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Blood Bank Management System: Web-Based Solution

Blood bank management system
Ammar Ahsan
School of Computing Science and
(Undergraduate Student)
Galgotias University
Uttar Pradesh, India.
Avi Srivastwa
School of Computing Science and
(Undergraduate Student)
Galgotias University
Uttar Pradesh, India.
Abstract—Blood Donation Management System is a
management system website that enables individuals
who want to donate blood to help the needy. It also
enables hospitals to record and store the data for
people who want to communicate with them, and it
also provides a centralized blood bank database.
Requirement of blood for the National Blood
Transfusion Service or Emergency Services has
increased in last three years. Hence it is essential to
increase the number of blood donors and maintain
efficiency with updated efficient services. This system
is developed by using HTML, PHP, and MySQL as a
database system to manage and store the data. The
system targets three types of user: the public who
wants to donate blood, the recipients who need the
donated blood, and the hospitals who that work as an
intermediary to manage the communication between
the donors and recipients. The main objectives for
developing the website is to educate the community
on the benefits of blood donation, develop a WebBased Blood Bank System to manage the records of
donors and recipients, and encourage voluntary
blood donation, easily accessing any information
about blood type and the distribution of the blood in
various hospitals and storing blood both locally and
nationally in India, based on the needs and
Keywords—Blood Donations, Donors, Recipient,System.
Web based blood donation system maintains the database of
stock in centralized server system. All the blood bank
update the regular stock on web server and when someone
require any type of blood that person can easily check
whether the blood is available and also cost. It will be
helpful for maintaining the database as well as cost so that
no one will get more cost for the blood bag.[1]Present day
blood bank storage is file based. This means that data and
information regarding blood, donors and recipients are kept
in spreadsheets, papers and files arranged in alphabetical or
numeric order. This makes data and information retrieval
hard and time consuming. Donors test results arerecorded on
papers too. This makes the data susceptible to errors and
human mistakes which in turn puts human lives in danger.
[2] Another problem with this system is the poor efficiency.
The process of retrievingblood, donor or recipient
Vibhav Pandey
School of Computing Science and
(Undergraduate Student)
Galgotias University
Uttar Pradesh, India.
information is a tedious process and takes a lot of time.As
each hospital maintains the record of patient and record of
blood bank so it would be easily available. The main benefit
of the web based system is to maintain the record and
simplicity for the person for checking the availability of
blood. Manual process is a very time consuming process so
by using web based system we can improve the clarity as
well as simplicity of the work. As you go into this paper,
you will be introduced to a new solution that we offer after a
careful study of relevant researches and documents.
A. Blood Donation
Blood donation divided into groups based on collected
blood. An allogeneis donation is when donor gives blood for
storage at a blood bank. Second in Directed donation, when
a person or family member donates blood to a specific
individual. Directed donations are relatively rare when an
established supply exists when a person has blood stored
that will be transfused back to the donor at a later date, after
surgery, that is called as autologous donation. The blood
that is used to make medications can be made from
allogeneic donations or from donations exclusively used for
manufacturing.Blood donation actual process varies
according to the laws of the country, and recommendations
to donors vary according to the collecting organization.The
World Health Organization gives recommendations for
blood donation policies, but in developing countries many
of these are not followed. [4]For example, the recommended
testing requires laboratory facilities, trained staff, and
specialized reagents, all of which may not be available or
too expensive in developing countries.
B. Obtaining the Blood
In this there are two main methods of obtaining blood from
a donor. The most frequent is to simply take blood from a
vein as whole. This blood is typically separated into the
parts, usuallyred blood cellsandplasma, the most recipients
need only a specific component for transfusions. A typical
donation is 450 millilitersofwhole blood, though 500
milliliter donations are also common. Historically, blood
donors inIndiawould donate only 250 or 350 milliliter and
donors in the Chinawould donate only 200 milliliters,
though larger 300 and 400 milliliter donations have become
more common.[5] The other method is to draw blood from
donor and store the desired part known as Apheresis.
Donor's blood type must be determined if the blood will be
used for transfusions. The collecting agency usually
identifies whether the blood is type A, B, O, or AB and will
screen for antibodies to less common antigens. More testing,
including across match, is usually done before a transfusion.
Group O is often cited as the ‘universal donor’ but this only
refers to red cell transfusions. For plasma transfusions the
system is reversed and AB is the universal donor . Donated
blood is tested by many methods, but core tests
recommended by the World Health Organization are these
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Antibody to Hepatitis C,
Antibody to HIV, usually subtypes 1 and 2 and Serologic
test for Syphilis. In 2006 WHO reported that 56 out of 124
countries surveyed did not use these basic tests on all blood
This section explores literature review
A.Bharat Blood Bank in India [2005].
Donors in India who want to donate blood can register at
Bharat Blood Bank after reading the basic constraints of
donating blood. Bharat Blood Bank requests the donor's
name, password, and ID to allow the donor to access his
account, which contains information about his date of birth,
blood group, gender status, weight, email ID, mobile no,
city, address, state, and information about kidney, cancer
and heart disease, and date of his last blood donation. After
that, the people who need blood can browse the site and
display the list of blood donors.BhartBloodBank.com allows
recipients to search by area to have more reachable donors.
