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Sinfully Yours: Egyptian Gods & Time Travel Play Script

Sinfully Yours
Scene 1 (2min 25sec)
(Behind curtains, the five main gods--Horus, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Set--are sitting in a circle in their th
rone room.) [Gods, noisy arguing as the curtain rises]
Horus: Silence! (Knock his staff on the ground twice)
Set: (Crossing his legs, Sneering) Seriously, Horus, aren’t you already tired of giving orders to your stupi
d pet humans?
Isis: (Trying to contain her anger) Set, Stop being disrespectful. Horus is the new king of the gods.
Set: (Smirks) This title sounds kind of familiar. Oh right--because it was mine.
Isis: You… (angrily standing up from her throne) What can you do besides disrupting the world? You ca
n’t even obey the rules of our meeting just once!
Set: (Angry) (Getting louder) This is ridiculous! I’m the one who’s strong enough to be in charge. Thos
e humans, they call you the Great Horus, the Beautiful Isis. (Isis Flips her hair) But me (Shouts in anger)
I’m nothing more than chaos to them!
Isis: (Sneering) Looks like you’re finally right about something.
Set: (Pushes Isis back) (Angry and Sound shaky) How dare you!
(Dangerous, tense sound effect or music)
Osiris: (Serious) Both of you, calm down! (Walks towards Isis)
Horus: (Angry) Don’t you dare hurt her! (Walks towards Isis)
Set: Oh, look who’s finally here for “justice.” Nephthys, darling, let’s get out of here.
Nephthys: (Voice trembling in fear) No
Set: (Unbelievably/ Shock) What did you say?
Nephthys: I said no, Set. The ancient gods forced us to marry, but I’m sorry, I can’t be with you anymor
Set: (Gave a wry smile of disbelieve) You’re leaving me? You’re one of them now?
Nephthys: (Timidly) Set, I’m not taking any sides. Please forgive me.
Set: (Heartbroken) How could you! (Suddenly shouts in anger and pain) All of you! (Grabs the collar of Ho
rus) You and all those humans who disrespect me are going to pay for this. (raises an amulet high) (In a rev
engeful voice) With my amulet, a plague will strike Egypt. As long as the amulet exists, the curse will neve
r be broken. Let’s see if you (point to every god) are still able to save your foolish human pets this time.
Horus: (Angrily jumps in front of Set, trying to grab the amulet from him) You don’t know what you’re
doing. That’s thousands of lives you’re talking about.
Set: (ducked away easily, and tossed the amulet to backstage) Oops, my bad! (Gloatingly) Looks like I acci
dently threw it to another spacetime, where you’ll never be able to find it. (Laughs evilly and lights dimm
Scene 2 (22sec)
(Nia alone in the spotlight, kneeling down before a box of things)
Nia: (Touching the things in the box, calm and lost in thought) Father, mother, why did you leave me alon
e? (Sniffs) I just don’t understand! You dedicated yourselves to the pyramid investigation so much, but it
took away your lives instead. (Sighs, takes up the amulet’s chain from the box, frowns and examines) Wh
at, what is this? (Wear the amulet as a necklace) It’s beautiful!
(Magical light and Sound effect) (Nervous) (Screaming sound effect) (Faints)
Scene 3 (1min 20sec)
(Lights on, dancers dancing a traditional dance, Peasants working at a bazaar, Nia changes into traditional E
gyptian costume backstage)
(Dancers finish dancing, Nia walks out from the dark, trying to steady her step, spotlight on her)
Nia: (Confused) What, what happened? Where am I? (Looks at the clothes she’s wearing) (Stands up and
walks around) No, no, this can’t be true. Am I in [pause] ancient Egypt?! (Saying to herself in shock and
disbelief) (picks up the amulet) The amulet… it’s broken into two!
Peasant woman with a baby in her arms: (Screams in panic) Curse! She has the curse!
Peasant man 1: (With hatred) She brought the plague to us! We have to kill this witch!
(People screaming and yelling in anger and fear)
Nia: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Peasant man 2: (Ignoring her) Kill the witch! Kill the witch! (Approaching Nia with farming equipment)
Nia: (Stepping backward) What? I didn’t do anything!
Abasi: Stay away from her!
Peasants: Get out of our way!
Nia: Wait, who are you...
Abasi: There's no time to explain! (Grabs her hand and starts running) Come with me.
Scene 4 (2min 18sec)
(Abasi and Nia run to a temple of Set)
Abasi: Welcome to my secret base, the temple of Set.
Nia: (walk around the temple, distracted by the beautiful temple, walks towards and gazes at the candles in
the temple) This is so beautiful, so warm. It feels like I’m back home. (turns sad) At least the home when
my parents were still alive.
Abasi: (Turn to Nia as if suddenly notice something different about her) I never know what it feels like to h
ave a home, or a family. (looks down) All my life I’ve always been alone. Everyone around me is loyal to
Horus, Isis, and other gods of (air quote) justice. So when they found out that I worship…
Nia: Set, the god of sins. And they turned against you.
Abasi: (sigh) I don’t know why people hate him so much? (a hint of sadness in his tone)
Nia: Actually, I’ve read about him before. I don’t think he’s bad, he’s more like an interesting god t
o me.
Abasi: (Surprised) Wow, it’s good to finally find someone who has common sense.
Nia: (Chuckles) So what was going on back there? Why were those creepy villagers threatening to kill me?
Abasi: Just another bunch of stupid human beings. (Angrily)
Nia: (smiles curiously) Well, aren’t you one of those, “stupid human beings” too?
Abasi: (smirks playfully) I’m different. I’m your knight in shining armor. Call me Abasi.
Nia: I’m Nia. (The two lock eyes for a second until Nia clears her throat) Look, I’m actually from some
where far away and…
Abasi: (Suddenly serious and alerted) Must be the magic of the amulet that brought you here. It’s broken i
nto half, isn’t it? The only way to get you back home is to fix it.
Nia: But, how?
Abasi: Don’t worry. We’ll figure this out together, I promise. Meet me at the Nile tonight,
Nia: (Relieved) You are too good to be true, aren’t you?
Abasi: At your service, my lady. (Mock kissing the back of Nia’s hand like a knight)
Scene 5 (4min 30sec)
(By the Nile River, Abasi uses his hands to cover Nia’s eyes)
Abasi: (unwrap his hands)This is my surprise for you.
Nia: (looks up, gasps, soft voice) Wow. I have never seen stars shining so bright before. Isn’t it magical t
hat even such a dark night has a beautiful side?
(Music starts, Nia and Abasi gaze into each others’ eyes)
Abasi: May I have this dance?
(They sing a love song and just when they’re about to kiss, Abasi freezes.)
Abasi: I’m sorry, Nia… I can’t. (Runs away from Nia) (spotlight on him) What am I doing? (doing fac
epalm) I should focus on my mission, but… she is just so special. (Walks off the stage)
Horus: (Walks out from the backstage, glory music) Looks like Set has found himself a new puppet.
Nia: (Turns and sees Horus) Who are you and what are you talking about?
Horus: (in a serious tone) I’m Horus, the king of gods. Enough chit chat, give me the amulet at once. (rea
ching out his hands intimidatingly)
Nia: What do you mean? I… This belongs to my father and is my only way back home.
Horus: (Approaching intimidatingly) Listen, because of the curse Set casted by the amulet, thousands of pe
ople have died from the plague. If you don’t give it to me, you leave me no choice (Taking out a sword a
nd thrust it towards Nia)
Abasi: (Rushes towards Nia, the sword hits him instead and hurts him badly) (Painful but still manages to st
and) Back off, Horus. Fight me all you want, just leave her alone.
Horus: You’re playing hero for a human being? (smirks) Now that’s new.
Abasi: We both know that you don’t even stand a chance against me.
(Casts dark magic and hits Horus’ arm)
Nia: (Scared) Please, stop! (Abasi looks at Nia and puts his hand down)
Horus: (Yells painfully, glaring at Abasi) Both of you. You’re not going to get away with this! (storms of
f the stage)
Abasi: (Collapses to the ground) Ahhh...
Nia: (Starts wrapping up Abasi’s wound, trying to hold back her tears) Just stay with me. you’ll be fine!
(Ripping off a part of his clothes and freezing in shock when she notices a tattoo) I’ve seen this pattern be
fore. Isn't it the symbol of Set? Why do you have that? The power even Horus is scared of, the tattoo on yo
ur chest. No, no... you are Set?! (backs away from Abasi) But if what Horus said about Set was true...
Abasi: Nia, I can expl... (walks closer to Nia)
Nia: (Pushes Abasi away in fear) How could you do this to me? I trusted you. All these times that you prete
nded to care for me, you’re just using me for your horrible curse, aren’t you?
Abasi: Please, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just…
Nia: Stay away from me! (trembles in fear and, heartbroken, stumbles. Abasi tries to grab her but is refuse
d) I thought that I knew you. I thought that I meant something to you, but clearly I was wrong. (Storms off
Abasi: (Alone on the stage, trying to steady his steps but fall to the ground eventually) No, Nia, don’t go!
What have I done? All these schemes were before I met you. I once thought that all mortals were foolish an
d prejudiced. They worshipped the other gods, yet treated me like scum. But you Nia, you see the real me li
ke no one else does. The amulet, the curse, the revenge, they mean nothing compared to you. I want you ba
ck, if it’s the last thing I could ask for.
Scene 6 (2min 10sec)
(Nia runs in the dark back to Set’s shrine. She wanders in it and sees Nethphys sitting by the shrine)
Nephthys: (peaceful, relaxing voice) I remember the days in which I came here whenever I felt lost.
