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Curriculum BA in International Hospitality Management september 2020 2.0

Document key: 6eefa9b0-fecb-0408-b9c5-2b6fc305a048
National part:
Bachelor of International Hospitality Management
Valid from 20. August 2018
Signed 17. August 2020
Signature from Rektor Jens Mejer Pedersen
UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole
Seebladsgade 1 . 5000 Odense C
Tlf. 6318 3000 . ucl.dk
Document key: 6eefa9b0-fecb-0408-b9c5-2b6fc305a048
The programme’s goals for learning outcomes ....................................................... 3
The programme includes 4 national subject elements ........................................... 3
Employee and Organisation Development ................................................... 3
Business Operations ..................................................................................... 4
Hospitality and Hostmanship......................................................................... 5
Strategic Value Creation ............................................................................... 6
The number of exams in the national subject elements ............................... 7
Internship ..................................................................................................................... 7
Requirements for the Bachelor Project ..................................................................... 8
Rules on credit ............................................................................................................. 9
Commencement and transitional schemes .............................................................. 9
This national part of the curriculum for Bachelor’s Degree in International Hospitality Managemnt has been released in accordance with §18, section 1 in the Ministerial Order for technical and commercial Academy Profession
Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes. This curriculum is supplemented with an institutional part of
the curriculum, which is provided by the individual institution that offers the programme.
After it has been approved by either the Board of Directors (or the Rectors) and after consultation with the institutions’ Educational Committee and the External Examiners chairmanship for the specific programme, the educational network for Bachelor Degree in International Hospitality Management prepares the institutional part.
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The programme’s goals for learning outcomes
The purpose of the Bachelor of International Hospitality Management programme is to qualify the graduate to function independently in relations regarding hospitality. The graduate learn competences to solve complex assignment
in the field of employee and organisations development, business operations, hospitality and hostmanship 1 and
strategic value creation in the hospitality industry. The graduate can collaborate and be responsible for own learning as well as the company’s learning.
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods
be able to understand practices and reflect on the ways the hospitality industry applies practices, theory
and methods.
The student must be able to:
● apply methods and tools to the development of tools related to work within the hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues and select and justify relevant solution models in relation
to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented issues and solutions to hospitality industry partners and users.
The student must be able to:
● lead and act based on complex development-oriented situations in relation to hospitality companies/organisations
independently engage in dialogue with employees and other stakeholders to ensure and practise good
identify their own and others’ learning needs in order to develop and maintain relevant competencies in
relation to the hospitality industry.
The programme includes 4 national subject elements
Employee and Organisation Development
This subject element covers management, hospitality and cultural and guest perceptiveness in relation to developing oneself, employees and the organisation.
Hostmanship is a direct translation of the word “værtskab”, which is a Nordic version of the commonly used term hospitality and was introduced by the Swedish organization Värdskapet. As the term indicates, hostmanship means a strong emphasis on the guest-host relation
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Learning objectives for Employee and Organisation Development
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods in
relation to employee and organisation development
be able to understand practices and applied theory and methods in relation to employee and organisation
development, and to reflect on the hospitality industry’s practices and use of these.
The student must be able to:
● apply methods and tools to the development of employees and organisations and be proficient in the management tools linked to employment within the hospitality industry, with a focus on good hospitality (hostmanship)
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues related to employees and organisations and select and
justify relevant solution models in relation to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented leadership issues and solutions to hospitality industry partners and users.
The student must be able to:
● lead and act based on complex development-oriented situations in relation to hospitality companies/organisations
independently engage in dialogue with employees and other stakeholders to ensure and practise good
hospitality (hostmanship)
identify their own and others’ learning needs, in order to develop and maintain their own and others relevant knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to hospitality industry ethics.
ECTS weight
National subject element Employee and Organisation Development is worth 12 ECTS credits..
Business Operations
This subject element covers management of finances, expenditure and income in relation to the company’s sustainable development. There is a focus on management assessment of operations development within the participant’s own organisation.
Learning objectives for Business Operations
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods in
relation to operations management
be able to understand practices and theory and methods applied to operations management, and to reflect
on the hospitality industry’s practices and use of theory and methods in connection with operations management.
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The student must be able to:
● apply methods and tools to operations management and be proficient in the management tools related to
work within the hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues related to operations and select and justify relevant solution models in relation to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented operational issues and solutions to hospitality industry stakeholders.
The student must be able to:
● work independently in collaboration to analyse the company’s situation and provide suggestions for optimising operations
work independently in an interdisciplinary team with relevant stakeholders based on a strategic business
identify their own and others’ learning needs, in order to develop and maintain their own and others relevant management knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to hospitality industry practices.
ECTS weight
National subject element Business Operations is worth 13 ECTS credits.
Hospitality and Hostmanship
This subject element covers cultural and guest perceptiveness and communication, and developing these in the
company with focus on developing a hospitality/hostmanship mind-set that can create value in the company.
Learning objectives for Hospitality and Hostmanship
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods in
relation to hostmanship
● be able to understand practices and applied theory and methods in relation to hospitality, and to reflect on
the hospitality industry’s practices and use of these.
The student must be able to:
● apply methods and tools within hospitality and hostmanship and be proficient in the tools related to work in
the hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues related to hospitality and hostmanship and select and justify relevant solution models in relation to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented issues and solutions in relation to hostmanship to hospitality industry
guests and employees.
