Uploaded by Jayden Tabb

3rd Grade Reading Comprehension: A Day on the Slopes

A Day on the Slopes
A Day on the Slopes
3rd Grade
Winter Break Activities to Support Literacy at Home
Read every day for 30 min. Choose a question below to discuss with a family member or
respond to the question through writing.
Fiction Texts
Informational Texts
● What is this story about?
● What evidence from the text helps you to know
what the story or poem is about?
● What is the lesson learned in the story? What
evidence from the text supports your response?
● What is the central message of the text? What
evidence from the text supports your response?
● What is the main character's most important
personality trait? How does this impact their
● Which sentence describes the character's feelings
at the beginning/middle/end of the story? What
happens because of the character's feelings?
● What does the author's word choice make you
think of?
● Identify the narrator. Support with evidence from
the text.
● How does this chapter/paragraph build on the
previous chapters/paragraphs?
● How does this chapter/paragraph impact the
problem/solution of the story?
Winter Break Homework Packet
December 21st – January 3rd
Due Monday, January 4, 2020
Jayden M. Tabb
Student’s Name________________________________________
Ms. C. watson
Teacher________________________________ Grade 3
● What is the main idea of the text?
● What key ideas, specific details, and events help
me to determine the main idea?
● What questions are you asking yourself that
help you to better understand what you read?
● How are the ideas and details in the text related?
● Does the author use key words that identify
time, sequence, and cause/effect to describe the
relationship between the events, ideas, concepts,
or steps in a technical procedure?
● How are the ideas and details in the text related?
If you come across a word you don’t know
● What words in the text help you determine the
meaning of the unknown word/phrase?
Conversation helped distract him. He loved meeting people from all over the country, and
even the world, on the chairlift. Games helped distract him, too. "I spy in my little eye,
something...orange," Bobby challenged.
"The plastic fence down there," guessed Dad.
"Want to try skiing the glades?" Dad asked when they had stopped for a rest mid-trail. Dad
nodded to where a path veered off the trail and into the woods. Bobby saw a few skiers follow
the path into the trees. About 10 seconds later, they popped out a little ways down the trail.
Bobby felt nervous and excited. "Let's do it!" he said with a grin.
"The stripe on that guy's jacket in front of us."
"Okay, you go, and I'll be right behind you. Don't go too fast. Keep your eyes on the trail, and
try to stay focused and relaxed."
"Here we go!" Bobby hollered as he glided to the side of the trail, his skis falling in line with a
path on the left that gradually curved into the woods. There were trees on either side of
Bobby, and the narrow path dipped down and then up a bit, down and then up. It felt like a
waterslide but better, because he was in control. There was one last bump on the path, where
it exited the woods. When Bobby got to it, he had gained some speed and even got a few
inches of air. He wobbled for a second, but quickly regained his balance.
"The writing on the band of your goggles!"
"Awesome!" he thought.
"Tricky, tricky. I'll stump you next time."
They were near the bottom of the hill, and the lifts were about to close.
Bobby loved winning, but he was no longer focused on playing "I Spy." They were close to the
"Up for one more run?" Dad asked.
"Ready?" Dad asked.
"No time for talking!" Bobby said, hurrying back to the chairlift.
"Ready," Bobby replied, removing his hands from the bar and skis from the little footrests
connected to the bar between his legs.
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A Day on the Slopes - Comprehension Questions
ReadWorks.org · © 2014 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.
A Day on the Slopes - Comprehension Questions
5. What is this story mostly about?
A Day on the Slopes - Comprehension Questions
Bug Power
He feel happy and glade that he went on the ride and faced his fears .
A. Bobby and his dad spend the day skiing.
B. Bobby gets over his fear of the chairlift.
C. Bobby's dad teaches him how to ski.
B. snowboarding
D. Bobby and his dad play "I Spy" on the chairlift.
How do some insects work together?
C. sledding
D. snowshoeing
2. Bobby gets frightened when he rides the chairlift. How does Bobby deal with this
A. Bobby closes his eyes.
6. Read the following sentences: "No matter how many times Bobby rode the chairlift,
he always got frightened when he looked down. If he stared down long enough to get
that tingly feeling, he'd grip the bar in front of him, take stock of the bar between his two
legs, and reassure himself that he was secure."
