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HSP3U CPT Project Reminders: Research & Report Guide

HSP3U CPT Reminders
Review the Expectations
 Review the instructions to ensure that you do not forget
any of the required components of this project.
 Use the guidelines to set research goals for yourself.
Your Hypothesis
 Your hypothesis should direct your research.
 Your hypothesis is a possible answer to your central research
 Your hypothesis should be in the third person.
 Sample central research question:
 How does social media usage affect the self-esteem of teen
 Sample hypothesis:
 It is hypothesized that social media usage can trigger low selfesteem in teen girls.
Be Aware of the Due Dates
Fri. May 19th: Submit your top 3 topic preferences.
Tues. May 23rd: Library work period for the proposal.
Fri. May 26th: Submit your research proposal for feedback.
May 29th – 31st: Conduct in the library and computer lab and develop a
plan for collecting primary research.
June 2nd: Submit your primary research plan (Survey/interview questions or
experiment idea) for feedback.
June 5th: Library work period (collect more secondary research or edit and
conduct your survey/interview/experiment).
June 8th and 9th: Type up your final report in the comp. lab.
Bonus work period: June 12th
June 13th: Submit your final report.
Typing Up Your Report
 Use Microsoft Word to type up your report.
 Use font size 12.
 Use either the Times New Roman or Calibri font.
 Write in full and complete sentences in paragraph format.
 Number your pages.
 Submit a hard copy of your report.
Title Page
 Include the following information on your title page in this
order in the centre of the page:
Title of Paper
Student Name
School Name
Course Code
Teacher’s Name
Due Date
Running Head
 Include a running head on each page.
A running head ”is a short title (50 characters or fewer,
including spaces) that appears at the top of every page
of your paper.”
 It usually appears at the top left of the page.
How to Number Your Pages
Use Subtitles
 Use subtitles to divide your report into organized sections.
 The subtitles that you need to use are identified under
Part 3: Assemble, Analyze, and Reflect on Your Data.
 Place your subtitles on the left side of the page.
 Example:
Research Methods
Remember to Visually Present at Least
One of Your Significant Findings
 In the section, Presentation of Primary Research Data, include at
least one diagram that visually displays one of your most significant
 This diagram should display a statistical finding.
 Example: a pie chart that identifies the percentage of people who
feel cyber bullying is a serious problem in their community.
o Note: If you chose to conduct an interview, you will not be able to
turn your primary data into a diagram. Instead, turn some of the
statistical data you retrieved from your secondary research into a
Sample Diagram
Use Your Critical Thinking Skills
 Use your critical thinking skills when analyzing the data
that you attained through conducting primary and
secondary research.
 Avoid simply defining or describing the topic you
selected (ex. defining substance abuse).
 Examine your data and explain how it supports or
contradicts your original hypothesis.
 Speak in the third person for the analysis section.
Reflect on the Process
 Remember to reflect on the research process.
 Discuss the challenges and rewards that emerged.
 You can speak in the third person.
Follow the APA Format
 Follow the APA guidelines that you received earlier this
Your reference page should include all of the primary and
secondary sources that you used.
 Remember to double space.
 Do not number your sources.
 If a source requires more than one line, indent after the
first line.
 Your sources should be listed alphabetically.
Include an Appendix
 Your appendix should include a copy of the social
science research method that you used (ex. Interview
questions) as well as the results of this research (ex. the 20
surveys that you distributed).
 http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2010/11/running-head-format-for-apa-style-papers.html