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MEE212 syllabus fall-2020 Gau

MEE 212 Mechanics of Materials
Fall, 2020
Catalog Description:
Strength of Materials (3) –Mechanics of deformable bodies with emphasis
on principles of stress and strain; shear and bending moments; torsion;
buckling; failure criteria and design concepts.
Perquisite by Topics: MEE210 Engineering Mechanics I
Textbook: Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Learning System, 5th Edition by Timothy A.
Philpot, Wiley
Instructor: Dr. Jenn-Terng Gau, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
email: jgau@niu.edu,
Class Meetings:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3:00PM-3:50PM through Blackboard Ultra
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00AM~11:30AM through Blackboard Ultra
(Appointment in advance is required.)
Teaching Assistant:
Recitations: Monday and Wednesday 4:00PM-4:40PM
ABET Outcome 1
1.1 Choose appropriate physical principles to use in solving engineering problems.
1.2 Construct diagrammatic aids/tools (e.g. free body diagram, control volume)
commonly used to formulate engineering problems. (Construct diagrammatic
1.3 Formulate mathematical problems from the physical/engineering description,
choosing physically meaningful boundary conditions and constraints. (Formulate
math. problems)
1.4 Can appropriately solve and/or interpret results.
Topics to be covered:
1. Stress & Strain (chapters 1 &2)
2. Mechanical properties of Materials (chapter 3)
3. Axial Deformation (chapter 5)
4. Torsion (chapter 6)
5. Equilibrium of Beams (chapter 7)
6. Bending (chapter 8)
7. Shear Stress in Beams (chapter 9)
8. Beam Deflections (chapter 10)
9. Statically Indeterminate (chapter 11)
10. Stress Transformations (chapter 12)
Grading Policy:
3 Exams (20% for each) (9/7; 10/5; 11/2): exam 1 (chapters 1, 2, 3 & 5); exam 2 (chapters 6 &
7); exam 3 (chapters 8 & 9)
Final Exam (30%) (12/7 4:00PM-5:50PM): (chapters 10, 11 & 12)
Homework (10%)
All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class.
NO late homework
NO makeup exam
If you need an accommodation for this class, please contact the Disability Resource Center as soon
as possible. The DRC coordinates accommodations for students with disabilities. It is located on
the 4th floor of the Health Services Building, and can be reached at 815-753-1303 (V) or