The student must be able to:
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develop and implement experiences for the guest, which also create financial value for the company from
an ethical, respectful and sustainable perspective
work independently in professional and interdisciplinary collaboration and practise hostmanship
identify their own and others’ learning needs, in order to develop and maintain their own and others relevant knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to hostmanship and guest perceptiveness.
ECTS weight
National subject element Hospitality and Hostmanship is worth 14 ECTS credits.
Strategic Value Creation
This subject element covers strategy and finances in relation to developing new and existing focus areas. The focus is on developing a mind-set that can handle changes and ongoing development, while also implementing strategic decisions.
Learning objectives for Strategic value creation
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods in
relation to strategic value creation
● be able to understand practices and applied theory and methods in relation to strategic value creation, and
to reflect on the hospitality industry’s practices and use of these.
The student must be able to:
● apply methods and tools to strategic value creation and be proficient in the strategic tools related to work
within the hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues related to strategy and select and justify relevant solution
models in relation to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented strategic issues and solutions to hospitality industry stakeholders.
The student must be able to:
● work independently in a professional and interdisciplinary collaboration with management and employees
to develop and implement solutions in relation to the company’s strategic challenges
● work independently and in alliances/networks with other relevant stakeholders towards developing the hospitality company
● identify their own and others’ learning needs, in order to develop and maintain their own and others relevant strategic knowledge, skills and competencies.
ECTS weight
The Strategic Value Creation subject element is worth 11 ECTS credits.
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The number of exams in the national subject elements
There are 2 exams in the national subject elements, as well as one further exam in the bachelor project. For the
number of exams in the internship, please refer to section 3.
For a comprehensive overview of all the programme’s exams, please refer to the institutional part of the curriculum,
as the national subject elements described in this curriculum can be examined together with the subject elements
specified in the institutional part of the curriculum.
The internship takes as ones starting point, that the student afterwards must have opportunity to assess and include relevant theory in solution of practice-oriented problems, which are relevant for the education and the bachelor project. During the internship, the student work with professional relevant problems and earn knowledge to relevant functions in the business. The student is a part of one or more businesses during the internship.
Learning objectives for programme’s internship
The student must:
● have development-based knowledge of the internship company’s practices and applied theory and methods
be able to reflect on the internship company’s practices and methods in relation to the theory applied in the
study programme.
The student must be able to:
● apply the internship company’s methods and tools and master the skills related to the internship company
● evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues and collect data and, based on this, justify and choose
relevant solutions to the issues
● communicate professional issues and solutions to colleagues and collaborators.
The student must be able to:
• handle complex development-oriented tasks.
• independently be part of professional and interdisciplinary collaboration within the internship company and
assume responsibility
• identify own professional and personal learning needs during the internship and develop own knowledge,
skills and competencies in relation to the internship company.
ECTS weight
The internship is worth 15 ECTS credits.
Number of exams
The internship is completed with 1 exam.
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Requirements for the Bachelor Project
The learning objectives for the Bachelor project are identical to the programme’s learning objectives listed above
under point 1.
The Bachelor’s project must document the student’s understanding of and ability to reflect on the practices of the
profession and the use of theory and method in relation to a real-life problem. The problem statement that must be
central to the programme and profession, is formulated by the student, possibly in collaboration with a private or
public company. The institution approves the problem statement.
The bachelor’s project must document the student’s understanding of and ability to reflect on the practices of the
profession and the use of theory and method in relation to a real-life problem. The student, possibly in collaboration
with a private or public company, formulates the problem statement that must be central to the programme and profession. The Institution approves the problem statement. The bachelor project must be inter-disciplinary and there
must be advanced an economic scenario for the consequences of the presented solutions of the formulated problem.
Learning objectives for the bachelor project
The learning objectives for the bachelor project are identical to the programme’s learning objectives listed above
under point 1:
The graduate:
● must have a development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and applied theory and methods
can reflect on the ways the hospitality industry applies practices, theory and methods.
The graduate can:
● apply methods and tools to the development of tools related to work within the hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues and select and justify relevant solution models in relation
to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented issues and solutions to hospitality industry partners and users.
The graduate must be able to:
● lead and act based on complex development-oriented situations in relation to hospitality companies/organisations
independently engage in dialogue with employees and other stakeholders to ensure and practise good
identify their own and others’ learning needs in order to develop and maintain relevant competencies in
relation to the hospitality industry.
Exams for the Bachelor Project
The Bachelor project completes the programme in the last semester once all the preceding exams have been
ECTS weight
The Bachelor Project is weighted 15 ECTS credits.
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Examination form
The exam is an oral and written examination with an external co-examiner, a combined mark is given based on the
7-point scale for the written project and the oral presentation.
Rules on credit
Passed programme elements are equivalent to similar programme elements taken at other educational institutions
offering this programme.
The students are obliged to inform us of any completed educational elements from another Danish or foreign
higher education programme or any jobs, which are likely to provide credit.
The institution approves, in each instance, credit on the basis of completed programme elements and any jobs
which meet the objectives of the subjects, the educational part and the internship parts.
The decision is taken according to an academic assessment.
For prior credit approval of studies in Denmark or abroad, students are required to document each approved and
completed programme element on the completion of these studies.
In connection with applying for prior credit approval, the students give permission that the institution can obtain the
necessary information after the student’s completion.
On approval according to the above, the programme element is deemed to be passed if it was passed according to
the rules of the programme in question.
Commencement and transitional schemes
This part of the national curriculum is valid from 20 August 2018 and is valid for students who are enrolled after this
Transitional schemes
Students who are admitted up until 20 August 2018 follow the curriculum date August 2014, until they start to follow
this new curriculum from 1 September 2021.
