REGISTERED No. M-302 EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY KARACtH,THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 PART II Statutory Notifications containing. Rules and Orders issued by all Ministries and Divisions of the Government of Pakistan and their Attached and Subordinate Offices and the Supreme Court of Pakistan GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND SERVICES NOTIFICATION Islamabad, the 5thJanuary2012 S.R.O.26(KE)/2012: in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 33 of the Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 1962. (XXXII of 1962), the Medical and Dentc:1iCouncil, with the' previous sanction of the Federal Government,. is pleased to make the following regulations, namely:- PART-! INTRODUCTION 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) These regulations may be called the Medical and Dental Institutions (recognition,. eligibility criteria for enhancement in annual admissions and accreditation standards) Regulations, 2012. (41 ) Price Rs. 40.00 42 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II r.',' •..• (2) They shall come into force at once. 2. Definitions.- (1) Unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,(a) (b) (c) "Appendix" means an appendix to these regulations; . "BOS" means basic dental qualificatiOn; .' "dental student" astudent enrolled in the BOS and registered by the Council under the Pakistan Registratior) of Medical and Dental Practitioners Regulations2008; .. . . (d) "governing constituted 'Ordinance, body" means theiQoverning body Of a public institution uriderthe Medical Colleges. (Gover[ling Bpdies) 1961 (XIII of 196t) .• (e) "institution" means any college or institution within Pakistan recognized under the Ordinance which trains for,orgrants C?rboth trains . for and grants, degrees' or diplomas in dentistry' or medicine along with its affiliated teaching hQspital;and (f) "M8SS" means basic medical qualification; (g) "medical student".a studentenrolled in MBBS and registered by the' Council under the Pakistan Registration of Medical and Dental Practitioners Regulations 2008; (h) "Ordinance" means the Medica! 1962 (XXXII of 1962). and Dental (2) . .The terms used but not defined herein meanings as are assigned to thernunqertheOrdinance. Council Ordinance, shal.lhave the same PART-II PROCESS OF. RECOGNITION AND ENHANCEMENT OF SEATS 3. Recognition of a new institution.(1) An institution, desirous of new recognition under the Ordinance and regulations made thereunder, may apply for such purpose to the Federal Government on the prescribed application form as set out in Appendix-.!. The institution may apply initially for recognition with permission for admission of one hundred MBSS students annually or fifty BDS students annually only, as the case may be, irre~pective of the additiohal facilities available. (2) On receipt of applicationJor recognition with permission for admission of students by a new college, the Federal Government shall refer the case to the Council; which shall proceed as per stages of processing of recognition set out in Appendix-II. PART III THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 43 (3) The new institution shall forNard three proposed names in ord,er of its preference to the Council which shall be considered by the Executive Committee and one approved name and abbreviation shall be communicated to the institution for adoption. (4) No Student shall be admitted before recognition of the institution, and the Institution shall, at the time of application for recognition, certify that it has not admitted students in the proposed institution. . (5) After due process of accreditation as set out in Appendix-II, the Federal Government shall grant recognition to the institution in terms of the Oi'dinance and regulations m",de thereunder. 4. S<:oring parameters 10r recognition.The institutions shall be inspected on the standa.rdsapplicable at the time of inspection and not at the time of rendering application- and shall be scored -on the basis of the facilities available as. setout in Appendix-III. The inspection reports and the score shall be for the consumption of the Executive Committee. 5. Renewal of recognition.(1) The renewal and continued recognition of an institution is subject to verification of the fulfillment of provisions of the Ordinance and regulations made thereunder. It the responsibility of the institute to apply to the Council six months prior to next scheduled visit (AppendixVIII) for the purpose of maintaining continuation of recognition. This process may continue till completion of establishment of the institution, expansion of hospital facilities thereof and till first batch of students graduate. Thereafter a comprehensive inspection may be made after every five years. However the President of the Council may order a surprise comprehensive inspection of any institution at any time. (2) Any failure to comply with these regulations shall result in derecognition -ot the institution in the prescribed manner. 6. Enhancement of annual admissions.-After two years of recognition and once the students are in third year, a recognized institution may apply to the Council for increase in its annual admissions and continuation of recognition in' fulfillment and in accordance with the provisions ofthe Ordinance and regulations made thereunder. 7. Limitation on annual admissions.(1) Number of annual admissions shall be determined by the Council after inspecting the facilities available in accordance with these regulations. (2) A medical institution in public sector shall not have more than three hundred and fifty students annually and a medical institution in private sector shall not have more than one hundred and fifty students annually irrespective of the facilities available. (3) A dental institution in public sector shall not have more than hundred students annually and a dental institutior, in private sector shall not have more than eighty 44 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JAN.UARY 26, 2012 [PART" students annually if it is a stand alone college and seventy-five students annually if it is with a medical college as well, irrespective of the facilities available. PART-IV LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 8. University affiliation.- (1) On forwarding the application for recognition of the institution, the university hailing territorial jurisdiction shall provide a certificate of provisional affiliation addressed to Federal Government bearing the condition that it shall grant full affiliation upon approvalofthe institution by the Council. (2) The application may then be forwarded by the Federal Government which shall be analyzed by the Executive Committee for approval of university affiliation .. Further process of inspection shall only prbceed if the university is accepted by the Executive Committee for affiliation of the institution. If the Executive Committee does not accept the university to affiliate an institution, it shall record its reasons for such decision. The University shall be informed and shall be given an opportunity for c1arificatibn or rectification of the reservations made by the Executive Committee and, if still required, then institution shall have one month time to get .affiliation from another University. In case of refusal of affiliation by the Executive Committee, the institution may refer the case for reConsideration within thirty days to the Council. . (3) The annual seat allocation for admission tution shall be strictly adhered made by the Council for the insti- to by the University" (4) After recognition if.any institution wants to change its university for any reason, it shall apply to the Executive Committee for inspection new university. If allowed by the Executive Committee inspection of the under the proposed university shall ensue and the result thereof shall before the Executive Committee. affiliation under the institution be placed ' 9. Ownership of medical institution.~ (1) The title of the ownership olthe medical college arid the hospital shall vest in the name of any of the following persons, namely:-. (a) body corporate etiesor registered under the relevant laws of companies or soci- trust; (b) Federal Government (c) Pakistan University; (d) public religious or Provincial Government or Local Government; •• and or charitable trust registered under the relevant law. (2) For training of one hundred medical students annually, the applicant shall own or shall possess byway of thirty three years lease, a suitable plot of land on which the college and hospital is built according to the covered area as set out in Appendix-IV with surrounding open area in each. PARTII) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA:, JANUARY 26, 2012 45 (3) The medical institution is required to have five hundred bedded teaching hospital to tram one hundred MBBS students of which a minimum of one hundred and fifty bedded multidiscipline hospital with infrastructure and facilities as set out • in Appendix V and VI is to be owned and managed by the college at the time of application for recognition. Rest of the requirement of hospital and teaching beds may be met by a public-public or private-private or public-private partnership. w (1) The title of the ownership of the college and the hospital shall vest in the name of any of the following persons, 10. Ownership of dental institution.- namely:- . (a) body corporate. registered under the relevant laws of companies ordinance or societies or trust; (b) ,Federal Government or Provincial Government Or Local Government; (c) Pakistan University; and (d) public religious or charitable trust registered under the relevant law. (2) For training of fifty BDS students' annually, the applicant shall own or shall possess by way of thirty three years lease, a suitable single plot of land on which the college is built according to the covered area as set out in Appendix"IV with surrounding open area in each. (3).A recognized dental institutiori shaHown and manage a hospital having twenty beds each in general surgery, general medicine and oral and maxillofacial r surgery and may have not less than seventy-five dental operatorieso units with ihfrastructural facilities and 'capable of being developed into. a one hundred and twenty-five dental operatories or units teaching institution intwo years, in support whereof a development plan is required to be submitted. 11. Sub~campus or branch.- The recognitior'rgranted shall be restricted to a specified plaGeand campuS and for particular course of MBBS orBDS. No'subcampus or branch shall be established,unless separately recognized under the Ordinance or the regulations made thereunder. 12. Existing institution.- Within three years of commencement of these'regulations, all existing recognized institutions shall fully conform to these regulations. Existing recognized medical institutJonestablished in rented buildings and not having own hospital shall build their own college building and a minimum of' one hundred and fifty bedded multidiscipline hospital out of the five hundred beds requirement within this time. Any institution failing to do So shall be derecognized in the prescribed manner. 13. Separate college and hospital buildings.- The medical or dental college a separate purpose built facility.separate from.the hospital. An institution may undergo partnership with other hospitals,in addition to their own hospital in pursuance of sub-regulation (3) of 14. Partnership.