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Multisim Lab: DC & AC Circuit Simulation

1. Type your name and student ID in the above fields.
2. Follow the procedures of all parts and sections of this lab.
3. Answer all questions in the provided spaces (in bold red).
4. Submit this document in Blackboard by the due date indicated above.
5. The mark and possible feedback will be posted in Blackboard after the due date.
Submission: This original word document with answers included in full is required to be
submitted in Blackboard by the due date. It is not allowed to submit another
separate document that includes only answers to the questions.
1. To install Multisim and get convenient using it.
2. To simulate DC and AC circuits.
3. To use the multimeter, signal generator, and oscilloscope devices in simulation.
Part 1: Multisim Installation
Required Resources
1 PC using Windows operating system with Internet access.
National Instruments (NI) Multisim is an analog and digital simulation environment based upon two
simulation technologies: a SPICE-based (“Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis”)
simulator for analog simulation and an event-driven simulator, based on XSPICE technology, for digital
simulation. [Ref. NI]
Circuit simulation is widely regarded as a critical step in the design flow. SPICE simulation is the de
facto standard for analog circuit simulation. Over the years, many enhancements and additions to
SPICE have extended its functionality and range of applicability. NI Multisim adds to the versatility of
SPICE by incorporating a mixed-mode simulator, allowing fast simulation of both analog and digital
components together. [Ref. NI]
In our labs of this course EMNG1013 (Electronic Devices) delivered online we will be using the full
version of Multisim from NI for the simulation of the studied electronic circuits. At first step, you should
make yourself convenient with the features available in Multisim by identifying the different tools and
windows available in the simulation tool as seen in the following figure taken from an NI manual.
(Note: this manual called “NI Multisim​TM​ Fundamentals” is made available as a pdf file named “Multisim
Fundamentals” in Blackboard.)
EMNG1013 Electonic Devices, George Brown College
Ali A. Hussein, Ph.D., P.Eng.Page ​1
Fig. Multisim simulation environment. [Ref. NI]
Multisim Installation
To achieve the labs of this course which is delivered online you will need to install and use Multisim on
a PC that runs Windows operating system. You can download Multisim from NI from one of the
following URL links:
● https://www.ni.com/en-ca/shop/electronic-test-instrumentation/application-software-for-electronic-te
● https://www.ni.com/en-ca/support/downloads/software-products/download.multisim.html#312060
For detailed installation instructions, you can refer to the pdf document called “Multisim Download
Instructions” placed in the Blackboard. The serial number for your student account intended for
education is indicated in that document and is made available in an announcement in Blackboard. This
is an authorized licensee for your only use in this course.
Part 2: Simulation of DC Circuits
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Ali A. Hussein, Ph.D., P.Eng.Page ​2
You used Multisim at least once in simulating DC circuits in the EMNG1001 (Circuit Analysis) course.
This part of the lab serves to give you a review for constructing a DC circuit consisted of resistors, DC
power sources, and switches. In the procedure of this part, you should retain the skills you learned in
the prerequisite course of Circuit Analysis to use the multimeter to measure DC quantities including
voltages, currents, and resistances. I particular you have to know that when using the multimeter as a
voltmeter to measure the voltage drop across any part of the circuit (including one or more resistors),
the measuring device must be connected in parallel with that part. So the voltmeter terminals must be
connected directly to the two circuit nodes between which the voltage drop is measured. Also, recall
that when the multimeter is used as an ammeter it must be connected in series with the circuit branch
through which the current is measured. So the circuit branch must be broken at first, and then the two
broken points must be interconnected through the ammeter terminals. Another important point is that
when the multimeter is used as an ohmmeter to measure the resistance of any part of the circuit, then
that part must have no DC sources powering it.
Setting the Circuit Structure
In Multisim construct the circuit diagram shown in the above figure. Follow the following guides and
directions to add, set, orient, and interconnect the circuit components:
1. To add and set the DC sources:
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Source – POWER_SOURCES – DC_POWER – OK
After placing the DC source into the Circuit Window, double click on it, and set the source voltage
in the Value tab to the desired value of 15 V. Also change the displayed label in the Labe tab into
the desired name (Vs1 or Vs2).
