Unit 6 Part 2 Day 1 Notes Radical Expressions First 12 Perfect Squares: NUMBER MULTIPLIED BY ITSELF PERFECT SQUARES NUMBER MULTIPLIED BY ITSELF PERFECT SQUARES 1X1= ___________ 7X7= ___________ 2X2= ___________ 8X8= ___________ 3X3= ___________ 9X9= ___________ 4X4= ___________ 10 X 10 = ___________ 5X5= ___________ 11 X 11 = ___________ 6X6= ___________ 12 X 12 = ___________ A variable is a perfect square if it has an _____________ exponent. VARIABLES MULTIPLIED BY ITSELF PERFECT SQUARES 𝑥∙𝑥 = ___________ 𝑥2 ∙ 𝑥2 = ___________ 𝑥3 ∙ 𝑥3 = ___________ 𝑥4 ∙ 𝑥4 = ___________ Taking the square root of a number is theSQUARE _____________________________________________________ ROOTS For example if 32 = _________, then √9 = _________. The symbol √ tells you to ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PARTS OF A RADICAL An expression that contains a square root is a _____________________. It can have three parts. Simplify the following radical expressions. √100 = ___________ √𝑥 4 = ___________ √25 = ___________ √4𝑥 2 =_______________ = _______________ √141 = ___________ √81𝑥 8 𝑦 2 =_______________ = _______________ √𝑥 2 = ___________ √36𝑎6 𝑏 4 =_______________ = _______________ PERFECT CUBES First 5 Perfect CUBES and Perfect CUBES Variables NUMBER MULTIPLIED BY ITSELF 3 TIMES PERFECT CUBES VARIABLE MULTIPLIED BY ITSELF 3 TIMES PERFECT CUBES 1X1X1= ___________ 𝑥∙𝑥∙𝑥 = ___________ 2X2X2= ___________ 𝑥2 ∙ 𝑥2 ∙ 𝑥2 = ___________ 3X3X3= ___________ 𝑥3 ∙ 𝑥3 ∙ 𝑥3 = ___________ 4X4X4= ___________ 5X5X5= ___________ A variable is a perfect cubs if the exponent is ________________________ __________________________________ Simplify the following radical expressions: 3 √125 = ___________ 3 √27 = ___________ 3 √𝑥 3 = ___________ 3 √64𝑥12 = ___________