Nia: You know Abasi. I mean Set, too?
Nephthys: Knowing him doesn’t seem to be enough to describe our relationship. Well, at least until the da
y I broke his heart, and he took his anger out on all humans.
Nia: No way. You’re Nephthys, the goddess of rivers.
Nephthys: I’m here to help you. My magic can fix the amulet and send you home.
Nia: But the curse…
Nephthys: The choice is yours: Do you want to go home or save the people here?
Nia: (struggling) It’s not like I’m being selfish, but… I’ve had enough of all the drama here in ancien
t Egypt. I just don’t belong here. (hands the amulet to Nephthys)
Nephthys: Very well then. (raises the amulet high, tense music, dramatic light effects for a while) The amul
et shall be mended! (sudden blasting light effect then a sound of cracking/shattering)
Nia: (Picking up the amulet in Nephthys hands) It cracked again, but why? (Panicked).
Nephthys: If your wish to go home isn’t sincere enough, the ritual wouldn’t work. Nia, there must be so
mething that’s holding you back, or maybe someone... (she waves a hand at a screen beside her)
(Behind the screen Set could barely stand and Horus was pointing a sword at him)
Horus: Look at you, wounded and heartbroken. Without the girl you love, you’re nothing.
Nia: (Closes up to the screen) Abasi, No! (Turns to Nephthys) I need to get back to Abasi. (looks down at t
he amulet) but, I can’t lose my only chance to go back to my peaceful life.
Nephthys: (sad and regretful) Look, I was forced to marry Set. But faking my love for him ended up hurtin
g him so much that he turned his hatred towards all people that live along my river. I never wanted any of t
hese to happen, but no matter what I do, I can never make it up to him. Nia, you still have a chance to make
things right. Let your true feelings guide your way.
Nia: (nod determinedly) I guess I know what to do then. (runs away)
Scene 7 (1min 50sec)
(At the town square, Horus has a sword on Set, who was furious and desperate. Peasants are around them.)
Horus: Villagers, come! (peasants gather) Today, in the name of justice, I will finish the god who cursed us
once and for all!. (peasants gasp as Horus dragged the weak, defenseless Set out)
Peasants: (jeering and throwing rocks and rotten food at Set)
Horus: For all the pain we have suffered! (Held the sword high)
Nia: (runs towards Set, catching her breath) Don’t! Horus, please!
(Tries to sound courageous) Killing Set is not going to undo the suffering of people. (Holds up the amulet,
people gasp) Hand me your sword. I’m the one who brought the amulet here and I will be the one to destr
oy it forever, then you will have to let Set go.
Horus: It had better not be a trick. (Glaring at Nia and hands her the sword)
(Tense music)
Nia: (Puts the amulet on the ground and takes a deep breath) It’s my turn to save you now, Abasi (Thrusts
the sword into the amulet, breaking it into pieces) (Dramatic music +blasting light effect+ shattering sound)
Peasants: (gasp and cheers joyfully)
Horus: (reluctantly lets go of Set and shoves him forward) You kept your promise, and I’ll keep mine. (w
alks off the stage)
Nia: (locks eyes with Set drops the sword and runs to him, worried) Abasi! Thank god you’re still alive.
(a bit worried and panicked) I’m so sorry that I broke your amulet. I’m so sorry I left you alone. I…
Abasi: (suddenly wraps her in his arms) Hey, hey, you just saved my life. (Pulls away and looks deeply into
Nia’s eyes) I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have lied to you.
Nia: Abasi, Even though I was mad at you, I still couldn’t let you die because I (sigh, smile) I love you,
Abasi. Human or god, I don’t care!
Abasi: You know I feel the same way. (Smile genuinely) I may never get any others’ love, but at least
I’ve got yours, and that’s more than enough. (Fingers brush through her hair, pulling her closer, light di
Scene 8 (1min)
Nia (as narrator): It’s funny how many movies said that love can conquer all. The fact that I’m a human
and he’s a god still cannot be overcome by our love at last. In the end, we still have to leave each other. F
or years, I’ve never seen him again. Damn the love stories, why didn’t I get my happily ever after? (Sig
Peasant 2: (Nia saunters onto the stage in a fancy costume) (raise his glass) To Nia, the hero who broke the
All Peasants: (raise their glasses and cheered)
Nia: (Smile but shows a slight sign of loneliness as peasants cheered) (Peasants start dancing) (Nia looks up
at the sky, sighs and softly whispers) I just wish you were here too. (Walks around the town square, sudden
ly notices someone familiar. Abasi walks on stage and makes his way through the crowd) Abasi… is that y
ou? (Speaking to herself)
(Nia and Abasi make their way toward each other)
Abasi: Hey, gorgeous. May I have this dance? (reaches his hands out to Nia)
Nia: (smiles radiantly, about to burst in tears, and puts her hand in his) I am sinfully yours.(Lights dim as th
ey have their last dance)
The End