- .:1.6 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II regulation 9 or as the case may be sub-regulation (3) of regulation 10, and engage them as teaching hospitals with it by executing an agreement of a minimum of ten years duration with a notice period of three years, duly registered under the relevant law and this has to be submitted along with application. The . affiliation agreement is required tobein the form of declaration before a first class magistrate and shall have required formalities addressing all facets of working between the college and the attached or affiliated hospital clearly spelling out the student training arrangement The Council shall be informed of anticipated changes in affiliation agreements, however, the agreement shall, which shall among other conditions, contain,(a) defined responsibilities of each party related to the educational program for MBBS and BDS students; (b) clauses assuring student and faculty access to appropriate resources for MBBS and BDS student education; (c) any incentive to employees and slaff of the affiliated hospital like subsidy in tuition fee and scholarships for their children, allocation of seats etc; (d) any financial settlement between the two parties including remuneration, capitation fee, financial compensation to students in case of closure of college, investment in infrastructure and equipments etc; and (e) that the medical and dental college shall have absolute control over the academic and administrative affairs of the hospital under this agreement. 15. Financially stability.- (1) It has tobe demonstrated that the institution is financially stable and has the ability to sustain a regular functioning and efficient working. The applicant shall provide two bank guarantees in the favour of Council valid for a period of five years from scheduled Pakistan commercial banks approved by the State Bank of Pakistan having AAA rating, one for the college amounting to rupees twenty million and one for the hospital amounting to rupees thirty million: Provided that the above conditions shall not apply to the person who is Federal or Provincial Government if they give an undertaking and proof to provide funds in their annual budget plans regularly for smooth functioning of th'e institution. (2) Fee from students prescribed by the Council shall be strictly adhered to and any overcharging or demand for donation from students shall be considered a violation and shall merit derecognition. Fee from the students shall not be the only source for running the college and reliance onl3tudent tuition shall not be so great that the quality of the program is compromised due to lack of finances. In this regard,-(a) the institution shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the Council may require, enabling it to judge the financial sustain ability; (b) the Institution as well as the University, shall prior to enrolling students, PART II] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JAI\iUARY 26,2012 47 establish an endowment fund 01 a! least rupees ten million for deve!O~ment and enhancing the quality. of education. The endowment func] sf1a!1 have an increase at a minimum rate of three per cent annua:iy: and (c) at the commencement of operation of the institution, the working capital of at least rupees twenty million needs to be with the institution for smooth functioning of ihe affairs of institution. PART-V SITE AND INFRASTRUCTURE 16. College building.- (1)The college shall have the infrastructure as set out in Appendix-IV and shall, among other things, include offices for faculty, administrators and supporting staff, laboratories and other space appropriate for the conduct of research, students' classrooms and laboratories, lecture halls sufficiently large to accommodate a full year's class and an auditorium sufficiently large to accommodate the entire student and faculty body. (2) There shall be adequate space for student's use, including space for stl.!dent's study, comfortable seating space in the campu~, space and equipment for library and information access and space and equipment for the humane care of animals when they are used in teaching research. or (3) The site selected for the institution has to be suitable and sustainable from an academic point of view and has to be easily accessible to students and general public. Site characteristics and availability of external linkages, topography, plot size, permissible floor space index, ground coverage, building height, road access, availability of public transport, electric supply, water supply, sewage connection and communication facilities shall be adequate and appropriate and details thereof shall be supplied to the CounciL at the time of submission of application for recognition. (4) The institution shaH have a fully functional well stocked library, weil equipped laboratories, museums, dissection halls, lecture and tutorial halls, well equipped teaching hospital with sufficient requirement and hostei facility for boarding students, if any. (5) The institution shall take necessary and adequate measures and deploy necessary equipment to ensure security of site, faculty, staff and students. 17. Affiliated teaching hospital.-(1) To train hundred medical students, ihe institution shall have a ratio of five beds to one student admission per year. (2) Clinical resources in the attached teaching hospitals may be sufficient to ensure breadth and quality bedside teaching. Th'ey include adequate numbers and types of patients (case mix, age, gender, etc) as well as physical resources. The hospital may have appropriate instructional facilities. and information resources, including areas for individual student's study, for conferences and for large group presentations (lectures). . _."_.~_ ..._---_ .. -------- 48 ._-, .. --_ .._----~------- ~~-_._----_._._-_._---_._.--------------~------ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PARTII (3) College and hospital shall be situated in the same city and district and the ~ attached teaching hospital may not be more than 1'9nty-five kilometers from the college. (4) No two colleges shall share a teaching hospital irrespective of bed strength of the hospital. (5) Sufficient information resoiJrces, including library holdings and access to other library systems shall be provided in the Hospital (6) In each teaching hospital fifty per cents of the beds shall operate free for accommodation and consultation, while treatment expenses including laboratory services, medicines and supplies, if any; shall be charged from the patients ana no-profit basis.. ., (7) Out of two hundred and fifty marks, sixty percents may be given to the' hospital facilities as set out in Appen9ix-V. Bed distribution and units are setout in Appendix-VI. 18: Structural modifications and suggestions' by the ~CounciL- The Council office ,may suggest structural modifications or improvements which shall ~ be binding on the institution. . . PART-VI GOVERNANCE 19. Governing Body;- The governance of a public institution shall be under control of the governing body and in conformity with the provisions of the Medical Colleges (Governing Bodies) Ordinance, 1961 (XIII of 1961) and the regulations made thereunder. The Private institutions may have their own composition of the Go~erning body but private institutions shall take guidance from the (Governing BOdies) Ordinance, 1961 (XIII of 1961) in all other matters and adopt them selectively. The governing board shall be responsible for oversight of the medical and dental institution. Administrative officers and faculty are to be appointed by, or on the authority of, the governing body ofthe institution or its parent university.The Governing body may give the Principal or Dean or Vice Chancellor appropriate financial autonomy, authority and control over the college and its attached teaching hospital, so that he can function as the chief executive of the institution. 20. Principal or Dean or Vice chancellor.- The chief official of the institution ~ shall usually holds the title "Dean," or "Principal" or " Vice chancellor" and shall be appointed as per Council's eligibility criteria. He shall have financial autonomy, as decided by the governing body. He may have authority and control over the attached teaching hospital and may function as its chief executive also. He shall have ready access to the university authorities and the governing body and other officials as are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the dean's or Principal's office. There shall be clear understanding of the authority and responsibility for institution's matters along its hierarchy. He shall be responsible for discipline in the colleges and shall take steps to prevent harassment of faculty and students and ensure that there is no ragging. He shall ensure thatthe faculty and students •. PART II] THE GAZEtTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26. 2012 49 get opportunities and tima for research. H'e shall ensure development of faculty by making available appropriate opportunities. He shall be responsible for ensuring compliance of all Council's 'regula~ions and for the supply of correct information as and when required by Council. Any default fn his duties, once reported by Council to the governing'body,shallmake him un-suitable to hold office. The governing body shall then appoint a new "Dean," or "Principal" or " Vice chancellor" as the case may be, after due process. 21. Acad,emic Council.- A commiUeeknown as Academic Council shall be formed in the institution. The Principal shall be the Chairman of the Academic committee or council and other members shallinc!ude all the Professors and head of the Teaching units. keeping in view the approved curriculum of the Council, the Academic Council shall determine institutional academic policies, curricular delivery techniques and shall be responsible to determine a,nd prOVide scenaribs and appropriate patient access with clear learning objectives in each. discipliri~ and shallfunctionas asupervisory and .oversight body. The Academic Council shall meet often enough for allmembers'ofthe Academic Council to have. the opportunity to participate in the discussion about academic policies and practices. 22. Study boardS and Curriculum Committee.Study Boards and curriculum committee shall be formed by the institution to ensure that there are mechanisms for direct faculty involvement in decisions related to the educational program and lis delivery and evaluation. 23. Role of Faculty.- In the relationship between the institution and itsclinical attiliates. the educational program for MSBS and BDS students are to remain under the cohi.rol of me iristitution's faculty and shall be responsible for work relat- ' ed jo student admiSSion , .curriculum development and evaluation and ,student promotions. Faculty members shall be involved in decisions about any other mis- ' sion-cri!icalareas specific to the institution 24. Hole of departments and their annual Report.- AIL departments sha!1 contribute fully towards academics and all facets of l"T)edicaland dental educaiion. and the institution shall publish a list of its faculty on. its official website arid publish an annual report of all its. activities, containiog separate chapters by each departfTlent and provide a copy of the same to the CouncIl. PART-VII FACULTY 25. Faculty registration.The faculty shall be as defined in the Pakistan Registration of Medical and Dental Practitioners Regulations, 2008 and appoint- ed in accordance with the regulations of the Council. The faculty shall be registered with Council and only that registered faculty shall be acceptable as faculty. The fi1culty shall display his valid faculty registration card on his person and copy of his Council registration certificate at his place of duty, 50 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II 26. Faculty Objectives.