As used in this sentence, what does the word "reassure" most nearly mean?
B. Bobby hums to himself.
10. "Bobby is an adventurous boy who tries new things." Explain whether you agree or
disagree with this statement and why. Support your answer using details from the
A. to believe something false
D. Bobby holds on to his dad.
B. to do something that makes you stop worrying
Bob is an adventurous because even if he scare he still do it and that made him want to try more scary rides that are scary
Ants often live in underground nests. The nests have thousands of rooms connected by
tunnels. Millions of ants may live together in a nest. It can contain more than one queen.
Worker ants take care of all the other ants. Larger worker ants are called soldier ants. Their
job is to guard the nest.
C. to do something that makes you scared and uneasy
A. "Luckily, there was lots of powdery Colorado snow on this mountain, and definitely not
as much ice as there was on the mountains he had skied in New England."
D. to face your fears
7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
__________ Bobby gets frightened when riding chairlifts, he goes on the lifts anyway.
B. "During his first time skiing, Dad taught him how to do the 'pizza,' skiing with his skis
in a wedge like a slice of pizza. Bobby had advanced since then and could now do the
'french fries,' skiing with his skis parallel and straight like two french fries side by side."
A. Therefore
C. "When he felt himself going too fast, he would point his skis to the side instead of
down the mountain. That would help bring him to a stop."
C. Above all
D. "When Bobby got to it, he had gained some speed and even got a few inches of air.
He wobbled for a second, but quickly regained his balance."
What do termites, ants, and honeybees have in common? They are all social (SOH-shuhl)
insects. Social insects live together in large groups called colonies. Social insects always
have at least one queen. The queen is the mother. She lays the eggs. The rest of the group
divides the work.
Amazing Ants
C. Bobby plays games and talks.
3. Bobby has gotten better at skiing since the first time he skied. What evidence from
the passage best supports this conclusion?
Bug Power
9. How does Bobby feel before and after skiing the glades?
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
A. skiing
Normally, Bobby stayed far away from the forest, while avoiding big groups of people and ice.
Luckily, there was a lot of powdery Colorado snow on this mountain and definitely not as
much ice as there was on the mountain he had skied in New England.
"The square with the number on that pole," Dad said, pointing to one of the big poles holding
up the chairlift.
"Okay, fine. I give up!" Dad said, throwing his head back in defeat.
Copyright © 2020 by School District of Palm Beach County, Teaching and Learning
1. Which winter sport are Bobby and his dad doing?
This was Bobby's second time skiing, and he was getting the hang of it. During his first time
skiing, Dad taught him how to do the "pizza," skiing with his skis in a wedge like a slice of
pizza. Bobby had advanced since then and could now do the "french fries," skiing with his skis
parallel and straight like two french fries side by side. When he felt himself going too fast, he
would point his skis to the side instead of down the mountain. That would help bring him to a
"No way. The sun looks more yellow than orange right now, Dad."
● Can you use the root word or affix to figure out
the meaning of the unknown word?
● Is there a part of this word that you know the
meaning of? Does it sound like any words you
already know?
It is important for students to read books
daily through the winter break.
Stay safe and we’ll see you next year!
by Jaclyn Einis
No matter how many times Bobby rode the chairlift, he always got frightened when he looked
down. If he stared down long enough to get that tingly feeling, he'd grip the bar in front of him,
take stock of the bar between his two legs, and reassure himself that he was secure.
"Um...the sunshine?"
If you come across a word you don’t know
Parent Signature ________________________________________
A Day on the Slopes
Dad pulled the bar up and over their heads, and they looked forward. Skis straight and poles
held tightly, they pushed themselves away from the seat and down the small hill their skis
touched at the top.
Busy Bees
B. Meanwhile
D. Even though
8. Before the beginning of this story, how many times has Bobby gone skiing?
Bob has ben on the ride one time
4. How can Bobby best be described?
A. timid
B. crafty
C. aggressive
D. adventurous
Gerry Ellis/Getty Images
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ReadWorks.org · © 2019 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bug Power
Life in a honeybee hive is busy. Up to 60,000 bees may live together. Only one queen bee
lives in a hive. Worker bees do all the chores. They care for the young bees and the queen.
They clean and guard the hive and control the hive's temperature. The workers also make
food for all the bees in the hive.
