set 2: Murtipre-choice Questions on Limits and continuity Set 2: Multiple-Choice Questions on Limitsand Continuity ..t I. .i I .r- * 4 Iirn-l-I .r-t ;* (A) 1 G)o (c) -'') G)0 (c) 4 I .r,.- oo I (A) I r. J. 111n ,--..i G)l 1 (c) 4 {ir1} _1 (E) oo (D) oo (E) none of these is (A) r .r'l - 8 .. ---, lrr1l . r (D) .t-j *--_-=--.i. i- - f .t - -1 '- (A)0 5. (E) -1 -1 '=- '.j' i. linr ,_.- _ 2. ,1. (D) -l .I-- -l (B) o (c) F (D) -t (B) 0 (c) I (D) (E) nonexistent is (A) 4 (E) € 3 J-..1 6. lim.' ,. .. -tr.r.- - .r _ l (A) -2 ,. ,7 ( ;u;.;;;: - (A) *oo .. .. (D) 2 (c) (E) uonexisrent is (B) _I (c) o (D) 3 (E) 6 -j.rr + 27 1t1ll *,-"r (A)3 9. B) '4 -1 5.r..t+ 27 ,ttln 8. IS is (B)@ (c) 1 (B) I (c) 0 (D) -1 (E) o 1-.t llll z, i, (A) *1 (D) 6 (E) none of rhese 37 2E 38 Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity 10. Iim \'14 4 is 'tt t (A) -l (D) F (C) 0 (B) I (E) none of these 11. If ["r] is the greatest integer not greater than x, then lim[-t] is (A) = 2 (B) 1 1 L2. (With the same notation) (A) -3 13. (B) -2 (C) nonexistent (D) 0 .-\rgtxl (E) none of these is (D) 0 (C) -1 (E) none of these The graph of y = arctan .r has (A) vertical asymptotes at x = 0 and = n (B) horizontal asymptotes aty = tt (C) horizontal asymptotes aty -0 andy - ru (D) vertical asymptotes at x = It (E) none of these -rr 14. limsinx (A) is 1 (B) is infinity (C) oscillates between -l (D) is zero (E) does not exist 15. Thegraphof and i y-#nu, (A) a vertical asymptote at x = 3 (B) a horizontal asymptote at.l' = J (C) a removable discontinuity at x = 3 (D) an infinite discontinuity at x = (E) none of these 16. The funcrion,f(-r) = {'"/'' l0 3 (r * 0) (.r = 0) (A) is continuous everywhere (B) is continuous except at x = 0 (C) has a removable discontinuity at,r = 0 (D) has an infinite discontinuity at = 0 (E) has -r = 0 as a vertical asymptote "r: L7. Iim4T*r+0 -T'*J-{ (A) I is )' (B) + 34 (c) 3 (D) € (E) + Set 2: Multiple-Choice Questions on Ltmtts ano uonununy 18. .1 ft{_tstn 7 ts (A) oo 19. (B) i (C) nonexistent (D) Which statement is true about the curve -1 (E) none of these .', , t-= -jjtiz+ir-4x? (A) The line = -l is a vertical asyrnptote. (B) The line -r" = I is a vertical asymptote. (C) The line y = -+ is a horizontal asymptote. (D) The graph has no vertical or horizontal asymptotes. (E) The line I = 2 is a horizontal asymptote. Questions 20 through 24 are based on the function/shown in the graph and defined below: 1-x (-t="<0) ?x'-2 (o <.r < l) ,,rr={ -x+2 (l<x<2) (x =2) 1 2x-4 (2<r-<3) tjg/(x) (A) (D) (C) (B) equals I (E) does not exist none of these equals 0 equals 2 21. The function/is defined on [-1,3] (A) (D) '., if ;r'* if .r * (B) (E) 0 3 if .r *1 (C) it x *2 at each -r in [-1,3] The function/has a removable discontinuity at (A) x=0 (B) .r=l (C) .r=2 (D) x=3 On which of the following intervals is/continuous? (A) -1 <-r<0 (D) 2<x<3 (B) 0<x<1 (E) noneofthese (C) 1<;u<2 (E) none of these 40 Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity ?"4. The function/has a jump discontinuity at (A) "r=-1 (B) x= I (C) x=2 (D) x=3 (E) none of these 2x2+l z5' |96;6;;; ts (A) 4 26. rg3# (B) nonexistent (C) 1 'hmxsinl r+@ ^ (A) 0 28. (D) 2 (E) nonexisrent i' (A) 0 n. (C) 1 (B) -2 (D) -1 (E) (B) oo (C) nonexistent (D) -1 (E) none of rhese is I g$i* (A) 1 (B) 0 Ix2-l 29. Let f(x)={;; (C) oo (D) nonexistent (E) none of rhese irx*l ifx=l [+ Which of the following statements is (are) true? L $/(x) exists. tr. /(1) exists. III. /is continuous at x=1. (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and tr (D) none of them (E) all of them ( xz-x 30. r ]/ttl= zx for x#0, *, [,f(o) = and if/is continuous at x = 0, then ft = (B) -; (A) -l 31. (c) o (D) ; (E) 1 fr,',= #*rrorx+1,2, I Suppose {.f(r) = I [/(z) -:, = +' Then/(x) is continuous (A) exceptatx=1 (B) exceptatx=Z (C) exceptatx=1or2 (D) except at x= 0, 1, or 2 (E) at each real number Set 2: Multiple-Choice Questions on Limits and Continuity The graph (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) of /(x) = 7f nut one vertical asymptote, at;= = 1 the y-axis as vertical asymptote the x-axis as horizontal asymptote and x = +1 as vertical asymptotes two vertical asymptotes, 3t r = +1, but no horizontal asymptote no asymptote Suppose ,{E /(.r) f 6) = -1, following statements is '1$ (are) = -1, and f (-3) is not defined. Which of the true? I. f\ry,/(.r) = -t. rse il. /is continuous everywhere except at x = -3. III. /has a removable discontinuity at x = -3. (A) (D) (B) I only (C) III only (E) All of thern None of them I and III only Thegraphof )vlr1wrl y-# tut 9Se (A) a (B) no horizontal asymptotes but two verlical asymptotes, at J = 0 and.r: = 1 ahorizontal asymptote atv= I andtwovertical asymptotes, atr=0andx= (c) (D) horizontal asymptote at y = "] Uot no vertical asymptotes horizontal asymptote at x = 2 but no vertical asymptotes a horizontal asymptote at y = ] ana two vertical asymptotes, at x = +1 a (E) f -r: +.r 35. Letf(x)=l ' Ll ifx+O. if .r'= 0 Which of the following statements is (are) true? I. exists. II. {tg/t"t) exists. IIL f is continuous at;r = 0. (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) all of them (E) none of then /(0) If y = 37. I -, then l*y it 2+10i (A)0 (B) lim r+o 'j (A) i (c) * LJ (D)+ is ,T -oo (D) € tg) ,b-L v2\2 (E) none of these (c) -iz*L (E) nonexistent 1 42 Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity Answers for Set 2: Limits and Continuity 1.B 2. D 3.C 4. A 5.D 6. B 7. .A 8.E 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A 2L. E 22. C 23. B 9. C 10.D 11.D 12. E 13.8 L4. E 15. C 16.A 1. B. 2. D. The limit as.r 3. C. 4. A. Remove the common 5. D. Note that ''*' 6, 7. E. g. B. A. E. C. 10. D. 11. D. Use the Rational Function Theorem (pages 30 and 31). The degrees of P(x) and O(.x) are the same. The fraction equals i factorx- 3 from numerator and denominator. for all nonzero r. 8 (x-2)(.r-2+2x+4) -;--;= .u2_4 (.r:-2X-t+2) .r3- Use the Rational Function Theorem. Use the Rational Function Theorem. Use the Rational Function Theorem. The fraction is equivalent to Since T) =2-'., therefore, fr ; " ; tfr" denominator approaches t ---oo, the fraction -) oo. *m. se.nigir.N2-1 on page33. Note, from Figure N2-1, that 13. B. L4. E. Graph tan-r r ,liq_[x] = on your calculator in As .r -> -, the function sin does not exist. r [-5, -3 but }q"[x]= oscillates between ('i-lXtrj:) 'r+3 .-_l_ sinc, 3.r-9_ ^"-? - 3(.r'_.3) - 16. A. Notethat t1 Nnre (provided -1 and 1, hence the lirnit x*3),ycanbe definedto I:-t =rifx*0andthat limf -0. t+0 " fher :in't = lint;. ='--'.-1--r.1 -2. 5)x l-8,t1. equal to 2 at x = 3, removing the discontinuity at that point. E! 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. D 36. E 37. E -) 2 is 0 + 8. 12. E. ls. c. 