-(1) The Institution's faculty shall understand and deliver the objectives 'of the educational program accor-ding to the curriculum laid Gown by the Council. The object~ves are to serve as guide for delivery of the Curriculum content and provide the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational program in order to achieve the defined competencies of the graduates as laid dov>In by the Council. (2)' The objectives of the educational program are to be stated in outcome- . based terms that allow assessment of student progress in developing the competencies that the Council and the public expects out of a' registered practitioner. The academic council shali exercise oversight to assure that the faculty defines the types of patients and clinical conditions that students have encounter, the appropriate clinical setting for the educational experiences and the expected level of student responsibility. The faculty has to monitor student experience and modify it as necessary to ensure that the objectives of the clinical education program are met. The objectives of the educational program have to be made known to.all MBBS and BOS students, the. faculty and others with direct responsibilities for MBBS and BOS student education. . .' . to 27. Service policies and career planning and progresSion.- (1) In the pnvate sector no faculty shall be over the age of seventy years unless granted status of Professor Emeritus by the affiliating University. There shall be clear policies' and terms and conditions of service for faculty appointment, renewal of appointment, promotion and progress, granting of tenure, and dismissal. These policies shall be clearly communicated to the faculty at the time ofappointment. On regular intervals, faculty members are to receive written information about their responsibilities, lines of communication, privileges and benefits, if relevant, and the policy on institutiomil practice earnings. An institution shall have policies that deal with circumstances in which the private interests of faculty members or staff may be in conflict with their official responsibilities. (2) The institution ShClIl provide the faculty regular feedback on its academic performance and their progress toward pr<~motion. Feedback shall be based on information provided by students, departmental leadership or, if relevant, other institutional leadershiD. Opportunities for professional development are to be provided by the institution to enhance faculty rnembers' capacity and skills and leadership abilities in education and research. The institution and University shall ensure registration of its faculty with the Council and submit to the Council the . details of available teaching staff with documentary evidence a! their' appointment, income tax deduction certificClte and place of previous appointment and resignation (in case he has been in any other institution previously). Female faculty shaH have flexible timings, which shall be communicated to the administration from time to time (3) Health insurance is to be made avai!able to all faculty by the institution, and the faculty shall have access to disabi1ity and communicable disease insurance ber.iefits if the same is picked up during employment. Institution shall have policies addressing to prevent faculty exposure to infectious and environmental hazards. Institutions shall follow accepted guidelines in determining appropriate immunizati.ons for faculty. PART II] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA .. JANUARY 26,2012 51 28. Number, qualifications, and functions of the faculty.~ .The recruitment and development of an institution's faculty shall take into account i.ts mission, the diversity of its student body and the population that it serves. The number of faculty members and ancillary staff in the subjects of basic sciences and in the clinical disciplines, to meet the needs of the educational program and the other missions of the medical institution, shall be as set out Appendix-VII. In determining the number of faculty needed for the educational program, institutions shall consider that faculty may have service .responsibilities other than it,e academic program as in the clinical sciences, the number and kind oi faculty appointed shall also relate to the amount of patient care activities required to conduct meaningful clinical teaching across the continuum of medical and d~ntal'educatiori. Persons appointed 1::-}a faculty position have to demonstrate achievements commensurate with ti,eir academic rank. A faculty member or consultant who attends duty or call after midnight shall not be. required on duty next day before midday. ' ,29. Effective teaching.- Effective teaching requires knowledge of the discipline and an understanding of curriculum design an'd development, evaluation, and methods of instructipn, Faculty member.s involved in teaching, course plan-. ning and curricular evaluation shall possess or acquire expertise in teaching methods, curriculum de.velopment, program evaluation, and student evaluation. Such expertise may be supplied. by a department of medical and dental education or by faculty or staff members with backgrounds in educational science. Faculty involved in the development and implementation of a course shall be able to design the learning activities and corresponding evaluation methods (student and program) in a manner consistent with the institution's stated eoucationaiobjectives and sound educational principles. Community physicians aiding the faculty shall serve as role models for students, and provide insight into contemporary practical methods of providing patient-care. Faculty members shall have a commitment to continuing scholarly productivity characteristic alan institution of learning. To ensure adherence to the standards of the Council, the following amongst others, shall be the parameters, namely:- (a)' documented participation ot' the faculty in professional developmentactivities related specifically to teaching and evaluation; and ' (b) evidence that faculty members" knowledge of tt)eir ci13cipline is current. PART-VI!I STUDENT AF:=AIRS 30. Admissions and studentship.-Admissions shall be on open merit and as per Council's regulations on the subject. All prescribed quotas shall be adjusted strictly within the seats allocated by Council for annual admission and shall meet Council's admission standards. Screening for infectious communicable diseases shall be done before admission ar!d persons 'having such diseases shail not be eligible for admission. In the admissionsprocess and throughout study in the Institution,there shall be no discrimination on the basis of gender, regional orienta!ion, age, race, creed, or national origin. Migration and student exchange policy shall be 8.S laid down in the Pakistan Registration of Medical and. Dental Practitioner 52' THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, JANUARY 26, 2012 [PARTII Regulations, 2008. All stude'nts shall display their Council's student registration cards while in the institution. . . . 31. Academic and careercounseling:- The system of academic advice to students shall integrate with the efforts of faculty members, course directors, and student affairs officers and the institution's counseling and tutorial services, There shall be a system in place to assist students in career choice and entry to postgraduate programs. , . , 32. Financial aid counseling and resources.- An institution has to provide students with eftectivefinancial aid and debt managementcounseling, The insti" tution shall have mechanisms in place to minimize the impact of direct educational expenses on student indebtedness. Institution shall follow Council's policy for 'the refund of tuition fees, and other allowable payments if suchan eventuality arises. In case of any dispute regarding refund of fee, the case shall be presented to the Registrar for decision whose decision thereon shall befinal arid binding on both parties. (2) To a minimum of five percentstiJdents in a Rrivatecollege, the Institution shall provide scholarShip orreductioninfeeor free education to selected deserving student with good academic record as determined by scholarship Awarding Committee of the Council which shall coopt a member from the concerned institution while'.decidingitscases; " . 33. Student complaints, health services andper!,onal cOIJnseling.-Each i6stitution shall have an effective system of p9l"sonal counseling for its students that includes progjrams to promote the well-being of ~tudents, redress of their grievances and complaints and facilitatioA of their adjustmentto the physical and emotional demands of institution. All complaints by students shall be put upto the Principal or Dean for disposal. MBBSand BDS students shall have access . to pre. ventive and therapeutic health services. The health. professionals who provide _ psychiatric or psychological counseling or other sensitive health services to MBBS and BDS students shall have no involvement in the academic evaluation ..or promotion of the students receiving those services._Health insurance is to be made available to all students by the institution , and all students shall have access to disability and communicable disease insurance benefits if the same is picked up during student ship. Institution shall have poliCiesaddressing to prevent students exposure to infectious' and environmental hazards. Institutions shall follow accepted guidelines in determining appropriate immunizations forMBBS and BDS students. PART IX ACADEMICS . 34. Educational program objectives.- Every institution shall have defined educational and public health objectives, 35. Curriculum managel11ent and delivery.- The curriculum shall be as laid down by the Council. The institution shall be governed by the statutes, regulations, rules framed by the Council from time to time including general scheme of stlJdies , duration of courses, the medium of instructions and' examinations, detailed syllabi for examinations and the condition under which students shall be .. PART11] THE GAZETTEOF PAKISTAN, EXTRA.,' JANUARY 26,2012 53 admitted to examinations. 36. Roles and responsibilities.- There is integrated institutional responsi~ bility for the overall management, delivery and evaluation of the- curriculum and quality assurances. The Principal and the faculty shall ensure the effective delivery and imple:-nentation of the components of the curriculum and quality assur. ances. The Principal or Dean shall be provided sufficient resources and q.uthority to fulfill this responsibility. . 37. Confidentiality of student record.-It is the responsibility of the institu. tion concerned to keep the student records confidential and available only to members of the faculty and administration on a need to know basis. Laws concerning confidel}ti.ality of record need to. be kept in view. Students are to be allowed to review and challenge their records if there is a valid . reason for it .. . 38." Academic atmosphere~- The program of MBBS and BOS educatio.n are to be conducted in an environment that fosters the intellectual Challenge and spirit of inquiry appropriate to a community ofschoiars. Institutions shall make available sufficient opportunities for MBBS al'ld BOS students andfa<;ulty to. participate in research and other scholarly activities including continuing medical and dental . education and professional development programs .The faculty shall encourage and support student participation in these activities: 39. Behavior and discipline.