ReadWorks.org · © 2019 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bug Power - Comprehension Questions
Bug Power - Comprehension Questions
4. Based on the information in the text, how are worker ants and worker bees similar?
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
1. According to the text, what do termites, ants, and honeybees have in common?
Copyright © 2009 Weekly Reader Corporation. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Weekly Reader is a registered trademark of Weekly Reader Corporation.
Bug Power - Comprehension Questions
8. Social insects always have at least one queen. What does the queen do?
She just stay back at the nest and lay eggs
A. Worker ants and worker bees both care for the other insects in their colonies.
B. Worker ants and worker bees both lay eggs for their colonies.
A. They are all social insects.
C. Worker ants and worker bees both build homes for their colonies.
B. They are all antisocial insects.
D. Worker ants and worker bees both make food for their colonies.
C. They are all worker insects.
Talented Termites
5. What is a main idea of this text?
D. They are all soldier insects.
2. To organize this text, the author divides it into sections with subheadings. What does
the author describe in the section with the subheading "How do some insects work
A. Soldier termites protect the colony.
9. Describe the work of worker ants, worker bees, and worker termites.
B. Social insects always have at least one queen.
Support your answer with evidence from the text.
C. Social insects live and work together in colonies.
The queen is at the nest and lay eggs and when she lay the eggs they go with the group and they find food for the queen.
D. Ants often live in underground nests.
A. what social insects are
B. an ant colony's underground nest
6. Read this sentence from the text.
and then when she eat the lay eggs and then they do it again.
C. all of the chores that worker bees do
"How do some insects work together?"
D. the job of soldier termites
Why might the author have begun the text with this question?
3. Read these sentences from the text.
Oxford Scientific/Jupiter Images
A. to introduce a key question that the text will answer
Termites build tall nests in wood or soil. A nest can be up to 40 feet high. Millions of termites
may live in one nest. Every colony has a king and a queen. They make the eggs. Worker
termites build the nest and care for the eggs. Soldier termites protect the colony.
"Ants often live in underground nests. The nests have thousands of rooms connected
by tunnels. Millions of ants may live together in a nest.
10. Worker insects are just as important as queen insects.
B. to signal an argument that the text will be making
C. to persuade readers to answer the question
Form an argument for or against this statement.
D. to show the author's confusion about how insects work together
Support your answer with evidence from the text.
7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.
Termites build tall nests in wood or soil. A nest can be up to 40 feet high. Millions of
termites may live in one nest."
Because they both lay eggs and they help there queen get food to last them though the hole winter
An ant nest can contain more than one queen, __________ a beehive only contains
one queen.
Based on this information, how are ants and termites different?
A. like
A. Ants live underground, whereas termites live above ground.
B. if
B. Ants live in nests, whereas termites live in hives.
C. but
C. Ants only have one queen, whereas termites can have more than one queen.
D. then
D. Ants have soldier ants that protect the colony, whereas termites do not.
Copyright © 2009 Weekly Reader Corporation. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Weekly Reader is a registered trademark of Weekly Reader Corporation.
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ReadWorks.org · © 2019 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.
ReadWorks.org · © 2019 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.
3rd grade MAFS Study Guide
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
MAFS.3.OA.1.1; MAFS.3.OA.1.2; MAFS.3.OA.2.6; MAFS.3.OA.1.3; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 1
MAFS.3.OA.1.1; MAFS.3.OA.1.2; MAFS.3.OA.2.6; MAFS.3.OA.1.3; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 2
MAFS.3.OA.1.1; MAFS.3.OA.1.2; MAFS.3.OA.2.6; MAFS.3.OA.1.3; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 3
MAFS.3.OA.1.1; MAFS.3.OA.1.2; MAFS.3.OA.2.6; MAFS.3.OA.1.3; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 4
1) What is another way to show 3 x 6?
a. 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6
b. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3
c. 6 + 6 + 6
d. 3 + 3 + 3
2) Megan put her books on shelves in her room as
shown below.
4) Which of these questions can be answered with
the number sentence 36 ÷ 6?
a. Megan has 36 crackers. Robert has 6
crackers. How many crackers to do
they have in all?
b. Robert has 36 pencils. He gives 6
pencils to his friend. How many pencils
does Robert have left?
