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Speechwriting Guide & Final Speech: Ahmed Ali Shah

Final Speeches of CAPS (BSCS-II A, B, BEE-II A)
Instructor: Nasrullah Dharejo
Name: Ahmed Ali Shah BSCS_II A
Charting Out the Process of Speechwriting
Analyze Your Audience
Determine General Purpose
Undergraduate Students
(i) To persuade
To persuade
(ii) To inform
(iii) To entertain
Select and Narrow a Topic
What am I interested in?
What is my audience interested in?
Is the topic significant?
General: Righteousness, Courage, facing
repercussions with faith.
Narrow: Choosing a way that makes us
internally/externally effective, not the way
which we think will have enjoyment, peace and
no worries.
Can I find sources on my topic?
To persuade my audience to choose the way
which makes us internally/externally effective,
not the way which we think will have
Combine general purpose and narrowed topic.
enjoyment, peace and no worries.
Humans do what they like, what gives them
Phrase Central Idea
fun and pleasure but they fail to realize that
they have to struggle to experience a real
This is the thesis of your speech: a single
sentence that summarizes the essence of your happiness which is earned, not created.
Moreover, they should not see failure as
Determine Specific Purpose
devastating element but as a factor which
promotes progress. Finally, when people face
hardships, they, instead of becoming a picture
of misery and dejection, should tolerate them
and develop a power of persistence while
having strong belief and faith in Allah.
Gather Supporting Materials
Personal Life Experiences.
Facts, testimony, figures, statistics, narratives,
and examples.
Identify Main Points
I. We should not do things that give us
happiness, pleasure and fun patientlessly but
we should consider first the things that are
very important and that need to be done. Only
then we should have that fun legally.
These are the pillars of your speech.
Main points are the reasons your thesis should
be believed.
If a main point is complex, divide it into subpoints.
Organize Formal Outline
Components include:
Specific Purpose
Central Idea
(A) Gain attention
(B) Establish credibility
(C) Orient audience to topic/thesis
II. We should not consider failure as a
devastating factor but a factor that promotes
III. When we face hardships, we should not
become a picture of misery and dejection but
we should tolerate them and develop a power
of persistence while having strong belief and
faith in Allah.
(Refer to this link for specific guidelines.)
(D) Relate topic to audience
(E) Preview main points
(Main Points and Sub-points with transitions)
The 3 main points are listed in above main
points section.
(A) Summarize main points
(B) Refer back to introduction
(C) End with finality.
No progress is made in one’s comfort zone., don’t
be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid of challenges, face
the hardships, when you are disappointed and
depressed in your life or when you are dying
before your death, don’t worry, just say, I want it
that way, not that way!
List of Sources
Revise Outline
Create Key Word Outline
Practice (and again and again)
Check for good form, balance. Rearrange for
clarity. Add supporting materials. Revise for
parallel structure.
Transfer key words to no more than 3-5 notecards.
(Practice often and before different audiences.
And when you are done, practice some more.)
Your Speech
I want it that way, not that way…
Ladies and gentlemen, Human beings always look for favorable conditions, fun, and pleasure. By having
favorable conditions, fun and pleasure, we expect success. But we fail to realize that the road which
leads to success is always under construction. It is filled with stones and debris and difficulties. If you
want success, you have to adopt the way which gives you tough time, not the way which lets you enjoy
all the time. You have to adopt that way, not that way.
Honorable faculty members and my fellow students,
Flowers! We all love them. Most people like to pluck a flower and have a sweet aroma of it. I am one of
them. But some people take one step forward, that is they decide to give this flower to someone they
like. Ladies and gentleman, I became one of them.
I used to talk to her late in the night! , I used to destroy my sleeping hours just to talk to her! , I used to
recharge my mobile just to talk to her! , I didn’t load my mobile with balance but then I used to do sms
package just to talk to her! I used to do anything just to talk to her!
I did this because I got Happiness, excitement, pleasant feelings and most wanted time pass.
My life was going on extraordinary.
But one day! My big brother! , HE is a spyware!
In the morning, when I woke up from my cot, my brother came up to me with my mobile in his hand.
In front of me, he started typing on my mobile, “Do not ever disturb me, you stupid girl!” He said,
“Should I send?” I replied, “No!” I was so astonished that the slope of my body hair became undefined!
Mathematicians can understand.
