Audio Video Productions Assignment #1 The History and Development of Audio and Video Production TEKS: (5) The student is expected to analyze and summarize the history and evolution of the audio and video production fields. (11) The student develops a basic understanding of audio and video production. The student is expected to: (A) understand the industry, including history, current practice, and future trends by: (i) explaining the beginnings and evolution of audio, video and film (iii) defining terminology associated with the industry. Objectives: v The student will investigate the history and development of audio and video production v The student will learn vocabulary associated with the industry For the following assignment, make sure you are logged into your Google drive first (on the web) and then please go to and click on the Student drop down menu and go to You will follow the prompts to make sure you are logged in (you should see your name in the upper right hand corner of the welcome screen.) As if it is your first time Then search for: The History of Film and Video Editing. It will be your first choice (it is the one by Ashley Kennedy). Choose that Course. Click on and watch: Early photography and film: Before editing (under 1. A History of Film Editing) and answer the following questions: (You may also read from the transcript found on 1. Joseph Niepce's first black & white photograph, in 1826 of some farm buildings in the sky was called a________________________and had an exposure time of______hours or more. 2. Louis Daguerre, In 1837, invented the daguerreotype process which involved lots of equipment and _______________________. 3. The best thing, about the daguerreotype process is the exposure time was reduced from many hours to just several _________________________. 4. The birth of the still photograph was recognized in what year? 1837 1838 1839 1836 5. Which Photography pioneer brought the words like positive, negative, emulsion & snapshot into the photographic process? ______________________________________. 6. Who was responsible for reducing the exposure time even further from minutes to a fraction of a second with the advancements in the photographic processes he invented? ________________________________________. 7. Whose photographic process replaced the photographic plate with what we know as film? When he came out with his own mass-produced camera, he also coined the phrase, "You press the button, we do the rest."______________________________________. 8. Using the video, explain the term, "shooting a film" and how the term originated (and who came up with the invention) 9. Who invented the first single lens motion picture camera in 1888?_______________________ 10.Why was Thomas Edison's early invention (the Kinetiscope) not considered very popular? 11.What invention, by the Lumiere brothers, was used to shoot the world's first projected film? 8IBUXBTUIFUSBOTMBUFE &OHMJTI OBNFPGUIFTFDPOEGJMNUIF-VNJFSFCSPUIFSTTIPXFE 8IBUXBTTPEJGGFSFOUBCPVUUIFTFDPOEGJMNUIBUXBTTIPXOMBUFSUIBUZFBS The birth of the movie UIFBUSFXBTDPOTJEFSFEUPCFBSPVOEXIBUZFBS /PXDMJDLPOBOEXBUDI5IF1JPOFFST'JSTU%BZTPG'JMN&EJUJOH VOEFS")JTUPSZPG'JMN &EJUJOH BOEBOTXFSUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOT :PVNBZBMTPSFBEGSPNUIFUSBOTDSJQUGPVOEPO -ZOEBDPN 8IPNBEFUIFGJSTUFEJUFEGJMN BPOFNJOVUFTIPSUDPNFEZ i$PNF"MPOH%PwJO .PTUTQFDJBMFGGFDUTXFFODPVOUFSUPEBZBSFJO *OIJTGJMN i4DSPPHF PS.BSMFZT(IPTUw EFTDSJCFIPXUIFGJMNNBLFSQPSUSBZFEUIF HIPTUPG+BDPC.BSMFZBOEPUIFSTQFDJBMFGGFDUTVTJOHPOMZBTJOHMFDBNFSB 8IBUXBTBOPUIFSUFSNGPSBXJEFTIPU 0OFPGUIFGJSTUFYBNQMFTPGBTDFOFXJUIJOUFSDVUTIPUTJTGSPNUIFGJMN i4FFO 5ISPVHIUIF5FMFTDPQFwCZXIPN 8IBULJOEPGDBNFSBTIPUBOEBOHMFEJE+BNFT8JMMJBNTPOVTFJOIJTGJMNi"UUBDL POB$IJOB.JTTJPOw &YQMBJOXIBUXBTTPEJGGFSFOUBCPVU8JMMJBNTPOTGJMNi5IF#JH4XBMMPXw &EXJO1PSUFSTQMJDFEUXPTIPUTUPHFUIFSDSFBUJOHBEJSFDU DPOUFYUVBMSFMBUJPOTIJQJOUIF BVEJFODFTNJOE)JTJTTPNFPGUIFFBSMJFTUFYBNQMFTPGXIBULJOEPGFEJUJOH *OIJTGJMNi-JGFPGBO"NFSJDBO'JSFNBOw1PSUFSJOUSPEVDFTUIFSFWPMVUJPOBSZJEFBPG DSPTTDVUUJOHCFUXFFOTDFOFT5IJTJTLOPXOBTXIBULJOEPGFEJUJOH 8IPXBTUIF'SFODIJMMVTJPOJTUXIPEJTDPWFSFEJOOPWBUJWFXBZTUPFEJU $POUJOVFEPOOFYUQBHF 8IPXBTUIF'SFODIJMMVTJPOJTUXIPEJTDPWFSFEJOOPWBUJWFXBZTUPFEJU *OUIFGJMN i"5SJQUPUIF.PPOw XIBUXBTBOFOUJSFQSPEVDUJPOMJOFIJSFEUPEP i"5SJQUPUIF.PPOwCFDBNFTPQPQVMBSUIBUNBOZQSPEVDFST FWFO5IPNBT&EJTPO XBOUFEUPEPXIBUXJUIUIFGJMN 5PTUPQUIJTQSPCMFN NFOUJPOFEJORVFTUJPO .FMJFTQVUIJTCSPUIFSJODIBSHFPGUIF GJSTUQSPHSBNJODIBSHFPGXIBU /PX $MJDLPOBOEXBUDI'JMN-BOHVBHFJT#PSO$POUJOVJUZ&EJUJOHBOE.POUBHF5IFPSZ VOEFS")JTUPSZPG'JMN&EJUJOH BOEBOTXFSUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOT :PVNBZBMTP SFBEGSPNUIFUSBOTDSJQUGPVOEPO-ZOEBDPN 8IBULJOEPGTUSVDUVSFEJE%8(SJGGJUICSJOHDJOFNBJOUPJOTUFBEPGUIFUBCMFBVDFOUSJD TDFOFCBTFENPEFM *Oi5IF#JSUIPGB/BUJPOw%8(SJGGJUIXBTUIFGJSTUGJMNNBLFSUPEPXIBUUP FNQIBTJ[FBESBNBUJDNPNFOU %FTDSJCFIPX(SJGGJUISFBMMZFNCSBDFEUIFNPEFMPGDPOUJOVJUZFEJUJOH %FTDSJCFBOPUIFSFEJUJOHUFDIOJRVFUIBU%8(SJGGJUIVTFE CFTJEFTDPOUJOVJUZ FEJUJOH %FTDSJCF.POUBHF5IFPSZ %FTDSJCFIPX,VMFTIPWVTFEUIFNPOUBHFUIFPSZUPQSPWFBQPJOU