1) What is another way to show 8 x 7?
a. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7+ 7
b. 8 + 8 + 8+ 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8
c. 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8
d. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7
2) Megan put her books on shelves in her room as
shown below.
c. Megan has 36 paper clips. Robert has 6
times as many paper clips as Megan.
How many paper clips does Robert
a. 2 x 5= 10
5) Mr. Williams has 48 books he must pack
in boxes. Each box holds 8 books. How many
boxes will he need?
a. 3 boxes
b. 3 x 8= 24
b. 4 boxes
c. 5 boxes
2 x 8= 16
d. 4 x 4= 16
3) Megan has five $10 bills. Which expression
shows how much money she has?
a. 10 ÷ 5
d. 6 boxes
6) Select all the equations that can be used to
solve 27 ÷ 9.
a. 9
X 3 = 27
b. 10 -5
b. 9 X
c. 10 + 5
c. 3 X 8
d. 10 x 5
d. 27 ÷
= 27
= 24
3 =9
a) Megan has 48 paper clips. Robert has 8
times as many paper clips as Megan. How
many paper clips does Robert have?
b) Robert has 48 trading cards. He gives an
equal number of cards to each of 8 friends.
How many cards does each friend get?
c) Megan has 48 crackers. Robert has 8
crackers. How many crackers to do they
have in all?
d) Robert has 48 pencils. He gives 8
pencils to his friend. How many pencils does
Robert have left?
d. Robert has 36 trading cards. He gives
an equal number of cards to each of 6
friends. How many cards does each
friend get?
Which number sentence shows how the
books are placed on the shelves?
4) Which of these questions can be answered with
the number sentence 48 ÷ 8?
5) Mr. Williams has 54 books he must pack
in boxes. Each box holds 6 books. How many
boxes will he need?
Which number sentence shows how the
books are placed on the shelves?
a. 3 x 4 = 12
b. 3 x 8= 24
4 x 6 = 24
a. 3 boxes
b. 9 boxes
c. 5 boxes
d. 7 boxes
d. 4 x 4= 16
6) Choose two equations that can be used to
solve 42÷7.
3) Megan has six $20 bills. Which expression shows
how much money she has?
a. 20 ÷ 6
b. 20 + 6
c. 20 x 6
d. 20 - 6
a. 7
X 6 = 42
1) Robert told Megan he planted 8 x 4 flowers.
How might Megan describe the arrangement
of flowers in Robert’s rectangular shaped
a. 3 rows of 4 flowers
b. 8 rows of 4 flowers
Design 2
c. 6 rows of 8 flowers
Design 3
d. 2 rows of 4 flowers
1) A multiplication problem is shown.
7) Robert has to plant 36 flowers in the garden.
Complete the table to show 2 different designs
for how Robert could plant the flowers.
Number Number of
of Rows columns
What is the value of the unknown number?
a. 12
Design 1
b. 18
Design 2
c. 21
d. 24
2) Select all the situations that can be represented
by 64 ÷ 8.
a. Robert has 64 baseballs and places an
equal number of baseballs into 8 bags.
5) Megan has 12 apples and 6 bags. She places an
equal number of apples in each bag.
How many apples are in each bag?
a. 3
b. Robert has 64 baseballs and gives 8 of
them to a friend.
b. 4
c. Robert has 64 baseballs and his friend gives
him 8 more.
d. 2
d. Robert has 8 baseballs and needs more
baseballs to deliver to the school.
e. Robert has 64 baseballs and gives each of 8
teams an equal amount.
3) Robert told Megan he planted 48 flowers in the
rectangular-shaped garden.
Select all the correct expressions Megan could
use to describe how the flowers were planted.
a. 48 ÷ 6
= 48
b. 6 x 7
c. 42÷ 6 = 7
d. 6 X 7 = 35
c. 9 x 2
b. 8 X 7
4) Robert has to plant 24 flowers in the garden.
Complete the table to show 3 different designs
for how Robert could plant the flowers.
Number of
of Rows
Design 1
d. 6 x 8
c. 6
6) Robert has 12 oranges in total.
Select all the ways he can divide his oranges?
2) A division problem is shown.
72 ÷ ? = 9
6) The bag has 48 hair clips, and Megan and her
three friends want to share them equally. How
many hair clips will each person receive?
a. 3
What is the value of the unknown number?
