Help the Xiphosura Discover His True Nature! Read the sentences below. Visit our Easy Science for Kids page Xiphosura Fun Facts for Kids to find the missing words. Write them in the empty spaces and find these hidden words in the puzzle! [Words might be hidden horizontally, vertically and perhaps even back to front…!] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Xiphosura is also called a ____________. They are classified by scientists in the ___________ group of animals. They are also a member of the ____________ species . Xiphosura only come up to shallow waters when it’s time for them to ____________. The _________ of a Xiphosura, though it looks like a sword, is not used as a weapon or for defense. The inner sides of their pincers are covered in gnathobase or little _____________. Xiphosura has ____________ eyes. They eat mollusks, ____________ and other invertebrates. Male Xiphosura hang on to the female while she lays her ____________. Four pairs of their legs are walking legs that end in little ____________. P E S H O R S P I N C E N H A U S R S E S H O E M P T W N P I E C R A B R H K R R N T E R S A E C I C M G A A T N A E I L L C E E R O G T E L L I E H D N S I D T N S S O O O U E W I G S C H E L E R F U O S T O R S U L I R A E C E A O E N I S O I I F N D T Learn about Xiphosura and more here: Fun Science Facts, Activities, Videos, Interactive Quizzes and more…