- (1) The institution shalLensure that the learnIng environment promotes the development of explicit and appropriate profes.sional attributes (attitudes, behaviors, and identity) in the students. (2) The .institution shall lay down and publicize to all faculty and students its standards and .procedures for the evaluation, advanc(;lment, and gradation of its students and for disciplinary action. Ther.e has to be a fair and formal process tor taking any action that adversely affects the status of a student. (3) No political activity, in any form is to be under.taken by a student or afaculty member. Council shall take serious actiqn against perpetrators including . debarring him from medical and dental education anywhere in Pakistan. 40. Co-curricular activities.- The institution shall promote the extra curricular and recreational activities. of the students and shall provide and arrange indoor and outdoor sports facilities. 41. Evaluation of examinations and quality assurances.- (1) all programs shall be evaluated by examinati0l'ls and the process shall be objective and without bias shall judge the knowledge of the student equitably. The institution shall provide schedules of all examinations to Council three months in advance. Any and all examinations shall be inspected by the Council and no formal invitation to inspect. ~xamination is required to be extended to Council. - (2) The university shall not declare result of the examination unless cleared by Council and shall withhold result of an examination declared substandard by the Council and arrange a re-examination it told to do so by the Council office. 54 THE GAZETTE OF PA.KISTAN. EXTRA .. JANUARY 26. 2012 [PARTII (3) A system for the evaluation of student achievement shall be in place throughout college )ife including assessment of theoretical knowledge problem solving, clinical reasoning and communication skills. (4) The faculty of each discipline shall set the standards of achievement in these disciplines. The directors of all courses are to design and implement a sys- . tem of formative (forty per cent) and summative (sixty per cent) evaluation of student achievement in each course. Each student shall be evaluated eaily enough during a unit of study to allow time for remediation. (5) In assessing program quality, institutions are, to consider evaluation by students of their courses and teachers, in addition to othermeasures. (6) Narrative de~criptions of student performance and number of cognitive re , achievement shall be included as part of evaluationsinall required courses.whe. . teacher-student interaction permits thi.Sform of assessment. (7) After graduation, to judge student achievement, the institution shall collect and use a variety of outcome data, including national' norms of accomplishment, to demonstrate the extent to which its educational program objectives have been successful and how many students succeeded in joining jobs, postgraduate courses. and then achieving post graduation and how many student~ aiJpeared and cleared international examinations and programs. The college and hospital shall have, a well-maintained library and information facilities, sufficient in size. breadth of holdings and information,technology with free Wi-Fi access to all faculty and students .There shall be free physical and electronic access to leading e-books, biomedical, clinical and other relevant periodicals and sufficient current numbers of which shall be readily available. 42. Information resources and library services.-(1) (2) The library and information services staffis to be responsive to theneeds of the faculty and students of the institution, A professional staff shall supervise the library and informationservices'and provide instruction in acce'ssing resource to the users. The library and information services staff shail proficient in accessing current international, regional and national inform~tion resources and data systems, and know contemporary information technology techniques. be Further, the,(a) library shall be a hundred per cent lending library with adequate copies of text books (twenty percent Of admission strength) and ten sets of at least five reference books in each subject; . (b.) library shall have seating facility for twenty per cent of the totalnuml;>er of students on roll and minimum one computer for every ten students on the role of the college; (c) library shall observe very extended timings; and (d) list of mandatory books may be obtained from the Councifoffice. P;A.RTII] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 55 PART X MONITORING AND EVALUATION 43. Visitation schedules and is asset inspections;- The monitoring and visitation inspection out in Appendix-VIII. 44. Compensation to displaced students - Regulations regarding adjustment of students on closure of a college and initiation of cases against defaulting owners and compensation to displaced students shall be framed separately. 45. Facilitation by the Urliversity in the in inspection process,- The un iversity shall do the following with regard to inspection of the affiliated institution. namely(a) furnish such schedule of examination, reports, returns and other information as the Council may require enabling it to judge efficiency and effectiveness of the institution; (b) instruct the col!ege to facilitate cation of facilities during visitation and verifi- of the ins'titution; and (c) abide by and ensure recognition the inspectors compliance of the relevant laws with regard to of institution .. PART XI .MISCELLANEOUS 46. Nursing College.~ Every recognized medical institution shall, within ten years of its recognition, establish a nursing coiiegeand an. institute for allied health professionals or paramedics. 47. Work shall not be charged.- Any cLin-ical work or procedure and cost of any material used during training and studentship shall not be charged to the sfudent. 48~ Representation in forums etc.- No institution, unless specifically authorized by the Council, shall represent the medical and dental education systern of Pakistan at any national or international forum or become member of any international organization related to medical and dental education and its regulation. Any violi'ltion shall lead toderecognition of the institution in the prescribed manner. 49. Registration number.- All recognized institutions shall be allotted a registration number by the Council on payment of an annual fee prescribe.di;Jy the Council. 50. Information.The Council may, at any time and in accordance with provisions of the Ordinance, obtain any information from an applicant or recognized institution, as it deems necessary. The Council may at any stage convey the deficiencies to an institution and provide it with an opportunity and time to rectify the deficiencies. 22JTHE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 - [PARTII 51. Dropouts.- All droped oui students shall be reported to the Council." Dropouts in tne first two years shail be adjusted in subsequent admissions so as t6 maintain total admission strength allowed to the institution in the first two years only. 52. Repeai and savings.- All ea:r!ierstandards of accreditation issued by the Council and decisions ofth-e Council regarding matters contained in these regu!e.tionsare hereby repealed. All orders and decisions made and proceedings taken and acts done under the' repealed standard and decisions shall deemed to _be and always to have been validly made or done. - Appendix-I [see regulation 3(1)} APPLICATioN FORM FOR R"ECOGNITION INCLUDING DATA SHEET To, Federal Secretary Regulations and Services Division Islamabad, Subject:- . Application form for recognition of the institution under the Pakistan Medical and Dentai Council Ordinance, 1962 through __ .~ -----------------.(Nam~ ofUniversity(attach covering letter) it is Jequested that the institution above may be granted recognition! enhancement of seats under the Medical and D~ntaICoun'cil Ordinance,1962. The following is the information about the institution. Itis requested that this appil- cation may be sent to tile Council for necessary action under the law. ,1. NClme! Address of the institute:_~. ~ 2. Date of esiablishment and authority: 3.. Proposed date of visit . _ ----~-----_ 4. Justification and benefits of the project (write in detail with supportive evidence): • ---------~------------~-------- ----------------------- ------------ "1. PART 5. THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 57 Objectives of the project: 6. Students admitted or not admitted. (see regulation 3 ( 4 ): 7. Ownership (Attach ownership or leased documents MOU, if any, see regulation 9 or 10 and 14): (a) college(please _ and partnership specify) (i) Body corporate registered under the relevant laws of companies or societies or trust; (ii) Federal Government Government; or Provincial Government or. Local (iii) Pakistan University; and (iv) Public religious or charitable trust registered under the relevant law. (b) Teaching hospital (s) own and others (if there is partnership in addition to. own hospital, see regulation 14) (i) (ii) (iii) .__ .__ (iv) _ 8. Provisional university or DAI affiliation (see regulation 8): 9. Financial status (attach evidence, see regulation 15): (a) Two t.ank guarantees (give details bank name amount etc): (i) (ii) _ (b) Endowment fund (in millions) (c) Working capital (in millions) _ _ 58 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II 10. Cost of the project (i) Capital (ii) Recurrent/operational cost (iii) Projected Revenue 11. Funding authority (attach evidence): . (a) Government (b) Private (c) Any other source of funding 12. Audit authority: (a) Government (a) College settings (i) rural/urban (ii) accessible/non-accessible (iii) backup power source (b) Area (i) total Area (ii) covered area. _____ sqft _____ sqft (iii) plan of academic blocks (c) Library (i) covered area _____ sqft (ii) seating capacity Yes or No (iii) air conditioning (iv) internet accessibility(Attach details) Yes or No PARTII] THE GAZETIE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 (v) library staff 59 _ (vi) faculty library _ (vii) student library _ (viii) No. of books (attach list edition/journals/ periodicals) with the quantity of books. and (a) Basic science (text) (i) clinical (text) (ii) reference (b) Periodicals and journal (i) National _ (ii) International (c) Medicals CDs _ _ (d) Access to information technology: _ (e) Photography / provision of audiovisual aids ( state details of the use in teaching context) (d) Auditorium (i) covered area (ii) air conditioning Yes or No (e) Lecture halls (covered area of each) (i) total number and their size (ii) seating capacity Yes or No (iii) air conditioning (f) Laboratories inclusive of skills laboratories (total number and covered area of each) (i) . seating capacity _ (ii) air conditioning Yes or No (iii) laboratories for- 60 OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 sq ft a.. Physiology area THEGAZETTE b. Biochemistry area sq ft c. Histology area sq ft d. Pharmacology area sq ft e. Pathology area sq ft f. Any other (please specify) [PARTII (g) Tutorial rooms (mention number and covered area of each) (i) number in the college (ii) seating capacity Yes or No (iii) air conditioning Yes or No sq ft (h) Common room for girls and boys (covered area) (i) seating capacity Yes or No (ii) air conditioning (i) Cafeteria (i) seating capacity Yes or No (ii) air conditioning (j) Mortuary and animal house Yes or No (k) Administration offices (i) Yes or No separate offices Yes or No (ii) air conditioning ( I) Faculty offices (separate office till assistant professor) (i) No of rooms and their size (ii) air conditioning Yes or No (m) Circulation spaces. (i) lawns (ii) sports facilities Yes or No Yes or No PART II] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, (n) Museums (i) Anatomy (ii) Pharmacology (iii) Pathology (iv) Forensic Medicine (v) Community Medicine (0) Bone Bank Total Number of skeletons (p) Dissection (i) EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 area sq It area sq It area .sq It area sq ft area sq ft Yes or No and bones _ Hall Total Number sq It (ii) size (covered Area) (iii) Equipment as per individual department information as per list available in the web site: (q) Transport (i) (attach d.etails facilities: Students number of buses/ vans _ (ii) teachers number of buses/ vans _ (iii) other staff number of buses/ vans (r) 61 ~ __ Hostels: (i) General description 1. for boys ( capacity) 2. for girls ( capacity) (ii) Messing (iii) Recreational facilities 1. playground 2. indoor facilities (s) Co-curriculum activities available in the college: 62 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II (i) (ii) (iii) 14. Fee structure: (attach details of all type of payments received including tuition, examnation, donation, hostel, transportor any other) 15. Teaching hospitals(give details of each college separately if more then one in number, see regulation19): (a) Name of hospital (b) Mandatory hospital facilities (Attach details as given in Appendix-V) (~) Distribution of beds in hospitals(Attach details as given in Appendix -VI) Not for profit beds Total Beds (i)' Hospital 1(own) (ii) Hospital 2 (iii) Hospital Daily average bed occupancy Department S. No. 1. 