3) Bert, the monkey, loves bananas. Megan, his
trainer, has 24 bananas. If she gives Bert 4
bananas each day, how many days will the
bananas last?
b. 14
c. 6
d. 12
7) Robert has 16 color pencils in total. Which
shows a way he can equally divide his color
e. 48 ÷ 5
4) There are some students at recess. The teacher
divides the class into 4 lines with 6 students in
each line.
Select all the equations that shows how many
students are in the class.
b. 24 ÷ 4= 6
a. 5 x 6=30
c. 3 x 7= 21
d. 4 x 6= 24
e. 20 ÷ 6 = 4
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
3rd grade MAFS Study Guide
MAFS.3.OA.1.1; MAFS.3.OA.1.2; MAFS.3.OA.2.6; MAFS.3.OA.1.3; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 5
MAFS.3.OA.2.5; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 1
1) A multiplication problem is shown.
What is the value of the unknown number?
a. 12
5) Ms. Patterson has 18 desks that she wants to
arrange in her classroom. She wants to have
the same number of desks in each group.
Complete the table to show 2 different
arrangements for how Ms. Patterson can
arrange her desks in her classroom.
b. 36
1) An equation is shown.
b. 6 + (2 x 5)
d. 10 x 6
e. (6 x 8) x (6 x 2)
a. Robert has 18 baseballs and places an
equal number of baseballs into 3 bags.
c. 3 x 5= 15
b. 6
c. 5
3) Select all the expressions that could be used to
find 6 x 5.
c. 6 x 12 = 72
a. 5 + (3 + 3)
c. (5 x 2) x 5
d. 72 ÷ 12 = 6
b. (5 + 1) x 5
d. 10 x 5
e. 9 x 8 = 72
c. (5 x 2) x 5
d. 30 ÷ 6 = 5
e. 10 + (2 x 3)
7) Tom is giving airplane rides over the lake. His
plane has 6 seats in each row. The seat row
numbers go up to 9.
Part A: How many passengers can Tom’s
plane hold?
d. (2 x 3) x 5
8) Mary made an array with stars as shown
a. 54
e. 5 x 6
b. 63
4) Which expression is equal to 6 x (2 + 4)?
a. (2 + 4) x 3
c. 48
d. 31
a. (6 x 2) x (6 x 4)
b. (2 + 4) x (2 + 3)
b. (6 x 2) + (6 x 4)
Which two equations represent Mary’s array?
Which two equations represent Mary’s array?
e. 30 ÷ 6 = 5
a. 4
7 x ( 2 x 4)
d. 3
a. 8 x 9 = 72
c. (2 x 4) + (2 x 3)
d. (7 x 2) x (7 x 3)
6) Tom has 15 candy bars. He wants to put them
into 5 bags so there are the same number of
candy bars in each bag. How many candy
bars should go in each bag? .
d. (7 + 2) x 4
b. (5 x 3) x (2 x 2)
d. (2 x 4) x (2 x 3)
3 and 8
1 and 12
3 and 6
3 and 4
2 and 6
c. 7 x 6 = 42
c. (7 + 2) x 3
b. ( 7 x 2) + 4
b. 5 x 6 = 30
4) Which expression is equal to 2 x (4 + 3)?
5) Select all the factors pairs that equal 12.
a. (7 + 2) + 4
7) Mary has 8 bags of basketballs. Each bag has 9
basketballs in it.
Select all the equations to show how many
basketballs she has in all.
a. 6 x 7 = 42
e. 2 x 21 = 42
e. Robert has 18 baseballs and gives 6 of
them to a friend.
d. 4 x 6= 24
2) Which expression is equal to (7 x 2) x 4?
b. 72 ÷ 6 = 12
b. (7 + 2) x (7 + 3)
d. Robert has 18 baseballs and needs more
baseballs to deliver to the school.
b. 24 ÷ 4= 6
6) Select the factor pairs that equal 30.
a. 10 and 3
b. 5 and 6
c. 6 and 4
d. 7 and 5
e. 5 and 4
(2 x 2) + (3 x 2)
(2 + 3) x 2
(2 + 2) x 3
3 + (2 x 2)
a. 10 x (2 + 3)
8) Mary made an array with stars as shown
a. (7 x 2) + (7 x 3)
c. Robert has 18 baseballs and his friend
gives him 6 more.
a. 6 x 5=30
3) Select all the expressions that could be used to
find 5 x 10.