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. E 28. A 29. C 30. B . be Continuity Answers for Set 2: Limits and 18. C. As x -+ 0, { 43 takes on varying finite values as it increases. Since the sine I oscillates, taking on. infinitely many times, each value between-1 and 1. The calculatorgraph of y, = sin (ii x) exhibits this oscillating discontinuity at x = 0. function repeats. sin .B j.c 19. A. '.D I.C i.D i.E I,E 20. A. both x = 2 and .r: = -+ = O*#., asymptotes. Also. y = -+ is a horizontal asymptote. Note that, since -v are veftical ff"l = l1p "f(x) = 0. [ry 21. E. Verify that/is defined at x = 0, [-1,3]). 22. C. Note that l, 2, and 3 (as well as at all other points in [+ f "i = 1l]] "f (x) = 0. Howeve\ f (2) = 1. Redetining./(2) as 0 f removes the discontinuity. )f P(r) 23. B. 24. B. 25. B. 26. B. The function is not continuous at r = 0, 1, or 2. fgp/(x)=0*liq/(x):1. 2.rl+1 2x2+l 17;nZTt-- 4-F. Use the Rational Function Theorem (pages 30 and 31). Sincelxl=xifr>0butequals-xif.r.0, 11+*= liml= lim-'t--1. "t ,r+0- ,t : Jl+i I while .r+0- E. 28. A. 27. 29. C. 30. B. .1 Note that r sin { can be rewritten ur :'I (n-;r) -+ 0. Sincel(.x) =.r * 1 if r * 1, \t3lftrl r -) *" -} + 0. As x -+ n, -f(x)=+/=+. must 31. B. and that, as Only _!g -.r exists (and is equal to 2). forall-r*0. For./tobecontinuous atr=0, liqrl'(-r) {ig f(r) = -l . = 1 and.r = 2 need be checked. Since .f(;r') = * /t-r) = -3 = .f(i) ,l is continuous at .r = 1. Since liry for x /(.r) * I, 2. and does not exist, .f is not continuous at x = 2. he limit 32. C. As x -> ,r rbe -) -r1 , t-,.1="f(r) -) 0, so the -r-axis is a horizontal asymptote. Also, .I j -, so ir = +1 are vertical asymptotes. as 33. D. No information is given about the domain of/except in the neighborhood ofx = -3. 34. C. As "r -+ -,.v J ] at-tr=0andat.r= 35. D. ; tn" denominator (but not the numelator) of y equals 0 1. The function is defined at 0 to be 1, which is also jl tt:* = Iim(.r+l). Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity 36. E. Asr-+ l 0*, 10i-+ooandthereforey-+0.Asx-+ 0, f +-oo,so I to:i-+ 0 and therefbre equal. the 37. E. limit - +.Because rhe two on"-rio"lrimits are nor does not exist. Asx-+ 0-,arctan 1 -+ -*,roy ). L - ^f,j. y 2 The graph has a jump discontinuity at x = Asx-+ 0',)-).[2. 'l-" 2' 0. (verify with a calculator.) A. \ Bay Math League Meet I 200s -2006 Round 4 Limits 4 Sbxt' L {* sin 5x -) .. llm_ r+a 5in Jy o I \, Xtw - \d lf* 3. lim v+4 w 64- yt : ru,t i;,^^ YT\ 1-C-G ) t-3 f.ut {r 3 cus 3x t 3 -L)(G y L) -t2-r)(*"1*,rA f,-z- = [,* *1 7 "{ Answers: (2 pts) 1. (3 pts) 2. (5 pts) J. cp €7_ /.1 _ tqL Number: Name: School: SCORE: -qy -qr}(Vr+.{U+(r" BAY IVIATH LEAGUE MEET 1 ROUND 4 Limits Note: Leave all-answers in simplified radical form or as a fraction in terms of zr(no decimals)! r --L 1.,rarjlq4J;.'/v*G=ye.So x-a vn.+,[o -C<-":.]({-4T)= ,U*,fr-fr*E* q! 3x 2.Findfi*I-? ;31_1= x3 r-cos2x 3Find,. ----;== x ANSWERS: X-3 fr _ _3x __-t(i; =-1 3-x 3 x 4 X =' i it/ / 1. / ?'la- (2 0ts) (3 pts) 2. -? (5 pts) t. C Number Name School Score i,o=o MEET BAY MATH LEAGTIE 1 ROLIND 4 Limits Note: Leave all answers in simplified radical form or as a fraction in terms of zr(no decimals)! 1. Find llp 2. Find liry1 /+ # 1+ sinx - o o) ---<- ?^ ii L X +J{-h4ft *X h (x+h)2 -x2 h--+0 3 +t Find lim ^l; t*. ,fy.{ zt *'i -{ i;_r +V 2y "__)_---_. r.i x'-x x+l x+t ,/ -J2. .; - ;l'] 1€ . ','-i ;*l!* , v,+; (3 pts) ;; $ '-'" !! 1. ,JN '! (5 pts) r J. l"',.'l^- 1r+ I s- ir R)! -!:-i;rr ":: )X l_ -/ - 7/ i[;ti,rfi ANSWERS: (2 pts) L i ,'-: rF r ', Y{tV+i I L,'.j 'r