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Houses Around the World: Lesson Plan for K-1

Houses and Homes Around the
Kindergarten, First Grade
Social Studies, ESL,
by Natalie Chari
September 6, 2015
Students will learn about the different kinds of houses people live in around the world and how they relate to a
culture, environment, and country.
Learning Objectives
Students will have knowledge of different kinds of houses around the world.
Materials and preparation
Houses and Homes by Ann Morris
Pens, markers, or color pencils
About My Home worksheet
About My Home (PDF)
About My Home (PDF)
Introduction (10 minutes)
Tell students that today we are going to learn about houses.
Ask students if they know what their homes are made from. Give them possible materials like wood or
Tell the students that people around the world have different kinds of houses due to the weather, climate,
and living conditions of their environment.
Ask the students if they can think of any examples. If not, give them some examples.
Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (20 minutes)
Show the students the pictures from Houses and Homes and explain to them why the houses differ.
Tell the students the names of the cities or countries these houses are in as well. If time permits, explain
to them the culture of the people in the picture.
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Ask the students what they think about the pictures. Possible questions include: Do you think that living
in an igloo would be a good option in South Africa? Why do you think that Eskimos live in igloos?
Ask students why they think their homes are built the way they are.
Independent working time (30 minutes)
Ask students to work on the About My Home worksheet.
When the students are done, have them present their work one by one in front of the classroom.
Get more lesson plans at https://www.education.com/lesson-plans/
Enrichment: For advanced students, let them work on the worksheet on their own.
Support: Help struggling students with the worksheet individually.
Assessment (5 minutes)
Ask students to explain why houses and homes differ in different places.
Review and closing (5 minutes)
Ask students what their favorite part of the lesson today was.
Get more lesson plans at https://www.education.com/lesson-plans/
Draw a picture of your home!
What are a few words that describe your home?
Write a sentence about your favorite part of your house:
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More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets
Draw a picture of your home!
What are a few words that describe your home?
Write a sentence about your favorite part of your house:
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More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets
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