2. To add and set the resistors:
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Basic – RESISTOR – OK
After placing the resistor into the Circuit Window, double click on it, and set the resistance to the
desired value in the Value tab. You can also change the label of the resistor and rotate it by 90º
(right-click the resistor to access rotation).
3. To add the switches (generic switches):
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Basic – SWITCH – DIPSW1– OK
Note that each time a switch is clicked it toggles between the ON/OFF states.
4. To add the ground terminal:
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Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Source – POWER_SOURCES – GROUND – OK
5. To add a multimeter:
Guide: Instruments Toolbar – Multimeter
After placing the multimeter double-click it to open its control panel. Set the multimeter to the
desired function such as Voltage and DC as seen in the figure above.
After adding all of the above components move the mouse to the terminal of any component and
notice that it changes into a wiring tool. Click on the terminal and move the mouse to the terminal of
another component and click there to get the wire interconnecting the two points. Continue the
procedure until the overall circuit in the above figure is constructed. To run the simulation click the Run
green button in the Simulation toolbar (you can also access the Run button in the Simulate menu of
the Menu bar). To stop simulation click the Stop red button in the Simulation toolbar.
Taking Measurements
1. With S1 = ON, S2 = ON, and S3 = OFF make the following measurements:
Using the multimeter as a voltmeter.
2.2234 V
8.777 V
37.5 nV
1.316 nV
3.989 V
Using the multimeter as an ammeter.
I​R1​ = I​R2
I​R3​ = I​R4
3.989 mA
3.989 mA
177.636 pA
In the above table remember to include the appropriate unit for each simulated parameter.
2. With S1 = ON, S2 = ON, and S3 = ON repeat the previous measurements in table below:
Using the multimeter as a voltmeter.
2.725 V
10.704 V
15.484 V
1.087 V
1.571 V
Using the multimeter as an ammeter.
I​R1​ = I​R2
I​R3​ = I​R4
4.866 mA
1.571 mA
3.294 mA
3. With S1 = ON, S2 = OFF, and S3 = ON repeat the previous measurements in table below:
Using the multimeter as a voltmeter.
2.157 V
8.472 V
18.1 V
1.271 V
4.371 nV
Using the multimeter as an ammeter.
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I​R1​ = I​R2
I​R3​ = I​R4
3.851 mA
3.851 mA
4. With S1 = OFF, S2 = OFF, and S3 = OFF take the measurements in table below:
Using the multimeter as an ohmmeter.
3.76 kOhm
6.03 kOhm
7.79 kOhm
Note that R​AB​ represents the resistance measured between points (nodes) A and B of the circuit as
indicated in the figure above.
Proof Image
As an additional proof to your work insert below an image taken from the Circuit Window for the circuit
that you have constructed while the circuit is in the run mode measuring R​AC​ in step 4 above (i.e. when
S1 = OFF, S2 = OFF, and S3 = OFF).
What is the circuit topology when setting S1 = ON, S2 = ON, and S3 = ON? What should you do to
compute the currents in the different branches of the circuit in this case?
Note: Just explain the principle, but do not compute the currents.
Answer: This is a Series-Parallel topology. You break the circuit and insert a multimeter to measure
the current.
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Part 3: Simulation of AC Circuits
In this part, you will construct a simple AC circuit consisting of one resistor (1 kΩ) connected in series
with a capacitor (0.1 µF). This simple circuit topology causes the voltage drop across the capacitor to
be phase-shifted (delayed) with respect to the sine voltage waveform applied at the input of the AC
circuit. In the procedure, you will be simulating the use of real lab equipment to energize the
constructed circuit and to display the waveforms by adopting the use of the Agilent Function Generator
(XFG2) and Agilent Oscilloscope (XSC2) that are available in Multisim. Therefore, you will learn how
to set up and use these devices in a lab environment.
