesis (3.0 đ)
17. Introduction about light reactions in phototynthesis
18. Wirting in the dark reactions of photosynthesis in the plants (4,0đ)
19. Understanding in Photorespiration in the plans (4đ)
20. Introduction in Crop yield and technique for high biomass yield (4đ)
21. Economy yield and methods to increase of economy yield (2,5đ)
22. Understanding in the respiration (2,5đ)
23. Introduction in definitions in study of Res.(2,5 đ)
24. Understanding in the De. in growth and development of the plants (3đ)
25. Introduction in growth regulators of the plants:(2,5đ)
26.Understanding in Auxin (IAA): 4đ