4) Which expression is equal to 7 x (2 + 3)?
b. Robert has 18 baseballs and gives each of
6 teams an equal amount.
4) There are some students at recess. The teacher
divides the class into 6 lines with 5 students in
each line.
Select all the equations that shows how many
students are in the class.
(6 x 2) x 5
(2 + 3) + 9
d. 2 x ( 3 x 9)
7) Mary has 6 bags of basketballs. Each bag has 7
basketballs in it.
Select all the equations to show how many
basketballs she has in all.
a. 6 x (2 x 5)
d. 12
7) Select all the situations that can be represented
by 18 ÷ 6.
b. (2 x 3) + 9
6 and 3
e. 6 and 4
3) Select all the expressions that could be used to
find 6 x 10.
c. 6
a. (2 + 3) x 9
d. 7 and 4
3+4+ 5
a. 9
3) Bert, the monkey, loves bananas. Megan, his
trainer, has 48 bananas. If she gives Bert 8
bananas each day, how many days will the
bananas last?
b. 6
2) Which expression is equal to (2 x 3) x 9?
b. 4 and 8
d. (3 x 5) + 4
b. 4
1) Mary bought 2 pencils and Tom bought 3
pencils. Each pencil cost $2. Which expression
shows how much money Mary and Tom spent
a. 7
d. 8
b. 3 x (4 x 5)
6) The bag has 36 hair clips, and Megan and her
three friends want to share them equally. How
many hair clips will each person receive?
What is the missing value?
a. 3 and 8
MAFS.3.OA.2.5; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 3
5) Complete the table to find the quotients
6) Select all the factor pairs that equal 24.
a. (3 + 4) + 5
2) Which expression is equal to (3 x 4) x 5?
What is the value of the unknown number?
b. 5
d. 13
56 ÷ ? = 8
Arrangement 2
2) A division problem is shown.
a. 4
Arrangement 1
d. 54
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
MAFS.3.OA.2.5; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 2
5) Complete the table to find the quotients
What is the missing value?
Number Number of
of Rows columns
c. 21
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
1) An equation is shown.
(6 + 2) x 4
(6 + 2) x (6 + 4)
Part B: If Tom schedules 2 rides on Monday,
how many passengers would have rode in
Tom’s plane?
a. 2 x 12 = 24
a. 169
a. 6 x 3 = 18
b. 3 x 8 = 24
b. 108
b. 3 x 4 = 12
c. 24 ÷ 4 = 6
c. 5 x 3 = 15
d. 8 x 3 = 24
d. 15 ÷ 5 = 3
ccslh_g3_lg_6.1_i_2.02.11_link4.1.indd Page 1 18/07/11 9:24 AM s-087
c. 120
d. 56
e. 4 x 6 = 24
ccslh_g3_lg_6.1_i_2.02.11_link4.1.indd Page 2 18/07/11 9:24 AM s-087
e. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
3rd Grade MAFS Study Guide
MAFS.3.OA.2.5; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Day 4
MAFS.3.OA.2.5; MAFS.3.OA.3.7
Part A: How many passengers can Tom’s
plane hold?
3 + (5 + 2)
(3 + 5) x 2
(3 + 2) x 5
3 x (5 + 2)
a. 36
b. 32
7 x 5 = (a x 5) + (b x 5)
b) a = 5; b = 2
a. (4 + 8) x 2
c) a = 3; b = 3
b. (4 x 8) x 2
d) a = 2; b = 4
c. (2 + 8) x 4
c) a = 8; b = 2
a. 3 x (7 + 5)
d) a = 3; b = 2
b. (7 x 5) + 3
a. 6 x 4
b. (2 x 2) + (2 x 3)
c. 4 + 6
c. 6 x 8
d. (2 + 2) x 6
d. (2 x 4) x 6
4) Which expression is equal to 4 x (7 + 3)?
(4 x 7) x (4 x 3)
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4. players _______________
5. chef _______________
(2 x 8) x 4
a. 6 x 8
c. 9 x 8
d. 5 x 6
a. (6 x 5) + (6 x 3)
b. (6 + 5) x 3
(6 + 5) x (6 + 3)
d. (6 x 5) x (6 x 3)
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Part 6
Apostrophes 2
1. dear aunt juana,
2. I enjoy listening to the (readers) voices.
2. “do you like spiders?” asked louis.
