Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty Member:____________________ Dated: ________________ Semester:__________________________ Section: ________________ EE-111: Linear Circuit Analysis Lab1: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND IDENTIFICATION OF RESISTOR COLOUR CODES PLO4/ CLO5 Name Reg. No Viva / Quiz / Lab Performa nce 5 Marks EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis PLO5/ CLO6 Analysis Modern of data Tool in Lab Usage Report 5 Marks 5 Marks PLO8/ CLO7 PLO9/ CLO8 Ethics and Safety Individual and Team Work 5 Marks 5 Marks Page 1 Lab1: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC LABORATORY EQUIPMENT and IDENTIFICATION OF RESISTOR COLOR CODES Introduction 1. The first laboratory exercise is to familiarize the students with the use of basic laboratory equipment including the breadboard, power supply and the Digital multi-meter (DMM). The students will be measuring the currents and voltages of the circuits mentioned below using the DMM. To find the value of a resistor and its tolerance by color coding and using multi-meter. Objectives 2. The objectives of this lab are: 2.1. To use MULTIMETER as a voltmeter, Ohmmeter and Ammeter in order to measure voltage and current respectively. 2.2. Learn the COLOUR CODES scheme to determine the values of resistances. 2.3. Learn to patch up/make simple circuits. 2.4. The student will be required to use the breadboard to plug in various resistor combinations, calculate the expected voltages and currents and compare those with the measured values. The differences between the calculated values and measured values would be analyzed. Conduct of Lab 3. The students are required to work in groups of three; each student must attempt to understand and use the laboratory set-up and conduct at least one or two parts of the requirement experimentation. The lab Engineer will be available to assist the students. 4. In case some aspect of the lab experiment is not understood the students are advised to seek help from the teacher, the lab engineer. Lab Equipment 5. The following equipment would be used in this experiment, the students are to familiarize themselves with the equipment before its use: 5.1. Test bench (See Annexure 1) 5.2. The Multi-meter 5.3. The Power Supply (See Annexure 2) 5.4 The Breadboard (See Annexure 1) 5.5 Resistors (See Annexure 2) EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 2 Laboratory Experiment PART I DISPLAY Familiarization with Digital Multi-meter. Adjustment Buttons for different parameters The two measuring leads of the mulltimeter. The red pin is put at the point of higher (or +ve) potential while the black pin is put at points of lower (or –ve) potential. A meter is a measuring instrument. An ammeter measures current, a voltmeter measures the potential difference (voltage) between two points, and an ohmmeter measures resistance. A multi-meter combines these functions and possibly some additional ones as well, into a single instrument. Before going in to detail about multi-meters, it is important for you to have a clear idea of how meters are connected into circuits. Diagrams A and B below show a circuit before and after connecting an ammeter EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 3 to measure current, the circuit must be broken to allow the ammeter to be connected in series. All the current flowing in the circuit must pass through the ammeter. Meters are not supposed to alter the behavior of the circuit, or at least not significantly, and it follows that an ammeter must have a very LOW resistance. Diagram C shows the same circuit after connecting a voltmeter. To measure potential difference (voltage) the circuit is not changed, the voltmeter is connected in parallel .This time you do not need to break the circuit. The voltmeter is connected in parallel between the two points where the measurement is to be made. Since the voltmeter provides a parallel pathway, it should take as little current as possible. In other words, a voltmeter should have a very HIGH resistance. EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 4 An ohmmeter does not function with a circuit connected to a power supply. If you want to measure the resistance of a particular component, you must take it out of the circuit altogether and test it separately, as shown in diagram D: Ohmmeters work by passing a small current through the component and measuring the voltage produced. If you try this with the component connected into a circuit with a power supply, the most likely result is that the meter will be damaged. THE MULTIMETRE CONNECTED AS AN AMMETRE Press the button for the required parameter value to be measured. e.g Press DCA button in order to measure the DC Current EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 5 Red and Black Probes are connected as shown in the diagram, for measuring the max current of 2A THE MULTIMETRE CONNECTED AS THE VOLTMETRE Press the button for the required parameter value to be measured. e.g Press DCV button in order to measure the DC Voltage Red and Black Probes are connected as shown in the diagram, for measuring the max voltage of 1000V EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 6 MEASURING RESISTANCE WITH DMM The button is pressed to measure resistance. Notice that for measuring both voltage and resistance, the positive (red) pin is connected in the same socket Consider your DMM and the pictures given above. What is the range of voltage and current that the DMM can measure? EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 7 Range of V:________________________________________________________________ Range of I:_________________________________________________________________ IDENTIFICATION OF RESISTOR COLOR CODES Theory: Resistor values are marked onto the body of the resistor using a series of colored bands. These