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Institutional part:
Bachelor of International Hospitality Management
Valid from 1. September 2020
Signed 17. August 2020
Signature from Rektor Jens Mejer Pedersen
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6. Commencement and transitional schemes
Legal framework ........................................................................................................ 12
Commencement and transitional schemes ................................................. 12
Admission requirements .......................................................................................... 13
Educational objectives.............................................................................................. 13
Educational foundation................................................................................ 13
Subject areas displayed by semester ......................................................... 13
Overview of national and local subject elements, elective subject
elements and internship .............................................................................. 14
Local subject elements................................................................................ 15
Elective subject elements............................................................................ 17
Internship companies .................................................................................. 17
Teaching methods ..................................................................................................... 17
Differentiated teaching ................................................................................ 18
Study language ........................................................................................... 18
Obligation to participate in the study programme ....................................... 18
Completion of educational elements abroad............................................... 19
Agreements about parallel programmes ..................................................... 19
Exams ......................................................................................................................... 19
Examination rules ........................................................................................ 19
Study programme examinations ................................................................. 23
Diploma ....................................................................................................... 33
Study support ............................................................................................................ 34
Leave of absence ........................................................................................ 34
Transfer to another educational institution .................................................. 35
Change of study programme....................................................................... 35
Credit transfer and credit agreements ........................................................ 35
Dispensation rules ....................................................................................... 36
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1. Legal framework
Legal framework
Students are obliged to participate in the study programme in accordance with the rules set
out in the curriculum. Students can apply for dispensation in accordance Section 6.5 below.
In accordance with Law about Professional Bachelor Study Programmes (only in Danish):
LBK nr. 779 af 8/8/2019: Bekendtgørelse af lov om professionshøjskoler for videregående
uddannelser, it is the Board of Directors, who must approved the Institutional part of the
Curriculum. However, the Board of Directors have authorized Rector to give such approval
in accordance with Section 12, subsection 4.
In accordance with Law about Academy Profession and Professional Bachelor Study Programmes (only in Danish): LBK nr. 1343 af 10/12/2019: Bekendtgørelse af lov om
erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser, the Ministry of Higher
Education and Science provides rules about Study programmes, including regulations
about the Curriculum, according to Section 22, number 3.
Ministerial Order for Technical and Commercial Academy Profession Programmes and
Professional Bachelor Programmes (only in Danish): BEK nr. 1162 af 10/7/2020:
Bekendtgørelse om tekniske og merkantile erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser has been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in accordance with Law LBK nr. 1343 af 10/12/2019 (see above) and contains specific rules about the content of the Institutional part of the Curriculum.
The Institutional part of the Curriculum is issued individually by each educational institution
within the guidelines of BEK nr. 1162 af 10/7/2020 (see above) and within the framework of
the specific education annex.
Before the Curriculum can be approved, a statement is obtained from the Chairmanship of
external examiners in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations.
Commencement and transitional schemes
This Curriculum is valid for students who are enrolled after the 1. September.
Transitional schemes
Students, who were enrolled in a previous Curriculum must complete their studies according to the regulations of the Curriculum, which they were enrolled on. However, from 1.
September 2020 all students will be switched to this Curriculum.
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2. Admission requirements
Admission requirements
The admission requirements for this study programme are mentioned in the Ministerial Order on Admissions (Adgangsbekendtgørelsen), and can also be found on www.ucl.dk
If we receive applications from more qualified applicants than we can admit to this programme, we will select the best qualified applicants based on an assessment of the following criteria:
• Grades from the applicants AP degree
• English skills
• Relevant work experience
• Content of motivational letter
Educational objectives
Educational foundation
The purpose of the educational programme is to qualify the educated to be able to function
independently within hospitality-and hostmanship relations. The educated student gains
competencies to solve complex tasks within co-worker and hospitality businesses and organizations. The educated student can cooperate and take responsibility for his/her ownand the company´s or organization’s learning.
The programme gives the student the right to use the title Bachelor of International Hospitality Management.
Educational content
The educational programme amounts to 90 ECTS points encompassing:
1) Educational elements with a total extent of 60 ECTS points, which translates the professional areas of the educational programme.
2) Internship with a total extent of 15 ECTS points
3) Bachelor project of 15 ECTS points
Subject areas displayed by semester
In this Section the 3 semesters´ subject areas are shown. Also, it is explained, which learning objectives in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies, students must obtain and
will be examined in. The description in the Curriculum is on an overall level.
Semester descriptions published on www.ucl.dk will contain more detailed information
about the learning objectives, theoretical and elective and practical study elements, study
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3. Educational objectives
activities as well as detailed exam descriptions. The semester descriptions are evaluated
and revised during the duration of the study programme. They are dated, so it is apparent,
which classes the semester descriptions are valid for.
Finally, the teachers make detailed lesson plans for the specific teaching sessions, which
are published in ItsLearning before each class begins.
In accordance with the specific educational annex this study programme contains 4 subject areas, which are taught on these semesters:
Table 1: Subject areas displayed by semester
Subject area
Employee and Business OperaOrganisation De- tions
1st semester
Hospitality and
Strategic Value
2nd semester
3rd semester
Overview of national and local subject elements,
elective subject elements and internship
This study programme is a full time study programme and consists of 3 forth running semesters. Each semester consists of 30 ECTS-points.
For each semester it is described, which subject areas are included in order for the student
to obtain the necessary learning objectives needed to pass the exams.
Throughout the study programme, students will be presented with both theoretical and
practical teaching opportunities.
Table 2: Overview over subject elements
1st semester 2nd semes- 3rd semester In total
National subject elements:
National subject elements:
Employee and Organisation Development
(theme 1)
Business Operations (theme 2)
Hospitality and Hostmanship (theme 3)
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3. Educational objectives
Strategic Value Creation (theme 4)
Local subject elements:
Local subject elements:
Elective subject elements
Elective subject elements:
Professional bachelor project
Professional bachelor project:
In total
1st semester:
2nd semes- 3rd semes- Study programme in
Local subject elements
In this study programme the local subject elements consist 5 ECTS.
The purpose of Employability is to create and understanding of which business the student
is about to work in, as well as how they can and will apply their ressources in order to gain:
Attractiveness to the businesses (marketability, ability to sell oneself, versatility in
job possibilities as well as an understanding of brought knowledge, skills and competencies)
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3. Educational objectives
The highest possible degree of labor market readiness in order to be able to act
professionally within the businesses and to have an understanding for the demands and expectations of the labor market.
Visibility of the societal status through the education.
Learning objectives
The student must:
• be able to understand and reflect on the fundament of recruitment and career opportunities in the hospitality-industry
• be able to understand and reflect on how the hospitality-field is a part of other industries
• be able to understand and reflect on the professionalism and identity of the profession of the industries
• be able to understand and reflect on the existing possibilities and development of
own independent competences
The student must:
• be able to use methods and tools for the identification of existing and future needs
of competences in the hospitality-industry and choose relevant career opportunities in relation to the hospitality-industry
• be able to assess and communicate own practice-oriented and theoretical competences and choose a relevant professional network in the hospitality-industry to
participate in
The student must:
• be able to develop a personal development plan of own competencies based on
own professional competencies profile and analysis of own competencies
• Unassisted be a part of a professional and inter-disciplinary network
• Identify own and others need of learning to be able to develop and maintain their
own and others relevant knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to employability
Number of exams
The course element Employability is worth 5 ECTS credits.
Find more information about examinations in Section 5 “Exams”.
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4. Teaching methods
Elective subject elements
This study programme offers 5 ECTS elective subject elements, placed 2 semester.
For more information about elective subject content, ECTS, learning objectives, examination type etc. please see the Elective subject Catalogue on www.ucl.dk
Also, you can find more information about examinations in Section 5 “Exams”.
Internship companies
UCL offers counselling for students, who must find an Internship during the study programme. It is the students´ own responsibility to find an Internship in due time before the
Internship period begins, and students are responsible for seeking counselling when
UCL keeps track of students´ success rate in finding Internships with the intent to offer
counselling to those, who are finding it difficult. Students with physical or psychological disorders may contact the study programme and ask for supplementary support when looking
for an Internship.
As a main rule Internships must take place in private companies, unless Internships in public institutions can fulfil the purpose of the study programme.
The Internship company is responsible for completing the Internship in accordance with the
contract, which is made between the student and the Internship company, and which has
been approved by UCL. Any problems, which may occur during Internships, will be attempted solved by mutual dialogue between the Internship company, UCL and the student.
Teaching methods
In this study programme several types of teaching methods are applied, for instance group
lectures, case studies, practice related projects, small hand-in papers, practical and theoretical exercises, oral presentations, homework, excursions etc. Also, students will be introduced to both interdisciplinary theme oriented and specific subject teachings.
Students will also experience the principles of “blended learning” including the use of Internet based and physical presence teaching. Simulation classes in specially designed classrooms or in laboratories may also occur. This study programme also uses innovative
teaching methods as well as feedback on student activities.
The purpose of using different teaching methods is to ensure that the students throughout
the course of this study programme will have the opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills
and competencies within the core elements of this study programme in order to be able to
obtain the learning objectives, which are relevant within this area of studies.
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4. Teaching methods
A more in debts description of the applied teaching methods can be found in the Lesson
Plan for each subject element.
Differentiated teaching
Differentiated teaching takes place in this study programme to the extent in which it is
found to be relevant.
Students with disorders
UCL offers different types of special support (called SPS) free of charge to students with
physical or psychological disorders.
The purpose of the special support is to live up to the purpose mentioned in the Handicap
Convention about allowing students with disorders the same opportunities to take an education on equal terms as others.
SPS support can be given, if the student applies through study service and attaches documentation as proof of the disorder. Read more about SPS on www.ucl.dk.
Study language
This study programme is conducted entirely in English.
Any use of non-English study materials will be made available in English by the relevant
teacher in whatever form is found sufficient.
Obligation to participate in the study programme
In the description of each individual examination above, it will be mentioned if there is a requirement, which must be fulfilled in order for the student to be allowed to take part in the
examination. For instance it will be mentioned if the student must take part in a particular
event or is required to physically show up for one or more specific activities, projects etc.
Lack of sufficient study activity will have the consequence that the student may not attend
the exam, and has used up one exam attempt. Read more in Section 5 “Exams”.
Furthermore, in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Admissions, a decision can be
made to disenrol any student, who has not passed one single examination within a coherent 1 year period.
Also, lack of sufficient study activity can affect the student´s rights to receive a monthly
Student Grant (SU) from the Danish State.
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5. Exams
Completion of educational elements abroad
It is possible to gain credit for the entire 2.semester on International Hospitality Management, if the student wishes to study this in a foreign educational institution.
Application September/October on 1. Semester
Refer to www.ucl.dk for more information regarding possibilities for a stay abroad
Any student, who is interested in taking educational elements abroad, must make a formal
application through the International Office. Terms and conditions for the stay abroad will
be agreed in a contract with UCL.