Till then my mother came, she said, “What happened?” My brother said, “He has been talking with a
girl, with a boyish name, for many days.”
My mother came up to me and said, “Son, I want you to be a successful boy, I want you to be a
hardworking student. You will get many beautiful, beautiful girls in your life if you work hard, become
successful man. You don’t have to follow the way that you are following now, this is not the way. You
should want the way of working hard, not the way of wasting your time. You should want the way which
is righteous, not the way of evil desires .You should want that way, not that way!”
You should want that way not that way, ladies and gentlemen, became the tipping point of my life.
And that day, I said to myself, I want it that way, not that way!
Ladies and gentlemen, Failure is a part of life that teaches us many things. We don’t learn as much from
success as we learn from failure. But most of the people love success because success gives them
happiness and gratification. I am one of them. But sometimes in our lives, when we fail, we become
disheartened, disappointed, depressed. Dear audience, I became one of them. I failed in my foundation
semester just because of one subject. Can you guess?? It was Mathematics. After this, I started to think
negatively, I thought now my whole year is wasted, doors are closed for me. I regretted my failure as
something that should not have happened. But, Dear audience, believe me, failure put a positive effect
on me. I became a hardworking student, I started taking full use of my every hour, every minute and
every second, I developed a power of persistence. One of the quotes of shiv khera that inspired me is , ”
Winners put in that extra effort even when it hurts.” As the consequence, in my second THP, my
academic performance increased. The subject in which I got the lowest marks in my first mid became
the subject in which I got the maximum marks, Mathematics. By the grace of Almighty Allah I got 3.45
GPA and qualified for Regular Program on scholarship. My friends started calling me genius, legend,
legend of IBA although I don’t deserve these titles. I said to myself that I was not the same before, I had
become better. I thanked to God who gave me the chance to fail. If I had passed the foundation
semester in my first attempt, I would not be a hardworking student. I realized that the way of failing was
the way that I wanted and needed, not the way of passing and not getting such a big and valuable
transformation inside me.
I said to myself, I wanted it that way, not that way.
Dear audience now I try to always give myself tough time. Now despite being in regular program, I
consider myself to be in THP. After passing 1 THP, I have bestowed myself with 8 Talent Hunt Programs.
When I study, I say to myself, you are in your current semester only because you worked hard in your
previous semester. Now if you don’t work hard but only enjoy, you will cry in your next semester. This
motivation enables me to keep on working hard because I want it that way, no that way.
My dear audience, Tranquility and Tragedy are the two aspects of life. Your life may have tranquility or it
may have tragedy. Ladies and gentleman, if I ask you if you want either tranquility or tragedy in your life.
I guess your answer will be definitely tranquility. Most people want tranquility. I am one of them. But
most people also face a major or a minor tragedy in their lives. Let me tell you, I became one of them.
Few months ago, there occurred a quarrel at my home. That quarrel resulted in divorce. Now this was
not the first quarrel but it was a part of series of quarrels for more than 12 years. Now, I was a kind of
person who always looked for tranquility and hated tragedy. I became quite disappointed and
depressed. After this I pondered upon thousands of relations which end up after series of quarrels. Then
I had a question which I wanted to ask. Now my friends, many people like to ask questions. I am one of
them. But very few come across the circumstances which compel them to ask questions from God. I
became one of them. I asked to Allah Almighty, “O Allah! I have read on marriage invitation cards that
marriages are fixed in skies but celebrated on Earth, please tell me why do you fix such marriages that
are meant to be broken?, please tell me why do you fix such marriages that put children in gloomy
depression?, that make them a picture of misery and dejection. O Allah! I know that there is a reason for
that but I want to know that reason.”
I got the reason. I came to know that Allah puts those people in a trial which are dear to him. And I came
to that if you are facing many difficulties, you should know that Allah is preparing you for a huge victory.
I realized that hardships make me stronger. I realized that without hardships I did not feel the
importance of happiness, without hardships I did not enjoy life at fullest. Then I said to my God, “Oh!
Allah, Thank you! Thank you! For giving me the chance to taste a tragedy in my life, I’m happier more
than before and I want to say it that I wanted it that way, not that way. ”
My dear audience, the central point of my speech is that, No progress is made in one’s comfort zone.,
don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid of challenges, face the hardships, when you are disappointed and
depressed in your life or when you are dying before your death, don’t worry, just say, I want it that way,
not that way!