(NBAA) THE NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS TANZANIA EXAMINERS’ AND PERFORMANCE REPORT 92ND EXAMINATION SESSION – NOVEMBER 2020 NBAA, 4 UKAGUZI ROAD, AUDIT HOUSE, 8TH FLOOR, P. O. BOX 1271, 41104 TAMBUKARELI, DODOMA. TANZANIA 23RD DECEMBER 2020 Telephones: +255 26 2660170-4 + 255 22 2211890-9 Mobile: 0713 320423 Email: info@nbaa.go.tz Website: www.nbaa.go.tz TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword & Acknowledgement ……………………………………. PAGE (ii) Executive Summary of 92nd Examination session ………………….. (vii) CHAPTER 1 Analysis of Candidates’ Performance in the 92nd Examination Session 1 CHAPTER II Performance Evaluation Subject-Wise …………………................. Accounting Technician Examination Level I ……….................. Accounting Technician Examination Level II …………………. Foundation Level ………………………………………………. Intermediate Level ……………………....................................... Final Level …………………………………………………….. 4 5 18 31 51 80 CHAPTER III Examiners’ Recommendations to Tutors & Students ………………. 101 CHAPTER IV Institutional Performance Evaluation ………………………………. 111 Accounting Manpower Created by the Board up to November 2020 132 CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI The NBAA Special Awards Programme for Candidates with Meritorious Examination Achievements ……………………………. 134 FOREWORD AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The current examination scheme has been tested for the first time in this November 2020 examination session. It has basically be designed to test competencies rather than understanding of knowledge. In order to realize this goal, there is a need to streamline the whole process from teaching of the students, setting of examination questions as well as marking of the examinations. Here it means that the trainers, learners, examiners as well as examination markers need to speak the same language. If there is any mismatch between these key stakeholders the aim of competence based examination scheme cannot be realized. Trainers are required to change their teaching orientation to match with competence approach. They are required to guide learners to acquire competencies rather than knowledge. Learners are supposed to change their learning styles from rote learning to active learning that will enable them to learn the required competencies. Those who are setting examination questions should also consider the fact that they are testing understanding of skills and competencies rather than understanding of information. How to orient all these stakeholders to have the same orientation has remained a challenge in implementing the competence based examination scheme. But as we move forward the situation is changing into better through trainings and acquisition of experiences. The current examination scheme has eight subjects in the Accounting Technician Levels I and II as shown below: Code Name Accounting Technician Level I T01 Book keeping and Accounts T02 Elements of Business Mathematics and Statistics T03 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology T.04 Business Communication Skills Accounting Technician Level II T.05 Principles of Accounting and Auditing T.06 Elements of Cost Accounting and Procurement T.07 Elements of Commercial Knowledge and Taxation T.08 Accounting for Public Sector and Cooperatives ii The Professional Examination Scheme has three level structures as follows: (i) Foundation (Knowledge and Skills) level, having six subjects, (ii) Intermediate (Skills and Analysis in Context) level, having six subjects, and (iii) Final (Professional Analysis, Application and Evaluation) level, having four subjects. In total, the Professional Examination Scheme has 16 subjects as shown hereunder: Foundation (Knowledge and Skills Level) Exam Subject Name Code A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Quantitative Techniques Business and Management Financial Accounting Cost Accounting Business Law Business Economics Intermediate (Skills and Analysis in Context Level) Exam Subject Name Code B1 Financial Management B2 Financial Reporting B3 Auditing Principles and Practice B4 Public Finance and Taxation B5 Performance Management B6 Management, Governance and Ethics Final (Professional Analysis, Application and Evaluation Level) Exam Subject Name Code C1 Corporate Reporting C2 Auditing and Assurance Services C3 Business and Corporate Finance C4 Advanced Taxation iii ACCOUNTING MANPOWER Since the inception of the Accounting Technician examinations, the Board has been able to produce 14,289 Accounting T e c h n i c i a n s . This category of Accounting Technicians covers 4,035 Accounting Technicians Certificate (ATEC) graduates, 2,971 Basic Book-keeping Certificate (BBC) graduates, 5,746 National Book-keeping Certificate (NABOCE) graduates and 1,537 National Accountancy Diploma (NAD) graduates. The Board has also been able to produce 10,498 CPA (T) graduates since it started conducting these examinations in May, 1975, 210 CPA (T) Equivalent since it started conducting these examinations in November 2014. In total, the Board has been able to produce 24,812 accounting personnel (manpower) of different levels and categories serving both in public and private sectors inside and outside Tanzania. EXAMINATION CENTRES During the 92nd examination session, examinations were held in 16 examination centres, where Dar es Salaam had 06 centers and the other 10 centers located in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. These centres accommodated 6,179 candidates sitting at different levels of the Board’s examinations. The examination centres were as follows: Dar es Salaam Centres were all located at APC Hotel and Conference Centre (Bunju). Other centres 1. Arusha – Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) 2. Dodoma – Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) 3. Iringa – Iringa RVTSC 4. Kilimanjaro – Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU) 5. Mbeya – Mzumbe University – Mbeya campus 6. Morogoro – Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) 7. Mwanza –St. Dominic Pastoral Centre 8. Tabora – Tabora RVTSC 9. Tanga – St. Joseph’s Commercial School (SJCS) 10. Zanzibar - State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) iv OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT The Report is intended to avail to trainers and candidates, the examinations’ overall general performance, specific areas of weaknesses and suggestions for improvement. It is an important guide to candidates as well as trainers, setters, markers and moderators of the Board’s future examinations. Analysis of the examination performance is presented in Table 3 of this report while a detailed analysis indicating the performance of candidates registered by the recognized Tuition Providers is shown in Tables 10 to 11 of the report. Analysis of performance in each subject is presented in Tables 5.1 to 9.1.8. Comments and observations in the Examiners' and Performance Report are supported by relevant statistical analysis of the candidates' performance in each examination level. The last chapter of the Report comprises a list of prizes offered by NBAA and other prize donors. These prizes will be awarded to candidates who have excelled in their examinations during the graduation ceremony expected to be held on October 2021. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On behalf of the Board and on my own behalf, I wish to convey my very sincere appreciation to all persons who willingly supported the Board in this demanding professional task. I am indeed particularly thankful to all Tuition Providers who devoted their energy and time to guide the candidates and preparing them for the examinations. I am also delighted to acknowledge the contribution of Board’s Examiners, Markers, Invigilators, and the Board’s Secretariat, the Education and Publications Committee and the Governing Board for their much appreciated co- operation during the whole process of the NBAA’s 92nd examination session. Last but not least, I congratulate all examination candidates who studied hard and sat for the 92nd examinations of the Board. Once again, I would like to reiterate that the Examiners' Report is prepared to help trainers and the Board’s candidates to improve on their future performance by learning from previous experiences. I, therefore, call upon readers of this Report to come up with constructive suggestions on how to improve further the examination process and reports arising therein. Yours sincerely, CPA Pius A. Maneno EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO THE 92ND EXAMINATION SESSION – NOVEMBER 2020 1.0 PREAMBLE: The Board conducts its normal session examinations twice in a year during the months of May and November. This session is the 92nd examination session in which the examinations were conducted from Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th November 2020. 4,492 candidates applied for the examinations, out of whom 349 (7.8%) were absent, 4,143 (92.2%) sat for the examinations at different levels. The candidature distribution this session is as shown in the Table below: EXAMINATION LEVELS CANDIDAT ES APPLIED TECHNICIAN LEVELS CANDIDATES ABSENT 48 93 ATEC I: ATEC II: 02 01 % CANDIDATES SAT 4.2 1.1 46 92 % 95.8 98.9 PROFESSIONAL LEVELS Foundation 431 35 8.1 396 91.9 Intermediate 2,361 229 9.7 2,132 90.3 Final 1,559 82 5.3 1,477 94.7 4,492 349 7.8 4,143 92.2 TOTALS vii 2.0 TREND OF THE EXAMINATION CANDIDATURE 2.1 Candidature Exam Sitting Candidature enrolment this session has decreased from 6,282 to 4,143 Candidates, which is a decrease of 34.0% candidates. Table 1 and Graph 1 shows candidature trend (candidates who sat for the examinations) for the eight examination sessions: November 2016 to November 2020. Table 1 EXAMINATION CANDIDATURE TREND FOR THE PRECEDING NINE EXAMINATION SESSIONS NOVEMBER 2016 TO NOVEMBE 2020 EXAMINATION ATEC ATEC I II FOUNDATION INTERMEDIATE FINAL TOTAL 84th Session November 2016 84 158 405 3,522 2,113 6,282 85th Session May 2017 103 185 557 3,477 2,292 6,614 86th Session November 2017 100 172 572 3,235 1,977 6,056 87th Session May 2018 61 98 370 1824 1238 3,591 88th November 2018 113 212 621 3197 2,040 6,183 89th May 2019 102 190 696 3,276 1,971 6,235 90th November 2019 85 173 688 3,310 1,923 6,179 91st May (August) 2020 84 162 722 3,721 2,245 6,934 92nd November 2020 46 92 396 2,132 1,477 4,143 viii Graph 1 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF THE BOARD’S OVERALL EXAMINATION CANDIDATURE FOR THE PRECEDING NINE (9) EXAMINATION SESSIONS (NOVEMBER 2016 TO NOVEMBER 2020) 8,000 7,000 Column1 6,282 6,934 6,614 6,183 6,056 6,235 6,179 No. of Candidates 6,000 5,000 4,492 4,000 3,591 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Nov-16 May-17 Nov-17 May-18 Nov-18 May-19 Nov-19 May-20 Examination Sessions ix Nov-20 2.2 Candidature Distribution – November 2020 Candidature distribution for the November 2020 examination session shows that majority of the candidates who sat for these examinations were in the Intermediate level examinations. The Chart below shows the candidature distribution Chart 1 Candidate Distribution - November 2020 48 93 431 1559 2361 ATEC I ATEC II FOUNDATION INTERMEDIATE FINAL Candidature in Intermediate level is highest as most of the candidates who enroll at this level are those who have completed a three years’ bachelor degree programme or its equivalent in accounting and enjoy exemptions to sit for the Intermediate Level examinations. A tertiary institution which offers bachelor degree courses related to accountancy courses has to apply to NBAA for its graduands to be given exemption in the Board’s examinations. x 3.0 EXAMINATION PERFORMANCE 3.1 Pass rates for examination levels tested in November 2020 Table 2 (i) shows pass rates in November 2020 examination session EXAMINATION LEVEL NUMBER OF PASSES ATEC I Passed Part passed PERCENTAGE 18 13 39.1 28.3 14 44 15.2 47.8 103 177 26.0 44.7 INTERMEDIATE Passed Part passed 279 624 13.1 43.9 FINAL Passed Part passed 249 624 16.7 42.2 663 2,676 22.0 43.3 ATEC II Passed Part passed FOUNDATION Passed Part passed TOTAL PASSES Passed Part passed NOTE: Among the candidates who passed Intermediate and Final Levels there were twenty (20) candidates with foreign qualifications. Table 2 (ii) shows number of candidates with foreign CPA – equivalent qualification who sat and cleared the subjects with local contents Subject A5 Business Law B4 Public Finance and Taxation C3 Business & Corporate Finance C4 Advanced Taxation Number of entries 13 11 06 12 These candidates are eligible for the award of letters of success and certificates to enable them register as members. xi 3.2 Examination Performance by Gender: Table 3: Examination performance by gender in the five examination levels ATEC I ATEC II INTERMEDIATE LEVEL FOUNDATION LEVEL FINAL LEVEL Total Male PASSED PARTLY PASS FAILED TOTAL Female Total Male Female Total % Male No % No % No % NO. % NO. % No NO. % 10 22% 8 17% 18 39% 10 11% 4 4% 14 15% 54 14% 6 13% 7 15% 13 28% 24 26% 20 22% 44 48% 95 6 13% 9 20% 15 33% 18 20% 22 48% 24 52% 46 100% 52 57% Female NO. % Total Female Total % Male Female Total % NO. % NO. % No NO. % NO. % No 49 12% 103 26% 151 7% 128 6% 279 13% 133 9% 116 8% 249 17% 24% 82 21% 177 45% 469 22% 468 22% 937 44% 331 22% 293 16 17% 34 37% 62 16% 54 14% 116 29% 489 23% 427 20% 916 43% 328 22% 40 43% 92 100% 211 53% 185 47% 396 100% 1109 52% 1023 48% 2132 100% 792 54% xii No Male % NO. % 663 16% 20% 624 42% 1795 43% 276 19% 604 41% 1685 41% 685 46% 1477 100% 4143 100% CHAPTER I ANALYSIS OF CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE IN THE 92ND EXAMINATION SESSION – NOVEMBER 2020 OVERALL CANDIDATES' PERFORMANCE During the 92nd examination session, 6,806 candidates were registered for the Board’s examinations held in November 2020, out of whom 627 (9.2%) candidates were absent from the examinations, 6,179 candidates sat for the examinations. Of the 6,179 candidates who sat for the examinations, 1,202 (19.5%) candidates passed while 2,675 (43.3%) candidates part passed and 2,302 (37.3%) candidates failed the examinations. (See Table 4 on page 3). ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE (ATEC) - LEVEL I The November 2020 examination session was the first session since the review of the examinations structure and syllabi of ATEC. 48 candidates registered themselves for the examination. 02 (4.2%) candidates were absent. 46 candidates sat for the examination, out of whom 18 (39.1%) passed hence becoming eligible for a STATEMENT OF SUCCESS at this level. 13 (28.3%) candidates are part passed while a total of 15 (32.6%) candidates failed the examination. (See Table 4 on page3). ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE (ATEC) - LEVEL II This examination was conducted for the first time since the review of the examination structure and Syllabi of ATEC II. Out of 93 candidates who registered for the examination, 01 (1.1%) candidates were absent leaving a total of 46 candidates who wrote the examination. 14 (15.2%) candidates passed and hence are eligible to be issued with CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION of the Accounting Technician Certificate Examination. 44 (47.8%) candidates have part passed while a total of 34 (37.0%) candidates failed the examination. (See Table 4 on page3). FOUNDATION LEVEL The Foundation Level examinations consist of six subjects. These subjects were tested for the first time this session following the review of the examination structure and syllabi. In this examination, 431 candidates registered themselves for the examination out of whom 35 (8.1%) candidates were absent. Of the 396 candidates who wrote the examination, 103 (26.0%) candidates passed hence becoming eligible for a STATEMENT OF SUCCESS at this level. 177(44.7%) candidates have part passed while 166 (29.3%) candidates failed the examination. (See Table 4 on page 3). 