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
1. Mark drove to florida last week.
5. The story (is not) my favorite.
5. very truly yours,
4. Mark took route 1 to the end.
5. The trip over seven mile bridge was exciting.
Write the sentences. Use capital letters correctly.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
10. My friend and I (cannot) wait until the next story hour.
10. Today’s deerfield recorder has a story about president kennedy.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
9. My book (does not) have many pictures.
9. This holiday comes in february.
3. The atlantic ocean was bright blue.
4. Tina said, “spiders catch harmful insects.”
8. Next monday is presidents’ day.
2. mark enjoyed visiting miami beach.
4. The story is about many (pirates) treasures.
6. My favorite story (does not) have pirates.
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6. Our family visited uncle chet on his ranch.
7. mom and i rode horses for the first time.
8. I helped aunt ida clean the stalls.
9. The vet, dr. brand, treated a sick horse.
10. My uncle’s neighbor is named k. c. whitby.
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Part 6
Part 6
Part 6
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Name __________________________________
Name __________________________________
Capitalization 3
Capitalization 4
Write each sentence. Use capital letters correctly.
11. Today is flag day.
Name __________________________________
5. We had to recite “the spider and the fly” today in class.
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
12. We read a book called our first flag.
7. Our teacher, ms. Choi, showed the fi lm famous presidents.
Write the sentences. Use capital letters correctly.
3. some people are afraid of spiders.
3. Someone read my (friends) favorite book.
6. My class at deerfield school is reading a book called all the presidents.
Write each item. Use capital letters correctly.
1. My friend and I went to my (schools) story hour.
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Capitalization 2
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Write each sentence. Change each word or words in parentheses ( ) to show
possession or to show a contraction.
Part 6
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Capitalization 1
8. My friend (did not) see the pictures.
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
7. I like the story about a (girls) adventure at sea.
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Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
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10. people _______________
b. 8 x 7
b. (4 + 7) x (4 + 3)
(4 x 7) + (4 x 3)
3. women _______________
6) Tom sold 7 tickets to each of 8 football games.
He used the expression 7 x 8 to determine the
total number of tickets he sold. What could be
another expression Tom can use to determine
the number of tickets he sold?
4) Which expression is equal to 6 x (5 + 3)?
a. (4 + 7) x 3
9. artist _______________
d. 3 x (7 x 5)
Which could also be Mary’s array of stars?
(2 x 3) x 5
2. teacher _______________
c. (7 + 5) x 3
3) Select all the expressions that could be used to
find 4 x 6.
b. (5 + 1) x 6
8. students _______________
d. 40
b) a = 3; b = 7
6) Mary made an array of start to represent 3 x 5
as shown below.
1. birds _______________
Part B: If Tom schedules 3 rides on Monday,
which expression could he use to determine
how many passengers would have rode in
his plane?
a) a = 4; b = 5
d. (2 x 4) + 8
7. Mrs. Rivera _______________
Write the possessive form of each noun on the line. Then use that possessive
form in a sentence.
b. 30
9 x 3 = (a x 3) + (b x 3)
a) a = 4; b = 2
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
a. 48
2) What values for a and b would make the
equation true?
Part B: If Tom schedules 2 rides on Monday,
which expression could he use to determine
how many passengers would have rode in
his plane?
6. elephants _______________
c. 35
d. 51
a. 8 x (3 + 3)
2 + (3 + 3)
(2 + 3) x 3
(2 x 3) + (3 x 3)
2 x (3 + 3)
Name __________________________________
Apostrophes 1
Part A: How many passengers can Tom’s
plane hold?
c. 48
2) What values for a and b would make the
equation true?
3) Select all the expressions that could be used to find
8 x 6.
Name __________________________________
5) Tom is giving airplane rides over the lake. His
plane has 7 seats in each row. The seat row
numbers go up to 5.
6. Do you know all the words to “the star-spangled banner”?
Rewrite each sentence, making sure the titles are written correctly.
Write each proper noun correctly.
1. That theater is showing an old musical called my fair lady.
1. tuesday
13. On wednesday, we will read another book.
7. “the legend of sleepy hollow” is a famous American short story.