3 OPD Numbers Procedures/operations . Major number t-.:1inor Medicine and allied departments 1234- Salient procedures 2. . Surgery and allied departments 1"234- 3. Salient procedures/ operations Obstetrics and gynecology Salient prbced ures/operations 4. Ophthalmology 5. ENT 6. Pediatrics PART"l THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 63 Note.- The hospital should have at least 4 tutorial rooms, to be shared by different departments for teaching of students. Each tutorial room should have at least 25 seats. (a) Hospital inpatient (i) x 02 seating capacity (ii) air conditioning (b) Hospital outpatient x02 (i) seating capacity (ii) air conditioning (c) Equipment as per individual department information (attach details as per list available in the web site: (d) Library (i) seating capacity (ii) air conditioning (iii) books/journals/reference books (iv) internet accessibility and free Wi-Fi 16. Governance structure: (a) Role of governing body a. as per Council's expectation (b) Role of the academic council a. Yes or No as per Council's expectation Yes or No (e) Role of faculty a. Yes or No as per Council's expectation (d) Role of principal a. Yes or No as per Council's expectation (c) Study boards and/or curriculum committee a. Yes or No as per Council's expectation 64 [PART II THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUA:RY 26,2012 Yes or No (f) Annual report a. as per Council's expectation Yes or No (g) Students facilities Yes or No (h) Standards of entry into course Yes or No (i) Students complaint and counseling cell 17. Admission standards: (a) all merit (b) merit plus quota If merit plus quota, state no. of quota seats intended: ----(c) weight-age assigned to: matriculation or 0 levels intermediate or A levels admission (entry) test interview any other standards (d) standards for foreigners (e) examination system (regulations of the institution /university be supplied) 18. Academics (see regulations 30 t039): (a) curriculum (Council's approved) traditional/integrated- modular traditionai/PBL/hybrid (b) teaching and learning internal assessment% (c) assessment methods (d) end of year examination 19. Faculty (see regulations 21to 25) (a) Faculty registration (as per Part-XII of Pakistan Registration of iv1edical and Dental Practitioners Regulations, 2008 (Council's Notification S.R.G. 07(KE)/2009] PARTII) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 (i) provisional/full 65 (ii) how many registered (iii) how many unregistered (b) Faculty and staff requirement for MBBS (Study Appendix-VII and attach details of each faculty of each department) Department Required up to 100 admissions Designation Available . .. . (cl Faculty and staff requirement for BDS (Study Appendix-VIII and attach details of each faculty of each department) Department . Required up to 50 admissions Designation . Available . . (d) Facilities for faculty (Rooms !common rooms! interneV library etc) (e) Service structure (f) All faculty names and qualification are attached as per individual department information. 20. Future Plans: Attach details of future expansion plans if any. CERTIFICATE The institution fulfills the standards and requirements as laid down by the Council for establishment and recognition of the institution. I have been empowered by the governing body of this institution to sign this application. I accept full responsibility for the above stated facts and I am fully aware of the Council's requirements and all related rules and regulations and in case of any violation of them, the governing body members and I shall be responsible. Date: Principal or Project Director of Signature Name of the college (on behalf of governing body) 66 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 Countersigned [PARTII by the Vice Chancellor or the Registrar of the University Checklist of documents required with this application. 1. Evidence of title of ownership or 33-year lease for land on which college and hospital is built. 2. Consent letter from university having legal authority (Federal/Provincial) that it will grant affiliation if college gets recognition under the Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 1962. ; 3. Two Bank guarantees and evidence of establishment of endowment fund and working capital as required. 4. Letter from the applicant that students will not be admitted until applicant gets NOC from the Council. 5. Design for college and hospital building according to laid down specifications of the Council from a certified architect. Maps of the site and buildings certified by the architect and building control authority, that buildings' are constructed according to specification certified earlier. 6. Copy of the registered deed along with memorandum of the association of the corporate body (company / societies / trust). 7. Undertaking that transfer of ownership of private institution will not take place after recognition without prior approval of the Council 8. Library(please see website: ): inventory list of bopks and journals; proof of internet connectivity and purchase of required num. ber of computers. 9. Equipment (please see website: ): verified inventory of necessary equipment, for college and hospital. . 10. That the institution / constituent or affiliated college of university shall submit the detail of available teaching staff with documentary evidence of their appointment letter and agreement letter. 11. Faculty registration certificates issued by the Council. 12. individual department information. 13. MOU in case of partnership PARTII] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 67 Appendix-II {see regulation 3(2)J 2 1 SrI. No. Receipt of applications of the institution through the University/OAI to concerned Ministry by 1st January to 31st March each year and then referred to the Council by the Federal Government by 30th June"of same year. 1. Stage 1. 2. Stage 2. Presentation by the institution before the Executive Committee for permission for inspection 3. Stage 3. Issue of Letter of inspection by Council as per direction of Executive Committee. 4. Stage 4. Inspection by Council inspectors appointed by the Executive Committee and commissioned by the President of the Council 5. Stage 5. Applicant institution to send its observations on the Council inspection report. 6. Stage 6. 7. Stage 7. 8. Stage 8. Inspection report and the observation of the institution shall be considered by the Executive Committee and recommendations made to the Council. the Formulation of recommendations by the Council" for Federal Government for notification in the schedules or oth'erwise and issuance of letter of no objection by the Council to the University for affiliation Inclusion in the relevant Schedule by the Federal Government on the recommendations received from the Council and the University. 9. Stage 9. Advertisement for admission and admission of students by the institution. 10. Stage 10. Registration of Students by PM&OG . Note: The Council shall not receive any direct or advance application nor shall the Council shall not entertail1 any application if received from the Federal Government after 30th June same year. The Council shall inspect the institutions by end of September same year and hold a session in the last week of Octqber same year to decide the cases of recognition and shall forward these cases to the Federal Government for process of notification, as the case may be. These time frames shall also be applicable to recognized institutions that are applying directly to the Council for permission to increase the number of annual admissions to the course. 68 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 [PART II Appendix-III {see regulation 4J SCORE CHART for 100 M88S and 50 80S ADMISSIONS 3 4 Minimum requirement Score by inspectors 75 75 .- --- - - --- _.- - -- - .---- Financial 75 75 ---------------------- 4. Infrastructure of college 200 120 5. Hospital 250 180 6. Academics Faculty Total 100 300 1000 80 220 750 S. No. 1. 1 Spot 2 Scoring points 2. Legal 3. . 7. . .---- - _.- ---- - --- - -- -- - --- ----- ------- .-- --- ------- ------- -------- ----- ---- - ----- - ----- Status Rating or Category* (%) Score 1 2 1. Z less than 75 Not approved for recommendation or continuationof recognition to train .................. . students 2. y 75 to 85 3. X 85 to 95 4. W 95 to 100 Approved for recommendation or continuation of recognition to train ................... stu.. dents Approved for recommendation or continua. tion of recognition to train ................. stu. dents Approved for recommendation or continuation of recognition to train ................. students Sr. No. . . 3 . . Notes.1. Z category may be divided into two, namely:- a. Z1 for less than shall mean not 60 approved continuation of recognition. for recommendation -or b. Z2 for 60 to 75 shall mean not approved for the present number of seats, however recommended for reduction in the number of seats by 50, e.g if a college has applied for 150 seats, will be recogn'ized for. 100 seats. Similarly if a college has applied for 100 seats, will be recognized for 50 seats. However the college may re-apply for increase in the number of seats after a mandatory period of two years, after fulfilling the deficiencies pointed out in the inspection report. 2. There shall be a W plus category for colleges with facilities which are higher than the minimum laid down standards for reco~nition, meaning colleges scoring more than 1000 points. 3. All scores or marks or points in these regulations are for 100 MB6S or 50 60S students, however the analogy may be applied on other categories. PART IIJ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN EXTRA .. JANUARY 26 2012 69 Appendix-IV (see regulation 16J Table A Infrastructure r- CAl Colleae covered area '200 Infrastructure credit unit i Marks) . S.No 1 2 3 I Auditorium 10% 15sqft/ person 15% 15sqft/ oerson 50sqft/ oerson At least SOx 50snft At least SOx 50saft LumDsum 15sq ft/ nerson 50sqft/ person ! . 3. Lecture Hall 4. t- Library 15% 5. 2.5% Common Room for nirls Common Room for bovs Cafeteria Tutonal (x4) 6. 7. 8. ~ I . 05% lSo/~ . . 9. 2.5% i Labs (x6) 15% I 10 Skill Lab 11 Museum (x4) I \ 10% 12 Offices (x7) 05% r 05% Mortuary and Anatomy Dissection hall Bovs 14 Hostel Girls 15 16 Hostel (house 17' officer)' 18 Facultv residence 19 Animal House 20 r~iscellaneous space (Administration 1 21 Circulation "and other 500sqft each deoartment Lump sum Lumo sum LumD sum LurilD .sum 'Lump sum I 15sqft X . 