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Akhenaton vs Colossol Athena Writing Assignment

AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
The visual representation of deities and holy personages is a feature of religious beliefs and practices
throughout the world. Using the Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and their 3 daughters from the Armana Period and
the Colossal Athena by Phidias from the Parthenon in Greece provide specific evidence and analyze
each work in relation to the religious beliefs and practices within its culture.
Identify, evaluate, and cite research from at least 6 primary sources in a 3-4 page scholarly
research paper.
December 1 – Introduction (Library Day)
December 4– Annotated Bibliography DUE (Annotated Bibliography Maker - 4 sources)
December 9 – Draft paper and images DUE – ( Turnitin and Library Day)
December 12– Self Assessment DUE
December 15 – Final Paper, Annotated Bibliography DUE – (Turnitin)
Research Paper Guidelines
MLA Formatting and Style Guide - Paper Format & General Guidelines
Turnitin.com – Submission of drafts and final paper
Annotated Bibliography Maker – Annotated Bibliography
MLA In-Text References (Parenthetical Reference)
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Primary Source - Analysis, Observations and Questions
Primary sources are the raw materials of history — original documents and objects which were created
at the time under study. They are different from secondary sources, accounts or interpretations of events
created by someone without firsthand experience. Examining primary sources gives students a powerful
sense of history and the complexity of the past.
QUESTION – Ask questions that to lead to more observation and reflection about a source
What do you wonder about the topic and what source will answer the - Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Speculate about each source, its creator, and its context.
What was happening during this time period?
What was the creator’s purpose in making this primary source?
What does the creator do to get his or her point across?
What was this primary source’s audience?
What biases or stereotypes do you see?
OBSERVE – Identify and note details
What do you notice first about the source? Find something small but interesting.
What do you notice that you didn’t expect?
What do you notice that you can’t explain?
Self-Activity: Can you compare two related primary sources?
REFLECT – Generate and test hypothesis about the source - Annotation
Where do you think this source came from?
Why do you think somebody made this source?
Who do you think was the audience for this source?
Why do you think this source is so important?
What can you learn from examining this source?
Self-Activity: Consider how a series of primary sources support or challenge information and
understanding on a particular topic. Refine or revise research and conclusions based on the study of
each subsequent primary source.
Primary Source Analysis Tool
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Locating and Using Sources
QVHS Library Commons Wikispace
 Gale Databases
 US History in Context
 World History in Context
 Other Databases
 ArtStor – subscription access only – QV email / artstor1
 PowerLibrary – Find eResources – Help Me Choose – Book / Newspapers& Magazines
o eBooks EBSCO Host
o AP Images
o Live Chat- AskHere PA
Online Sources
 Library of Congress –Teachers
ART Source - Art Journals Online
ART History Resources on the Web
JSTOR – Journals, Primary Sources and Books – Abstract Access Only
 ARTchive - http://www.artchive.com/ftp_site.htm
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Library Card Database Access
Archives Journals/Serials Department – Abstract Journal Access - Contact Mr. Hollein
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
The Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the
sources cited.
It is an organized list of sources (references you found, reviewed, and will cite in your paper), such as
books, journals, newspapers, magazines, web pages, etc., each of which is followed by an annotation or
description. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and
appropriateness of expression, and authority.
NOTE: Variety in the types of sources are necessary to demonstrate the relevance of your research;
sources should not be limited to online sources** - online does not mean website.
Depending on the assignment, the annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including:
 a review of the literature on a particular subject
 an illustration of the quality of research that you have done—(most important for this
Annotations may consist of all or part of the following items, depending on the item/source:
 Information that:
evaluate the authority or background of the author
comments on the intended audience
compare or contrast a work with another you have cited, or
explains how this work illuminates your bibliography topic
describe the content (focus) of the source
describe the usefulness of the source
discuss any limitations that the item may have, e.g. grade level, timeliness etc.
describe what audience the source is intended for
discuss any conclusions the author(s) may have made
evaluate the methods (research) used in the source
describe your reaction to the source
Annotations immediately follow the bibliographic information or may skip a line. Sample
Waite, Linda J., Frances Kobrin Goldscheider, and Christina Witsberger. "Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family
Orientations Among Young Adults." American Sociological Review 51.4 (1986): 541-554. Print.
The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of
Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values,
plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly
supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents
before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study
by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Annotated Bibliography Assignment for this particular paper
At least 6 sources (3 for each – Akhenaton / Colossal) reviewed for the research paper.
At least 3 different types of sources including books, journal articles, and websites,
social media, etc.
6 sources must be cited significantly in the final paper (In-Text- References)
Each annotation should be approximately 150 words in length and should
address the items listed above.
 5 points per required source - MLA formatting - 30
 10 points for each annotation - 60
 10 points Annotated Bibliography Marker formatting, printing and due
date - 10
= 100 total points
DUE - Dec 9 (partial) Dec 15 (Complete)
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Source Log
Akhenaton and Nefertiti=AN
Colossal Athena=CA
* =Required
Art Work Criticism/ Analysis:
MLA Citation
& Annotation 
Contextual Sources (Associated Art Movements & Historical Periods):
MLA Citation
& Annotation 
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Other- Art Related- Sources:
MLA Citation
& Annotation 
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Thesis / Prompt
Unique, original argument:
Art Works:
Artistic elements you are analyzing:
Organization of paper: MLA format
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Self-Progress Assessment
Minimum of 6 sources cited in paper:
Minimum 6 sources for annotated bibliography:
My research is complete.
not quite
My annotated bibliography is complete. yes
not quite
My thesis is “finalized.”
not quite
I have created an outline.
not quite
I have begun writing my paper.
not quite
I am panicking.
not quite
I need help with:
AP Art History
Writing Assignment #1: Learning to Write for the Exam –Research Paper
Weekly Notes
This is where we will communicate with one another about questions, concerns, etc.
Week #1:
Week #2: