08/05/2018 Radio Transmitter Introduction A radio transmitter is an electronic device, when connected to an antenna, produces an electromagnetic signal such as in radio and television broadcasting signal for two way communications. Classification of Radio Transmitter Radio transmitters may be classified according to the following methods according to the Type of modulation used : Amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation and Pulse modulation transmitter. Service involved: Radio broadcast, Radio telephone, Radio telegraph, Television, Radar, Navigation transmitter. Frequency range involved: Long wave, Short wave, microwave and VHF & UHF transmitter Application of Various Radio Transmitter Amplitude Modulation Transmitter: the modulating signal amplitude modulates the carrier. Such transmitters are used for radio broadcast on long, short, medium waves, radio telephony on short waves, radio telegraphy on short waves etc. Frequency Modulation Transmitter: the signal voltage frequency modulates the carrier. Such transmitters are used for radio broadcast in VHF and UHF range, television sound broadcast in VHF and UHF ranges, radio telephone communication in VHF and UHF ranges over short distances. Pulse Modulation Transmitter: the signal voltage alters some pulse characteristics of the pulses, modulation may be pulse width. The pulse modulation are: Pulse width modulation, pulse position modulation, pulse amplitude and pulse frequency modulation. Radio Broadcast Transmitter: These transmitters are designed for transmitting speeches, talks, music, dramas etc for the information. These braodcast transmitters may be either amplitude modulated or frequency modulated. 1 08/05/2018 Application of Various Radio Transmitter Radio Telephone Transmitter: are designed for transmitting telephone signals over long distance by radio means. Radio telephone transmitters may be either of amplitude or frequency modulation type. The AM telephone transmitters usually work on short wave, FM radio telephone transmitters usually work on ultra high frequencies. Radio Telegraph Transmitter: Transmits telegraph signals from one radio station to another radio station. It may used Amplitude modulation or Frequency Modulation. Television Transmitter: It requires two transmitters one for transmitting video another for sound transmission. Both operate in very high frequency. The video transmitter is amplitude and sound carrier is frequency modulated. Radar Transmitter: Two types pulse Radar (uses pulse modulation) and Continuous Radar (uses frequency modulation) of carrier signal. Typically operates at microwave frequency. Navigation Transmitter: A number of navigational aids using special types of radio transmitter and receivers are used for sea and air naviagation. Application of Various Radio Transmitter Long Wave Transmitter: Operate on long waves on frequencies below kHz. Such transmitters are used for broadcast in temperature countries where atmospheric disturbances on long waves are not severe. Medium Wave Transmitter: Operate on frequencies in the range of 550 to 1650 kHz and are usually used for broadcast. Therefore, the band of frequency extending from 550 to 1650 kHz commonly referred to as the broadcast band. Short Wave Transmitter: Operate on frequencies in the short wave range of 3 to 30 MHz. Ionospheric propagation of electromagnetic waves takes place at such short waves. VHF and UHF Transmitter: operate either in VHF range or in the UHF range and are used for FM broadcast, television broadcast, FM radio telephony etc. Microwave Transmitter: operate on microwave frequencies beyond about 1000 MHz and are used in radar, television relay, microwave link between two adjacent island, countries etc. 2 08/05/2018 Amplitude Modulation Radio Transmitter Block diagram of amplitude modulation radio transmitter using modulation at high power level of the carrier. 1 Master Oscillator TX antenna 2 Buffer Amplifier Desired oscillation, f f is required to remain constant variations with V, T and load 3 Harmonic Generator 1 Power drawn from the Oscillator 2 Causes the loading effect of the tank circuit and f variation MO generates signal at multiple of 3 the carrier f of radiated Power Tuned the RF voltage and selects the desired frequency 4 Class C Power Amplifier 5 Modulated Amplifier Amplifier the low level RF signal 4 High output circuit efficiency of the order of 70% Pushpull amplifier and is modulated by audio modulating voltage High η series plate modulation is used in high power radio broadcast 5 Class B pushpull amplifier and feeds audio, p Class B operation used for high circuit 6 efficiency Feeder Line 6 Modulating Amplifier Audio Amplifier Modulating Signal Amplitude Modulation Radio Transmitter Block diagram of amplitude modulation radio transmitter using modulation at low power level of the carrier. Master Oscillator Buffer Amplifier Harmonic Generator Class C Class B Modulated Amplifier Tuned Power Amplifier TX antenna Feeder Line Modulating Amplifier Modulating Voltage 3 08/05/2018 Harmonic Generator 6.5 Harmonic Generator See page number 107 G.K Methal A simple harmonic generator using half wave rectifier Operation of AM Transmitter See the PDF file 4 08/05/2018 Radio Receiver In radio communications, a radio receiver (radio) is an electronic device that receives radio waves and converts the information carried by them to a usable form. Generally, the received signal is first amplified in an RF amplifier stage to increase the signal strength and rejected the unwanted