Happy Gaudete Sunday! Hmmmm It seems like saying Good morning to someone and they respond, What’s so good about it! The other day I heard someone ask, "Who could be happy in times like this?" Perhaps that’s why we need a day like this. Gaudete Sunday. The third Sunday of Advent. So what does Gaudete mean? It comes from the entrance antiphon of today’s Mass. Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near. In Latin, the first word of the antiphon is “Gaudete” – rejoice I think what gets us confused is that we often use happiness and joy in the same way when they really have very different meanings. Happiness is like this: "When I can get rid of this ratty old couch and paint the family room, then I'll be happy." "If those lab tests come back negative, then I'll be happy." "When our last child graduates, then my wife and I will be happy." Worldly possessions, accomplishments, even the people in our lives, are blessings that make us happy. However, the source of true joy, is Jesus. God’s plan from the beginning, the Word made flesh to dwell among us is rock solid, allowing us to navigate difficult situations in the absence of happiness, while sustaining our joy. Happiness comes from humans. Joy comes from God. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, mildness and self-control and joy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could live our lives fully using the fruits of the Spirit? But I’m certainly not perfect and I expect that most of you are not perfect. And we all see what goes on around us? It’s a scary time and nobody agrees on anything. The economy is uncertain and some live with no job and no regular paycheck. We see the anger and protests and divisiveness across our Nation. Covid-19 puts us all on guard and keeps us apart from people who matter in our lives. But this will end. And our happiness will return. Until the next bad thing happens. Happiness is a roller coaster. In our life, we have good times and bad times. Happy times and sad times. All our possessions, our accomplishments, even the people in our lives, are blessings that make us happy. However, the source of all joy, is Jesus. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS! While happiness comes and goes, God’s plan from the beginning is rock solid, allowing us to get through all these difficult situations in the absence of happiness. It’s our belief in the Risen Lord that sustains our joy. Even now, in the middle of all this craziness, we can be joyful because when we stay close to Jesus our joy comes from having him in our hearts. In the first reading, Isaiah writes: I rejoice heartily in the LORD, in my God is the joy of my soul; like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, like a bride bedecked with her jewels. It’s like a marriage in another way, there are happy times and sad times but through our joy, our love for Jesus and for others remains - for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. The goal of all of us here today is to believe in Jesus Christ and his unhesitating love for us, and that’s the source of true, lasting joy. Even the struggles in our life occur so that we will come closer to him, never giving in to the temptation to base our joy on things that are temporary and fragile. On Friday, we buried my Uncle Henry. He and Aunt Norma were married for 62 years. Such sadness. This year Norma has lost a sister in law, a brother, a daughter in law and her husband. But her faith and the faith of her family has never wavered. In the midst of her pain, she knows that, while the happiness of 62 years together is gone, there is joy in knowing that Henry will be with Jesus forever. That’s the fulfillment of their life together, the joy that comes with sharing their belief that God is love. And that God’s love conquers all sadness. The world tells us that happiness comes from indulging ourselves, from putting ourselves ahead of others. But that’s not what we heard today. Rejoice always! As Christians, we are called to radiate joy. It is a joy that comes from recognizing God’ s limitless mercy. It’s not always easy and we have to make a conscious decision every day to remind ourselves that He loves us no matter what challenges we may be facing. And that goes way beyond happiness. Happy Gaudete Sunday! It’s not a one-day celebration, but a reminder to rejoice always! At this Mass, the source of our joy - Jesus Christ - gives Himself to us in Holy Communion. Let’s look to Him to increase the joy in our hearts so that we can bring it into a dark, cold world that is longing for hope and good news. Rejoice always!