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AMDA Fall 2015 Musical Theatre Production Info Packet

Fall 2015
Musical Theatre
Students who auditioned in Week 14 and 15 of the Summer 2015 semester do NOT need to audition again on
Tuesday of week 1 for first round auditions. Those who receive a callback for a specific production must be
available for all callback dates as scheduled.
All students must sign up for an audition timeslot on Monday, October 19, 2015: 11:30am-5:00pm.
Please see Matt Lemp in the Production Offices to sign up for your audition time.
Auditions on Tuesday, October 20th are for MT students who are returning from a semester off and who were not
enrolled in the Summer 2015 Semester, AND any Non-Musical Theatre Students (Acting and Dance Majors).
Auditions will be held Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 7pm-11pm in Room V304.
Check-in will begin at 6:30pm in Room V306.
Upon completion of the first round auditions, production will schedule time slots for the invited callbacks.
Invited Call Backs will be held Wednesday, October 21st THRU Sunday, October 25th, 2015.
Times and locations are TBD, and will be posted with each call back post.
You MUST be available for all call back dates as needed.
CASTING: Casting notice will be posted on the Production Bulletin Boards starting Monday, October 26th, 2015.
Audition forms will be filled out at the time of your audition sign up.
All students should attach a 1-page resume summarizing any relevant experience or training you may have. A
picture can be submitted as well, but is not required, and will not be returned.
For the Vocal Performance Audition:
Please be prepared to sing ONE (1) 16-bar cut of music for the show you wish to audition for. Be prepared to offer
the titles of other songs in your repertoire book, if asked to show us something else. Have all music properly
marked, 3-hole punched and in a binder for the accompanist. No monologues are required.
All students must bring their musical theatre repertoire books to the demo/audition.
You should have listened to the original cast albums prior to attending auditions, and have done some research on
the character(s) you are auditioning for.
Commitments: You must be able to fully commit to the rehearsal and performance dates as listed in order to be cast
in any of the Music Theatre Productions. Please read the information carefully. To be fair and set professional
standards, anyone who is eventually cast will sign a contract on the first night of rehearsal stating that you are aware
of all production policies and that personal schedule conflicts in addition and beyond what you tell us at the
auditions will NOT be honored. If you cannot attend all scheduled rehearsals, you will be replaced.
BFA Musical: The Drowsy Chaperone
Pr oduction Dates:
PREVIEW: Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Performances: Thursday, January 28, 2016 through Sunday, January 31, 2016. There will be 2 performances
(matinee and evening) on Saturday, January 30, 2016.
*Exact show times are TBA.
Rehear sals: Rehearsals will star t during week 2 of the semester and continue through week 13 of the semester.
Weeks 2 – 7: Week of October 26, 2015 – Week of November 30, 2015 - Rehearsals will be held on Thursdays from
7pm – 11pm and on Saturdays for a maximum of 8 total hours. Exact times will be announced weekly, typically
from 10am-6pm.
NOTE: In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, AMDA will be closed on Thursday, November 26, 2015 and
Friday, November 27th, 2015.
Rehearsal scheduled for Saturday, November 28th is TBD.
Weeks 8-9: Week of December 7, 2015 - Week of December 14, 2015 - Rehearsals will be held on Mondays,
Wednesdays, Fridays 7pm – 11pm AND on Sundays for a maximum of 8 total hours. Exact times will be announced
weekly, typically from 10am-6pm.
AMDA will be closed for the Winter Break – Saturday, December 19, 2015 through Sunday, January 3, 2016.
Rehearsals will NOT be held during this 2-week period.
Weeks 10-11: Week of January 4, 2016 – Week of January 11th – Rehearsals will resume on Mondays, Wednesdays,
Fridays 7pm-11pm AND on Sundays for a maximum of 8 total hours. Exact times will be announced weekly,
typically from 10am-6pm.
Week 12: Week of January 18, 2016: You will rehearse Monday thru Friday, 7pm-11pm nightly.
You MUST be available for the entire duration of the rehearsal and performance process to be eligible for casting in
this production.
Tech Rehearsal: Sunday, January 24, 2016: 10am-10pm
Monday, January 25, 2016: Tech/Dress: 7pm-11:30pm
Tuesday, January 26, 2016: Final Tech/Dress 7pm-11:30pm.
You may not be required to attend all rehearsals, but you must be committed and available to attend until otherwise
advised by the Stage Manager.
Unless otherwise notified, rehearsals will be held in several spaces on campus. Please check callboard and emails
daily for room assignments.
Casting Notice and Acceptance: The casting will be completed and posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. In order
to accept our role, you must initial next to your name on the cast list posted in the production hallway. By doing so,
you are accepting the role and committing to all dates required for this production.
Credit: BFA Students may participate in this production ‘for credit’. The drop/add deadline for adding this
production for credit is Wednesday, October 28, 2015, by 5pm. Please see Matt Lemp or Tony Zimbardi in the
Production Offices to confirm your eligibility and to answer any questions you may have.