give the value of the resistor as well as other information including the tolerance and sometimes the temperature coefficient. The band closest to the end of the resistor body is taken to be Band 1. In case of four color bands, the first two bands are the significant figures of the value, the third band is a multiplier (number of zeros) and fourth band is the tolerance band, i.e. red black brown gold would be 2 0 x 10 + 5% or 200+5% ohms. Figure : 4- band resistor In case of five color bands first three bands are the significant figures of the value, the fourth band is a multiplier and fifth band is the tolerance band. Figure : 5-band resistor In case of six color bands the sixth band is the temperature coefficient band. Following tables give the values allocated to different colors to find the value of a resistor through the color bands it has on it. EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 8 5-band Resistor Color Codes: Color Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Multiplier Black 0 0 0 1 Brown 1 1 1 10 Red 2 2 2 100 Orange 3 3 3 1000 Yellow 4 4 4 10000 Green 5 5 5 100000 Blue 6 6 6 1000000 Violet 7 7 7 10-1 Grey 8 8 8 10-2 White 9 9 9 The resistance value of the resistor is not the only thing to consider when selecting a resistor for use in a circuit. The "tolerance" and the electric power ratings of the resistor are also important. The tolerance of a resistor denotes how close it is to the actual rated resistance value. For example, a ±5% tolerance would indicate a resistor that is within ±5% of the specified resistance value. Tolerance: Color: None Tolerance: 20% Silver Gold Red Brown 10% 5% 2% 1% EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 9 Lab Exercise: Select three resistors (5% tolerance) between 1Ω and 1MΩ. Verify the value of resistance and tolerance of resistors using color codes, and complete the following table: No. Value of Resistance through color codes (Ω) Tolerance Value of (%) Resistance measured by the DMM (Ω) Error (%) 1. 2. 3. The circuits for this lab report are designed using simulation software. The following legend details the symbols used to represent different electronic equipment. Legend Resistance Power supply Multimeter Connecting Wires EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 10 PART II MEASUREMENTS USING DMM Simple Circuit using a known resistor / resistors FIGURE 1 I. Calculate the current passing through the resistor R1 (known as IR1), power absorbed by resistor R1 (PR1) and the power delivered by the source (PS). IR1:____________________________________________________ PR1:____________________________________________________ PS:____________________________________________________ II. Now connect the DMM as voltmeter in order to measure the voltage in the circuit as shown in the configuration below. Here the voltmeter is shown connected across points B and C. To measure voltage across a different set of points you will have to disconnect the voltmeter and connect it between the desired points. Fill in the required results in Table 1. FIGURE 2a EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 11 Now connect the DMM as ammeter in order to measure the current in the circuit as shown in the configuration on the following page. Here the ammeter is shown connected between points A and B. To measure current at different points you shall have to disconnect the ammeter and connect it between the desired points. Fill in the required results in Table 1 FIGURE 2b SNo Value 1 Voltage A-B 2 Voltage B-D 3 Voltage A-C 4 Current C-D Calculated Measured Difference 5 Current A-B TABLE 1 Comment on any variations observed between the measured and the calculated values of the voltages and currents. ______________________________________________________________________________ EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 12 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Vary the voltage from 0 to 5 V in 5 steps of 1V each and note down the values of voltage and current. Use these values to plot a graph below. From the slope of the graph calculate the resistance and compare against the given value. Value of R: ____________________________________________________ %age Deviation: __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ III. Repeat the method employed in part II for the following configurations and note down the results in the table 2. EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 13 FIGURE 3a SNo Value 1 Voltage A-B 2 Voltage C-D 3 Voltage B-C 4 Current A-B 5 Current B-C Calculated Measured Difference TABLE 2 Comment on any variations observed between the measured and the calculated values of the voltages and currents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 14 In your own words, summarize what you have learned in the lab and explain any difficulties you encountered. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis Page 15 EE-109: Linear Circuit Analysis & EE-113: Engineering Circuit Analysis-I Page 16 NODES OF A BREADBOARD THE HORIZONTAL NODES The Vertical Nodes EE-111: Linear Circuit Analysis Page 17 ANNEXURE 2 RESISTORS CONNECTED IN SERIES WITH POWER SUPPLY ACROSS THEM RESISTORS IN PARALLEL WITH POWER SUPPLY ACORSS THEM EE-111: Linear Circuit Analysis Page 18 THE POWER SUPPLY IS SET TO DELIVER A VOLTAGE OF 4.9Volts NOTICE THAT THE CURRENT KNOB IS TURNED A LITTLE UP. IF IT WERE SET TO ZERO, THE POWER SUPPLY WOULD NOT SUPPLY ANY VOLTAGE DISPLAY EE-111: Linear Circuit Analysis Voltage Knob CURRENT KNOB Page 19 TWO RESISTORS CONNECTED IN SERIES AND PARALLEL Notice that the left end of the 1st resistor is connected at node #7 while the right end is connected at node #16 and the left hand end of the 2nd resistor is connected at node #16 and the right end at node #28. Hence the resistors share one common node i.e. node #16. EE-111: Linear Circuit Analysis Page 20