The website provides the phone number to the recipients to
make contact with the donor. Also, BharatBloodBank.com
provides information about Blood Donation, such as tips,
scientific information, facts, etc. It selects other blood banks
for blooddonation. BharatBloodBank.com offers these
services for free. Further, the site doesn’t use the collected
information for any commercial purposes.[6]
B. Web-based blood donor MIS in Uganda [2009]
A web-based blood Management Information System (MIS)
was developed to improve the lives of the vulnerable in
Uganda, besides providing adequate supply of blood.The
study objectives were to develop a web-basedblood
management system to help in the management of blood
donors’ records and make it easy to distribute the blood in
different parts of the country, based on each hospital’s
Fig 1. User Case Diagram
Actors and Modules of the systemAdmin-The person who is able to observe and maintain the
whole system namely from maintain donor details, update and
change database.
Donors-A person who can donate voluntarily and has access
to an individual account.
Acceptors- Anyone who views the system and searches for a
particular blood requirement and types in need.
B. Design stage:
How the proposed system looks like and will be defined and
prepared from the requirement specifications that were
analyzed and constructed-
The most important steps that have been taking to build the
blood bank system are:
A. Initial Stage:
Identify the problem.
Search for similar research on problem.
Determine objective analyze and identify individual’s
requirement and type.
Fig 2. Prototype Design
features implementation of web applications quickly and
Notepad + +: A source code editor that supports several
languages and it uses pure Win32, which allows a high-speed
Fig 3: Donor Search
Our new system will be a website hosted on an apache web
server. The overall architecture is centralized. In this sense,
the system is deployed in a central server while being accessed
and collecting data from browsers on different devices in
distributed areas. Unlike the existing blood bank management
systems, the new system is designed to be used by different
blood bank centers while maintaining data security and
privacy of individual blood banks but at the same time having
the same level of access to other data and information like
donors’ and recipients’ information. The new system is
designed to be “deployed once and use anywhere” as opposed
to some researches that suggest management activities to be
implemented on standalone systems that will be deployed on
individual computers in the blood bank centers. All System
functionalities will be accessible over the internet depending
on the type of user accessing the system
Fig 4. Database of Members
C. Implementation Stage
Implementation is the phase of implementing and it will help
in putting all the planned activities into action and moving the
project to service provision.Languages used to implement
blood bank website system are as follows:
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, the basic function is
creating web pages. The goal of the web browser is to read the
documents as webpages; and it is also possible to include
scripts written in several languages, such as JavaScript, which
an impact on the behavior of web pages[8]
PHP: A scripting language that is integral part of HTML to
add functionality that native HTML is unable to do. Originally
designed for web development to produce dynamic web
pages, “PHP allows you to collect processes and utilize data
to create a desired output”.[8]
MySQL: A database system, queries, and features easily
paired with PHP because it works side by side with ease. Uses
MSQL to store manykinds of data, information and graphics.
Also it is easily accessible from anywhere in the world.[9]
JavaScript: A programming language developed for the
design of interactive sites and creating web applications.
JavaScript can interact effectively with HTML source code,
enabling web authors access to their sites with dynamic
Programs used to implement blood bank website system are
as follows:
Dreamweaver: It has many different CSS page layouts that
can be used to build efficient and adapt existing pages. It also
includes ability to add Ajax functionality to web pages. Ajax
Fig 5. Architecture of System
Design: First, we will use qualitative research methodology,
specifically an interview session with a number of people at
a blood donation campaign. This will help us understand the
processes involved, activities carried out and the amount of
data and information collected during those processes. We
will then use the quantitative approach, in this case,
document reviews and observation in order to back up the
information that we gathered during the interviews. This is
necessary as some of the information collected during the
interview seems vague and some of the interviewees are
likely to give information that varies from the way the real
process is undertaken.
Approach: We approach this research in two ways. In the
beginning, we selected a number of research papers on this
field. These papers are all peer reviewed. We then
proceeded to extract all the important data pertaining our
research. We also tried to acquire some of the forms they
use in collecting information of donors.
Findings and Discussions
Age and gender of blood donors: Data about the gender
profile of blood donors show that globally 30% of blood
donations are given by women, although this ranges widely.
In 20 of the 111 reporting countries, less than 10%
donations are given by female donors.
The age profile of blood donors shows that more young
people donate blood in low- and middle-income countries,
proportionally than in high-income countries. Demographic
information of blood donors is important for formulating
and monitoring recruitment strategies.
