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Sembollerin çizimi
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Elektrik Motoru
Hidrolik Pompa
Hidrolik Motor
Ölçüm Aletleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Elektrik Motoru
Hidrolik Pompa
Hidrolik Motor
Ölçüm Aletleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Elektrik Motoru
Hidrolik Pompa
Hidrolik Motor
Ölçüm Aletleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Elektrik Motoru
Hidrolik Pompa
Hidrolik Motor
Ölçüm Aletleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Çizgiler ve kısaltmalar
Ana hatlar
Parça sınırları
Pilot veya sızıntı hattı
De i ken veya de i tirilebilir
Basınç Hattı
Depo (Tank) hattı
A,B Basınç da ıtım hatları (i hatları)
X,Y Pilot hatları
R,S Depo hattı
Sızıntı hattı
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Pompa ve motorlar
Hidrolik pompa
Sabit deplasmanlı, tek yönlü akı ve
De i ken deplasmanlı pompa, 2
yönlü akı , tek dönü yönü, legaj
Sabit deplasmanlı motor, iki yönlü
akı ve dönü
Sabit deplasmanlı pompa/motor, tek
yönlü akı ve dönü
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Kare kutu
Basınç kontrol valfleri
Basınç emniyet valfi
Basınç sıralama valfi
Basınç dü ürücü valfleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller –Basınç Kontrol valfleri
Basınç emniyet valfi, direkt uyarılı,
dahili pilotlu
Basınç emniyet valfi, direkt uyarılı,
dahili pilot, harici pilot dönü ü.
Basınç emniyet valfi, pilot uyarılı,
dahili pilot giri ve dönü
Basınç emniyet valfi, pilot uyarılı,
elektrik kumandalı, dahili pilot ya
giri i, harici pilot dönü
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller –Basınç Kontrol valfleri
2 yollu basınç dü ürme valfi, direk
uyarılı, dahili pilot besleme, harici
2 yollu basınç dü ürme valfi, pilot
kumandalı, dahili pilot besleme
3 yollu basınç dü ürme valfi, direk
kumandalı, dahili pilot besleme
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Yanyana iki veya daha çok kutu – Yön valfleri
Yön Kontrol valfleri
Servo veya oransal
2/2 katriç valf
4/2 sürgülü valf
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – 4/3 yön denetim valfleri
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Akı kontrol valfleri
Kısma valfi
Çek valfli kıma
ba ımsız kısma
Akı kontrol valfi
(giri te basınç
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller –Akı Kontrol valfleri
2 yollu, basınç ve sıcaklık komp.
3 yollu, basınç ve sıcaklık komp.
Akı bölücü
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Elmas ekli – artlandırma elemanları
So utucu
Havalandırmalı depo,
hava filtreli depo
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – Silindir
Tek etkili hidrolik silindir,
basınçlandırma ile dönü , Piston
odası depoya ba lı
Çift etkili, tek milli hidrolik silindir,
her iki yönde ayarlanabilen fren
Tek etkili teleskobik hidrolik silindir
Çift etkili teleskobik silindir
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – Akümülatörler
Akümülatör, ön dolumu belirtilmemi
Gaz dolu akümülatör
Gaz deposu
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – Çek valfler / Geri dönü süz valfler
Yüksüz çek valf
Yay kuvvetli çek valf
Pilotlu çek valf, yaysızdır ve valf
kontrol basıncıyla kapalı tutulur.
Pilotlu çek valf, yaylı, kontrol
basıncıyla valf açılır.
Mekik valf (veya Valfi)
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – Ölçüm aletleri ve göstergeler
Basınç göstergesi, genel
Fark basıncı manometresi
Akı kan seviye göstergesi
Akı göstergesi, debimetre
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Semboller – Ölçüm aletleri ve göstergeler
Hidro-elektrik basınç alteri
Sınırlama alteri
Analog dönü türücü
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Resimdeki sembolleri tanımlayınız
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Service, Training
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A. ., even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.