1 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL The Intermediate Level examinations consist of six subjects. As with the Foundation Level examinations, these subjects were tested for the first time this session following the review of the examination structure. In this examination, 2,361 candidates registered themselves out of whom 229 (9.7%) candidates were absent. Of the 2,132 candidates who wrote the examination, 279 (13.1%) candidates passed hence becoming eligible for a STATEMENT OF SUCCESS at this level. 937 (43.9 %) candidates have part passed while 916 (43.0%) candidates failed the examination. (See Table 4 on page3). FINAL LEVEL The Final Level examinations consist of four subjects. These examinations were tested for the first time following review of the examination structure. In this examination, 1,559 candidates registered themselves for Final Level examinations, out of whom 82 (5.3%) candidates were absent. Of the 1,477 candidates who wrote the examination, 663 (22.0%) candidates passed, hence becoming eligible for a STATEMENT OF SUCCESS at this Level. 2,676 (43.3%) candidates have part passed while 604 (40.9%) candidates failed the examination. (See Table 4 on page 3). CANDIDATES QUALIFYING FOR THE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION In this examination session, 14 candidates qualify for the certificate of completion of the ATEC programme, comprising 4 (28.6%) female candidates and 10 (71.4%) male candidates. All 14 candidates who qualified for the Accounting Technician Certificate passed ATEC II subjects On the other hand, 243 candidates qualify for the certificate of completion of the CPA programme, comprising 114 (46.9) female candidates and 129 (53.1%) male candidates. 2 TABLE 4 GENERAL STATISTICAL ANALYSISOFEXAMINATIONRESULTS 92ND EXAMINATIONSESSION– NOVEMBER 2020 EXAMINATION ATECI NO. ENTRIES 48 % ATEC II NO. FOUNDATION % NO % INTERMEDIATE NO. % 100 100 93 100 431 100 2,361 1.1 35 8.1 229 9.7 FINAL NO TOTAL % NO. % 1,559 100 4,492 100 82 5.3 349 ABSENTEES 02 4.2 01 CANDIDATES WHOSAT 46 95.8 92 98.9 396 91.9 2,132 90.3 1,477 94.7 4,143 92.2 PART PASSED 13 28.3 44 47.8 177 44.7 937 43.9 624 42.2 1,795 41.4 PASSED 18 39.1 14 15.2 103 26.0 279 13.1 249 16.7 663 22.0 40.9 1,685 36.5 100 4,143 100 FAILED 15 32.6 34 37.0 166 29.3 916 43.0 604 TOTAL 46 100 92 100 396 100 2,132 100 1,477 3 7.8 CHAPTER II PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SUBJECT-WISE INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a detailed analysis of performance of candidates in each subject at each level of the Board’s examinations. General evaluation and assessment of candidates’ performance at each level and specific assessment of candidates in each topic examined is analysed. The Board hopes that this report will provide necessary guidance to trainers and students for the better results in the Board’s future examinations. The November 2020 examination is the first examination session under the revised examination scheme and syllabi. The scheme has a two tier system of five different levels: two at the Accounting Technician level and three at the Professional level. A total of 24 examination papers were attempted this session as detailed hereunder: (a) Accounting Technician Level I with four papers; (b) Accounting Technician Level II with four papers; (c) The Foundation Level with six papers; (d) The Intermediate Level with six papers; (e) The Final Level with four papers. 4 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN LEVEL I GENERAL PERFORMANCE 46 candidates sat for the ATEC I examinations. The performance indicates that 18 (39.1%) candidates passed and therefore become eligible for the STATEMENT OF SUCCESS for ATEC. 13 (28.3%) candidates have passed some of the subjects in this level while 15 (32.6%) candidates failed the examinations. The general performance subject-wise is as shown in Table 5.1 TABLE 5.1 ATEC I SUBJECT-WISE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: NOVEMBER 2019 AND NOVEMBER 2020 Paper Code Performance Subject November 2019 Entries 2018 Pass November 2020 % Entries Pass % T.01 Bookkeeping and Accounts 55 32 58.2 23 18 78.3 T.02 Elements of Business Maths and Statistics 56 21 37.5 28 10 35.7 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology 60 36 60.0 28 12 42.9 Business Communication Skills 59 52 88.1 16 10 62.5 T.03 T.04 5 GENERAL COMMENTS T.01 - BOOK-KEEPING AND ACCOUNTS I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to enable candidates to apply knowledge of Book keeping and Accounts for recording, posting business transactions in the book of accounts and preparation of accounting statements in both private and public sectors. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four questions whereby candidates were required to answer all questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) State whether the given statements were true or false. (c) Pair each statements from LIST A with the item from LIST B appropriately. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 23 candidates who answered the question, 17 (73.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 06 (26.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 16 (69.6%) and 01 (4.3%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidates scored distinction marks. There were no major weaknesses noted in this question. QUESTION 2: RECORD AND TRANSACTIONS POST ACCOUNTING Candidates were required to: (a) Open all accounts that are necessary to record the given transactions and enter the balance brought forward from the previous accounting period. (b) Post necessary entries in the relevant accounts to record transactions, ensuring that they account correctly for any discounts. (c) Explain the difference between ‘trade’ and ‘cash’ discounts and how they are treated in the account. 6 Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 23 candidates who answered the question only 03 (13.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 21 (91.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 01 (4.3%), 01 (4.3%) and 01 (4.3%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Majority of candidates demonstrated weakness in posting entries in relevant accounts to record transactions. QUESTION 3: CASH BOOKS AND PETTY CASH Candidates were required to: (a) Define the term petty cash. (b) Use information from petty cash transaction given to: (i) Determine the amount necessary to restore the imprest and carry down the balance for the following month. (ii) Open and post the company’s analyzed petty cash book for the period of a given month, with analysis columns for expenditure on travelling, stationery, postage, miscellaneous and repairs. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 23 candidates who answered the question,19 (82.6%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 04 (17.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 08 (34.8%), 05 (21.7%) and 06 (26.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 4: P R E P A R A T I O N O F F I N A N C I A L S T A T E M E N T S Candidates were required to: (a) Mention and briefly explain set of financial statements as per IAS 1. (b) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position as at the given period. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 23 candidates who answered the question, 21 (91.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 02 (8.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 08 (34.8%), 06 26.1) and 07 (30.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates who failed in this question demonstrated weakness in preparing the statement of financial position. 7 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners observed that the questions were clear and fair. Also they commented that the questions were set within the prescribed syllabus and could be answered within the allocated time. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 23 candidates who answered the examination, 18 (78.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 05 (21.7%) candidates failed. Candidates who passed 18(78.3%) scored pass m a r k s . N o c a n d i d a t e s c o r e d credit and distinction marks in this examination paper. The over-all candidates’ performance in the subject is as shown in table 5.1.1 TABLE 5.1.1 T.01 – CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks 0-49 50-69 70-79 80-100 TOTAL No. of Candidates (Frequency) 05 18 00 00 23 Percentage 21.7 73.8 00 00 100 TABLE 5.1.2 T.01 – COMPARISON OF PASS RATES WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 32 out of 55 November 2020 % 58.2 8 No. of candidates passed 18 out of 23 % 73.8 T.02 - ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME The principal learning outcome of this paper is to build basic skills in the collection, processing, presentation and interpretation of simple numerical and statistical knowledge and skills as a tool of learning and understanding related subjects at higher levels. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four questions whereby candidates were required to answer all questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE Candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the best answer from the among given alternatives. (b) Pair each item from LIST A with the statement from LIST B appropriately. (c) State whether the given statements were true or false. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question, 17 (60.7%), candidates passed while the remaining 11 (39.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 15 (88.2%), 01 (5.9%) and 01 (5.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was observed. QUESTION 2: A: RATIOS AND PROPORTIONS B: SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST C: PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION Candidates were required to: (a) Explain how do ratio differs from proportion. (b) Explain, how many four-letter words can be made with the first ten letters of the alphabet if: (i) No letter is repeated. (ii) Repetition is allowed (c) Draw a pie chart for the data. (d) Determine the amount of money to be deposited monthly. 9 Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question, only 01 (03.57%), candidates passed while the remaining 27 (96.43%) candidates failed. A candidate who passed scored pass marks. No candidate scored credit and distinction marks in this question. Majority of the candidates failed to compute numbers of four-letter words with repetition allowed. They also demonstrated weakness in applying compound interest formulae QUESTION 3: A. PERCENTAGES B. ANNUITY, SINKING FUND, PRESENT VALUES OF ANNUITY AND AMORTIZATION Candidates were required to: (a) Find the new price of a skirt. (b) E x p l a i n , what principal will amount to TZS. 415,000 at 25% per annum simple interest for 6 years. (c) Explain, how much is in the account after 15 years’ period (d) Find value of flat screen TV after 15 months. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question only 03 (10.7%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 25 (89.3%) candidates failed. Most o f candidates failed to apply a correct formula for future value, hence got wrong answer. QUESTION 4: A. SAMPLING METHOD OF SALMPLING B. MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY C. BASIC PROBABILITY THEORY Candidates were required to: (a) ( i ) Rank-order values and determine the median. (ii) Calculate the average for the raw data ( b ) ( i ) State the probability that on randomly selected day, the number of cartons of mango juice sold in the evening is between 80 and 99. ( i i ) State the probability that 39 or fewer cartons were sold during a randomly selected afternoon. (c) Provide a clear distinction between probability and non-probability sampling methods by giving two examples for each. (d) Find the probability that he will get both contracts Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question, only 02 (7.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 26 (92.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who 10 passed 01 (3.6%) and 01 (3.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Majority of the candidates failed to provide a clear distinction between probability and non-probability. IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners in assessing the questions was of the opinion that the question paper was of good quality and standard for the intended level of candidates as it combines both application and knowledge type of questions. The question paper was fair in terms of marks awarded, time allocated, and length of questions. Marks distribution was done evenly to each question. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the examination only 10 (35.7%), candidates passed while the remaining 18 (64.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 09 (32.1%) and 01 (3.6%) candidates scored pass and credit. No candidate scored distinction marks. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 5.1.3 TABLE 5.1.3 T.02 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks 0-49 No of Candidates 18 (Frequency) 50-69 70-79 80-100 TOTAL 09 01 00 28 32.1 3.6 00 100 Percentage 64.3 TABLE 5.1.4 T.02. COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 21 out of 56 November 2020 % No. of candidates passed 37.5 10 out of 28 11 % 35.7 T.03 – INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME The principal learning outcome of the paper i s to enable candidates apply knowledge and skills in information technology to solve problems in the business environment. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four questions whereby candidates were required to answer all questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the four given alternatives. (b) State whether the given statement is true or false. (c) Match item from LIST A with the statements from LIST B appropriately. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question, only 04 (14.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 24 (85.7%) candidates failed. 04 (14.3) candidates who scored a pass mark. There were no candidates who scored credit and distinction marks. There was no major weakness observed in this question. QUESTION 2: A. DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS B. COMPUTER SYSTEM C. COMMONLY USED APPLICATION SOFTWARE Candidates were required to: (a) List five important factors to consider when choosing a type of network cable to use. (b) Outline five most important features that are commonly found in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system. (c) List and briefly explain the major software issues that organizations face today. (d) Explain the three types of communication system based on direction of communication and state one example on each type of communication system. 12 Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question only 03 (10.7%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 25 (89.3%) candidates failed. Majority of the candidates demonstrated weakness in: i. Listing important factors when choosing type of network cable ii. Outlining important features of enterprise resources planning software system iii. Explaining data communication systems QUESTION 3: A. BUSINESS USE OF INTERNET, INTRANET AND EXTRANET B. COMMONLY USED APPLICATION SOFTWARE Candidates were required to: (a) Write short notes on: (i) Online Transaction Processing System (ii) Structured Query Language (iii) Computer related fraud and Computer related forgery. (iv) Contrast and compare between computer ‘antivirus’ and ‘computer firewall’ (b) Explain the shortcomings of using digital dashboard report during presentation. (c) Differentiate “FTP” from “VOIP” Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question only 08 (28.6%), candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 20 (71.4%) candidates failed. Candidates demonstrated weakness in explaining the online transaction processing system, structured query language, computer fraud and forgery. QUESTION 4: A. HARDWARE COMPONENTS B. E-BUSINESS AND E-COMMERCE Candidates were required to: (a) Explain the design and functions of the Central Processing Unit (CPU). (b) (i) Explain the six benefits of e-commerce (ii) Explain the main challenges of e-commerce Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 28 candidates who answered the question, 09 (32.1%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 19 (20.0%) candidates failed. Majority of the candidates failed to explain the design and function of CPU. Furthermore, candidates revealed failure in explaining the challenges of ecommerce. 