Fig 6. Age distribution of donors
Types of blood donors
There are 3 types of blood donors:
voluntary unpaid
An adequate and reliable supply of safe blood can be
assured by a stable base of regular, voluntary, unpaid blood
donors. These donors are also the safest group of donors as
hospitals and blood centers, donors and recipients. In the
the prevalence of blood borne infections is lowest among
research, which involved 73 Countries, more than 50% of
this group. World Health Assembly resolution (WHA63.12)
the blood supply still dependent on family/replacement and
urges all Member States to develop national blood systems
paid blood donors. This is due to the inadequate knowledge
based on voluntary unpaid donation and work towards the
on the side of possible donors and poor outreach on the side
goal of self-sufficiency.
of blood donors. Among these countries:
Data reported to WHO shows significant increases of
countries and 20 are low-income countries.
voluntary unpaid blood donations in low- and middleincome countries:
An increase of 8.6 million blood donations from
8 are high-income countries, 45 are middle-income
22 countries still report collecting paid donations,
around 800,000 donations in total.
voluntary unpaid donors from 2004 to 2012 has
Global Population and Blood Supply
been reported by 162 countries. The highest
In a study carried out by Dr. Neelam Dhingra; Coordinator
increase of voluntary unpaid blood donations is in
Blood Transfusion Safety World Health Organization in
the South-East Asia (78%) and African (51%)
2013, a look at the global population and the amount of
Regions. The maximum increase in absolute
blood supply shows that a total of 107 million blood
numbers was reported in the Western Pacific
collections from a total of 177 countries. Of these countries,
medium-income countries which make 98 of the countries
73 countries collect more than 90% of their blood
have the highest supply of blood from both paid and
supply from voluntary unpaid blood donations (38
voluntary donations at 72%. 48 high-income countries
high-income countries, 26 middle-income countries
recorded 49% while the 37 low-income countries recorded
and 9 low-income countries). This includes 60
only 12% of the total blood collection.
countries with 100% (or more than 99%) of their
blood supply from voluntary unpaid blood donors.
In 72 countries, more than 50% of the blood supply
is still dependent on family/replacement and paid
blood donors (8 high-income countries, 48 middleincome countries and 16 low-income countries).
25 countries still report collecting paid donations in
2012, around 1 500 000 donations in total.[13]
Challenges Facing Blood Transfusion in Developing
In developing countries like Nigeria, blood transfusion
process is plagued with many errors and challenges that
Fig 7. Blood Supply among global population.
leads to loss of human lives. According to Dr Neelam
Dhingra; Coordinator Blood Transfusion Safety World
Health Organization Headquarter, the challenges facing
blood donation and transfusion include Blood shortages,
inequitable access, increasing needs, Increasingly stringent
donor selection criteria reducing the pool of eligible donors,
poor blood stock management, Inadequate data and
documentation as well as the limited interaction between
Advantages of this system will be to the use of technology
for maintaining the record and easily available the resource
hassle free and in a quick/efficient way. Reduce the paper
work and checking availability and keeping online record of
stock and money required for blood. Moreover decreasing
the time gap between donors and acceptors. Reducing the
human error and each hospitals and blood banks can take
part in also register on the website and make its own account
that contains information about the hospital: the blood types
needed and the blood types available. Educating and
encouraging the community to take part and know the
benefits of blood donation.
First Author- Ammar Ahsan
Second Author- Avi Srivastwa
Third Author-Vibhav Pandey
The system eases the access to the blood of different
blood groups required by the particular person in need.
The user can know about the nearby blood banks
depending on it’s location. The system also tells us
about the blood stocks as it is regularly updated by the
respective blood banks. The overall basic information
which is required for the donor is made available in the
system hence making it easy for the user to operate.The
Blood Donation Management System is 24×7 system
which is essential for different kinds of
s,recipientsandothergeneralusers.Hereanyperson who
has undergone blood test can be registered in any
authorized blood bank as donor. That person can get
facilities like information about blood donation system,
donors and recipients. This system facilitates services
like direct access to the site to get donor’s information
if there is an emergency. The goal of the system is to
present an online edge for bringing mutually giving
blood donors and patients (blood requesters) who need
blood. The primary objective of this is to create an
interactive blood donors, blood requesters and blood
bank clinics. This web application system is to be
conceived in its current form as a dynamic site
requiring constant updates both from the blood donors
as well as the blood requesters and is to enable blood
donors (volunteer) to place their profile and blood
requesters (patients) to publish their requests.
Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 20141ISSN
[2]International Journal of Information System and
Engineering Vol. 3 (No.1), April, 2015ISSN: 2289-7615
[3] Blood Bank India (2008). Blood Bank India, Retrieved
February 10, 2014, from the World Wide Web:
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_donation
[5] http://www.foundation.jovee.in/donateblood.php
[6] Bharat Matrimony Group. Bharatmatrimony Group
Launches A Noble Non-Profit Social Service Initiative,
[7] Fredrick K. A Web-Based Blood Donor Management
Information System for the Red Cross Society, Uganda
(Wbbdmi), 2009.
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML
[9]What Are Php And Mysql.2013. Retrieved
[10] http://Www.Webopedia.Com/Term/J/Javascript.Html
In light with the current development in computing where
everything is moving to cloud technology, our system is
developed with the future in mind and it is therefore scalable
utilize various functionalities.
[12] Notepad++. About.2011. Retrieved fromhttp://NotepadPlus-Plus.Org/
On a short-term basis however, we are looking into SMS
and can easily be transformed into a cloud server that
various blood banks can tap into and get required data and
integration, where alerts and notifications will be sent to
users mobile phones.