According to the Ministerial Order on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional
Bachelor Programmes, any student, who obtains preliminary approval of a study stay
abroad, is obligated to document the programme elements completed during the approved
study stay, once the study stay has been completed. Upon obtaining the preliminary approval, the student must consent to the institution requesting the necessary information after the student has completed the study stay.
Read more about options for going abroad during studies at UCL on www.ucl.dk under
“For students”, “Go abroad”.
Agreements about parallel programmes
This study programme does not offer parallel programmes abroad.
Examination rules
The general Examination Regulations, which give practical guidelines for all exams, can be
found at www.ucl.dk under “About our programmes”.
Registration to take part in exams
In accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student´s enrolment in a
study programme is also automatically a registration for all related examinations. The student cannot cancel attendance for any examination.
Requirements to take part in exams
Under the description of each examination above, it will be apparent, if there is one or
more requirements attached to any specific examination. For instance, if it is a requirement
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5. Exams
to be allowed to take part in the examination that the student fulfils requirements for attendance in a certain activity, submits an assignment or project within a certain subject element
If the requirement for taking part in the examination is not fulfilled, the student may not attend the exam, and has used up one exam attempt.
If the student is able to show proof of illness or other unusual circumstances, which has
prevented the participation in the compulsory requirement at the schedules time, the requirement is still not fulfilled, which means that the student will have to make arrangements
to fulfil the requirement at a later date and – if necessary – in a different format.
Number of exam attempts
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student is registered for the same
examination 3 times. If an examination is not passed, the student is automatically registered for the next exam attempt, until all 3 exam attempts have been used, after which the
student will be disenrolled from the study programme in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Admissions.
Any examination which has been passed, cannot be re-taken.
Illness at examinations
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations a student, who is able to show proof of
illness in connection with an exam, will be registered for the same exam again (a replacement exam due to illness) as soon as possible and – if possible – within the same examination term.
Examination language
In accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations all examinations are conducted
in English, unless part of the purpose of the examination is to document the student´s proficiency in another language.
Formal requirements for written exams and projects
Formal requirements
Please refer to Formalities for the mercantile educations at UCL University College on
If these general formal requirements do not apply to a particular examination, it will be
mentioned in the description of the specific examination above.
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5. Exams
If a written report does not fulfil the formal requirements, it may be rejected without assessment, and the student has used one exam attempt in accordance with the Ministerial Order
on Examinations.
Quotations and references
Please refer to Formalities for the mercantile educations at UCL University College on
If these general quotation and reference rules do not apply to a particular examination, it
will be mentioned in the description of the specific examination above.
If a written report does not use the quotation and reference rules correctly, it may undergo
an investigation about unlawful use of other students´ work and previously assessed work.
Such investigation may lead to suspension in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations.
Spelling and writing skills
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student´s spelling and writing skills
must be included in the assessment of the Professional bachelor project along with the academic content. However, the academic content must always be given the highest weight.
It is mentioned in the description of the Professional bachelor project above, how the student´s spelling and writing skills are weighed in the assessment.
Spelling and writing skills are not part of the assessment of other examinations, unless it is
mentioned in the description of the specific examinations, see above.
Special examination conditions
In accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations, UCL offers special examination
conditions for students with physical or mental impairment, and for students with similar difficulties, if we find it necessary to provide the student equal opportunities in the exam situation. However, such an offer must not change the standard of the examination.
Special examination conditions could for instance be extended preparation time, extended
examination time, access to supplementary aids during the examination etc.
Special examination conditions can only be awarded upon prior application.
Use of aids during examinations
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations it is permitted to use all materials and
aids, including electronic aids, during all examinations, unless restrictions have been
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5. Exams
made. However, it is never permitted to communicate with others or borrow materials or
aids from others during examinations.
If there are special restrictions, which apply to any specific examination, it will be mentioned in the description of the examination above.
Suspension from examinations
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations it is not permitted to obtain or provide
other students unlawful help during an examination, nor to use materials and aids, which
are not permitted for the examination.
Also, it is not permitted to pass the work of others off as the student´s own work, nor to use
previously assessed work without stating a correct reference.
Students who are caught violating the above mentioned will be suspended from the examination and will have used up an exam attempt. In especially aggravating cases and in repeat cases the student may be suspended from the educational programme, most often
after being given a previous warning.
Students, who exhibit disruptive behaviour during an examination, will be ordered to leave
the examination, most often after being given a warning.
Examination complaints
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student can make a formal complaint about examination conditions.
A complaint may concern:
• The basis of examination (exam questions, assignments etc).
• The examination process or
• The assessment
An exam complaint must be submitted in writing and must state the reasons for complaining. The complaint must be submitted within 2 weeks of the assessment being announced
in the usual manner.
A complaint may result in:
• An offer for a new assessment (re-assessment) – however, not with oral exams
• An offer for a new examination (re-exam)
• Not favouring the student
Read more about the specific exam complaint procedure and find a manual for exam complaints at www.ucl.dk under ”For students”.