500 7S00sqft 1500sqft each X 5 7S00sqft 5 2250sqft each X 5 11250sqft 5 5000sqft I SOOOsgft i 2S00sqft 1 2500sqft 2 2S00sqft I 2S00sqft 2 1000soft 1500sqft 6 1000snft 22S0sqft 8 7S00sqft 6 12000sqft 6 1000saft 1000sqft 4 1500snft 1000sqft 4 3S00sqft 10 6 4 500sq ft each Lumo sum Lump Slim Lump sum soace 22 TOTAL 25 I 25 10000saft 10000saft 5000snft 5 OOOsoft 50000saft 225snft 2000sqft 12 350 15sqft X 500 7500sqft S250sqft each X 5 26250sqft 5000sqft '.5000sqft . I 37Ssqft each x 6 2000sqft each.x 6 .. 500sq ft each SOOOsqft 7 2000saft 3000sqft I 375sqft each x 8 2500sqft each x 6 2000soft 1000sqft I x4 Lumn sum Lump sum 15000snft ISOaOsoft 10000soft 10000saft 70000snft 225snft 2000sqft . 2000sqft 100 100 . Lumo sum Lump sum . 25000saft 25000saft IS OOOsoft 15 OOOsaft ISO OOOsaft 225saft 2500sqft . 10,000sqft 134,325 sq ft 15,000sqft 10,000sqft 183,875 326,825 sq ft sq ft Note.1. 2. The total marks for infrastructure may be 200. Weight-age is given as percentage in front of individual facilities. Instead of six laboratories, the coJiege may have two multi-disciplinary laboratories, with a capacity of fifty in each laboratories. List of equipments available in these multi-disciplinary laboratories shall be provided to the Council. 3. College and the hospital may have separate skill laboratories. I S090sqft 1500sqft 75 75 . 15000sqft 500sq ft each xA 3500sqft I 11 10 No 150 1500sqft 1 9 7500sqft 375sqft each x 4 12S0 sq ft each x6 7 I B 15sqft X 500 I Lumosum 20sqft/ I person 7 No x4 I ~3 S I 4 6 100 No 1.1 2. covered area as per MBBS students I 5 4 70 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PARTII -c- (B) Hospital 250 Marks 0 Sr. No. 1 500 Beds Hospital Facility 04 3 250 sqft! Bed. 2 1 0 125,000 sqft 2 Teaching Facilitates and Staff Offices 10,000 sqft 3 Faculty residence (clinical sciences) 75,000 sqft Total 4 0 210,000 sqft 0 Covered area 0 SrI. No. 100 MBBS students , 1. 150 MSBS students '350 MBB$ 'students 2. 1. 0 3. 4. 0 0 o I • 183,875 sqft 326,825 sqft , 2 ColI~ge 134,325 sqft 3 Hospital 210,000 sqft 210,000 sqft 210,000 sqft 4 Grand total 344,325 sqft 393,875 561,825 sqft Notes.1. Out of 250 marks, 60% (150 marks) may be given to the hospital facilities and 40% (100 marks) to the bed strength. 2. It is also recommended that the hospital may have at least four tutorial rooms, to be shared by different departments for teaching of students. Each tutorial room may have at least twenty-five seats. Other Facilities SrI. No. 1. IT laboratories with Wi-Fi connectivity 2. The library may be well-stocked with at least thirty copies of each and every text books and ten sets of at least five reference books in each subject. 3 That institute must have availability of internet connectivity and at least one computer per ten students on roll. THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 71 Infrastructure (50 80S Students) (A) College 200 marks 7 Sr. No. 1. 2 1. Infra -structure credit No Capacity Auditorium 10% 1 300 15 sqft!person Lecture hall 15% 3 100 15 sqIVperson Library 15% 1 100 50 sqIVperson 5000 sqft 2.5% 1 At least 40x40 ft. 1600 sqft Common room for girls Common room for boys. 2.5% 1 .At least 40x40 ft. 1600 sqft Cafeteria 05% Tutorial (x4) 15% 4 25 15 sqft!person Laboratories. 15% 6 25 50 sqft!person Museum (X4) 10% 4 25 Offices (x7) 05% 7 2 G 5 4 3 - Size 4500 sqft -- 4500 sqft 150 sqft each x 3 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 - 1000 sqft Lump sum 375sqft each x 4 1250 sqft each x 6 1500 sqft 500 sqft each x4 500 sqft each.x 4 1000 sqft 500 sqft each 500 sqft each x 7 3500 sqft (x6) 10 11 2000 sqft Lump sum Miscellaneous space (Administration) 12 department 7500 sqft -- 10,000 sqft Circulation and other space 13 I. 43,700 sqft Total . 14 Note._ 1. The total marks for infrastructure may be 200. Weight-age is given as percentage in front of individual facilities. 2. Instead of six laboratories, the college may have two multi-disciplinary laboratories, with a capacity of 50 in each laboratory. List of equipments available in these multi-disciplinary laboratories shall be provided to the Council. 3. College and the hospital may have separate skill laboratories. THE GAZETTE 72 OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY [PART 26, 2012 II 0. (B) Hospital 250 marks . 1 2 3 4 1. Number of Admissions 50 75 100 2 Hospital Facility. 75 100 125 SrI. No. . 5 6 100 sqftJ Bed 40,000 sqft . - 10,000 sqft Teaching Facilitates and Staff Offices. 3 . . 4 TOTAL 50,000 sqft GRAND TOTAL 84,000 sqft 5 Note ...Qut of 250 marks, 60%may to the bed strength. be given to the hospital facilities and 40% . Table C Additional space required (dental college) 50 Students .. 100 Students 75 Students - 1 SrI. No. 3 4 500 sq ft 750 sq ft 1000 sq it 500 sq ft 750 sq ft. 1000 sq ft . ... Preclinical (Prosthetic 1 2 Laboratory .. and dental materials) 2 Prosthetic laboratory room, curing room 3 Ceramic 4 (Plaster - 250 sq ft 200 sqft 250 sq ft Oral biology laboratories 400 sq ft 650 sq ft 800 sq it Oral pathology 400 sq ft 650 sq ft 800 sq ft. 5 . Dental museum 250 sq ft 250 sq ft 250 sq ft. 6 500 sq ft 650 sq ft 800 sq ft 15 Stations 18 Stations 7 8 9 laboratory . I . Community laboratory Phantom laboratory dental head Laboratory 2::>Stations . Dental chair unit First visit 0.5x student 2nd visit 0.5x student 3rd visit 0.25x student . 1.25 x 125 1.25x75 = 1.25x50 = 75 units units 93.5 (roundTotal space Total space ed off to required required 100) 100Sqftx75 100 sq. ft. x 100 sq. ft. x units 125 units = = 7500 sq. ft. 100 = 12,500 sq. 10,000 sq. It. It. . PART ~ IU THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 10. Circulation Space 30% 11. Additional Space i 3000 2250 10,000 Sq ft 14,000 Sq ft. 73 4500 18,000 Sq ft. . l Other Facilities SrI. No . . The Library must be well-stocked with at least 30 copies of each and every text books and 10 sets of at least 5 reference books in each 1 subject. . That Institute must have availability of in-ternet connectivity 2 and at leasl 01 computer per 05 students on roll. Free Wifi facility both in the College as well as the attached Hospital. 3 Appendix-V [see regulation 17(7)} 60% (150 marks) Hospital facilities includes: (a) Out-patient department: 10%(15 marks) (i) resuscitation area with facilities; (ii) separate cubicles for teaching medical students; (iii) dressing area; (iV) basic instruments according to different specialties; (v) faculty room; and (vi) provision of wheel chairs and stretchers; (b) Hospitai pharmacy. (i) 05%(7.5 marks) both for indoor and outdoor patients; and (ii) trained pharmacists; (c) Emergency room: (i) 10%(15 marks) ten beds with monitoring facilities; • (ii) minor operation theater; (iii) facilities for resuscitation especially defibrillator; (iv) cubicles for patients with central oxygen and suction ari(j rnonltcmng facilities; and 74 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN EXTRA. JANUARY 26 2012 PART II (v) two Anesthesia machines with ventilator; (d) Operating rooms: 10%(15 marks) (i) pre-anesthesia area; (ii) recovery area with central oxygen and suction and monitoring facilities; , (iii) five fully equipped operating rooms; (iv) monitoring facilities in all theatres; (v) one image intensifier; (vi) facilities for resuscitation (vii) five anesthesia machineS with ventilators; (viii) capnograph (optional); (ix) diathermy machines in each theatre, both mono polar and bipolar; and (x) protocol for Hepatitis B/C; (e) Critical care beds e.g intensive care, coronary care and neonatal care: 15% (22.5 marks) (i) separate medical & surgical icu beds; (ii) separate paediatric and neonatal intensive care beds; (iii) coronary care beds; (iv) 15% of the total bed strength may be intensive care beds; (v) ventilatory facilities at least 15 ventilators; and (vi) facilities fOr blood gas analysis; 10% (15 marks) (t) Central sterilization and store department (CSSD): (i) washing area; iii) one washer disinfector; (iii) two steam autoclaves with 134 c temperature 500 litres; (iv) one ethylene di-oxide/formaldehyde gas sterilizer; (v) sealing machines; PARTII] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 75 (vi) chemical sterilization facilities; and (vii) storage & distribution counter; (g) Radiology services with all imaging modalities: 15% (22.5marks) (I) X-ray Machines: (i) 500 mA one fluoroscopy or image Intensifier; (ii) 300 mA two stationary bucky table; (iii) 300 mA two stationary bucky stand; and (iv) 100 mA two portable; (II) Ultrasound Machines: (i) 3.5 mHz two probe gray scale; (ii) 3.5 mHz two probe portable gray scale; . (iii) two color doppler multi frequency probes; (iv) two biopsy probes; and (v) Computerized tomography scan( CT Scan) or Magnetic. resonanc~ imaging scan (MRI) multislice (4/16/64); (III) One mammography preferably with magnifier or spot film or compression; (IV) Safety Equipment: (i) three lead aprons; (ii) one total lead deflector (TLD); (iii) four lead shield/partitions; and (iv) film badge or radiation detector and thyroid shields; (V) Optional equipments: (i) OPG; (ii) angiography Suites (compulsory); (iii) PACS; and li~IHE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II (iv) computed or digital radiography; (h) Laboratory services (haematology, cal pathology and blood bank): histopathology, microbiology; 15% (22.5marks) chemi- (I) Histopathology: (i) one microtome facilities; (ii) one facilities for tissue processing; (iii) one embedding stations; (iv) one basic staining station; (v) one microscope with multiple heads; and (vi) frozen section facilities (optional); (II) Haematology: (i) one 3/5 part automated differential counter; (ii) two microscopes 1 with teaching head; (iii) five neubauer chambers; (iv) basic staining facilities inc reticulocytes (v) one Fridge to keep samples; (III) Blood bank: (i) one centrifuge; (ii) one agglutination viewer; (iii) one water bath/heat block; (iv) one microscope; (v) one platelet rotator with incubator; (vi) one blood bank fridge; • (vii) one -30 c freezer for storage; PARTII) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 (IV) 77 Chemical pathology: (i) two centrifuges; (ii) one semi automated chemistry analyzer; (iii) one automated chemistry analyzer; (iv) one immuno-assay analyzer; (v) one refractometer; (vi) one ion selective electrode; (vii) one blood gas analyzer [either in department or intensive care unit (leU)]; . (viii) one fridge; and (ix) one Freezer -30 or 70 C (V) Microbiology: (i) one incubator 37C; (ii) basic staining facilities; (iii) one fridge (iv) two microscope with teaching head (v) safety hood (i) (j) Day-care facilities: 05%(7.5marks) Food service: and (k) Proper waste disposal system (incinerators): 05%(7.5marks) The total marks for hospital services are 150. The above mentioned percentage is calculated on 150 marks. • The hospital shall have at least four tutorial rooms, to be shared by different departments for teaching of students. Each tutorial shall have at least twenty-five seats. Notes.- 1. The total number of beds required for 100 students is 500. The hospital shall have 500 beds of which at least 150 beds may be from hospital 78 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN EXTRA. PART11 owned by institution and the rest 350 beds shall be contracted through partnership. 2. The hospital shall have the liberty of either demarcate the number of beds according to the specialties mentioned above or they may allocate beds according to floors or demarcated areas. Under this scenario medicine and allied shall have 200 beds, surgery and allied shall. have 150 beds and mother and child health shall have 150 beds making a total of 500 beds. 3. Out of 500 beds, 10% may be beds with monitoring facilities e.g ICU, CCU, NICU, HOU or in emergency room. 4. There may be minimum of two outreach clinics dedicated for community health services. 