signal. Finally the RF carrier must be demodulated to get back the original modulating signal. The main function of Radio receiver: Select the desired signal and reject the unwanted signals Amplify the RF signal Detect the RF carrier to get back the original modulation frequency voltage Amplify the modulation frequency voltage Classification of Radio Receiver (i) AM Broadcast Receivers: to receive the speech or music AM broadcasting signals at long wave, medium wave (broadcast band) or short wave. (ii) FM Broadcast Receivers: To receive signals from FM broadcast transmitters operating in VHF or in UHF. (iii) Television Receivers: These receivers are for receiving television broadcast in VHF or in UHF. (iv) Communication Receivers: These are superheterodyne receivers used for reception of telegraphy or telephony signals. (v) Radar Receivers: These are receivers used for receiving Radar signals. 5 08/05/2018 Basic Function of AM Receiver A radio receiver in its most elementary form performs the following four essential functions: Reception: This consists in receiving or picking up energy from the various electromagnbetic radiated by radio transmitter. This function is performed by the receiving antenna. Selection: This consists in selecting or responding to desired radio wave with the exclusion of all others. The selector circuit or tuner in the form of parallel tuned circuit responds to the desired signal only and rejects all others signals. Detection or Demodulation: The desired signal in the form of a modulated carrier voltage is detected in a detector circuit to recover the original modulating voltage. Reproduction: This consists in feeding the detected signal to a loudspeaker or headphones to reproduce the sound waves giving the original programme. TRF Receivers First amplifying the signal is one or more tuned RF amplifier stages tuned to the signal frequency and then feeding the signal to the detector is simply referred to as Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF) Receivers. Receiving Antenna Loud Speaker Tuned Radio Frequency Amplifier Detector Audio Frequency Amplifier Advantages: Has enough sensitivity and selectivity Limitation: Circuit becomes too selective and may lower the fidelity of the receiver due to too many tune stages The selectivity of the receiver varies considerably with the frequency of the received signal Selectivity decreases with the carrier frequency increases 6 08/05/2018 Operation of AM Receiver See the PDF file Superheterodyne Receiver Heterodyne means to mix. Heterodyne reception stands for the radio reception after converting the modulated carrier voltage into similarity modulated voltage at a different carrier frequency. Therefore, the heterodyneing process involves a simple change or translation of carrier frequency, this change in carrier frequency can be achieved by heterodyning or mixing the modulated carrier voltage with a locally generated high frequency voltage in a non-linear device to obtain at the output similarly modulated carrier voltage at different carrier frequency called the intermediate frequency. Superheterodyne reception is a form of heterodyne reception in which frequency conversion takes place one or more times before the modulated carrier voltage is fed to the detector to recover the original modulation frequency voltage. The receiver in which only one frequency conversion takes place before detection is called superheterodyne receiver. The receiver in which frequency conversion takes place twice before detection is called a double superheterodyne receiver or triple detection receiver. 7 08/05/2018 Principle of Superheterodyne receiver In a simple superheterodyne receiver, the modulated carrier voltage of frequency, fc is fed to a non-linera device called the frequency mixer to which is also fed the voltage of frequency, fo generated in a local oscillator and at the output we get voltage of sum and difference frequencies (mfc - nfo) where m and n are integers. A tuned circuit in the output of the mixer stage tuned to the difference frequency (fc - fo) picks up this difference frequency component constituting the intermediate frequency (I.F). The IF voltage is modulated exactly similar to the incoming modulated carrier voltage. There results only a translation or change in the carrier frequency from fc to fi. This intermediate frequency, fi is fixed for a receiver. The constant difference frequency, fi is maintained between the local oscillator frequency and the RF signal frequency, usually through use of capacitance tuning wherein the capacitors in RF tuned circuits and local oscillator are ganged together and operated in unison through use of a single control knob. The RF stage is a two or three stage tuned amplifier tuned to the IF and it provides most of the gain and hence the sensitivity of the receiver. It is superior to TRF receiver in which both the sensitivity and selectivity change greatly with the carrier frequency. Further the RF amplifier stage in superhet receiver rejects the image frequency. Most popularly used in almost all radio receiver applications such as AM broadcast, AM Communications receivers, FM receivers, SSB receivers, TV receivers etc. Constituent Stage of Superheterodyne Receiver Receiving Antenna The IF frequency is 456 or 465 Khz Audio Signal RF Amplifier fs fi Mixer fo Local Oscillator IF Amplifier Second Detector Linear diode Two/more stages detector 3-dB at 10 KHz Amplification & selectivity AF voltage Amplifier AF Power Amplifier Loud Speaker Frequency Converter stage 8