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English Grammar Fill-in-the-Blanks Worksheet

1. Hi Tom,
How are you? I’m really bored (36)_______ everything! My mum is (37)_______ in her shop and my dad (38)_______ out.
He’s visiting my aunt. My bother is (39)_______ games on his Xbox! I like computer games, (40)_______ not all the time! It’s
my birthday on Friday (41)_______ I’m planning my party.
At the momment I’m (42)_______ down the guests I want to invite. My mum always (43)_______ a cake for me. I’m going to
(44)_______ some jokes at the party! I hope you (45)_______ come.
Love, Sarah
A. with*
B. to
C. on
D. about
A. going
B. working*
C. making
D. buying
A. was
B. go
C. is*
D. going
A. play
B. plays
C. to play
D. playing*
A. but*
B. and
C. to
D. with
A. but
B. and
C. because
D. so*
A. reading
B. looking
C. writing*
D. calling
A. does
B. makes*
C. cook
D. made
A. speak
B. talk
C. tell*
D. say
A. are
B. can*
C. go
D. be
2. Hi Tania,
We’re going on holiday (36)_______ Russia, but we (37)_______ going to fly, we’re going to go on a cruise! We’re leaving
early (38)_______ Friday morning so we’re getting up at 4 a.m. I’m really (39)_______ forward to it.
We ‘re going to (40)_______ our friends in Dover and get (41)_______ the ship there. The ship (42)_______ really cool – I’ll
send you a photo. There are (43)_______ of things to do – I’m going to go to the swimming pool everyday, but I won’t go to the
climbing wall (44)_______ it looks really scary!
I’m going to take my mobile phone with me because I can’t live (45)_______ it! I’ll text you everyday.
See you soon,
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. to
A. are
B. aren’t
C. will
D. were
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. into
A. looking
B. look
C. getting
D. seeing
A. tell
B. meet
C. met
D. talk
A. down
B. of
C. on
D. in
A. was
B. looks
C. look
D. has
A. lot
B. lots
C. much
D. any
A. and
B. because
C. so
D. although
A. to
B. without
C. with
D. on
3. Dear Becky and family,
I have (36)_______ arrived back in Poland. It’s lovely to see my family again (37)_______ I miss you and all my friends in
Brighton. I (38)_______ a wonderful time with you and your family. I enjoyed myself very much indeed. Also, it was very kind of
you to show me so much of England. I loved (39)_______ to London, and I’ll never forget visiting Buckingham Palace and Big
I think that my English (40)_______ improved quite a lot. At first I was so worried because I (41)_______ understand a word.
You all spoke so (42)_______, but soon I began to understand more and more.
My brother, Jacek, is (43)_______ to England next month. Can he come to see you? He’d (44)_______ to see you very much. I
hope that one day you can (45)_______ me in Poland. I would love to show you Warsaw.
Love to you all. Danka
A. just*
B. been
C. not
D. yet
A. and
B. but*
C. so
D. because
A. was
B. had*
C. did
D. made
A. go
B. going*
C. went
D. gone
A. do
B. are
C. have
D. has*
A. can
B. can’t
C. could
D. couldn’t*
A. slow
B. slowly
C. quick
D. quickly*
A. go
B. going*
C. went
D. gone
A. like*
B. liking
C. liked
D. want
A. stay
B. saw
C. visit*
D. visited
4. Dear Tiago,
Thank you (36)_______ your address in Brazil! My name’s Becky (37)_______. I’m nineteen years old. I’m a language student
(38)_______ Brighton University. I live in a house (39)_______ the centre of Brighton with my mother and father, my brother
Jame, and my Polish friend Danka. I speak French, Spanish and a (40)_______ German, but I don’t speak Portuguese. Sorry!
My favourite subject at university is Spanish but I (41)_______ like German.
I like (42)_______ to music and swimming. At weekends I go (43)_______ with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema and
sometimes we go to a café or a night club. What about you? (44)_______ do you do in Brazil? Please (45)_______ to me.
Best wishes, Becky
A. about
B. of
C. for*
D. at
A. and*
B. but
C. so
D. because
A. on
B. at*
C. with
D. for
A. of
B. far
C. next
D. near*
A. little*
B. few
C. lot
D. man
A. do
B. don’t*
C. can
D. must
A. listen
B. hear
C. listening*
D. hearing
A. on
B. out*
C. off
D. in
A. What*
B. Which
C. Why
D. How
A. say
B. saying
C. write*
D. writing
5. Dear Ricky,
I am (36)_______ holiday in New Zealand, and you will not believe how beautiful (37)_______ is.
I’ve been here (38)_______ a couple of weeks, and the weather (39)_______ fantastic, although it rained the day we arrived.