5. Since most of the surgeries or procedures done in 'ophthalmology is carried out as an outpatient or day care the number of beds in this speciality is reduced to 15. . 6. The scoring shall be done according to the numberof occupied beds and allocation of beds in different specialties or floors, as mentioned above, e.g if the total strength of beds is 400, then 20% marks will be deducted, or if the hospital does not have ,beds with monitoring facilities, although the total number is 500, still 10% marks may be deducted. Bed occupancy annual average shall not be below 60%. 7. For dental college; the requirement of dental hospital for admissions in BOS, if it is a standalone dental hospital, shall be equal to their annual intake of students in the following proportion I.e. 20 for general surgery and 20 for general medicine and 10 beds for oral and maxillofacial surgery. For the dental college with medical college no extra beds are required. 8. Forty percent marks may be given to the occupied bed strength. The prescribed number of beds, in teaching hospital distributed among the specialities is shown below, namely:- • THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 PARTin 79 Appendix-VI [See regulation 17(7)J Number of beds (medical college) Total marks 100 marks (40%) Department . Required up to 100 admissions 1 2 Sr. No. Required up Required for Required for Required for to 300 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 admissions admissions admissions admissibns Essential Specialties ..500 Beds 1. 2. Surgery 3. 4 5 600 Beds 700 Beds 8(30Beds 120 120 120 160 200 160 120 200 1.130 75 75 Medicine . . 6 3 120 80 120 . . .. 900 Beds ',-. .. ; 80 5. Gynecology and Obstetrics Paediatric 40 40 80 80 80 6. Eye 15 20 20 20 20 7. Ear, nose and throat (ENT) 15 20 20 20 4. . 9. Optional Specialities. 10. Medicine and allied specialties . 11. .. . 20 . Othopedicltrauma - I •. \.'--~ 8. . 40 40 40 40 50 80 80 80 80 80 . 80 (1 unit on OMFS 80 (1 unit . Surgery and allied specialties (lOBed in .0nOMFS maxillofacial Survery 100 (1 unit 120 Floating 120 Floating on OMFS (depending upon need and fac4lty) (depending upon need and faculty Note: Dissection of the bodies and the mortuary is desirable. Federal Provincial and Local Governments may facilitate private sector in obtaining the cadavers. Executive Committee may allow a simulator in place of the cadavers after analyzing the case. . Appendix-V" [See regulation 28J Table 1 FACULTY AND STAFF REQUIREMENT FOR MBBS (BASIC SCIENCES) Sr. No. Department Designatio n 2 1 • Required up to 100 admissions 3 ~ 3. 4 For first inspection 150 Marks 1. 2. Marks up 10100 admissions Anatomy 500 leaching hours Required upt0101 to 150 admission Required up to 151 to 250 admission Required up to 101 to 150 admission Required up to 251 to 300 admission Required up to 301 to 350 admission 5 6 7 8 9 For con. linued inspeclion150 Marks Perfessor 1 30 10 1 1 1 2 Associate Professor 1 22 06 1 2 3 4 L THE GAZETIEOF 80 . 5. ~r_~T Total marks' for anatomy , .fQr...fru 7. fI 8. jnspecti6n ~ subsequent insp.(22) I L _ i, 9. i 10. 11. Physiology 500 teaching hours 12. 13. 30 22 2 4 21. 150 practical] hours increased from 200 to 300 22. Total marks 23. for biochemistry for first inspection (80) and subsequent inso.f20) . 25. 26. 27. ~-~ I 28. 29. I 16 I 2 4 6 ! 8 I 8 I 3 Ii 1 2 2 iI 10 1 1 i----l 2 I 06 2 3 ! 4 5 6 02 9 12 14 16 3 4 6 8 1 1 1 1 2 3 .2 . 1 1 06 1 . 1 2 18 04 2 2 2 ! 3 10 02 .5 6 7 \ 8 2 2 3 1 1 1 ..' keeper . I I 2 I, 02' 06 . 01 01 04 02 2 7 1 . 2 ! I 3 I 2 \ ; 51 1 . I I 3 4 I \~J 1 . I I I ! 2 : I I -\ ! 1 4 !~ : 1 I 10 02 6 ; I I - computer operator Professor 3 i . ! i or 2 08 1 r Stenographer J' . Laboratory Technician or Assistant Associate Professor Assistant [150 theory + . Professor . 150 practical] For initial Demonstrator inspection I Pharmacist 50% of faculty is Laboratory required. Technician or for initial Assistant 1 , __ I 4 22 1 Pharmacology 300 teaching hours 14 3 30 I AsSOCiate I Professor ! Assistant [150 theory + Professor 24. 12 6 . I. Professor I Store 9 . 2+2-4 10 1 \21 I 9+9-18 8 Demonstrator 6 4 2. Stenographer or computer ooerator 20. i . Demonstrato. 300 teach'ng hours 5 . subsequent insp (J2) '1 4 3 2 16. Biochemistry . 3 1 1 ~ L. . Store keeper 19. I 2 fQr...fru LaQli 02 10 8 insoection i~8~. r Dissection hall attendant 'Curator of museum . Laboratory Technician or Assistant Stenographer or computer . ooerator Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 2+2-4 9+9=18 2 15. 17. L I I Laboratory Technician or Assistant 14. r [250 theorl + 250 practical] Totalniarks for ohvsiology PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 Assistant . [250 theory + ~fessor 250 practical] Demonstrato~. 4. 1 t' i 4 6 ! II ~t~-!:J 12 1 14 .-_1 16 I II] PART i-~'30. i-i • i I , : L-----32. subsequent inspection Total marks for 9y Pharm:2colo Pathology Histopatholog y -Microbiology -Chemical Pathology -heamatology For initial inspection i I I I inspection marks 06. for 35. subsequent inspeCtion. J Total marks is I 22 I i r-~ 38., i 39. r I' 100 teaching i I hours I [50 Theory + I ! I 50, PraCtical] For initial Inspection 50% of faculty IS I i 40. " I , required. For Initial inspection 41. 2. ma~~~06 , i~ I i 43.' I I = I 1 I subsequent InspeCtion Total marks for forenSIc mediCine 20 . iii 1 , I 2 I I I 04 4 (1 in each) (of which two shall be Professors) P~03+0 3~6 Assoc Prof~2+ I 2~4 10 I 5 (1 in each) (of which two shall be Professor s) 6 (1 in each, of which two shall be Professo rs) 6 (1 in each, of which three shall be Professor I I s) 8 I ofwhich four shall I ~~ofes I sors I' I , 4 (at least 1 in each) Demonstrator 8 Laboratory Assistant or Laboratory Technician 4 01 2+2+2+ 2 5 (at 6 (at least 1 in each) least 1 in each) 10 12 6 8 04 01 Stenographer or computer ooerator Store keeper 'Curator of museum 8 (at 7 (at least I least 1 1 in each) I in I each) 10 3 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 3(of which one shall 7+7~14 be a I', Professor 2 or Associate I 4 06 02 Laboratory Technician or Assistant , Stenographer or computer onerator i '14 2 1 Professor or Associate Demonstrator I 3 , I I I I 2 , Assistant Professors Professor or Assistant Professor ------, , 1 04 ! I I 'Forensic medicine ! i I 1 08 i i, I' 81 i 34. 36. Stenographer or computer operator , Professor or ASSOCIate Professor (one each In histo pathology, microbioiogy Chemical pathology or haematalonvl faculty is required. For initial I L_ I keeper PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 50% of 33. I I Store I for! i I THE GAZETIT-Of inspeCtion marks 06. 31. ' 12 ! I 4 J 1 1 1 3 of which one shall be a Professo r) 4 of which one shall be a Professor) 6 6 3 3 2 2 I I prof~ssor 4 I I 16 5 of which one shall be a Profes sor) :l I I 2 I 1 Store keeper I ! 21 ,[-~ • 82 : j I commun.ity medicine 45. ~ . . 46. 1 Professor I Associate I 300 teaching hours I I • 1 Professor Assistant , I Demonstrator 150 practical] For initial inspection 47. 48. t- 49. ! I . i I I 4 Medical social . worke~, . 50% of faculty is required. For initial inspection 06. For subsequent inspection Total marks for community medicine 02 10 02 06 04 01 1 [150 theory + i Professor ~, I [PART II THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26,2012 44. ! 2 02 01 1 1 i 1 2 2 I 2 3 3 6 8 8 2 4 4 2 I 1 i I ! • 4 8 6 . I1M+IF\ I Stenographer or computer operator 2 2 1 1 3 22 1 Note.(1) Keeping in view the dearth of qualified medical teachers in basic sciences, MPhii holder is eligible for Professor till 2020, however, nobQdy will be promoted upwards without PhD after this window period. Position shall be reviewed in 2020. (2) Full complement regulations, of the department . verified recognition anatomy, (3) as per these Fifty percent of.the rest shall be acceptable for recognition. shall be demonstrated by inspection. Physiology and biochemistry, in the first visit for recognition. of the faculty in each department all faculties of anatomy, ' shall be demonstrated Full complement of once the students reach third year and this shall be The 80% of the marks of the faculty of a medical college shall be dedicated in the first inspection for to the basic sciences departments of physiology and biochemistry. For forensic medicine additional Staff will be adjusted for the department required to do Medico legal services and postgraduate. programs. . Sr. No. Table 2 FACULTY AND STAFF REOUIREMENT FOR MBBS (CLINICAL SCIENCESl 4 S 3 2 1 1. Required upto 100 admissions Department Designation' . For first inspection 150 marks 2. 3. 'Medicine and Professor 2 1+1 . 6 7 Require d for 101 to 150 admissio ns Require d for 151 to 250 admissio ns Require d for 251 to 300 admissi ons Require d for 301 to 350 admissi ons 2 3 3 4 For continued Inspl!ction 150 marks 5+5=10 37 II] PART ,--4. ,, • ~ __ I 6. I 1-, 7. I Ii ! 83 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 allied 800 teaching hours I [300 theory + 500 clinical) For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For initial inspection marks 06. I For subsequent insp. I ,--i 5. I i , ASsociate Professor ASsistant . Professor Senior Reoistrar Resident or Medical Officer I ! 2 2 2 02 3+3-6 01 2+2-4 01 1+1-2 I 2 ! 3 4 4 6 6, 8 4 6 7 8 6 8 10 12 5 -J I . 4 I I : I . 22 marks "Surgery and allied 800 teaching hours [300 theory + 500 clinical) For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For initial inspection marks 06. For subsequent insp. B r::l 9. I --~ I ", Professor 2 ASsociate Professor ASsistant Professor Senior Reaistrar Resident or . Medical Officer ! I 2 2 2 . 02 5+5=10 2 3+3=6 01 2+2-4 01 1+1-2 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 5 4 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 6 8 10 12 . , I 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 22 marks . "Obst. and Gynae06 faculty members with at least 01 Professor [300 teaching hours} For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For initial inspection marks 06. For subsequent insp. 22 marks "Eye . Professor ASsociate Professor ASsistant Professor Senior Reaistrar Resident or Medical Officer 2 2 5+5-10 02 3+3=6 01 2+2=4 01 1+1-2 2 3 [100 teaching hours] For initial inspection' 50% of faculty is reouired. For 3 4 5 .' 4 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 3 5 6 7 6 8 10 12 2 2 . Professor 20. 2 02 . , 19. 2 1 02 10 . 1 2 . , ASsociate or ASsistant Professor 1 02 06 2 2 2 2 Senior Registrar 1 01 02 1 2 2 2 i • • 84 I I initial Inspection marks 06. For subsequent Insp. Resident or /. Medical Officer 18 marks *E.N.T 22. [100 teaching ~ , I hours] . For initial inspection 50% of facuity is required. For initial inspection marks 06. I For subsequent insp. I 18 marks *Paediatric 26. [300 teaching hours] ~ For initial inspection 50% of faculty is required. For I initial inspection i--;;;----l marks 06. 30.! For subsequent , I insp. : I 18 marks L---lLJ Orthopaedics 32. I Calculated with Surgery Professor Associate or Assi~tant Professor senior Registrar Resident or Medical Officer M i I I Professor hrl I . Associate Professor Assistant I Professor Senior Registrar I'- f--2rl I I ~ 34. I 35. 36. .Psychiatry [100 teaching hours] Behavorial Sciences[50' teaching hours] calculated with medicine 10 marks 39. 40. .Demnatology calculated with medicine 3 [PART /I >of,l 8 I h1 I THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN. EXTRA.. JANUARY 26.2012 21. .1 Resident or Medical Officer ProfessOr Associate I Professor Assistant Professor Senior Reoistrar Resident/Reg istrar . Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Reoistrar Resident or Medical Officer Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor Senior ReQistrar 1 1 03 10 02 06 4~~ 2 2 I 2 2 2 . 