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5. Exams
Study programme examinations
Table 3: Overview of examinations:
No. Title
Subject elements Semes- ECTS
Internal/Exter- Assessment
Exam part 1 of 1st
semester exam:
Theme 1
Employee and Or- 1
ganisation Development (national
subject elements)
7 ECTS Internal
7 point grade
Exam part 2 of 1st
semester exam:
Theme 2
Business Operations (national
subject element
8 ECTS Internal
7 point grade
Exam part 3 of 1st
Semester exam:
Reflection Exam
incl. Employability
First semesters’
courses & activities and local subject element
7 point grade
Theme 3+4
Hospitality &
(national subject
7 point grade
Strategic value
(national subject
Elective subject ele- Elective (local
subject element)
5 ECTS Internal
7 point grade
Internship (na3
tional subject element
7 point grade
Professional bache- Bachelor project 3
lor project
(national subject
7 point grade
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5. Exams
Study start test
There is no study start test in this study programme.
Exam part 1 of 1st semester exam: Theme 1
The 1.semester test consists of 3 test parts during the 1.semester, which must be passed
separately. Theme 1 is part 1 of the test. In groups, the student must participate in an oral
testing, based on a concrete case and where the suggested solutions for the case must be
Learning objectives
Exam part 1 of 1st semester exam: Theme 1 is based on the learning objectives for Employee and Organisation Development, which are described in the National part of the Curriculum.
Examination type
Oral examination in groups of 3-5 students and based upon a specific case.
Duration of the exam: 60 mins. regardless of number of group members of which: 20 mins.
presentation, 30 mins. questions/discussion and 10 mins. feedback.
In very special cases, there may be deviations from the size of the groups, in case the education dispenses from this.
Requirement to take part in the exam
In order for the student to be allowed to take part in the examination, the student must take
part in max. 3 planned activities in the subjects Employee and Organisation Development
and Business Operations. It will usually be planned as a compulsory company visit or alternatively a written hand-in paper. See the Semester Description for more details about the
requirement to take part in the exam including any practical details.
If the requirement for taking part in the examination is not fulfilled, the student may not attend the exam, and has used up one exam attempt.
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5. Exams
Internal assessment.
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale on the individual oral performance. On the diploma
test part 1 will make up 25% of the total calculated grade.
Not passed exam
If the examination is not passed, the student must participate in a re-exam on the same
Exam part 2 of 1st semester exam: Theme 2
The 1.semester test consists of 3 test parts during the 1.semester, which must be passed
separately. Theme 2 is part 2 of the test. The exam is based on knowledge regarding the
operations of the business and takes knowledge- and competency goals for Theme 2 as its
starting point
Learning objectives
Exam part 2 of 1st semester exam: Theme 2 is based on the learning objectives for Business Operations, which are described in the National part of the Curriculum.
Examination type
The exam is held at the end of 1.semester and has the shape of a written 4 hours attendance exam, where the exam paper is handed out 24 hours prior to the exam. The exam
paper contains one or more assignments, which are parts of the assessment. These assignments can be answered within the 24 hours.
The exam paper can be discussed amongst students during the 24 hours before the written exam, but no tutoring from the lecturers is given for the handed out exam paper. The
exam answers must be worked out individually.
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5. Exams
Use of aids during the examination
I it is permitted to use all materials and aids, including electronic aids, during the exam,
however all forms of communication with others are not allowed.
Requirement to take part in the exam
There is no requirements for taking part in the exam.
Internal assessment.
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale on the individual written performance.
On the diploma test part 2 will make up 25% of the total calculated grade.
Not passed exam
If the examination is not passed, the student must participate in a re-exam on the same
Exam part 3 of 1st semester exam: Reflection exam incl.
The 1.semester test consists of 3 test parts during the 1.semester, which all must be
passed separately. The reflection exam incl. Employability is part 3 of the test. Testing of
the competency goals for Themes 1 and 2 along with all the learning objectives for the local subject element Employability.
Learning objectives
The exam is based on the competency goals for the national subject elements Employee
and Organization Development as well as Business Operations along with all the learning
goals for the local subject element Employability.
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5. Exams
Examination type
Oral individual test og the duration of 30 mins. included in this is a 10 mins. presentation
incl. a video, approx. 15 mins. questions/discussion and approx. 5 mins. feedback
Hand in of a written career plan of max. 12.000 characters containing the student´s personal competency profile prior to the oral exam and preparation of an individual presentation video (video application) which must be shown during the exam.
Requirement to take part in the exam
There is no requirements for taking part in the exam.
Internal assessment.
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale on the individual oral performance. On the diploma,
test part 3 will make up 50% of the collect calculated grade.
Not passed exam
In case the student does not pass the exam, the student must participate in a re-exam. In
case the already handed in written career plan as well as the individual presentation video
are not satisfactory, these may be improved or a new ones can be made.
Theme 3 & 4
In the written project a strategy plan must be made for a business of the student´s own
choice. The subject for the strategic plan must be culture and hostmanship.
Learning objectives
The exam in theme 3 & 4 is based on the learning objectives for Hospitality & Hostmanship
and Strategic value creation which are described in the National part of the Curriculum.
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5. Exams
Examination type
Oral individual exam based on a written group project, which is to be written in groups of 35 students, however, in special circumstances the education can dispense from the group
The exam has a duration of 30 mins. of which approx. 10 mins. is the presentation and approx. 15 mins. questions and approx 5 mins. feedback/assessment.
Formal requirements
The written assignment must amount to max. 50.000 number of characters (min. 37.500).
Requirement to take part in the exam
In order for the student to be allowed to take part in the examination, the student must take
part in max. 4 planned activities in the subjects Hospitality & Hostmanship and Strategic
value creation. It will usually be planned as a compulsory company visit or alternatively a
written hand-in paper. See the Semester Description for more details about the requirement to take part in the exam including any practical details.
If the requirement for taking part in the examination is not fulfilled, the student may not attend the exam, and has used up one exam attempt.
