Knowing how to use excel properly is crucial in this course. Basic of Excel Knowledge Error Cel K6: Cel K9: J9 is a text, which can’t be mathematically “sum up”to I9 Cel K10: Can’t find the name “sales”in the name manager (Formula -> Name manager), Fixed: make the name “sales”and include numbers using “Define name” (Formula -> Name manager -> Define name). Cel K11 : sqrt(-1) is not mathematically correct, so it caused an error of “#NUM!” Cel K12: If Colm “H”is deleted, an error of “#REF”, which indicated *How do I know where “K12”comes from? A: Formula -> Fomula Auditing -> Trace Precedents, then an arrow will show the result. Sheets: Sheets are the “pages”of Excel. You can do all kind of adjustment (Color, Font, etc) Color is usually used to make things more organized for business management. *When making copy of sheet, you just need Hiding Sheet by clicking “Hide”, and unhiding sheet by clicking “Unhide” View: A massive amount of data, alphabetically: population of all countries in the world from 1980-2010 When dealing with big data, how to see the heading and the country section when dealing a specific date of data? A: “View -> Window -> Freeze Panes”, then you can lock the heading and the country sections. What is you wanna compare two countries? A: 1. “View -> Window -> Split”, then 2. , then you will left will only two countries to compare What if you wanna compare two files? A: “View -> Window -> View side by side”, then Formula Formula vs Function: a formula is any calculation in Excel, but a function is a pre-defined calculation. “=MAX(A1:B20)” is a formula containing a function. Cel E2: what should I do to make it a sum of 1. Type “=B2+C2+D2”, which is doing it manually 2. Type “=”, then go to “Fomula -> Insert Function” which is using a fomula 3. Type “=”, then go to “Fomula -> Auto sum”which is using the function icon that has all the normal fomular. 4. Type “=sum(B2:D2)”, which is doing it using fomula. Names When computing for interest (= p*r*t). Cel E3: change the top left “E3”to “Interest” 1. A 2. Use “Fomula -> ” 3. Use “” Using fomular -> Past name -> Conditional Format What should you do if you wanna collect a large amout of data? A: hold“Shift + Ctrl”, then press down, you will collect data from the starting cel until a blank.