Setting the Experimental Setup
In Multisim construct the experimental setup shown in the above figure. Follow the following guides to
add the experimental setup components and devices:
1. To add and set the resistor:
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Basic – RESISTOR – OK
Set the value of the resistance to 1 kΩ.
2. To add and set the capacitor:
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Basic – CAPACITOR – OK
Set the value of the capacitance to 0.1 µF.
3. To add the ground terminal:
Guide: Component Toolbar – Place Source – POWER_SOURCES – GROUND – OK
4. To add a function generator:
Guide: Instruments Toolbar – Agilent function generator
5. To add an oscilloscope:
Guide: Instruments Toolbar – Agilent oscilloscope
Wire the experimental setup as shown in the above figure. Open the panels of the function generator
and the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope has two input channels. The signal taken from the function
generator is applied to the first input channel of the oscilloscope. The signal of the capacitor is applied
to the second input channel of the oscilloscope.
Taking Measurements
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1. Start the simulation by clicking the simulation Run green button in the Simulation toolbar.
2. Setting the Function Generator:
Power ON the Agilent function generator. Select (click) the sine wave function (you will see the sine
wave symbol in the display area). Click the Frequency (Freq) button and use the Vernier control to
the right side of the display to adjust the frequency to 1 kHz (you can also use the four vertical
arrow buttons at the lower-right area to increment/decrement each digit of the displayed
frequency). Click the Amplitude (Ampl) button and use the Vernier control to adjust the
peak-to-peak voltage of the sine wave to 1 V. See figure below for illustration.
3. Setting the Oscilloscope:
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Power ON the Agilent oscilloscope. In the channel control area select both channels 1 and 2. Use
the buttons beneath the display screen to adjust the coupling mode of each channel to AC
coupling. Adjust the Volt/Division control of each channel to 200 mV/Div. Also, adjust the vertical
shift control of each channel to justify the display of the waveform around the central horizontal line
in the grid display. Notice that the Volt/Div setting and the vertical shift of the waveform for both
channels are indicated in the upper left side of the grid display area. Adjust the Time/Division
control to 200 µs/Div. This time parameter is also displayed in the upper part of the grid display.
Adjust the horizontal shift control such that the input waveform starts at 0 V exactly at the center
point of the grid display. Click on the single Run button once to get a frozen display of the
waveforms such that you can take measurements and an image for your results easily as seen in
the figure above.
4. Take the following measurements from the oscilloscope:
Volt per division setting
Peak-to-peak voltage in
vertical divisions
Peak-to peak voltage in volts
(V​pp​ = V​pp,Div​ × Volt/Div)
Channel 1
200 mV/Div……………
5 divisions
200mx5= 1000mV= 1V
Channel 2
200 mV/Div……………
4 divisions
200mx4= 800mV
Time per division setting
200 µs/Div.…………………
Period in horizontal divisions
Period in seconds
(T = T​Div​ × Time/Div)
5 division
200µs x 5= 1000µs
Time delay between the two
waveforms in divisions
Time delay between the two
(T​d​ = T​d,Div​ × Time/Div)
0.4 division
200m x 0.4 = 80µs
5. Estimate the phase shift between the two waveforms:
phase shif t, Ф = Td ×360° = (80/1000)*360 = ​28.8deg
Proof Image
Display only the waveform of Channel 1 in the oscilloscope. Click on the Quick Measures (Quick
Meas) button of the oscilloscope, and use the buttons at the lower of the grid display to display the
frequency, period, and peak-to-peak voltage values in the grid display. Insert an image of the
oscilloscope for these settings below as proof for your work.
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Ali A. Hussein, Ph.D., P.Eng.Page ​8
Do the frequency, period, and peak-to-peak voltage values in the Proof Image section are in
agreement with those estimated in step 4 of the Taking Measurements section?
Yes the frequency, period, and peak-to peak voltage values are in agreement with my
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