External assessment.
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale.
One overall grade is awarded for Themes 3 and 4.
One overall individual grade is awarded based on the oral and written performances.
Not passed exam
In case the ordinary exam is not passed, the student must participate in a re-exam. For
the re-exam a new written assignment must be made.
Elective subject element examinations
This study programme offers elective subject elements.
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5. Exams
Read more about each Elective subject element in regards to content, learning objectives,
ECTS, examination regulation in the Elective subject Catalogue on www.ucl.dk
If there are any requirements to be allowed to attend the examinations in Elective subject
elements, they will be described in the Elective subject Catalogue.
If the requirement for taking part in the examination is not fulfilled, the student may not attend the exam, and has used up one exam attempt.
Internship examination
The Internship exam must show that the student has obtained the learning objectives,
which have been set for the Internship period.
The internship takes as ones starting point, that the student afterwards must have opportunity to assess and include relevant theory in solution of practice-oriented problems,
which are relevant for the education and the bachelor project. During the internship, the
student work with professional relevant problems and earn knowledge to relevant functions
in the business. The student is a part of one or more businesses during the internship.
Learning objectives
The Internship exam is based on the learning objectives for the Internship, which are described in the National part of the Curriculum.
Examination type
Individual written project with the duration of 20 mins. individual oral testing.
The test consists of three parts:
• Hand-in and approval of reflections over one´s own learning
• Participation in the internship fair
• Oral reflection exam
In case the student, with a valid reason and approved by the education, cannot participate
in the internship fair, the student must hand in a replacement assignment
Please refer to the semester description for a thorough description of demands and the
practical test.
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5. Exams
Formal requirements
The written reflection document must amount to max. 12.000 number of characters (min.
Requirements to take part in the exam
The Internship takes places in the 3th semester and last for 3 months.
The Internship company provides a contact person for the student during the Internship period. In cooperation with the student, the contact person at the Internship company fills out
the Internship contract, which must state as a minimum, which tasks the student is expected to work with during the internship period. The tasks must support the Learning objectives of the Internship. When planning the tasks, the Internship company must consider
the student´s abilities and previous knowledge within the area. The Internship contract
must be approved by a representative from this study programme.
Fulfilment of the Internship contract is a requirement for participation in the Internship
exam. If the requirement for taking part in the examination is not fulfilled, the student may
not attend the exam, and has used up one exam attempt.
The study programme appoints an Internship supervisor, who will function as a supporter
for the student during the entire Internship period, especially if any conflicts arise with the
Internship company. The Internship supervisor will also be the Internship examiner if possible.
Once the Internship has been completed, an electronic evaluation of the Internship will be
arranged for both the student and the Internship company.
Internal assessment?
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale.
Internship exam not passed
In case the ordinary exam is not passed, the student must participate in a re-exam. In
case the reflection document is approved for the ordinary exam, a new document should
not be handed in. The re-exam is held with the same conditions as the ordinary exam.
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5. Exams
Professional bachelor project
The exam must show – along with the Internship exam and all other exams throughout the
study programme - that the student has obtained the learning objectives, which have been
set for the study programme
The bachelor’s project must document the student’s understanding of and ability to reflect
on the practices of the profession and the use of theory and method in relation to a real-life
problem. The student, possibly in collaboration with a private or public company, formulates the problem statement that must be central to the programme and profession. The
Institution approves the problem statement. The bachelor project must be inter-disciplinary
and there must be advanced an economic scenario for the consequences of the presented
solutions of the formulated problem.
Learning objectives
The graduate:
● must have a development-based knowledge of hospitality industry practices and
applied theory and methods
can reflect on the ways the hospitality industry applies practices, theory and methods.
The graduate can:
● apply methods and tools to the development of tools related to work within the
hospitality industry
evaluate practice-oriented and theoretical issues and select and justify relevant solution models in relation to the hospitality industry
communicate practice-oriented issues and solutions to hospitality industry partners
and users.
The graduate must be able to:
● lead and act based on complex development-oriented situations in relation to hospitality companies/organisations
independently engage in dialogue with employees and other stakeholders to ensure and practise good hospitality
identify their own and others’ learning needs in order to develop and maintain relevant competencies in relation to the hospitality industry.
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5. Exams
Examination type
The exam consists of a written project and an oral defence, which will be awarded one collective grade.
The project is worked out individually, but it is possible to work out a joint project, if a maximum of 3 students have had their internship in the same company.
The Bachelor project is usually based on the company in which the student has had his/her
internship and if the student wishes to deviate from this, the student must apply for approval at the educational institution.
The duration of oral exam incl. assessment:
1 student: 45 mins.
2 students: 75 mins. (1 hour and 15 mins)
3 students: 105 mins. (1 hour and 45 mins)
Students who have completed the project as a group must, by the time of hand-in, inform
the tutor that they wish to participate in an individual oral exam or an oral group exam.
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student can always choose to write
the Professional bachelor project individually. Even if the written project has been made in
a group, the student can always choose to take the oral defence exam individually.
Formal requirements
The Bachelor project must have the following sizes:
1 student: 72.000 – 84.000 characters
2 students: 108.000 – 126.000 characters
3 students: 126.000 – 147.000 characters
Number of characters is including spaces, footnotes, figures and tables, but excl. front
page, table of contents, list of sources/bibliography and appendices.
Requirements to take part in the exam
The Professional bachelor project completes the programme in the last semester once all
the preceding exams have been passed.
This means that the oral defence cannot take place, before the Internship exam and all
other exams in the study programme have been passed.