01 2 2 2 4 8 10 12 1 2 3 3 2 2 02 . I 3 1 02 08 02 05 01 03 01 02 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 4 6 8 10 12 1 1 . 1 2 2 3 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 10 1 1 8 ~O 1 1 2 4 6 . l 2 06 1 1 03 . 2 01 2 4 6 -- 2 6 1 1 8 10 • • II] PART THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 85 • I !41. i .. I ! 4~ Anesthesiology or Critical care calculate with 143. : I i surgery 44. ! /10 marks :~45~l I ! ~l I j I : i ' 01 i 48. I M ~ ~ 51. ! 52. 53. I I [ '--~ 54. i I ! 2 Officer Professor 1 Associate Professor Assistant Professor or senior Registrar Medical 'Officer or Reoistrar 1 Radiographer ! i I I I __ 2 -J -.j 1 I I 2 2 2 ,~ Adjustable according to workload 01 01 02 Assistant Director (MBBS with Masters or pg diploma in education planning and management ) . .Associate Professor Assistant Radiology Professor or (Diagnostic) Senior 05 marks Reoistrar Medical Officer or Reoistrar , Professor or Associate or Accident & Assistant Emergency Professer Department (3-5 CMO years window (write full period) desionation) I 01 I H Professor I 4 1---11 j' 2 06 03 05 ! -49.1 ReSident or I Medical i ! -1 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 2 2 2 I 02 I 02 1 1 02 1 2 1 2 2 01 2 2 8 12 Adjustable according to workload 1 1 3 per shift 4 per shift . Ilshift 11 1 shift 8 2 I shift 2I shift 2I shift Note.-Marks in different specialties are calculated according to the number of teaching hours. Percentage of marks to be given to different level of faculty is mentioned is also mentioned. Subjects like psychiatry and denmatology should be calculated with medicine and subjects like orthopedics and anaesthesia should be calculated with Surgery. Additional marks shaJI be given to medical education and radiology. Doctors perfonming any duty after time of 2400hours shall not be required to come to duty before time of 1200hours next day. • I Optional specialties: units of optional sub-specialties like cardiology, neurology, nephrology neuro-surgery, pediatric i surgery, cardiac surgery, urology, oncology, pulmonology and plastic surgery etc. may be created in addition to the above I specialties in all teaching hospitals, provided properly qualified persons and facilities are available in accordance with the I Regulation of the Council. such specialty unit shall be under the respective head of the department of medicine, surgery I etc. for teaChing purposes. . • I 86 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 I Sri. No. 1 [PART 2 1. Recommendations for ancillary staff for 100 MBBS admissions from surgery ~nd medicine available as er need of workload. However followin staff is still retained: 2. 1. Medical Record Officer 01 5. Deputy Librarian 3 / 100 intake 3. 2. Statistician 6. Photographer 4. 3. Animal attendant 5. 4.Chief Libranan 01 1/ 100 intake for animal house II shall be 1/ 100 intake 7. Audiovisual Technician 1/ ledune hall 8. Nutritionist 01 6. Note: (1) There shall be minor Operation Theater availabie in casualty department. 7. (2) There shall be also a blood bank with 24 hour service Table 3 FACULTY AND STAFF REQUIREMENT FOR BDS (BASIC SOENCES) Total marks for basic sdences: 150 marks Designation Department Sri. No. 1 1. Anatomy, 108 theory + 300 practical] 2. 3. 4. Physiology 108 theory + 300 practical] 5. 6. 7. Biochemistry 72 theory + 150 practical] 8. 9. 10. Pharmacology 11. 12. 13. 14. 72 theory + 250 practical hours Pathology 72 theory + 250 ' practical hours Required up to 50 admissions Required for 75-80 -admissions Required up to 100 admissions 3 4 5 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 4 4 1 1 '1 0 0 3 1 4 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 Professor or Associate Professor Assistant professor Demonstrator Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor Demonstrator Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor Demonstrator Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor Demonstrator Professor Associate or Assistant Professor Demonstrator , ' ,,' , 1 4 1 , 1 , 0 15. Note. - There should be designated faculty for BDS students. , • • THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 II] PART 87 Table 4 FACULTY AND STAFF REQUIREMENT FOR BDS (CUNICAL SCIENCES) Total marks for basic sciences: 150 Marks • Sri. No. 2. 3 4 5 General medicine Professor or Associate Professor 1 1 1 [72 theory clinical) Assistant Professor 0 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 +400 [72 theory clinical) 5. . senior Registrar General surgery 6. adrnissions 2 . 4. 75 -80 1 l. 3. Required up to 100 admissions. Required for Required up to 50 admissions Designation Department +400 Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Registrar 1 1 . Note. - above is designated or dedicated faculty required for BDS students. TableS SCiences of dental materials and dental technology (laboratory biology, oral pathology,. community OR preventive dentistry. Sri. No. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 . 1 Dental biomaterials and dental technology (laboratory techniques) Dral biology 8. 9. 10. . Oral pathology 1l. 12. 13. 14. Community or Preventive dentistry Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor or senior Lecturer Lecturer or Demonstrator Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor or Senior Lecturer Lecturer or Demonstrator . Professor or Associate Professor AsSistant Professor senior Lecturer Lecturer or Demonstrator Professor or Associate Professor Assistant Professor or senior.Lecturer Lecturer or Demonstrator I 4 -cr 5 oral 6 Staff renuired Designation Subject 6. 7. 3 techniques), . . 50 75 100 00 01 01 10 01 01. 02 0.5 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 05 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 5 02 03 04 2.5 00 01 01 10 01 01 02 5 02 03 04 2.5 . ,.. 88 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 [PART II Table 6 (Clinical subjects) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Operative, Restorative, Conservative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontology and Oral Medicine 1 Sri. No. ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ! Oral and maxillofacial surgery ~. 1~~ l1'--J I 12. Ir-----.-, 13. I Operative or restorative or conservative dentistry 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. I 3 2 Designation 5- - 50 75 Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor 01 02 senior RPOistrar Lecturer or Demonstrator 01 03 01 04 01 01 01 02 05 02 or Registrar 01 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer or Demonstrator Prosthodontics =J 4 I Staff reouired 100 Senior Registrar I 14. 15. 16. ! Subject or Registrar 01 03 I 01 04 02 05 02 01 04 02 05 02 01 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor I Senior Registrar I Lecturer or Demonstrator Periodontology Orai medicine - or Registrar ! 01 Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Registrar Lecturer or Demonstrator Professor Lecturer or Demonstrator I I Orthodontics K---j 31. L32. 03 Professor or Reoistrar I 01 I 04 01 03 02 I i or Registrar Professor 01 03 01 01 04 02 01 03 01 04 Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Registrar Lecturer or Demonstrator ~~--i 01 Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Registrar I I 01 or Registrar , 02 05 01 01 01 02 05 1 • • PART II] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 26, 2012 89 Table 7 Para-medical staff r I r Sr. '2 1 No. i l. i 2. 3. I I 3 4 Staff reaurred . Designation 50 25 75 35 100 50 01 01 02 01 03 02 i 5. 3 Dental Surqery Assistants Prosthetic Technician Ceramic Technician ! 6. I 4 Orthodontics Technician 01 .' 01 02 ! I 7' 5 Laboratory Technicians (Oral biology, oral pathology, community de.fitistry, phantom head labor~ •.. 04 04 06 6 Laboratory Assistants 7 Dental Radioqrapher Dental Radiology Assistant Store Keeper Store Assistant .' CSSD Technician CSSD Assistant Photoaraoher 10 01 01 15 02 01 02 01 01 02 02 01 01 02 02 01 !_ 1 L ~_~4.:..I- __ . i i---~ I 8. I 9. f i ! I 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 17 15 . :- Audiovisual Projectionists" . Biomedical enqineer or technician 01 . 01 01 20 I '.02 ! 01 01 I 02 ! 02 02 04 01 02 03 Appendix-VIII [see regulation 43] (a) Zero visit.- This initial visit may be carried out an request of an institution' by a team nominated by the President of the Council. This team shall guide and explain the minimum requirements as are laid down in these regulations. • (b) Visit one.- First comprehensive inspection is for recognition of anew college, prior to any admission of students. The inspectors shall carry out the inspection and submit their report to the Executive Committee for recognition or othe"rwise under the Ordinance. In this visit for recognition, the institution may be expected to have the relevant facilities under the Ordinance and these regulations. The 80% of the marks of the faculty in the first inspection for recognition of a medical college shall be dedicated to the basic sciences departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. In addition to ascertaining the fulfillment of this criterion, the inspectors are required to comment on(i) suitability of the venue for educational purposes; (ii) availability of all necessary infrastructure and physical facilities needed during the first professional studies; (iii) presence of needed educational resources; (iv) recruitment of appropriate and adequate registered teaching faculty; (v) availability of written curriculum; (vi) adequacy and source of funds; (vii) procedure for financial accountability; (viii) attached teaching functional hospital and its bed strength; and (ix) physical structure of the departments of 2"', 3" and final professional subject; (c) Visit two.- Second comprehensive inspection is for third year facilities. The inspection team may look into(i) availability of all necessary infrastructure and physical facilities needed ,during the second professional in the medical and dental college as well as affiliated teaching hospital; 90 THE GAZETTEOF PAKISTAN.EXTRA.,JANUARY26j2012 [PARTII (ii) adequacy of clinical training opportunities including workload, case mix on the hospitals; , (iii) availability of required full clinical faculty and beds; , (iv) presence of needed educational resources; " , (v) recruitment of appropriate and adequate teaching faculty; and (vi) ,availability of written training>programwith objectives, syllabus, teaching methods and asseSSment program; , (d) Visit three." Third cbmprehensiveinspectiori is before final professional MBBS exarnination; The inspection team may look illtoc (i) availability of all necessary'infrastructure and physical facilities in the medical and dental college as well as affiliated teaching hospital; (ii) adequacy of clinical training opportunities including workload, case mix; (iii) availability of required clinical faculty; . ., .. (iv) presence of needed educational resources; (v) recruitment of appropriate and adElquate teaching/acuity: 31H1 (vi) availability of written training program ' with "objecfivps . '::'Y IIaUu,," , teaching methods and assessment program; and (e) SubsequentVisits.SubsequenLcomprehensiveinspectionc ,after every fiveyearsandanyor'alJ examinations maybe.' msnprt"" Visits to verify' rectification of defidiElPcies Hlay be held, butnol before II"" weeks of the last Inspection and preferably by the sametearn WIlILI, VISited earlier. Reason forchari'ge 'in 'team including non-aval,C1U,"ty ~. inspector shall be recorded in wming and endorsed by the President v. the Council. " , J _. No. F,24(1)/2012/NRSD, IRSHAD HUSSAIN, Deputy Secretary. PRINTED BY THE MANAGER. PRINTING' CORPORATION OF PAKiSTAN PRESS.' KARACHI. PUBLISHED BY THE DEPUTY CONTROLLER. STATIONERY AND FORMS. KARACHI •