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Bar Exam Writing Strategies: Essays & Performance Tests

Writing Strategies
for the Bar
Bar Exam: Writing vs. MultipleChoice
Bar Exam: Emphasis
on Writing
● 55% of grade in PA (essays & PT)
50% of grade on UBE (MEE 30%;
MPT 20%)
● No state weights essays/PT less
than 50%
● Many states weight written
portion over 50% (e.g., AR, AK,
CA, DE, MD, NY, NC, OH), some
as high as 67%
Bar Exam: MultipleChoice (MBE)
● 45% MBE in PA
●50% MBE on UBE
● Learn most of this law in
commercial bar review course
Bottom Line: You must know the
law for both the essays and
MBE and how to use the law for
the Performance Test!
Components of Bar Exam
Different for each state, but generally:
Essays: 6 in PA, 6 on UBE
Performance Test – PA – 1 PT; UBE – 2 MPTs
MBE: 200 multiple-choice Qs, 6 hours
MPRE: Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam, 60
Qs, 2 hours, offered 3xs per year
Note: The weight given to each component of the test
varies from state to state.
Overview of WSB
Understand time commitment, skills & techniques
necessary to study for, and pass, the bar
Learn how to write bar exam essays effectively and
quickly, then . . .
Practice, practice, practice!
Self-assess as you go, and meet with Prof.
Learn MBE test-taking strategies
Intro to substantive law study: Themis
Themis Program
Themis Online Program
 Online video lectures and
comprehensive outlines covering
Evidence, Torts, and Contracts
review assigned videos and outlines
before designated classes in order to
complete essay and MBE exercises
Instruction and practice on MBE
questions and performance test
 Preview of commercial bar review
Commercial Bar Review Courses
versus WSB
Writing Strategies for the Bar (WSB)
 NOT significant substantive review of law
 Teach effective strategies for tackling both
MBE and writing portions of bar exam
 Weekly modules PLUS individual conferences
to review essays
 Significant deconstruction of essays and MBE
 Complete at least two full PTs/MPTs
 Complement to commercial bar prep course
(not a substitute)
Obligations & Expectations
To pass this class:
Complete all assignments
Review all assigned Themis outlines, watch the Themis
lecture videos, and complete assigned Themis MCQ
Attend all individual conferences
To Pass the Bar, Expect to:
Study 40-50 hrs/week – at a minimum – during bar
prep period
Review/learn 7 subject areas for the MBE: Con Law
(inc. First Amendment), Property, Contracts/Sales,
Torts, Evidence, Crim Law/Crim Procedure, Civ Pro
Review/learn 15 add’l state-specific subject areas,
depending on your state’s bar exam
E.g., Corporations, Federal Income Tax, Family Law,
Decedents’ Estates, Employment Discrimination, Oil &
Gas Law
Create a written
plan to study for the bar
Some Risk Factors
Gaps in substantive knowledge (never took bartested class or got “C” or lower)
Difficulty w/multiple-choice/essay Qs
Low law school GPA
Economic and/or family responsibilities
Family or personal crisis
Test anxiety
Not taking a bar review course
History of engaging in “self-defeating behaviors”
Overcoming the Risk Factors
Start reviewing substantive material sooner (e.g.,
Establish study schedule & plan
Arrange finances (bar loans) ahead of time
Make dependent care arrangements
Get exercise; get sleep; eat healthy
Register for & attend bar review course
Pace yourself: you’re in this until end of July
Get a coach (friend or professional)
Four Universal Truths about Bar
(1) Hard & taxing, but don’t have to get “A”
(2) Passing requires commitment of:
Money and/or financial opportunity loss
Hard, sustained work
(3) Most important thing to ensure pass:
Take control of learning & attitude
Make a plan to succeed
(4) Failing does not mean the end of your
Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, January 26 – 5:30 to 6:30
p.m. – Virtual Bar Fair presented by
BarBri, Kaplan, and Themis
Thursday, January 28 – MPRE
Registration Deadline for March
Monday, February 1 – graduation
application deadline (apply on
DrexelOne under the Academics
If you have not already done so, please complete
and submit the pre-class Questionnaire
Complete and submit your interoffice memo on the
Bar Exam and Application by Friday, Jan. 15 at 12:00
Post to the WSB Intro Discussion Board by 11:00 p.m.
on Sunday, Jan. 17. Then respond to another
student’s post by Wed. Jan. 20 at 11:00 p.m.
Complete the Themis Evidence Homework in
preparation for Module 2