13 IV: (a) (b) GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners in assessing the paper were of the opinion that the paper was fair and the questions tested covered a wide range of the syllabus. The mixture of the questions was adequate and the distribution of marks was fair in relation to the time allocated. Candidates overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 18 candidates who answered the examination, 12 (42.9%), candidates passed while the remaining 16 (57.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 11 (39.3%) and 01 (3.6%) candidates scored pass marks. There were no candidates who scored credit and distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 5.1.5 TABLE 5.1.5 T.03 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks 0-49 50-69 70-79 No. of Candidates (Frequency) 16 11 01 00 28 57.1 39.3 3.6 00 100 80-100 TOTAL Percentage TABLE 5.1.6 T.03 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 36 out of 60 November 2020 % No. of candidates passed % 60.0 12 out of 28 42.9 14 T.04 – BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to enable candidates to master basic English language skills and be able to use them for communicating effectively in business environment. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER This paper consisted of six compulsory questions. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE Candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: A. DEMONSTRATE A MASTERY USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Candidates were required to: (a) (i) (iii) Suggest the title of the passage Summarize the passage in not more than 150 words (b) Punctuate the given sentences Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question, 15 (93.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 01 (6.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 09 (56.3%), 05 (31.3%) and 01 (6.3%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates demonstrated weakness in summarizing accurately the given passage. QUESTION 2: DEMONSTRATE A MASTERY USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Candidates were required to: (a) Write down the letter of the correct word class of the bolded word (b) Rewrite the sentences as instructed (c) Identify the error(s) in sentences and then write the correct sentence (d) Identify the types of tenses used in the following sentences Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question 08 (50.0%), candidates passed while the remaining 08 (50.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 05 (31.3%) and 03 (18.8%) candidates scored pass and credit marks. No candidate scored distinction marks Candidates who failed in this question were not able to identify the types of sentences used. 15 QUESTION 3: A. DEMONSTRATE LISTENING SKILLS Candidates were required to: (a) Write match utterance items from LIST A with the words from LIST B appropriately. (b) Explain step by step on how he/she will apply the five (5) techniques that would help you to easily take the best notes. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question only 05 (31.3%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 11 (68.7%) candidates failed. Some candidates failed to explain step by step the techniques to be applied in taking notes QUESTION 4: A : WRITING SKILLS IN BUSINESS CORRENDENCE B: DEMOSTRATE SPEAKING SKILLS Candidates were required to: (a) Write a memo to instruct colleges to submit their weekly report to the Chief Auditor for approval as he was close to the end of financial year. (b) Explain five (5) factors to consider when preparing the presentation. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question only 04 (25.0%), candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 12 (75.0%) candidates failed. Majority of the candidates demonstrated lack of writing and presentation skills. QUESTION 5: WRITING SKILLS IN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCES Candidates were required to: (a) Briefly explain any five (5) parts of an official letter with their functions (b) Write a letter to the Company Manager showing how interested your company is in fixing all the AC’s for the whole project (c) Explain with reasons the kind of correspondence which will be suitable for you to call them for the meeting? and Why Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question, 13 (81.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 03 (18.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 07 (43.8%), 04 (25.0%) and 02 (12.5%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness noted in this examination question. 16 QUESTION 6: D E M O N S T R A T I O N O F R E A D I N G S K I L L S Candidates were required to: (a) Carefully read the passage and then answer the questions that followed. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the question only 05 (31.3%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 11 (68.8%) candidates failed. Majority of candidates demonstrated poor reading skills as they failed to read and comprehend hence chose wrong answers from the given alternatives. IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be fairly set, clear and well spread within the syllabus. They found the questions to be within reach of well-prepared candidates. The questions were also fair in relation to the time allocated. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 16 candidates who answered the examination, 10 (62.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 06 (37.5%) candidates failed. No candidate scored credit and distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 5.1.7 TABLE 5.1.7 T.04 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks No. of Candidates (Frequency) Percentage 0-49 50-69 70-79 80-100 06 10 00 00 37.5 62.5 00 00 TOTAL 16 100 TABLE 5.1.8 T.04 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed % 52 out of 59 88.1 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 10 out of 16 17 % 62.5 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN EXAMINATION LEVEL II GENERAL PERFORMANCE In this level, 92 candidates sat for the examinations, out of whom 14 (15.2%) passed, 44 (47.8%) candidates passed various subjects in this level while 34 (37.0%) failed the examination. The 14 candidates who passed are eligible for the Board's award of the STATEMENT OF SUCCESS FOR ATEC II. The general performance subject-wise is as shown on table 6.1 TABLE 6.1 ATEC II SUBJECT-WISE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: NOVEMBER 2019 AND NOVEMBER 2020 Paper Code No. T.05 T.06 T.07 T.08 Subject Pass Performance November 2020 % Entries Pass 110 33 30.0 53 16 30.2 150 65 43.0 60 11 18.3 91 58 63.7 51 43 84.3 91 67 73.6 40 28 70.0 November 2019 Entries Principles of Accounting and Auditing Principles of Cost Accounting and Procurement Elements of Commercial Knowledge, Management Practices and Taxation Accounting for Public Sector and Cooperatives 18 % T.05 - PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates on application of basic concepts and principles of accounting in preparing and interpreting statements and reports on a practical context as per IAS 1 and apply audit knowledge in appraising data and assisting audit staff during audit undertakings. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper consisted of four compulsory questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) Write whether True or False for each of the given statements. (c) Write the letter from list B against the corresponding roman number in list A. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 53 candidates who answered the question, 29 (54.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 24 (45.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 28 (52.8%) and 1 (1.9%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates demonstrated lack of knowledge on theoretical accounting relevant to this subject. QUESTION 2: PREPARATIONS OF MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTS From the given information, candidates were required to prepare: (a) Manufacturing Statement. (b) Income Statement. (c) Statement of Financial Position. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 53 candidates who answered the question only 15 (28.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 38 (71.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 14 (26.4%), 00 (0.0%) and 01 (1.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most candidates who answered this question failed to make year-end adjustments and also failed to make allocation of cost either manufacturing (production) cost or administration cost. 19 QUESTION 3: NON-PROFIT-MAKING ORGANIZATIONS Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to prepare: (i) Income and Expenditure accounts. (ii) Statement of Financial Position (b) Calculate profit using the capital concept. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 53 candidates who answered the question only, 07 (13.2%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 46 (86.9%) candidates failed. There was neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Most candidates failed to distinguish between the financial statements of non-profit making organization and profit-making organization. QUESTION 4: I N T R O D U C T I O N T O A U D I T I N G : DEFINITION AND CONCEPTS IN AUDITING Candidates were required to: (a) (b) (c) (b) Explain the reasons to undertake non-statutory auditing. Explain the concepts of control activities. Describe the components of an engagement letter (i) State and briefly explain the main types of audit engagements. (ii) Explain who bears the responsibilities for internal controls in an organization. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 53 candidates who answered the question only 05 (9.4%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 48 (90.6%) candidates failed. There was neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates failed to mention the components of control activity. 20 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners was of the opinion that the examination was fair, clearly worded and appropriately spread within the syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 53 candidates who answered the examination only 16 (30.2%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 37 (69.8%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 6.1.2 TABLE 6.1.2 T.05 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-49 50-69 70-79 80-100 TOTAL 37 15 01 00 53 69.8 28.3 1.9 0.0 100 TABLE 6.1.3 T.05 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 33 out of 110 % 30.0 21 No. of candidates passed 16 out of 53 % 30.2 T.06 - PRINCIPLES OF COST ACCOUNTING AND PROCUREMENT I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates on application of terminologies, methods, techniques and principles of Cost Accounting and Procurement for providing management with information for decision making, planning and controlling business operations. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four questions. Question one was an objective type which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) Write True for the correct statement and False for the incorrect statement. (c) Write the letter from list B against the corresponding Roman number in list A. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered the question only, 09 (15.0%), candidates passed scored pass marks, while 51 (75.0%) candidates failed. No score for credit and distinction marks. Candidates showed poor understanding of the concepts used. QUESTION 2: ACCOUNTING FOR MATERIALS, LABOUR AND OVERHEADS AND COST BOOKKEEPING AND COST STATEMENTS AND SIMPLE BUDGET Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to prepare a Statement of Profit or Loss realized on the customer’s order and advise the entity on whether to accept or reject the order. (b) Explain four (4) factors that may contribute to conflicting objectives between an organization and its departments. (c) Use the given information to apportion the service department costs to production departments using modified repeated distribution method. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered the question only, 01 (1.7%), candidates passed scored pass marks, while 59 (98.3%) candidates failed. No score credit and distinction marks. Most of the candidates were confusing among the various methods of overheads absorption. 22 QUESTION 3: ACCOUNTING FOR MATERIALS, LABOUR AND OVERHEADS AND COST STATEMENTS AND SIMPLE BUDGET Candidates were required to: (a) Explain applicability of why absorption costing. (b) Briefly explain in favour of any five (5) arguments marginal cost. (c) Use information given to: (i) Compute the total budgeted sales quantity (unit) for the forthcoming year. (ii) Compute the budgeted sales quantity for each of the months identified. (iii) Prepare the production quantity (unit) budgeted for each of the first three months of the forthcoming year. (iv) Prepare the direct materials purchase budget (kg and value) for the first three months of the forthcoming year. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered the question, all of them failed. Not only candidates failed to prepare the required budgets and failure to workout sales from the information given but also, demonstrated lack of preparation for these topics. QUESTION 4: NATURE, MEANING, IMPORTANCE AND SCOPE OF COST ACCOUNTING, COST CLASSIFICATION AND CODING AND THE INTRODUCTION TO PROCUREMENT ;- Candidates were required to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (i) Briefly explain the term “Make or Buy Decision” as used in the project procurement management. (ii) Differentiate between “fixed-price procurement contracts” and “cost reimbursable procurement contracts”. Discuss the importance of negotiation during the procurement management. Explain the meaning of Procurement Performance Reviews. Briefly explain, with the aid of an example, each of the following three cost classifications: (i) Variable cost (ii) Fixed cost (iii) Mixed cost (Semi variable/semi fixed cost) Use information given to prepare a table that summarizes the variable cost per unit and total fixed cost for each of the five cost headings Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered this question only 03 (5.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 57 (95.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 02 (3.3%), 00 (0.0%) and 01 (1.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 23 Most candidates demonstrated weakness on buy or make analysis and on differentiating fixed price from cost reimbursable procurement contracts and the importance of negotiation. IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found the examination to be fair, clearly worded and within the prescribed syllabus. The examination questions were well mixed, containing computational as well theoretical questions and could have easily been answered by an average prepared candidate within the allocated time of three hours. (b) Candidates Overall Performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered the examination only 11 (18.3%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 49 (81.7%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 6.1.4 TABLE 6.1.4 T.06 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-49 49 50-69 81.7 18.3 11 70-79 00 80-100 00 TOTAL 60 0.0 0.0 100 TABLE 6.1.5 T.06. COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 65 out 150 % 43.3 24 No. of candidates passed % 11 out 60 18.3 T.07 - ELEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL KNOWLEDGE, MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND TAXATION I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome for this paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply knowledge of commerce, commercial law, management and taxation in managing business functions. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four compulsory questions. Question one was an objective type which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS: Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer from the four given alternatives. (b) P air each item from List A with an item from List B appropriately. (c) Write whether is True or False for each of the given statements. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 51 candidates who answered the question 39 (76.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 12 (23.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 35 (68.6%) and 04 (7.9%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. No specific weakness was observed in this question. QUESTION 2: LAW OF AGENCY AND LAW OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF AGENCY Candidates were required to: (a) (i) Explain five (5) duties of an agent. (ii) Describe how can the agreement between the parties in the agency relationship be terminated. (b) Outline the characteristics of liability of partners in a standard partnership. (c) Explain the essentials of valid endorsement. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 51 candidates who answered the question, 27 (52.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 24 (47.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 11 (21.6%), 05 (9.7%) and 11 (21.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 25 Not only candidates failed to distinguish duties of agency and principal, but also failed to identify elements of the agreement which binds the contract between principal and agent. QUESTION 3: L A W OF CONTRACT, OFFICE MANAGEMENT, MECHANIZATION AND TAXATION THEORY Candidates were required to: (a) Explain five (5) rules of accepting an offer. (b) Show how coordination function works in the management of an organization. (c) Name and explain five (5) types of cannons of taxation. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 51 candidates who answered the question, 33 (64.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 18 (35.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 11 (21.6%), 10 (19.6%) and 12 (23.5%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Candidates demonstrated poor expressions as well as writing and spellings mistakes were observed. QUESTION 4: WAREHOUSING, LAW OF CONTRACT AND TAX ADMINISTRATION Candidates were required to: (a) Mention and explain six (6) advantages of warehousing. (b) Explain five (5) main features of a free consent (c) Name and explain four (4) main types of electronic filing systems. (d) Mention and explain four (4) powers of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 51 candidates who answered the question, 42 (82.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 09 (17.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 24 (47.1%), 12 (23.5%) and 06 (11.8%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively No major weakness was noted in this question, except that candidates who failed in this question did not comprehend to the requirements. 26 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found the examination to be fair in relation to the level of candidate examined, with mixture of easy and difficult questions and could be answered within the allocated time of three hours by an average prepared candidate. (b) Candidates’ Overall Performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 51 candidates who answered the examination, 43 (84.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 08 (15.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 35 (68.6%), 05 (9.8%) and 03 (5.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown in table 6.1.6 T TABLE 6.1.6 A T.07 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-49 08 50-69 35 70-79 05 80-100 03 TOTAL 51 15.7 68.6 9.8 5.9 100 TABLE 6.1.7 T.07 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed % 58 out 0f 91 63.7 27 No. of candidates passed 43 out of 51 % 84.3 T.08 ACCOUNTING FOR PUBLIC SECTOR AND COOPERATIVES I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply public sector and cooperative accounting knowledge and skills to manage government and cooperative funds economically, efficiently and effectively in accordance with the constitution, laws, rules and regulations in one or more specialized fields. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised of four compulsory questions. Question one was an objective type which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives and write its appropriate letter. (b) Pair each item from list A with the items from list B appropriately. (c) State whether the statement is true or false and write ‘True’ for the correct statement and ‘False’ for the incorrect statement. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 40 candidates who answered the question, 36 (90.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 04 (10.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 34 (85.0%) and 02 (5.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. No major weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 2: GOVERNMENT GENERAL CASH MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL Candidates were required to: (a) Mention and explain three (3) motives for the government to hold cash. (b) Briefly explain four (4) ways which can lead to the loss of government’s money. (c) Use the information given to prepare Cash Budget for the period identified. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 40 candidates who answered the question, 27 (67.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 13 (32.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 06 (15.0%), 05 (12.5%) and 16 (40.0%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted in this question. 28 QUESTION 3: THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK GOVERNING THE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING REPORTING IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ACCOUNTS UNDER IPSAS AND THE PUBLIC FINANCE ACT Candidates were required to: (a) (b) List any five (5) roles of the Treasurer in Local Government Authorities. Use the information given to prepare Statement of Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Position as per IPSAS 1 for the year ended. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 40 candidates who answered the question, 25 (62.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 15 (37.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 20 (50.0%), 03 (7.5%) and 02 (5.0%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively No major weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 4: A C C O U N T I N G F O R C O O P E R A T I V E S A N D INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATIONS Candidates were required to: (a) (i) Explain the meaning of farming cooperative society. (ii) Mention and explain three (3) types of farming cooperatives. (b) Explain in detail the terms economy, efficiency, and effectiveness as used for achieving value for money. (c) Mention six (6) code of ethics for public servants in Tanzania. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 40 candidates who answered the question 15 (37.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 25 (62.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 09 (22.5%), 04 (10.0%) and 02 (5.0%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Majority of Candidates failed to explain in detail the terms economy, efficiency, and effectiveness as used for achieving value for money. 29 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found the paper to be fairly set, well balanced containing a mixture of computational as well as theoretical questions. It was further found to be within the syllabus and that it could have been done within the time allocated of three hours. (b) Candidates’ Overall Performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 40 candidates who answered the examination, 28 (70.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 12 (30.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 22 (55.0%) and 06 (15.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 6.1.8 TABLE 6.1.8 T.08 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-49 12 50-69 22 70-79 06 30.0 55.0 15.0 80-100 00 TOTAL 0.0 100 40 TABLE 6.1.9 T.08. COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 67 out of 91 % No. of candidates passed 28 out of 40 73.6 30 % 70.0 PROFESSIONAL LEVEL EXAMINATIONS FOUNDATION LEVEL EXAMINATIONS This is the first level of the Board’s three tier professional examination scheme which leads to the Certified Public Accountant [CPA (T)] award. The Foundation level examinations comprise of six subjects as indicated hereunder: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Quantitative Techniques Business and Management Accounting Cost Accounting Business Law Business Economics The examinations draw candidates from two main sources, namely: (a) Those candidates w h o have successfully completed the Board’s Accounting Technician Level examinations. (b) Those candidates who have acquired non-accounting first degree (or its equivalent) qualifications awarded by institutions of higher learning in the country recognized by the Board. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS In this examination session, 396 candidates sat for the examination out of whom 103 (26.0%) passed and therefore become eligible for the STATEMENT OF SUCCESS for the Foundation Level. 177 (44.7%) have passed some of the subjects while 116 (29.3%) candidates failed the examination. The general performance subject-wise is as shown on Table 7.1 TABLE 7.1 FOUNDATION LEVEL SUBJECT-WISE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: NOVEMBER 2019 AND NOVEMBER 2020 Paper Code No. Performance November 2019 Subject November 2020 Entries Pass % Entries Pass % A1 Quantitative Techniques 265 131 49.4 136 59 43.4 A2 Business and Management 218 192 88.1 101 100 99.0 A3 Accounting 361 267 74.0 229 121 52.8 A4 Business Information 482 347 72.0 184 64 34.8 A5 Business Law A6 Business Economics 296 90 181 51 61.1 56.7 146 91 81 82 55.5 90.1 31 A1 – QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to examine candidates’ ability to apply knowledge and skills of mathematical and quantitative techniques, concepts and tools in the day to day accounting, business functions and decision making. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER The paper consisted of three compulsory questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this examination session, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS: Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given four alternatives to choose the most correct answer. (b) Match the given items in list A with those in list B to produce complete and meaningful sentences. (c) State whether the statement is true or false. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 136 candidates who answered the question, 100 (73.5%), candidates passed while the remaining 36 (26.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 74 (54.4%), 24 (17.6%) and 02 (1.5%) candidates scored pass, credit and Distinction marks respectively. Some candidates failed to choose the most correct answers, and to state whether the given statements are true or false. QUESTION 2: THEORY OF THE FIRM, PROJECT SCHEDULING, HYPOTHESIS TESTING, TIME SERIES AND FORECASTING From the give information, candidates were required to: (a) Draw a network diagram. (b) Determine the project duration for the given project. (c) Find the expected value and variance of a random variable. (d) Calculate the three-month moving averages for the series data. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 136 candidates who answered the question only 84 (61.8%), candidates passed while the remaining 52 (38.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 34 (25%), 36 (26.6%) and 14 (10.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of the candidates failed to find the marginal cost and total manufacturing cost by applying integral calculus regression and to calculate the three-months moving averages for the series data 32 QUESTION 3: LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND SHADOW VALUE, TRANPORTATION AND ASSIGNMENT MODELS Candidates were required to: (a) Formulate the problem as a linear programming model and determine the optimal mix of the two products. (b) Formulate and solve the problem using Hungarian method. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 136 candidates who answered the question only, 32 (23.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 104 (76.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 16 (11.9%), 08 (5.8%) and 08 (5.8%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates failed to formulate problem as a linear programming model. QUESTION 4: QUEUING MODELS AND PROBABILITY The candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Calculate the probability that they will not be able to deal with all the people requiring treatment in an hour. (b) Calculate the is the probability that all the passengers showing can be accommodated if first class seats can be used for economy class passengers? (c) Calculate the average time customers spend in the system, average number of customers in the system and probability that the system is idle. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 136 candidates who answered the question only 01 (0.7%), candidate scored pass mark while the remaining 135 (99.3%) candidates failed. Most of candidates were not able to use poison distribution to calculate probabilities, using binomial distribution and normal distribution to calculate binomial probabilities. 33 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be fairly set, well balanced with a good mixture of theoretical and computational questions. Time allocated to the questions was adequate to enable an average candidate to complete the examination. (b) Candidates’ performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 136 candidates who answered the examination, 59 (43.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 77 (56.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 47 (34.6%), 11 (8.1%) and 01 (0.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. The candidates’ overall performance in the subject is as shown on Table 7.1.1 TABLE 7.1.1 A1 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 77 40-59 47 60-79 11 80-100 01 56.6 34.6 8.1 0.7 TOTAL 136 100 TABLE 7.1.2 A1 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 131 November 2020 % 49.4 34 No. of candidates passed 59 % 43.4 A2 – BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this subject is to test candidates’ ability to apply concepts and principles of business and management in business environment. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper consisted of three questions which were compulsory. Question one was An objective question which comprised of 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this examination session, candidates were tested on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS: Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) Pair each item from list A with the item from list B appropriately. (c) State whether the given statement is true or false. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 101 candidates who answered the question, 99 (98.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 02 (1.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 34 (33.7%), 53(52.5%) and 12 (11.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No common weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 2: BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT; OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Explain any four (4) benefits that an organization can gain by providing quality products and services. (b) Identify any four (4) main areas in which B2B transactions are prevalent. (c) Describe the relationship among strategic, business, and operational plans of an organization Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 101 candidates who answered the question, 92 (91.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 09 (8.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 39 (38.6%), 39 (38.6%) and 14 (13.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major common weakness was noted in this question. 35 QUESTION 3: BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Explain the reasons for the failure of the organizations to achieve their desired objectives. (b) Give the legal differences between “sole trader” and a “limited liability company. (c) Write short notes on: Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 101 candidates who answered the question, 97 (96%) candidates passed while the remaining 04 (4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 30 (29.7%), 50 (49.5%) and 17 (16.8 %) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates who failed did not understand the requirements of the question. QUESTION 4: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Candidates were required to: (a) Examine any four factors that influence the choice of a certain leadership style. (b) Discuss any six factors that make employees to have strong power over their employers in an industrial dispute. (c) Distinguish between a “product” and a brand”. (d) To link necessary stages to an effective quality control in relation to the life cycle of the product. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 101 candidates who answered the question, 89 (88.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 12 (11.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 18 (17.8%), 47 (46.6%) and 24 (23.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted 36 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be well spread within the syllabus which resulted to the candidates’ good performance. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 101 candidates who answered the examination, 100 (99.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 01(1.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 31 (30.7%), 62 (61.4%) and 07 (6.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on Table 7.1.3 TABLE 7.1.3 A2 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 01 40-59 31 60-79 62 80-100 07 TOTAL 101 01 30.7 64.4 6.9 100 TABLE 7.1.4 A2 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2018 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 192 37 % No. of candidates passed % 88.1 100 99.0 A3 – ACCOUNTING I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to examine candidates’ ability to apply knowledge and skills in recording financial transactions and preparing financial statements for an entity including not for profit entities in accordance with the IFRSs and IPSASs. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper comprised four compulsory questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The A3-Accounting subject this session tested candidates on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Candidates were required to: (a) Choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) Pair each item from list A with the item from list B appropriately. (c) State whether the statement is true or false. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 229 candidates who answered the question, 147 (64.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 82 (35.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 132 (57.6%), 13 (5.6%) and 2 (0.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness noted but those who failed were not able to choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. QUESTION 2: PREPARATION OF YEAR-END ADJUSTMENTS; INTRODUCTION OF BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS From the given information candidates were required to: (a) Write up the rent receivable account and the interest payable account for the year (b) Prepare income statement Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 229 candidates who answered the question only 75 (32.8%), candidates passed while the remaining 154 (67.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 57 (25%), 16 (6.9%) and 02 (0.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Some candidates failed to prepare the income statement. 38 QUESTION 3: ACCOUNTING TREATMENT FOR INVENTORIES; CORRECTING ACCOUNTING ERRORS Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Calculate the value of inventory (b) Correct the accounting errors and ascertain the amount of gross profit and net profit Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 229 candidates who answered the question only 28(12.2%), candidates passed while the remaining 201 (87.8%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 23 (10%) and 05(2.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored Distinction marks in this question. Candidates failed to value inventory as per IAS2 and to differentiate between cost and net realizable value. QUESTION 4: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Prepare the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the appropriation, the current account and statement of financial position (b) Identify and explain any five (5) errors which do not affect the agreement of the trial balance Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 229 candidates who answered the question, 68 (29.7%), candidates passed while the remaining 161 (70.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 65 (28.4%) and 3 (1.3%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction mark Most of candidates failed on preparation of financial statements correction of error IV: and GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be fair with adequate coverage of the syllabus. The panel also observed that candidates could manage to complete the examination within the allocated time. (b) Candidates’ Performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 229 candidates who answered the examination, 121 (52.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 108 (47.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 112 (48.9%) and 09 (3.9%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction 39 The candidates’ overall performance in the subject is as shown in Table 7.1.5 TABLE 7.1.5 A3 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 108 40-59 112 60-79 09 80-100 00 TOTAL 229 47.2 48.7 3.9 0.0 100 TABLE 7.1.6 A3 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 267 40 % No. of candidates passed % 74.0 121 52.8 A4 – COST ACCOUNTING I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to examine candidates’ ability to apply knowledge of cost analysis and awareness of information technology to produce accurate and useful information to support management in decision-making and its application in performance management. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER The paper comprised four compulsory questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this examination session, candidates were examined on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS (a) Candidates were required to choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives. (b) Candidates were required to state whether the given statements were true or false. (c) Candidates were required to pair each item from list A with the item from list B appropriately. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 184 candidates who answered the question,103 (55.9%), candidates passed while the remaining 81 (44.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 93 (50.5%) and 10 (5.4) candidates scored pass, and credit marks. No distinction marks. No major weakness noted in this question. QUESTION 2: COSTING Candidates were required to: (a) Prepare a trading statement to identify the manufacturing profit using the existing absorption costing method. (b) Determine the manufacturing profit that would be reported if marginal costing was used. (c) Explain, with supporting calculations (i) the reasons for the change in manufacturing profit where absorption costing is used in each year. (ii) why the manufacturing profit in (a) and (b) differs. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 184 candidates who answered the question only 38 (20.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 146 (79.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 29 (15.8%), 05 (2.7%) and 04 (2.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 41 A good number of candidates demonstrated very poor analytical skills and could not calculate the total figures under the two costing methods. In addition to that, candidates failed to prepare trading statements under both marginal and absorption method. QUESTION 3: INTRODUCTION TO DECISION MAKING Candidates were required to; use the given information to: (a) Outline any four assumptions of the Cost-Volume-Profit analysis (b) Use the given information to; (i) Calculate the margin of safety in units and sales (ii) The sales level in units and shillings to achieve a target profit of TZS. 2,250,000. (iii) The selling price to be charged to earn a profit of TZS. 2,250,000 on sales of 10,000 units. (iv) The additional sales volume required to meet TZS. 570,000 additional fixed promotion expenses to maintain the original profit Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 184 candidates who answered the question, 65 (35.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 119 (64.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 33 (17.9%), 23 (12.5%) and 09 (4.9) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Majority candidates demonstrated poor computational skills and failed to outline assumptions of the cost-volume profit analysis. QUESTION 4: COSTING FOR PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND PROJECTS Candidates were required to compute: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Equivalent units for materials during a given month Equivalent units for conversion during a given month The cost of finished units and transferred out The cost of the work in process Total production cost for the given Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 184 candidates who answered the question, only 26 (14.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 158 (85.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 03 (1.6%), 01 (0.5%) and 22 (11.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates were not able to compute equivalent units and conversion costs. 42 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners found the examination to be fair, well balanced containing both easy and moderate questions which were relevant to the candidates’ level and was well within the prescribed syllabus. It was examiners’ view that the paper could have been well attempted within the allocated time of three hours by an average candidate. (b) Overall Candidates performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 184 candidates who answered the examination, 64 (34.8%), candidates passed while the remaining 120 (65.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 53 (28.8%), 08(4.3) and 03 (1.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. The candidates’ overall performance in the subject is as shown on table 7.1.7 TABLE 7.1.7 A4 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 120 40-59 53 60-79 08 80-100 03 TOTAL 184 65.2 28.8 4.3 1.6 100 TABLE 7.1.8 A4 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 347 out of 482 43 % No. of candidates passed 72.0 64 out of 184 % 34.8 A5 – BUSINESS LAW I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to examine candidates’ ability to apply theories, practices and laws governing business in providing accounting services and protecting business against unnecessary litigations. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER The paper comprised seven questions. Candidates were required to answer five questions. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this examination session, candidates were examined on the following topics: QUESTION 1: THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF TANZANIA Candidates were required to explain on the following: (a) Doctrine of judicial precedent statutory law and customary law. (b) Relationship between “law” and “state” in Marxist theory. (c) (i) Delegated legislation (ii) Discuss how delegated legislation is controlled Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 110 candidates who answered the question, 94 (85.5%), candidates passed while the remaining 16 (14.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 32 (29.1%), 41 (37.3%) and 21 (19.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Those who failed did not understand the requirements of the question. QUESTION 2: CIVIL LAW FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS Candidates were required to read the cases and use the information provided to: (a) Discuss the reason(s) for his failure (b) Describe the reason(s) for her failure (c) Explain the reason(s) for the court’s finding that the plaintiff’s claim was unsuccessful. (d) Describe one situation in which the general rule will not apply Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 97 candidates who answered the question, only11 (11.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 8 6 (88.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 10 (10.3%) and 01 (1.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks. Candidates did not score distinction marks. Most of the candidates did not comprehend the cases which were provided. 44 QUESTION 3: EMPLOYMENT LAW Candidates were required to: (a) State the legal position by using a given scenario. (b) Describe the notions of “causation” and “remoteness of damage” as far as the breach of a duty of care and assessment of damages is concerned in a tortuous liability. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 95 candidates who answered the question 55 (57.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 4 0 (42.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 30 (31.6%), 22 (23.2%) and 03 (3.2) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most candidates demonstrated lack of acquaintance with the relevant legal instruments on employment law. This led to failure to support their arguments with relevant legal provisions from relevant legal instruments. QUESTION 4: EMPLOYMENT LAW Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Advise accordingly (b) Discuss the ground under which dismissal can be said to be fair (c) State the ground under which dismissal is capable of being unfair Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 126 candidates who answered the question, only 45(35.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 81 (64.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 23 (18.3%),18 (14.3%) and 04 (3.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates who answered this question failed to understand the needy of the question i.e. mixed up ground for dismissal and procedures for fair and unfair dismissal from employment. 45 QUESTION 5: COMPANY LAW Candidates were required to read a given scenario and advise accordingly. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 60 candidates who answered the question only 03 (5.0%), candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 57 (95%) candidates failed. Candidates demonstrated poor knowledge on the procedures for liquidation of a corporate body in line with the respective legal provisions of Companies Act. QUESTION 6: COMPANY LAW AND INSOLVENCY Candidates were required to: (a) Explain the differences between a “share” and a “debenture”. (b) Explain, which creditors have priority over a floating charge holder in the liquidation of a company (c) Explain the purpose of the “Memorandum of Association” and “Articles of Association”. (d) Explain remedies are available against a promoter for breach of duty (e) Explain the authority of a Company Secretary to bind the company (f) Explain, when can a public limited company commence trading Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 126 candidates who answered the question, 80 (63.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 38 (30.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 45(35.7%), 34(27.0%) and 05(7.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No weakness major weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 7: LAW OF CONTRACT Candidates were required to: (c) Advise on; the precise nature of the fiduciary duties that directors owe to their companies (d) State whether any action can be taken against the given company in relation to their: (i) Purchase of the machinery from the given company (ii) Development of the new product by the given company Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 117 candidates who answered the question, 82 (70.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 35 (29.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 25 (21.4), 24 (20.5%) and 33 (28.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted in this question. 46 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATION (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners found the examination to be fair, well balanced containing both easy and moderate questions which were relevant to the candidates’ level and was well within the prescribed syllabus. It was examiners view that the paper could have been well attempted within the allocated time of three hours by an average candidate. (b) Overall Candidates performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 146 candidates who answered the examination 81 (55.5%), candidates passed while the remaining 65 (44.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 69 (47.3%) and 12 (8.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. The candidates’ overall performance in the subject is as shown in table 7.1.9 TABLE 7.1.9 A5 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 65 40-59 69 60-79 12 80-100 0 TOTAL 146 44.5 47.3 8.2 0.0 100 TABLE 7.1.10 A5. COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed % 181 out of 296 61.1 47 No. of candidates passed 81 out of 146 % 55.5 A6 – BUSINESS ECONOMICS I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to examine candidates’ ability to apply economics theories and methodologies as alternatives in managerial decisions. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER: The paper comprised four questions. Question one was an objective question which carried 40% of the total marks. Candidates were required to answer all questions. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this examination session, candidates were examined on the following topics: QUESTION 1: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to; (a) Choose the most correct answer among the four given alternatives. (b) Pair each item from list A with the statement from list B appropriately. (c) State whether the statements given were true or false. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 91 candidates who answered the question, 83 (91%), candidates passed while the remaining 08 (9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 62 (75%) and 21 (25%) candidates scored pass and credit marks and no distinction marks. No major common weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 2: NATURE AND SCOPE OF ECONOMICS Candidates were required to: (a) Give major differences between “Macro-economic” and “Microeconomic: (b) (i) Briefly describe four major macroeconomic objectives of Tanzanian government features of mixed economic system. (iii)Explain two main policy measures which can be used to achieve these objectives (e) (i) Explain, how many watches should you produce to maximize profit. (ii) Explain, what will the profit level be (iii)Explain, at what minimum price will the firm produce a positive output Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 91 candidates who answered the question 70 (77.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 21 (23.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 38 (54.3%), 16 (22.9%) and 16 (22.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 48 Most of the candidates failed to answer part of the question which required them to determine price required to produce positive output. QUESTION 3: THEORY OF PRODUCTION, COST AND REVENUE Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Calculate the Marginal and average product of labour for this production function. (b) Explain, if this production function exhibit diminishing return to labour (c) Explain intuitively what might cause the marginal product of labour to become negative. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 91 candidates who answered the question 70 (77.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 21 (23.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 11 (12.1%), 22 (24.2%) and 37 (40.7) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of the candidates confuse on the calculations of average cost and marginal cost. QUESTION 4: VARIOUS TOPICS Candidates were required to: (a) (b) (c) (d) State and provide examples on the canons of public expenditure With examples, identify effects or consequences of unemployment With examples explain the four phrases of a business cycle Identify the role of private sector on economic development in Tanzania. (e) Use the given information to determine: (i) How will two countries trade and which goods should they exchange. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 91 candidates who answered the question 62 (68.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 29 (31.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 33 (36.3%), 20 (21.9%) and 09 (9.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most of candidates demonstrated weakness in explaining the canon of public expenditure. 49 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATION (a) Assessment of the paper The panel of examiners found the examination to be fair, well balanced containing both easy and moderate questions which were relevant to the candidates’ level and was well within the prescribed syllabus. It was examiners view that the paper could have been well attempted within the allocated time of three hours by an average candidate. (b) Overall Candidates performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 91 candidates who answered the examination, 82 (90.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 09 (9.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 51 (56.0%), 28 (30.8) and 03 (3.3%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ overall performance in the subject is as shown in table 7.1.9 TABLE 7.1.9 A6 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 0-39 09 40-59 51 60-79 28 80-100 03 TOTAL 91 9.9 56.0 30.8 3.3 100 TABLE 7.1.10 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 51 50 % No. of candidates passed % 56.7 82 90.1 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL EXAMINATIONS The Intermediate level examinations are the second level of the Board’s professional examinations under the current examination scheme and syllabus. This examination level consists of six subjects as shown hereunder: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Financial Management Financial Reporting Auditing Principles and Practices Public Finance and Taxation Performance Management Management, Governance and Ethics Under this examination scheme and syllabus, a candidate is required to complete Foundation Level before moving to Intermediate Level. However, candidates who were caught in the transition from the phased-out syllabus to the current syllabus were allowed to cross the levels. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The examination draws candidates from the following sources: (a) Candidates who have been referred previously in the respective corresponding subjects. (b) Candidates who have majored in accounting in their bachelor degree programmes from recognized institutions. 51 GENERALPERFORMANCE In this session 2,132 candidates sat for the Intermediate Level Examinations out of whom 279 (13.1%) have passed this level and therefore become eligible for the STATEMENT OF SUCCESS, 937 (43.9 %) have passed some of the subjects while 916 (43.0%) candidates have failed the examination. The general performance subject-wise is as shown on Table 8.1 below: TABLE8.1 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SUBJECT-WISE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: NOVEMBER 2019 AND NOVEMBER 2020 Paper Code No. Subject November 2019 Entries Pass B1 B2 Financial Management Financial Reporting B3 Auditing Practices B4 Public Taxation B5 B6 Performance November 2020 % Entries Pass % 1,644 1,145 649 456 39.5 39.8 798 629 210 324 26.3 51.5 Principles and 1,225 342 27.9 793 243 30.6 Finance and 1,295 609 47.0 697 505 72.4 Performance Management 1,986 448 22.6 953 233 24.4 Management, Governance & Ethics 1,069 1,003 93.9 476 402 84.5 52 B1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply financial management knowledge and skills in valuing various assets as well as businesses; in evaluating investment opportunities; in forecasting and planning financial needs of a firm; in deciding on the level of debt financing to use relative to equity capital; in determining the level of working capital to carry in a business and; in deciding on the share of the earnings after tax between retained earnings and shareholders. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper: - QUESTION 1: INVESTMENT DECISIONS Candidates were required to: (a) Explain how sensitivity and scenario analysis contributes to decision making in capital budgeting. (b) Explain the concept of capital rationing (c) Use the given information to: (i) Comment on the given CEO’s argument on manufacturing and selling of the new ATM, with the aid of net present value computations. (ii) Identify and explain any costs not included in the analysis. (iii) Describe any two assumptions which underlie the calculations in (i) above. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 798 candidates who answered the question only 120 (15.0%), candidates passed while the remaining 678 (85.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 99 (12.4%), 18 (2.2%) and 03 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Large number of candidates demonstrated very poor mathematical skills particularly on the capital budgeting analytical framework. 53 QUESTION 2: FINANCING DECISIONS: COST OF CAPITAL AND CAPITAL STRUCTURE Candidates were required to: (a) Explain the meaning of “right issue”. Briefly discuss the pros and cons of making a right issue. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Calculate the ratio of new to old shares in this right issue. (ii) Calculate the theoretical ex-right price per share and value of the right on each old share. (iii) Show the gain which could be expected by a holder of the given shares, if he took up all his rights. (iv) Calculate earnings per share if the right issue was made half way through the financial year and the market price of the ordinary share on the last day of quotation on a cum right basis was the given amount per share. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 387 candidates who answered the question, 36 (9.3%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 351 (90.7%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates failed to calculate the theoretical ex-right price per share. QUESTION 3: FINANCING DECISIONS: LONG-TERM ALTERNATIVES Candidates were required to(a) Use the given information to: (i) Advise a given corporation whether to lease the given server or buy it. (ii) Explain if the decision will change once the salvage value is reckoned to be a given amount at the end of three years. (b) Use the given information to evaluate whether the proposed changes in credit policy will increase the profitability of a given company. (c) Briefly explain the meaning and usefulness of the security market line. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 626 candidates who answered the question only 23 (3.7%), candidates passed while the remaining 603 (96.3) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 22 (3.5%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates lack knowledge on the computation of the net present values and evaluation of credit policy for financing decision making. 54 QUESTION 4: FINANCIAL PLANNING AND FORECASTING Candidates were required to: (a) Briefly explain the meaning of and basis for financial forecasting. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Use formula to compute external financing required for the company during the coming given year. (ii) Explain the need for external financing be, if the net profit margin went up to a given percent and the dividend payout ratio was increased to certain percent. (c) Assess the role of financial intermediaries in providing finance and facilitating investment in business organizations. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 731 candidates who answered the question only 277 (37.9%), candidates passed while the remaining 454 (62.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 114 (15.6%), 110 (15.0%) and 53 (7.3%) candidates scored pass credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates failed to use formula in computing external financing. They also failed to assess the role of financial intermediaries in providing finance. QUESTION 5: DIVIDEND POLICY Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to: (i) Evaluate the Modigliani and Miller (MM) proposition regarding the irrelevance of dividend policy. (ii) Discuss script dividend as an alternative to cash dividends. (iii) Provide two advantages and two disadvantages of making script dividend. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Estimate the price of a company share now and two years from now and explain the basis for your estimation. (ii) Explain the effect of retaining one third of earnings on share price. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 719 candidates who answered the question only 119 (16.6%) candidates passed while the remaining 600 (83.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 110 (15.3%) and 09 (1.3%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Majority of the candidates failed to evaluate MM dividend irrelevance proposition. They also failed to compute the price of shares. 55 QUESTION 6: FINANCING DECISIONS: COST OF CAPITAL AND GEARING Candidates were required to: (a) Explain the meaning of preference stock and discuss any three of its features. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Calculate an appropriate discount rate for appraising the project. (ii) Advise the given company whether or not to accept the proposal of diversification. (c) Use the given information to calculate: (i) The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). (ii) The amount of floatation cost . (iii) The Net Present Value (NPV) of the investment. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 736 candidates who answered the question only 214 (29.