2. labor day
14. Ms. davis wrote the book.
3. rio grande
2. There is a story about the snowstorm in the new york times.
15. It is called state flags.
4. chicago
8. alice in wonderland was on television last week.
3. The secret garden is one of my favorite books.
16. Did you know betsy ross made the first flag?
5. april
17. The flag of the united states has stars and stripes.
4. Mike delivers the san francisco chronicle every day.
6. abraham Lincoln
7. Thomas jefferson
8. December
9. Thursday
10. san diego zoo
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
18. We celebrate this holiday in june.
19. I read the book salute to flags to our class.
20. We will have no school on friday.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Day 5
1) Mary has 2 pages with 3 stickers on each page.
Tom has 3 pages with 3 stickers on each page.
Which expression shows how many stickers
Mary and Tom have altogether?
5) Tom is giving airplane rides over the lake. His
plane has 4 seats in each row. The seat row
numbers go up to 8.
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1) Mary, Tom, and Tim collect stamps. Each of
them collected 5 green stamps and 2 red
stamps. Which expression shows how many
stamps Mary, Tom, and Tim collected
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Part 6
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
6. Donna did you find what you wanted?
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Print this page and then write your answers.
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Commas 2
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Commas 1
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
End Punctuation 1
7. Yes I found poems stories and novels.
8. Kathy did you see all the cooking magazines?
Decide if each sentence is a statement , a question , a command , or an
exclamation . Write the type of sentence on the line.
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Rewrite each sentence. Add commas where they are needed.
Add commas where they belong in each sentence.
1. Donna Hal and Kathy are at the library.
1. You could finish your homework now or you could wait until later.
2. There are carrots potatoes and onions in the stew.
1. Do you want to play ball?
9. Yes I can’t wait to try all these recipes.
2. There are books magazines and DVDs on the shelves.
3. At camp, we can play games hike on the trails or swim in the lake.
4. Anna will set the table and her brother will wash the dishes.
2. What a great idea that is!
10. Everyone let’s gather our books before the library closes.
5. We saw lions giraffes and zebras at the zoo.
Add commas where they are needed in each item.
3. Hal do you want books on animals?
3. I ll get my ball and my glove.
4. No I want books on baseball soccer and hockey.
4. Bring your new bat, Ashley.
6. 453 Main St.
Trenton New Jersey
7. Your friend
5. Wear your team shirts.
8. January 1 2002
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Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Kent Ohio
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
5. I used to like animals but now I like sports.
9. Dear Uncle Al
10. 76 Third Ave.
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6. The sun is very bright today.
7. Please wear your caps.
8. Take water with you.
9. When will the game begin?
10. How pretty the park looks today!
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Part 6
Part 6
Part 6
Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
6.1 Conventions of Standard English
Name __________________________________
Name __________________________________
End Punctuation 2
Name __________________________________
Rewrite each sentence correctly by adding commas and quotation marks
where they belong.
Fill in the missing quotation marks and commas in the following dialogue.
1. Ray visited the Alamo
7. Mother called back You are doing great!
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Print this page and then write your answers.
Write each sentence with the correct punctuation.
6. Mother, watch me swim I called.
Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
Name __________________________________
Quotation Marks 2
Quotation Marks 1
1. “Does anyone want to go swimming? Mother asked.
8. I cannot hear you! I shouted.
1. It is a nice day for swimming Mother said.
2. We will go swimming” my sister and I answered.
2. Have you been to the Alamo
9. You are doing great! my mother repeated.
3. “Loni, get the towels” Mother said.
2. Mother warned Don’t go out too far.
4. I will get the sunscreen I said.
3. The Alamo is in Texas
10. Let’s come to the pool again tomorrow my sister said.
5. “I will make some lunch Mother added.
3. We won’t my sister and I promised.
6. “Can we have turkey sandwiches? my sister asked.
4. Point to Texas on the map
7. Mother replied “Yes.
4. Do you want to race? my sister asked.
8. I’m ready now, my sister shouted.
5. How hot it is there
9. I said So am I!
5. No running! the lifeguard yelled.
10. Let’s go! we exclaimed.
9. The Mexican general Santa Anna fought there
10. Find out more about the Alamo
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
8. What a place the Alamo is
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
7. The Alamo was once a mission
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
6. Did Davy Crockett fight at the Alamo