Before coming here, we had a couple (40)_______ weeks (41)_______ Australia, and visited the Great Barrier Reef. The water
(42)_______ really warm and I swam (43)_______ these beautiful fish. I (44)_______to fly home tomorrow, and I can’t say I’m
looking forward to it. I could stay here forever. Anyway, write and tell (45)_______ what you are up to.
Best wishes,
A. on*
B. in
C. at
D. up
A. its
B. it*
C. they
D. their
A. about
B. around
C. for*
D. since
A. was*
B. are
C. is
D. were
A. for
B. with
C. of*
D. about
A. on
B. at
C. above
D. in*
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was*
A. with*
B. to
C. for
D. without
A. may
B. have*
C. must
D. can
A. him
B. her
C. me*
D. them
Dear Emma
I (Example: am) having a lovely time on holiday. Mummy, Daddy and I (36)_______ to a castle yesterday. In the gardens we
(37)_______ some beautiful flowers, (38)_______ we wanted to look inside the castle, too. Dad told me (39)_______ the flag
on the castle. This always flies (40)_______ the Queen is in (41)_______ castle. We waited (42)_______ a long time but we
never saw (43)_______. I (44)_______very sad. See you (45)_______.
Love, Jane
A. go
B. gone
C. went*
D. visited
A. looked
B. saw*
C. see
D. look
A. and*
B. if
C. or
D. only
A. that
B. to
C. about *
D. watch
A. where
B. when *
C. why
D. how
A. a
B. some
C. the*
D. it
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. for *
A. him
B. it
C. her *
D. hers
A. am
B. was*
C. were
D. become
A. now
B. early
C. often
D. soon *
7. Last Saturday afternoon, I went to the cinema (36)______ my father. On the wall outside the cinema, (37)______ was a big
picture of the film. We went inside. Dad (38)______ our tickets and an ice cream for me, then we (39)______ down. The film
was about a famous pirate. His (40)______ was Jim and he had a curly, brown moustache! He sailed on a boat (41)______ an
island with some friends. They ate (42)______ coconuts which they found on the beach there, then they went (43)______. After
that, Jim went for a walk and (44)______ a big box between some rocks. He opened it and inside there was a (45)______ of
treasure! Jim shouted to his friends. They all laughed and danced when they saw inside the box.
A. with*
B. by
C. to
D. and
A. it
B. he
C. there*
D. here
A. bought*
B. saw
C. watched
D. sold
A. lay
B. sat*
C. put
D. looked
A. head
B. face
C. boat
D. name*
A. in
B. on
C. to*
D. of
A. any
B. some*
C. much
D. lot
A. fishes
B. to fishing
C. to fish
D. fishing*
A. found*
B. heard
C. looked
D. watched
A. little
B. few
C. lot*
D. lots
Dear Rob,
I feel really (0)__bad__ because I couldn't come (36)_______ your birthday (37)_______ last weekend. We had a bit of a
family emergency because my little brother hurt himself playing football. We had (38)_______ take him to the hospital, but
luckily nothing (39)_______ broken and all is well now. I hope it was a great part and that everyone had a lot (40)_______ fun.
Best wishes, Maggy
Dear Maggy,
It was nice of you to write (41)_______ note and I am sorry you couldn't come to the party. Everybody had a great
(42)_______. I am happy that your little brother wasn't badly hurt. We are all going (43)_______ the cinema next week. If you
would like to come, let (44)_______ know and I will get you (45)_______ tickets.
Write back soon,
Rob to, party, to, was, of, a, time, to, me, some
9. Dear Maria,
I went (Example: to) the town centre yesterday and I bought (36)_______ new clothes. Let (37)_______ tell you what I found.
(38)_______ was a sale in one shop and I got two pairs of jeans (39)_______ the price of one! Then I decided to look in the
market (40)_______ they sell clothes and other things very cheaply. I saw a beautiful leather belt and (41)_______ was only 10
You know I like T-shirts very (42)_______. Well, I found a great one yesterday. The picture (43)_______ the front is the Mona
Lisa, but the colours (44)_______ orange and green! This is now (45)_______ favourite T-shirt.
What clothes have you bought?
Love, Giulia
Some, me, there, at, where, it, much, in, are, my
Dear Helen, Thanks (Example: for) your long letter from England. I really (36)_______ music, too!. I saw Basement Jaxx last
year when I went (37)_______ a music festival here in Japan. (38)_______ is called the Fuji Rock Festival. A man called
Masahiro Hidaka started this festival. Nearly twenty years (39)_______ he visited the Glastonbury Festival in your country and
then decided to have (40)_______ like that in Japan.