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5. Exams
The exam is external.
According the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale the assessment will be given as a
grade from the 7 point grading scale.
One collect individual grade is awarded for the bachelor exam.
Spelling and writing skills
According to the Ministerial Order on Examinations the student´s spelling and writing skills
must be included in the assessment of the Professional bachelor project along with the academic content.
However, the academic content must always be given the highest weight, and therefore
the student´s spelling and writing skills will be weighed as 10 percentage of the total
Professional bachelor project not passed
In case the final bachelor project is not passed, a new project must be made, which is to
be tested during a new oral exam. The subject may be the same, but the new problem
statement/area of investigation must be significantly different from the previous one. Tutoring is offered in connection with working out the new issue.
Once the student has completed the study programme, a Diploma will be issued in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Examinations.
In accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale, the following grades will be
included in the exam result:
Table 4: Diploma:
Grade on Diploma
Weight in total average
Exam part 1 of 1st
semester exam:
Theme 1
7 point grading scale 1
Which makes up 25%
of the collect grade
for the 3 test parts
Exam part 2 of 1st
semester exam:
Theme 2
7 point grading scale
Which makes up 25%
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6. Study support
of the collect grade
for the 3 test parts
Exam part 3 of 1st
Semester exam: Reflection Exam incl.
Theme 3+4
7 point grading scale
Which makes up 50%
of the collect grade
for the 3 test parts.
7 point grading scale 2
7 point grading scale 1
7 point grading scale 2
Professional bachelor
7 point grading scale 3
Elective subject element
A Diploma cannot be issued for a larger amount of ECTS than the study programme consist of.
Study support
Leave of absence
In accordance with the Ministerial Order for Technical and Commercial Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes the student may apply for leave
of absence, once all examinations in the first semester have been passed.
Leave of absence can normally only be granted for entire semesters.
During leave of absence the student may not take part in class teaching or examinations.
Once the leave of absence has expired, it is prohibited for students to take part in examinations, which test subject elements, which the students has not previously received class
teachings for.
Leave of absence cannot be awarded retroactively.
Students, who are awarded leave of absence for other reasons than legal maternity/paternity or adoption, are not entitled to receive the monthly Student Grant (SU) from the Danish
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6. Study support
Read more about how to apply for leave of absence on www.ucl.dk under ”For students”.
Transfer to another educational institution
Any student, who wants to continue in the same study programme at another educational
institution, must apply for admission in accordance with the normal rules as mentioned in
the Ministerial Order on Admissions, which means that the student must make a formal application as if they wanted to start from the beginning.
However, if the student fulfils all admission requirements and has passed the first year of
studies, the student must contact the new institution directly without making a formal application in the usual manner.
In order to be transferred to another educational institution, the receiving institution must
have an available study place. Any passed examinations at the original institution cannot
be re-taken after the transfer, unless they are outdated at the receiving institution. All exam
attempts, which have been registered at the original institution will be transferred to the
new institution and will be counted as if the student was continuing at the original institution.
It is a condition for a student´s transfer to a new educational institution that the student
gives explicit permission for the new educational institution to contact the original institution
with the purpose of transferring information about passed subject elements, used exam attempts, information about abrupt internships, enrolment date and other necessary and relevant information for the receiving institution´s treatment of the transfer application.
Change of study programme
Any student, who want to change study programme and apply for a new study programme
at UCL, must apply for admission in accordance with the normal rules as mentioned in the
Ministerial Order on Admissions, which means that the student must make a formal application as if they wanted to start from the beginning.
However, if the student fulfils all admission requirements for the new study programme and
has passed subject elements, which are equivalent of the first year of studies in the new
study programme, the student must contact a representative of the new study programme
directly without making a formal application in the usual manner. At the same time, the student must apply for Credit transfer. Read more in the Section below “Credit transfer and
credit agreements”.
Credit transfer and credit agreements
According to the Ministerial Order on Admissions, all applicants – when applying for a
study programme in Denmark - are obligated to truthfully give information about previous
employment and all passed or successfully completed study elements taken in Denmark or
abroad at the same or higher level. This information is used to make an assessment of
each applicant´s possibilities to be awarded credit transfer.
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6. Study support
According to the Ministerial Order on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional
Bachelor Programmes, successfully completed programme elements are equivalent to the
corresponding programme elements at other educational institutions offering the same
study programme.
Also, credit transfer will be approved in regards to the each student´s successfully completed study programme elements and relevant employment, which are professionally considered to be equivalent to subject elements and Internship in the study programme.
Dispensation rules
Upon application from the student UCL can give dispensation from the rules, which are set
by the study programme in the Curriculum, for instance regarding formal requirements,
group size etc. In order to give dispensation special circumstances must be documented
by the student.
Also, UCL can give dispensation from the rules in the Ministerial Order on Admission, if the
specific rule allows it, for instance in cases about transfer from UCL before the student has
passed the first year of studies or disenrollment from UCL when the student has not
passed any exams in 1 year.
Furthermore, UCL can give dispensation from the rules in the Ministerial Order on Examinations, if the specific rules allows it, for instance in cases about cancelling automatic participation from exams, number of exam attempts, postponement of the First Year exam,
postponement of the Study start test, use of language at the exam or assessment of
spelling and writing skills.
Also, UCL can give dispensation from the Ministerial Order for Technical and Commercial
Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes in regards to
the rules about leave of absence from UCL before the necessary semesters have been
Read more about how to apply for dispensation, what reasons are considered “special circumstances” and what documentation is needed on www.ucl.dk under “For students”.
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