“BREAD & CHOCOLATE” ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 CREATED BY: AKHLAQUL HADAITA ARIF / 01/ ENTRE / THURSDAY / 7.30 AM / PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY President University Campus Jababeka Education Park, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara Kota Jababeka, Bekasi 17550 phone: +622189109762 fax: +622189109768 email: enrollment@president.ac.idwebsite: www.president.ac.id BAB 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Beverly Hills dormitories (part of dorm President University(Elvis, PUSH and NBH)). Every student must stay in dorm along 1 year, that is 3 semester. The life of college is busy, its make time for buy food is not effective. So because of that me make some food (bread & chocolate) sell to student. I will offer it on the night 1.2 Objectives and Benefits 1.2.1 Objectives Aim The objectives to be achieved are: 1. See our ability, characteristics and capabilities in selling activities. 2. Finish this selling activity well and successfully as a form of completion of Final Exam assignments from the Entrepreneurship class 1 1.2.2 Benefits While the benefits of this selling activity are: 1. For Activity Players Can add knowledge and insight and can apply and socialize the theories that have been obtained during lectures, along with the benefits of this activity 2. For Sales Targets (Residents of the New Beverly Hills Dormitory) It is expected to be able to help problems and provide solutions to existing problems (listed in Problem Formulation) 1.2.3 Identification of problems From the background that has been written, we provide identification of the problem as follows • The time of most college not enough for buying food • When you finish college hours and the density of student activities that can make you feel lazy to go out and buy food 1.2.4 Restricting the problem The limitations of the problem that we set are as follows: 1. Only focus on selling activities in response to the problems listed in Problem Identification 2. Not discussing the process of selecting the initial product we will sell, and the reason why the product was chosen 1.3 Project data A. Project sites • New Beverly Hills • Roxy Plaza B. Project schedule • Participatory Observation or Open Order: Saturday, December 8 2018 in New Beverly Hills • Buying orders along with delivering orders directly to consumers: Wednesday, December 12, 2018. City walk then New Beverly Hills 1. Project Schedule No Date Time Actvity Place 1. November 8th,2018 9.50 am Find Idea New Beverly Hills 2. December 10th 2018 7.00 pm Open daily online Pre-Orders Sosial media 3. December 12th,2018 5.00 pm - end Shopping the Ingredients City Walk 4. December 12th 2018 7.00 pm - end Delivery New Beverly Hills 5. December 13th, 2018 3.21 pm Complete the project data New Beverly Hills 2. 2. Event Financial Budgetting OUTCOME No Item QTY Unit Price Total 1. Bread 3 Packs IDR 6,000.00 IDR 18,000.00 2. Chocolate 1 Piece IDR 8,000.00 IDR 8,000.00 3. Margarine 1 Plastic IDR Total 5,000.00 IDR 5,000.00 IDR 31,000.00 INCOME NO Item Unit Price 1. Soztang 3 IDR 2. Total Total 20,000.00 IDR 60,000.00 IDR 60,000.00