G19PA Production Technology-1 Tutorials Chapter 3 – Reservoir and Tubing Performance Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom 2 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance CONTENTS PART1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 WELL PERFORMANCE SENSITIVITY TUTORIAL Reservoir Inflow and Tubing Outflow Restrictions Tubing Size and Liquid Loading Effect of Water Cut and Depletion Opportunities for Skin Removal by Stimulation Completion Design Well Head Pressure PART2 RESERVOIR AND TUBING PERFORMANCE TUTORIALS Produced by Heriot-Watt University, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Heriot-Watt University All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without express permission from the publisher. This material is prepared to support the degree program in Petroleum Engineering. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 3 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance 1 WELL PERFORMANCE SENSITIVITY TUTORIAL Combinations of the Well Inflow and Well Outflow along with the concept of systems analysis of production systems (nodal analysis) (Chapter 3) allow us to estimate the well productivity under today’s actual or future expected producing conditions. The sensitivity of the well design (or its robustness) to the many factors which effect well production as the well ages can then be tested. So as to minimise the “Total Well Capital and Operating Costs” over its complete lifetime. Figure 1 Nodal Analysis. Figure 1 illustrates the systems analysis concept. The point (or node) at which the analysis is carried out can be chosen to be anywhere in the producing system - the inflow and outflow being calculated for the complete system up- and down-stream from the chosen node. The sensitivity of the production rate to changes in the dimensions of a particular component (situated next to the node) can then be evaluated. This allows the performance of each individual well component to be analyzed separately. Typical examples of node selection are: • Wellhead: evaluate the effect of flow line size • Safety Valve: evaluate the effect of the reduced flow caused by the diameter of the safety valve being smaller than that of the tubing (important in high rate gas wells) • Sandface: select the optimum tubing size or evaluate well inflow performance (is there a requirement for reperforation, stimulation {to remove a positive skin (acidisation) or create negative skin (hydraulic fracturing)} ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 4 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Other possible node points can be seen in Figure 1 from Chapter 3 notes (Reservoir and Tubing Performance) which analyses pressure losses in the complete production system. Some of the more frequently encountered sensitivity analyses are described below. 1.1 Reservoir Inflow and Tubing Outflow Restrictions The impact of (relatively) inadequate reservoir inflow (case 1) with a (larger than necessary) tubing is illustrated in Figure 2. The opposite case, production restriction by a too small tubing (case 2) is shown in Figure 3 for the same reservoir inflow performance. It comes as no surprise to see that: q 1 >> q 2 and p reservoir ≈ p sandface (2) >> p sandface (1) Figure 2 Reservoir outflow restricts production. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 5 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Figure 3 Small tubing restricts production. 1.2 Tubing Size and Liquid Loading The well production will normally increase as the tubing size increases. The pressure drop in the tubing thus decreases so that a greater well drawdown is possible for the same reservoir and separator pressure. However, at a certain point, the upward (gas) flow velocity has decreased so much (due to the tubing diameter increase) that it is no longer sufficient to efficiently lift the liquid to the surface i.e. phase slip and liquid holdup (or liquid loading) increases (Figure 4). Figure 4 Liquid loading analysis. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 6 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Figure 5 Nodal analysis predicts production rate as tubing diameter increases. Eventually, the increased hydrostatic head (due to the liquid loading) will be greater than the reduced friction pressure losses as the tubing diameter increases further. This leads to a maximum production rate (Figure 5) at a certain tubing diameter. Unstable flow is encountered with even larger tubing diameters – it is not recommended to operate in this region since liquid loading will eventually progress to the stage that the well ceases to flow. 1.3 Effect of Water Cut and Depletion Figure 6 Effect of water cut on oil production. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 7 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Figure 7 Effect of depletion on production rate. Figure 8 Sensitivity of production rate to simultaneous pressure depletion and increasing water cut Table 1 Reservoir Simulator Predictions. