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Adopt an Element: Research Assignment

Adopt an Element
This task will require you to choose one element from the first
twenty elements on the periodic table and conduct research about
its properties. The research should be presented in the form of a
poster and powerpoint presentation. Both submissions most contain
the following information.
1. Periodic table information.
a. Element name
b. Element symbol
c. Atomic number
d. Atomic mass
e. Group and period on the periodic table.
2. Appearance of the element, including its colour.
3. Density of the element.
4. State of matter at room temperature.
5. Whether the element is a metal or a non-metal.
6. Whether the element exhibits the following properties:
a. Ductility
b. Malleability
c. Lustre
d. Conduction of heat
e. Conduction of electricity
7. Where the element sits on Moh’s Hardness Scale
8. Where the element can be found in nature.
9. Three human uses of the element.
An interesting fact about the element.