The first festival in 1997 (41)_______ in an amazing place – at the bottom of Mount Fuji – but now the festival is in Naeba Ski
Resort, in Nugata. (42)_______are over 100,000 people at the festival (43)_______ year.
(44)_______ don’t you visit me in Japan next summer? We (45)_______ go to the festival together!
Love, Tomoko
Love/like, to, it, ago, one, was, there, this, why, will/shall
Dear Maria,
It’s good to (Example: be) back home in my country but I still think (36)_______ all the friends I made in our English class,
especially you. I cried (37)_______ I left England because my visit (38)_______ too short. I would (39)_______ to return to
England but (40)_______ time I will stay in a different city.
I have started English classes again here. I learnt a (41)_______ of things in England but I know I (42)_______ to study even
(43)_______ about you? (44)_______ you still looking for a job? I hope you find (45)_______ soon.
Love, Sophie
About/of, when, was, like, this, lot, have, how/what, are, one
30, Main Road, Bolton
14th June
Dear Mark,
Thank you (Example: for) the postcard from Italy. I (36)_______ pleased that you had lots of fun. (37)_______ you get my
postcard from France? We had a great time, too.
We stayed (38)_______ Paris for a week. I went shopping every day and now (39)_______ haven’t got any money left but I
(40)_______ got lots of lovely clothes. Of course, I also went to (41)_______ Eiffel Tower. I went up (42)_______ the top. The
view from (43)_______ was fantastic. Paris is a beautiful city. I want to (44)_______ back here next year.
Write soon and tell (45)_______ all your news.
Best wishes, Sandra
am, Did, in, I, have, the, to, it/there, come, me
28 Long Road, Brighton
22nd March
Dear Pat,
I arrived (Example: here) three weeks ago. I'm studying at a language school (36)_______ Brighton. The students come
(37)_______ many different countries and I (38)_______ made a lot of new friends.
There (39)_______ classes for five hours every day. I like (40)_______ teacher very much. (41)_______ name is John and he
helps me (42)_______ I make a mistake.
I want (43)_______ visit London next weekend because I (44)_______ going back to my country on Monday. Can I see you
there? Please write to (45)_______ soon.
With best wishes from Maria
In, from, have, are, my/the, His, when/if, to, am, me
23 Oak Avenue Manchester
Dear Sir or Madam,
I (Example: would) like a room at your hotel (36)_______ three nights from September 15th (37)_______ 17th.
I'd like a single room (38)_______ a shower. I also need (39)_______ telephone in my room. Please can I (40)_______ a
quiet room on (41)_______ ground floor?
I am going to drive to the hotel. Is (42)_______ a hotel car park?
I (43)_______ arrive at about 10.30 pm. What (44)_______ does the restaurant close in the evening? If possible, I would like
a meal (45)_______ I arrive.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully, Mark Jones
for to with a have the there will time when
My name (0)_______ Elisa Valdez. I’m twelve and I live in Mexico City. I (36)_______ two brothers, Emilio and Miguel. Both
of (37)_______ are a few years older (38)_______ me.
My sister, Maria, is (39)_______ youngest in my family and it was her tenth birthday (40)_______ week.
I love spending time (41)_______ my friends. We often (42)_______ shopping or play volleyball together. I really enjoy
dancing too. I joined a dance school five years (43)_______ and I go there twice (44)_______ week to practise. I’ve learned a
(45)_______ of interesting things about my country’s musiand dancing.
have, them, than, the, last, this, with, go, ago, each, every, a, per, lot
Dear Aunt Fabienne,
Mum asked (Example: me) to let you know that I arrived home okay. I enjoyed travelling back (36)_______ train, and I was
surprised that (37)_______ only took me three hours to get home. Thank you very (38)_______ for looking after me
(39)_______ I was in France.
I’m going back to school (40)_______ week. My French is a lot better (41)_______ it was before, so I hope my marks will
I (42)_______ like to keep practising French and I’m looking (43)_______ a pen friend. I thought of your friend’s son Elian.
We can send emails once a week. Let me know (44)_______ you think.
I (45)_______ we can see each other soon.
by, it, much, when/while, next/this, than, would, for, what, hope
Dear Greg,
I (0)_______ writing because I am coming (36)_______ your country with some friends next month. We don't have
(37)_______ dea where to stay and I was hoping you could give me (38)_______ good ideas. We would preferably like to
stay somewhere near the centre, but money (39)_______ quite tight. Do you think you will (40)_______ able to help?
Dear Barry,
It was great to hear (41)_______ you again. I would love to help, and have phoned around, but the hotels in (42)_______
centre are all very expensive. My aunt has a big house around there and I had (43)_______ word with her. If you like, she
would be very happy for you to stay (44)_______ her. There is a lot of room because the house is very big. Let me know
(45)_______ you are interested.