Under no circumstances will late drop/add forms be processed.
Who Is Eligible to Audition: The BFA Musical invites and encourages all currently enrolled BFA students in good
standing to prepare and participate in the auditions. Students will be asked to present a current ID and identify the
program and semester in which they are enrolled. Conservatory students are not eligible to audition.
Due to the Production Calendar timeline, those cast in The Drowsy Chaperone may NOT participate in the
following: Dance Concert, BFA Play, Blackbox Acting or Dance Projects, Staged Readings, Musical Reading, Find
Your Voice Projects, Project 15 or Student Vision Projects.
NOTE: Participating in this production is an extra activity not a replacement for attending your regularly scheduled
and enrolled class work. You must maintain an acceptable academic standing during the entire process. Students
who miss classes, or are at risk of failing a core course may be withdrawn from the cast at any time during the
process if they demonstrate that they are not able to honor their academic commitment: the decision to replace you
will be at the discretion of the education department and the director.
Musical Reading: Avenue Q
Production Dates:
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015 (2 shows: matinee and evening)
*exact show times are TBA.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals will start during week 2 of the semester and continue through week 8 of the semester.
Weeks 2 – 7: Week of October 26, 2015 THRU Week of November 30, 2015 - Rehearsals will be held on Thursdays
from 7pm-11pm and Saturdays 10am-6pm.
NOTE: In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, AMDA will be closed on Thursday, November 26, 2015 and
Friday, November 27th, 2015.
Rehearsal scheduled for Saturday, November 28th is TBD.
Tech Rehearsal: Saturday, December 5, 2015: 10am-6pm
Casting Notice and Acceptance: The casting will be completed and posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. In order
to accept our role, you must initial next to your name on the cast list posted in the production hallway. By doing so,
you are accepting the role and committing to all dates required for this production.
Credit: BFA Students may participate in this production ‘for credit’. The drop/add deadline for adding this
production for credit is Wednesday, October 28, 2015, by 5pm. Please see Matt Lemp or Tony Zimbardi in the
Production Offices to confirm your eligibility and to answer any questions you may have.
Under no circumstances will late drop/add forms be processed.
Who Is Eligible to Audition: The Musical Reading invites and encourages all currently enrolled BFA and
Conservatory students in good standing to prepare and participate in the auditions. Students will be asked to present
a current ID and identify the program and semester in which they are enrolled.
Due to the Production Calendar timeline, those cast in Avenue Q may NOT participate in the following: BFA
Musical, Dance Concert, BFA Play, Blackbox Projects (Acting or Dance), Find Your Voice Projects (that conflict
directly with this rehearsal schedule).
NOTE: Participating in this production is an extra activity not a replacement for attending your regularly scheduled
and enrolled class work. You must maintain an acceptable academic standing during the entire process. Students
who miss classes, or are at risk of failing a core course may be withdrawn from the cast at any time during the
process if they demonstrate that they are not able to honor their academic commitment: the decision to replace you
will be at the discretion of the education department and the director.
BlackBox Music: A Music Industry Exploration
Production Dates:
Thursday, January 14, 2015
Saturday, January 16, 2015 (2 shows: matinee and evening)
*exact show times are TBA.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals will start during week 3 of the semester and continue through week 11 of the semester.
Weeks 3 – 7: rehearsals in the evenings are scheduled from 7pm-11pm
Week 3: 11/2, 11/4, 11/6
Week 4: 11/9, 11/11, 11/13
Week 5: 11/16, 11/18, 11/20
Week 6: 11/23 and 11/25
Week 7: 11/30, 12/2, 12/4
Week 8: 12/10
Week 9: 12/15, 12/17
AMDA will be closed for the Winter Break – Saturday, December 19, 2015 through Sunday, January 3, 2016.
Rehearsals will NOT be held during this 2-week period.
Week 10: 1/5, 1/7 – both scheduled from 7pm-11pm
TECH on Saturday, January 9th, 10am-6pm
Casting Notice and Acceptance: The casting will be completed and posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. In order
to accept our role, you must initial next to your name on the cast list posted in the production hallway. By doing so,
you are accepting the role and committing to all dates required for this production.
Due to the Production Calendar timeline, those cast in the BlackBox Music Project may NOT participate in the
following: Dance Concert, BFA Play, BlackBox Dance, Staged Readings, Find Your Voice Projects (that conflict
directly with this rehearsal schedule).
NOTE: Participating in this production is an extra activity not a replacement for attending your regularly scheduled
and enrolled class work. You must maintain an acceptable academic standing during the entire process. Students
who miss classes, or are at risk of failing a core course may be withdrawn from the cast at any time during the
process if they demonstrate that they are not able to honor their academic commitment: the decision to replace you
will be at the discretion of the education department and the director.