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 8 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance An increasing water cut reduces the gas liquid ratio as well as increasing the hydrostatic head between the reservoir and the surface. This is illustrated in Figure 6 for a slightly over pressured reservoir. Reservoir simulation can be used to predict the reservoir pressure depletion with time as well as any increase in water cut. (Table 1). The effect of this pressure depletion on the production rate is summarised in Figure 7 and the two are combined in Figure 8. The oil production rate at time t2 is only 25% of the initial production, while a small further reduction in reservoir pressure or an increase in water cut beyond 50% will cause the well to cease production altogether. 1.4 Opportunities for Skin Removal by Stimulation Well testing frequently identifies that a positive skin effect is restricting well production. The economic incentive for removing this skin (or even inducing a negative skin) can be evaluated with the help of nodal analysis. Figure 9 shows the current well inflow (skin = +8) together with its partial (skin = +2) and complete (skin = 0) removal. The carrying out of a hydraulic fracture (skin = -3) is also illustrated. Figure 9 Opportunities for increased production by skin removal and increase in tubing diameter. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 9 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance The flat outflow profile of tubing results in large gains in production that might allow these treatments to be carried out. Tubing 2 (with a more vertical outflow profile) is already restricting production with the impaired (skin = +8), while only minor (probably uneconomic) production gains are recorded when the skin is removed – the most favourable production (-3) being still less than that achieved with the larger tubing and the high (+8) reservoir skin. The most appropriate remedial action can only be chosen – and economically justified – when the pressure losses within the complete well system are understood. 1.5 Completion Design Figure 10 Effect of number of perforations on production rate. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 10 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance The high skin discussed in the previous case could have many causes e.g. formation damage, partial completion etc. One factor under the control of the production engineer is the number and type of perforations. Figure 10 illustrates an increase in the numbers of perforations {N 1 <N 2 <N 3 <N 4 , all of diameter D 1 } while Figure 11 shows that effect of a restricted number of perforations (N 1 ) can be (partially) compensated for by an increase in the diameter from D 1 to D 3 (i.e. reduction in the frictional pressure loss in the perforation tunnel itself). Theoretically increasing the number of perforations is more beneficial since it improves the inflow from the reservoir as well as decreasing the (average) frictional pressure drop in the perforation tunnel (see Figure 12 for comparison). The cost of the perforation operation will increase as the number and diameter of the perforations are increased – an economic optimum will be found when both factors are varied simultaneously. These theoretical calculations are a useful, but not complete guide. It is being frequently observed in the field that not all perforations are effective e.g. in gravel packed wells it is standard practice to assume only 33%–50% of the perforations are effective (i.e. open to flow). Figure 11 Effect of perforation diameter on production rate. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 11 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Figure 12 Optimisation of perforating schedule. 1.6 Well Head Pressure The separator pressure is often the main component in the surface pressure losses. It exerts a restrictive “back pressure” on the well production which limits the total pressure drop available for fluid inflow from the reservoir and onward transportation to the surface. This effect is illustrated in Figure 13 – where the wellhead is used as the nodal point. Reducing the separator pressure is often an effective way of increasing the wells production capacity during later well life when the reservoir pressure is depleted and the water cut is high. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 12 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Figure 13 Effects of separator pressure on production rate. This type of “backpressure” on the wells is often encountered in more subtle ways e.g. the gas collecting in the tubing/casing annulus of a well equipped with an artificial lift pump can limit the maximum available drawdown by acting as a back pressure. Venting this casing gas increases the drawdown with a corresponding production rate improvement (See Chapter 4, Selection and Design of Artificial Lift) ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 13 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance 2 RESERVOIR AND TUBING PERFORMANCE TUTORIALS Question 1. Calculate the increase in production from a well if a remedial workover reduces the skin factor from 3.9 to 0.4. for the following data: Oil permeability, k o = 110 mD Thickness of formation, h = 50 m Oil viscosity, µ o = 1.3 x 10-3 Pas External radius, r e = 480 m Wellbore radius, r w = 0.15 m Oil formation volume factor, B o = 1.2 rm3/stm3 Average reservoir pressure, = 270 bar Flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf = 190 bar (assume no rate dependent skin (i.e. Dq=0) and semi-steady state flow) SOLUTION 1 a) Flow rate before workover Skin factor = 3.9 q o = 0.016 m3/s q o = 1382 m3/day q o = 8692 b/day b) Flow rate after workover ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 14 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Skin factor = 0.4 q o = 0.023 m3/s q o = 1987 m3/d q o = 12497 b/d The increase in production is therefore 12479 - 8692 = 3805 b/d Question 2. An initial well test in a reservoir gave a stabilised oil flow rate of 9781 b/d for a stabilised flowing bottomhole pressure of 105 bar with a skin factor of zero. After 18 months’ production, the flowing bottomhole pressure was 90 bar to maintain this initial production rate. Calculate the mechanical skin factor for this well after 18 months’ production: Oil permeability, k o = 95 mD Formation thickness, h = 50 m Oil viscosity, m o = 1.3 x 10-3 Pas External radius, r e = 300 m Wellbore radius, r w = 0.15 m Oil formation factor, B o = 1.21 rm3/stm3 Average reservoir pressure, = 170 bar (assume no rate dependent skin and semi-steady state flow) SOLUTION 2 Check that the values given are correct. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 15 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance q o = 0.018 m3/s {Check original data: initial flowrate = 9781 b/d = 9781x0.159/3600/24 m3/d = 0.018 m3/s} Therefore the original data are correct. For P wf = 90 bar, the skin factor for the same flowrate will be: Question 3. The following data are relevant to a well in a reservoir Average reservoir pressure, = 4000 psi Actual flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf = 2600 psi Ideal flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf = 3000 psi. Determine the flow efficiency of the well. SOLUTION 3 Flow Efficiency, ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 16 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Question 4. A well has been tested and found to have a positive skin factor. Pressure test analysis shows the pressure drop over the skin to be 150 psi. Calculate the flow efficiency given the following test data: DATA average reservoir pressure, = 3600 psi actual flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf = 1950 psi SOLUTION 4 Flow Efficiency (FE), FE = ideal drawdown 3600 − (1950 + 150) = = 91% 3600 − 1950 actual drawdown Question 5. A 2.5 in tubing string is 8000 ft long. It produces 1000 b/d (all water) against a wellhead pressure of 120 psi with a gas liquid ratio of 200 scf/b and an average reservoir pressure of 3000 psi. Using gradient curves, determine the average productivity index (assume it is linear). SOLUTION 5 Chart 110, all water curves. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 17 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Calculate the average linear productivity index, PI = 1000 q = = 2.1 b / d / psi Pr − Pwf 3000 − 2520 Question 6. A well produces all oil at a rate of 800 b/d against a wellhead pressure of 120 psi. The average reservoir pressure is 2300 psi. The bubble point pressure is 2400 psi. The diameter of the tubing is 2.5 in and it is 8500 ft in length. The gas liquid ratio is 400 scf/b. Calculate a) The average productivity index (assume it is linear) b) The maximum oil flow rate (assume Vogel behaviour) c) Plot the inflow performance relationship. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 18 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance SOLUTION 6 Select chart C104 a) Average productivity index, PI = q 800 = = 1.48 b / d / psi Pr − Pwf 2300 − 1760 b) The reservoir pressure is below bubble point. Vogel is a better description of the inflow behaviour: ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 19 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance = 2114 b/d c) Select various flowing bottomhole pressures to delineate the inflow performance curve: where P wf is in the range of the following table: and is plotted as ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 20 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Question 7. The following test data pertain to a well in a reservoir. Find the tubing size which would be suitable for this well to produce. DATA SOLUTION 7 1 Determination of the required drawdown ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 21 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance 2 Tubing size This is determined by matching the required flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf to a selection of tubing sizes. As a first attempt, try 2 in and 2.5 in tubing. Assume 95% water cut is equal to 100% water cut. i) 2 in tubing, chart C95 ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 22 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance ii) 2.5 in tubing, chart C110 ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 23 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance iii) requirement for flow: By inspection, the 2 in. tubing requires a pressure which is too high for the reservoir to produce 1000 b/d. The 2.5 in. tubing is below the pressure required by the reservoir to produce 1000 b/d. However, the pressure for the 2 in. tubing is close to the reservoir requirement and it may be that other factors such as the capital cost of the tubing and the cost of installation over ride this purely technical assessment. Also, the charts for 100% water were used which is likely to slightly overestimate the pressure. Question 8. A well design has chosen a specific tubing size as shown below. Use gradient curves to determine the gas liquid ratio required to flow the well. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 24 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance DATA SOLUTION 8 1 The required flowing bottomhole pressure for the reservoir is = 2346 psi 2 The appropriate gradient curve must be chosen for 1000 b/d, all water, i.e. chart C95. Assume the gas liquid ratio to start such that the minimum gradient curve is used. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 25 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Project across from the equivalent depth to the intersection with 2346 psi. This falls around 380 to 400 scf/b. 3 Check that use of this gradient curve is still valid for the choice of the equivalent wellhead depth - i.e. that the equivalent welled depth for 80 psi is still 580 ft: this is correct, therefore the gas liquid ratio is 380 to 400 scf/b. Question 9. The following reservoir and completion data are pertinent to a specific well. DATA ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 26 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Calculate the following a) The gas liquid ratio to flow the well. b) If gas is injected at the bottom of the tubing, calculate the amount of injection gas per day required. SOLUTION 9 a) Calculate the flowing bottomhole pressure, P wf = 1500 psi b) to determine the gas liquid ratio, the amount of gas already present in the oil must be determined from the gas oil ratio. Then the total gas liquid ratio can be determined from the appropriate gradient curve and the extra gas required to flow the well determined. liquid flow rate, q = q o + q w water cut = gas oil ratio, GOR = 400 scf/b gas flow rate = 0.5 x 4000 x 400 scf/d ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 27 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance gas liquid ratio, = 400 (1-0.5) = 200 scf/b Choose curve C126 Extend the gradient at 9600 ft from the minimum gradient curve over until a flowing bottomhole pressure of 1500 psi is reached. This falls around 720 scf/b. Check that use of this gradient curve is still valid for the choice of the equivalent welled depth - i.e. that the equivalent wellhead depth for 120 psi is still 1100 ft: this is correct, therefore the gas liquid ratio is 720 scf/b. ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 28 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance The gas required is now calculated from: Flow rate, q = 4000 b/d Gas liquid ratio = 720 scf/b Therefore gas flow rate = 720 x 4000 b/d = 2880000 scf/d Solution gas from oil = 2000 b/d x 400 scf/b = 800000 scf/d Therefore the injected gas rate = 2880000 - 800000 = 2080000 scf/d = 2.08 MMscf/d. Question 10. A well and reservoir have the following completion and reservoir data. The flow is all oil. Determine the operating point. SOLUTION 10 1) Determine the inflow performance relationship Develop the following table ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 29 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance 2) For the given tubing and fluid properties, assume various flow rates and calculate the flowing bottomhole pressure required to flow the fluid up the tubing at that particular flow rate. Try the following flow rates: ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 30 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 31 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance Plot the Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) and Tubing Performance Curve (TPC) From the plot, the operating point is where the two curves intersect: 3602 b/d and 1134 psi ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1 32 Tutorials: Chapter 3 - Reservoir and Tubing Performance confirm these values; = 1134 psi ©HERIOT-W ATT UNIVERSITY September 2015 v1