Best wishes, Greg.
to, any, some, is, be, from, a, the, with, if
From: Conny To: Marcia
Hi Marcia,
Do you remember I wanted (Example: to) invite you, Sasha and John to my new house? Well, (36)_______ about next
Saturday evening? We (37)_______ a beautiful garden with lots (38)_______ trees. We may have a barbeque outside
(39)_______ it doesn’t rain. My mother is (40)_______ really good cook and I (41)_______ going to help her make the food.
Afterwards, (42)_______ don’t we watch a film? (43)_______ you bring a DVD with you as I haven’t got many here?
John’s coming (44)_______ bike and Sasha is getting a lift (45)_______ her father. I hope you’ll be able to come too.
Let me know soon! Conny
how, have, of, if, a, am, why, can/will, by, with,
Dear Sally,
I’m lying (Example: in/under) the sun on the beach. The weather is great. I’m (36)_______ to play beach volleyball later. It
(37)_______ really nice here. The hotel is big (38)_______ it (39)_______ got a large swimming pool (40)._______ are lots of
things to do here Tomorrow (41)_______ are going to a museum. I have taken (42)_______ of photographs which I will show
you when I (43)_______ home. It’s (44)_______ shame you couldn’t come.
Wish you were (45)_______.
Love, John
going, is, and, has, There, we, lots, return, a, here
It’s my birthday (Example: on) Saturday, and I am having (36)_______ funny hat party. A (37)_______ of my friends are
invited. Would you like (38)_______ come? My (39)_______ is 12 Moor Road, Gateshead. (40)_______ telephone number is
0113 4743812 (41)_______ my mobile number is 07746 457492.
Can you (42)_______ my DVD with (43)_______ as well? Also, do (44)_______ forget your funny hat!
I (45)_______ you can come.
See you soon,
Love, Mark
A, lot, to, address, my, and, bring you, not, hope
Dear Richard,
It is very cold (Example: here). It has been snowing for two days. The weather is perfect (36)_______ skiing. We are going to
(37)_______ skiing this afternoon. It is very nice here, the hotel is nice and the food (38)_______ great! There are
(39)_______ of things to do, there is even a cinema in the town.
Tomorrow I will (40)_______ on a dog sledge ride through (41)_______ mountains. On Saturday I (42)_______ go to the
I wish (43)_______ were here, you (44)_______ really like it!
See you (45)_______
Love, Tom
For, go, is, lots, go, the, will, you, would, soon
Dear Amber,
The weather is great! We spent the whole day (0)___on__ the beach swimming in the sea. We arrived here two days
(36)_______. Tomorrow (37)_______ are all going to an island (38)_______ the day. I’m very excited. We (39)_______
already visited the Acropolis; (40)_______ was very beautiful. (41)_______ are many interesting sights in Athens. Last night
we walked (42)_______ a tavern and had dinner; it (43)_______ very busy.
I have (44)_______ lots of photographs, It’s (45)_______ pity you couldn’t come with us.
ago, we, all, have, it, there, to, was, taken, a
Dear Christina,
Thank you for the letter (Example: and) the present. Your new house looks really nice. I can’t wait to (36)_______ and visit. My
family is going on (37)_______ for two weeks (38)_______ July. We are going to rent a house (39)_______ an island. There
are lots of places to swim and sunbathe and we are near a small town. My mum and I are going to (40)_______ a lot of
shopping (41)_______ we are there. My dad and my brother don’t like shopping, but they will take a boat out and go fishing!
Would you (42)_______ to come with (43)_______? We could go to the beach and swim in the sea, (44)_______ shopping or
we could even go (45)_______ the cinema.
Please write soon.
Love Jenny
go, holiday, in, on, do, when/while, like, us, go, to
Dear Rachel,
Thank you very much (Example: for) telling me about this hotel. I am having a wonderful holiday here. My room is very big and
(36)_______ a view of the sea. (37)_______ morning I went swimming in the sea. Then I had lunch at the hotel café. They
serve fresh fish (38)_______ they catch near here. I had a nice big piece (39)_______ cake too.
Yesterday I (40)_______ shopping and I bought a beautiful pink dress and a silver ring. I also found a present to (41)_______
to my sister. It’s a painting of the island and I’m sure she (42)_______ love it. I also visited the museum (43)_______ they
keep the Island Treasure. The woman at the museum told me (44)_______ it was stolen by pirates and hidden on the island
250 years ago.
I hope you and your family are well. Wish you (45)_______ here!
Love, Alexis
has, every, that, of, went, give/send, will, where, that, were