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 522 (70.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 176 (23.9%), 33 (4.5%) and 05 (0.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates failed to calculate discount rate, weighted average cost of capital and net present value . 56 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question. The panel of markers also found the paper to be well balanced, covering almost eighty percent of the topics in the syllabus. The paper had a good mixture of theoretical and computational questions. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 798 candidates who answered the examination, 210 (26.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 588 (73.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 205 (25.7%) and 05 (0.6%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates ’over-all performance in the subject is as shown on Table 8.1.1 TABLE8.1.1 B1 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS 00-39 NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 40-59 60-79 80-100 TOTAL 588 205 05 00 73.7 25.7 0.6 0.0 798 100 TABLE8.1.2 B1 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed % No. of candidates % passed 39.5 210 out of 798 26.3 649 out of 1,644 57 B2 FINANCIAL REPORTING I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply knowledge and skills in preparation of financial statements for a separate entity and a group in accordance with the IFRSs and IPSASs and analyze financial statements to examine the sustainability of the business entity. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper: - QUESTION 1: PREPARING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to use the given information to prepare: (i) The Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for a given company for the given year ended. (ii) The Statement of Financial Position for a given company as at a given year. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 629 candidates who answered the question only 39 (6.2%) candidates passed while the remaining 590 (93.8%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 33 (5.2%) and 06 (1.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates failed to work on cost of sales and depreciation. QUESTION 2: PREPARING CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to use the given information to prepare: (i) The Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the given year. (ii) The Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at a given year Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 480 candidates who answered the question only 05 (1.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 475 (99.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 01 (0.2%) and 04 (0.8%) candidates scored pass and distinction marks respectively. No candidate scored credit marks in this question. Candidates failed to compute the shareholding percentage of the parent entity in subsidiary entity. They proceeded to consolidate financial statements while the shareholding percentage is less than 50%. 58 QUESTION 3: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to: (i) Explain how the given items will be reported in the given year Financial Statements, including journal entries and relevant extracts. (ii) State specific disclosures (if any) required in relation to each given item. (b) Use the given information to show, in the nearest TZS, how the change in accounting policy must be reflected in the statement of changes in equity for the year ended. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 347 candidates who answered the question, only 02 (0.6%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 345 (99.4%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Candidates failed to understand the requirements of the question. QUESTION 4: PREPARING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to use given information to prepare a Statement of Cash Flows for a company in accordance with IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flows. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 608 candidates who answered the question, 415 (68.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 193 (31.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 208 (34.2%), 126 (20.7%) and 81 (13.3%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted in this question. 59 QUESTION 5: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Candidates were required to(a) Use the given information to: (i) State any three types of inventories which are within the scope of IAS 2. (ii) State two types of inventories which are excluded from the scope of IAS. (iii) State four disclosure requirements as per IAS 2. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Differentiate between “permanent differences” and “temporary differences”. (ii) With reference to IAS 12, explain how temporary differences are accounted for. (c) Use the given information to compute: (i) The amount of liability to be included in the Statement of Financial Position as at a given year. (ii) Finance charge to be included in the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. (d) Use the given information to show how the impairment loss is allocated. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 510 candidates who answered the question, 112 (22.0%), candidates passed while the remaining 398 (78.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 92 (18.0%), 16 (3.1%) and 04 (0.8%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major common weakness was noted in this question. QUESTION 6: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given ratios to: (i) Comment on the performance of the company. (ii) Determine whether the answer change if informed that a major fire broke out at the premises a company in a given year. (iii) Show the limitations of financial ratios in analysing corporate performance. (b) Use the given information to calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share for a company. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 586 candidates who answered the question only 157 (26.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 429 (73.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 141 (24.1%) and 16 (2.7%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates failed to interpret the ratios given in the question. They failed to compute basic and diluted earnings per share. 60 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question. The panel of markers also found the paper to be well balanced, covering over eighty percent of the topics in the syllabus. The paper had a good mixture of theoretical and computational questions. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 629 candidates who answered the examination, 324 (51.5%), candidates passed while the remaining 305 (48.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 310 (49.3%), 13 (2.1%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 8.1.3. TABLE8.1.3 B2 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 00-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 TOTAL 305 310 13 01 629 48.5 49.3 2.1 0.2 100 TABLE8.1.4 B2 COMPARISON EXAMINATIONS OF PASS November 2019 RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed % 456 out of 1145 39.8 61 No. of candidates passed 324 out of 629 % 51.5 B3 AUDITING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply auditing principles and standards in executing audit assignments (carrying out Audit procedures) and coming up with appropriate reports, as well as implementing entity’s internal control policies in carrying out internal audits. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper: - QUESTION 1: A. THE NATURE AND USE OF INTERNAL CONTROLS B. THE NATURE OF AUDIT EVIDENCE AND THE SELECTION OF SUFFICIENT APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given case to evaluate the circumstances and advise which controls, between “manual controls” and “automated controls”, are suitable for a given company. (b) Use information given to explain the reliability of the audit evidence provided by the directors in the given written representation letter. Determine whether you should rely wholly on the representation of the directors or whether you should obtain other evidence. (c) Explain the differences between “rules based” and “principle-based” approaches to professional ethics. (d) Explain any five elements of an “assurance engagement” Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 793 candidates who answered the question only 98 (12.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 695 (87.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 89 (11.2%) and 09 (1.1%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates wrote advantages and disadvantages of manual controls versus automated controls, they did not focus to the given scenario. Most of them wrote methods of collecting audit evidence instead of the reliability of the written representation. They also failed to show the differences between rules based and principle-based approaches to professional ethics. 62 QUESTION 2: OBJECTIVES, PROCESS AND NEED FOR EXTERNAL AUDIT AND ASSURANCE SERVICES Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to: (i) Explain to the fresh trainees, any four qualities/features of good working papers. (ii) Explain rationale for maintaining both a “permanent file” and a “current file” for recurring audits. (b) Use the given case to describe the nature of the risks arising from fraud and errors to which a given hotel is subjected to. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 566 candidates who answered the question only 210 (37.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 356 (62.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 159 (28.1%), 45 (7.9%) and 06 (1.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of the candidates failed to explain qualities/features of good working papers. They were unable to relate aspects in the case of part (b) and the risks associated with the case. QUESTION 3: THE NATURE OF AUDIT EVIDENCE AND THE SELECTION OF SUFFICIENT APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Discuss why the inventories need special attention in an audit of financial statements. (b) Elaborate the auditors’ responsibilities and procedures in case of events reported after the approval of financial statements. (c) Briefly explain matters that the auditor should consider in obtaining an understanding of the information system, relevant to financial reporting as per the requirements of ISA 315. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 513 candidates who answered the question only 13 (2.5%), candidates passed while the remaining 500 (97.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 11 (2.1%) and 02 (0.4%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates failed to understand requirements of the question. 63 QUESTION 4: A. B. INTERNAL AUDIT OF ENTITIES THE NATURE AND USE OF INTERNAL CONTROLS Candidates were required to use the information given to: (a) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (b) (i) (ii) Explain the meaning of “Internal Auditing function” as per International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF). Explain the factors that enhance the effectiveness of the Internal Audit Unit regarding the internal control system of an entity. Explain the main role of the internal audit function in regard to risks facing an organization. Explain the factors that may influence the precise role of internal audit function in an organization. Describe any three procedures that will enable internal audit function, to achieve corporate governance compliance. Identify and explain any five control deficiencies Recommend a control to address each of the deficiencies identified Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 608 candidates who answered the question, 390 (64.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 218 (35.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 216 (35.5%), 161 (26.5%) and 13 (2.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates failed to describe the procedures that will enable internal audit function to achieve corporate governance compliance. QUESTION 5: A. PUBLIC SECTOR AUDITING B. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS, PUBLIC INTEREST, FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVES, THREATS AND SAFEGUARDS TO INDEPENDENCE C. ASSURANCE REPORTS Candidates were required to: (a) Use the given information to: Explain why the scope of public sector audits is wider than the scope of (i) private sector audits. Explain three areas where given person would face challenges in his (ii) new occupation. (b) Identify the threat in the given scenario and suggest appropriate safeguards. (c) Explain the possible impacts on the audit report and specify the procedures (if any) which would be undertaken in the given situations. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 712 candidates who answered the question only 130 (18.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 582 (81.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 102 (14.3%), 25 (3.5%) and 03 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Some candidates failed to explain the areas in which an auditor would face challenges when moved from private to public sector. 64 QUESTION 6: OBJECTIVES, PROCESS AND NEED FOR EXTERNAL AUDIT AND ASSURANCE SERVICES Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Explain the responsibilities of external auditors to directors and shareholders. (b) Describe the limitations of the external audit in relation to the detection and reporting of fraud. (c) Explain why it is essential for external auditors to be independent of their clients. (d) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of external auditors in providing consulting services to their audit clients. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 774 candidates who answered the question only 148 (19.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 626 (80.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 130 (16.8%), 17 (2.2%) and 01 (0.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Large number of candidates misinterpreted general limitations of the audit process (methodology) and the specific limitations in relation to detection of frauds. 65 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question. The panel of markers also found the paper to be well balanced, covering almost eight five percent of the topics in the syllabus. The paper had a good mixture of questions. Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 793 candidates who answered the examination only 243 (30.6%), candidates passed while the remaining 550 (69.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 235 (29.6%) and 08 (1.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates’ overall performance The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 8.1.5 TABLE8.1.5 B3 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 00-39 550 40-59 235 69.4 29.6 60-79 80-100 TOTAL 08 00 793 1.0 0.0 100 TABLE8.1.6 B3 COMPARISON OF PASS EXAMINATIONS RATE WITH November 2019 NOVEMBER 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 342 out of 1,225 % 27.9 66 No. of candidates passed 243 out of 793 % 30.6 B4 PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply knowledge of public finance, tax laws and principles in the computation of tax liabilities, preparation and filing of tax returns; and in administering compliance with the tax laws; both in the public sector and in the private sector. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper: QUESTION 1: COMPUTATIONAL OF TAXABLE INCOME, PUBLIC FINANCE AND NATIONAL INCOME (a) Candidates were required to use the given information to: (i) Calculate total income of the company before housing benefit. (ii) Determine the value of housing benefit. (iii) Explain if the mentioned employee will be required to file individual return of income. (b) Candidates were required to:(i) Use the Laffer curve to briefly explain the relationship between tax rate and revenue collection. (ii) Briefly explain impacts of tax on labour supply Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 695 candidates who answered the question 403 (58.0%), candidates passed while the remaining 292 (42.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 297 (42.8%), 103 (14.8%) and 03 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates who failed were not able to use the Laffer curve to briefly explain the relationship between tax rate and revenue collection. 67 QUESTION 2: CUSTOMS Candidates were required to use given information to: (a) Advise on what exactly is needed to be done as the qualifications to be given a license for the internal container (depot) business. (b) Explain the meaning of the following terms: (i) (ii) (iii) Smuggling Restricted goods Transshipment (c) Candidates were required to use the given information as tax expert to determine:(i) (i) Import duty Excise duty (d) Explain advantages of imposing import duty on imported goods. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 613 candidates who answered the question, 351 (57.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 262 (42.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 298 (48.6%), 51 (8.3%) and 02 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of the candidates could not explain on what exactly was needed to be done as the qualifications to be given a license for the internal container (depot) business. Also, they were not able to explain the meaning of the given terms in section B of the question. 68 QUESTION 3: I N C O M E T A X A N D COMPUTATIONAL OF TAXABLE INCOME Candidates were required to use the given information to compute the total taxable income from the business. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 597 candidates who answered the question, 448 (75.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 149 (25.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 233 (39.0%), 185 (31.0%) and 30 (5.0%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates were incompetent to use the given information to compute the total taxable income. QUESTION 4: VALUE ADDED TAX Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Briefly explain the time in which goods and services are regarded as supplied. (b) Describe the consequences of not complying with the filing and payment requirements on the due date. (c) Show clearly the apportionment of the input tax on calculating total net amount of VAT payable to or repayable from the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 589 candidates who answered the question, 566 (96.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 23 (3.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 130 (22.1%), 335 (56.9%) and 101 (17.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Those who failed were not able to calculate total net amount of VAT and were not able to clearly apportion the input tax. QUESTION 5: NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTING Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Differentiate between “Gross Domestic Product” (GDP) and “Gross National Product” (GNP). (b) Briefly explain weaknesses of measuring National Income (NI). (c) Compute the Net Domestic Product. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 535 candidates who answered the question only, 208 (38.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 327 (61.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 161 (30.1%), 21 (03.9%) and 26 (04.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of candidates failed to compute the Net Domestic Product at factor price. 69 QUESTION 6: COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Explain at least three returns other than VAT returns a businessman is needed to submit in the year of income and when they are supposed to be submitted. (b) Compute to know if there is any penalty or interest liable. (c) Calculate the chargeable investment capital gain arising from asset disposals during the tax year. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 448 candidates who answered the question only 52 (11.6%), candidates passed while the remaining 396 (88.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 41 (9.2%), 09 (02.0%) and 02 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit marks and distinction respectively. Most candidates were not able to explain types of tax returns other than VAT also most candidates were not able to compute investment capital gain from asset disposals during the tax year. 70 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question. The panel of markers also found the paper to be well balanced with excellent spread of the topics in the syllabus. The paper had a good mixture of theoretical and computational questions. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 697 candidates who answered the examination, 505 (72.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 192 (27.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 456 (65.4%) and 49 (7.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on Table 8.1.7 TABLE 8.1.7 B4 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 00-39 40-59 192 456 27.6 65.4 60-79 80-100 TOTAL 49 00 697 7.0 00 100 TABLE 8.1.8 B4 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 609 out of 1,295 % 47.0 71 No. of candidates passed 505 out of 697 % 72.4 B5 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply knowledge and skills of financial and non-financial data analysis in providing information and decision support to management for decision-making, performance evaluation, and control. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper: QUESTION 1: DECISIONS-MAKING TECHNIQUES, COST CLASSIFICATION AND ESTIMATION Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) (b) (c) (d) Decompose the manufacturing overhead cost into fixed and variable costs. Compute the total cost to manufacture the additional units. Compute the unit cost to manufacture the additional units. Write a brief report, supported by relevant figures, recommending whether the project should be accepted or rejected. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 953 candidates who answered the question only 93 (9.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 860 (90.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 50 (5.2%), 31 (3.3%) and 12 (1.3%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most candidates were unfit to compute the costs that were required to be decomposed. QUESTION 2: COSTING ACCOUNTING TECHNIQUES AND DECISION MAKING TECHNIQUES (a) Candidates were required to use the given information to: (i) Prepare the flexed budget, using the actual volume. (ii) Prepare an operating statement reconciling the actual profit with the loss figure from the flexed budget. (iii) Suggest reasons for any variances arose. (b) Candidates were required to use the given information to explain with reasons, for each of the remaining stages of the product’s life cycle, the changes that would be expected in the: (i) Average unit production cost (ii) Unit selling price Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 483 candidates who answered the question only 31 (6.4%) candidates passed while 72 the remaining 452 (93.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 27 (5.6%) and 04 (0.8%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates were not capable to prepare operating statement for reconciling the actual profit with the loss from the flexed budget. Majority prepared income statement instead. QUESTION 3: BUDGETARY CONTROL SYSTEM (a) Candidates were required to use the given information to explain external and internal sources from where data can be collected by a company seeking to add a new product to its production line. (b) Candidates were required to use the given information to: (i) Prepare the production budget (ii) Prepare the labour budget (c) Candidates were required to identify and explain steps in the preparation of Zero-Based Budget. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 828 candidates who answered the question only 166 (20.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 662 (80.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 139 (16.8%), 25 (3.0) and 02 (0.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates were not able to identify and explain steps in the preparation of Zero-Based Budget instead they explained steps in formulating activity-based budget. Also, they explained factors to consider when introducing the new product rather than sources of information. QUESTION 4: COST CLASSIFICATION AND ESTIMATION Candidates were required to: (a) Briefly explain two-stage allocation process of transitional or conventional costing system. (b) Discuss any factors prompting the development and application of ActivityBased Costing system as an alternative to traditional costing system. (c) Use the given information to: (i) Compute overhead cost per unit. (ii) Calculate the overhead cost per unit. (iii) Comment of the results in (i) and (ii) above. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 786 candidates who answered the question only 106 (13.5%) candidates passed while the remaining 680 (86.5%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 86 (10.9%), 17 (02.2%) and 03 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit marks and distinction respectively. 73 Most of Candidates could not demonstrate understanding on the application of activity-based costing as they failed to ascertain cost per unit as per ABC and as per current absorption system. QUESTION 5: DECISIONS MAKING TECHNIQUES Candidates were required to: (a) Explain assumptions of CVP analysis. (b) Discuss major factors to be considered when setting transfer prices for an international group. (c) Use the given information to: (i) Calculate the transfer price (ii) Comment on the circumstances in which the proposed transfer price may result in a sub optimal decision for the company as a whole. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 857 candidates who answered the question only 222 (25.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 635 (74.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 186 (21.7%) and 36 (4.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most candidates were not able to understand the requirements of the question. QUESTION 6: STANDARD COSTING, VARIANCES ANALYSIS AND BUDGETARY PLANNING AND CONTROL Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) (b) (c) Calculate: (i) Variable costs variances as much as data allows. (ii) Sales volume and sales price variances. Briefly explain problems associated with standard cost in today’s environment. Explain the steps a company should follow to implement a Zero Based Budgeting system. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 860 candidates who answered the question only 289 (33.6%) candidates passed while the remaining 571 (63.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 214 (24.9%), 73 (8.5%) and 02 (0.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Candidates were not able to prepare themselves well for the topic hence most of them failed to provide the appropriate answers. 74 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question. The panel of markers also found the paper to be well balanced. The paper had a good mixture of theoretical and computational questions. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 953 candidates who answered the examination only 233 (24.4%), candidates passed while the remaining 720 (75.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 227 (23.8%) and 06 (0.6%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 8.1.9. TABLE 8.1.9 B5 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 00-39 720 40-59 227 60-79 06 75.6 23.8 0.6 80-100 TOTAL 953 00 00 100 TABLE 8.1.10 B5 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 448 % 22.6 75 No. of candidates passed 233 % 24.4 B6 MANAGEMENT, GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this examination paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply principles of strategic management, good governance and business ethics management and administrative functions of an organization. II: STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER The paper had two sections A and B, with six questions carrying 20 marks each. Candidates were required to answer question one in section A and any other four out of five questions in Section B III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE The following topics were tested in this paper:- QUESTION 1: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS Candidates were required to: (a) Explain critically how the 4P’s model can be applied as a decisionmaking model to analyze how to penetrate into the existing market. (b) Use the given information to: (i) Explain whether there is any relationship between teleological ethics and the profit-making objective of the business. (ii) Give examples of actions taken by a business which aims to make profits and believes in teleological ethics that would otherwise seem wrong. (c) Discuss the important steps to examine the organizational activities using value chain analysis. (d) Use Porter’s five forces to assess the business competitive advantages. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 476 candidates who answered the question, 339 (71.2%), candidates passed while the remaining 137 (28.8%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 148 (31.1%), 157 (33.0%) and 34 (7.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most candidates who failed this question were not able to read and clearly understand the requirements of question. QUESTION 2: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE RISK MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS Candidates where required to use the given information to:(a) Give clear explanation on each of the three strategic levels and show how they are important in any successful organization. 76 (b) Discuss different strategic capabilities available in an organization. (c) Give elaboration on how Rule of Law promotes sustainable development in a country. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 408 candidates who answered the question, 250 (61.3%), candidates passed while the remaining 158 (38.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 160 (39.2%), 80 (19.6%), and 10 (02.5%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates who failed did not prepared themselves well for the topic. QUESTION 3: S T R A T E G I C M A N A G E M E N T , G O V E R N A N C E RISK MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Discuss internal risks that can affect the wellbeing of an organization. (b) Explain elements of costs, which would go into the process of manufacture if the company were to adopt the full cost accounting method. (c) State the kind of strategy from the strategy clock, which is being followed by the mentioned company. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 417 candidates who answered the question only 163 (39.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 254 (60.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 115 (27.6%), 41 (9.8%) and 07 (1.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Most candidates showed inadequate preparation for this topic. QUESTION 4: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Discuss the main stages of product life circle. (b) Illustrate various ways in which board can lead through accountability and transparency. (c) Illustrate five questions that are to be asked when making a decision using Tucker’s Model. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 412 candidates who answered the question, 375 (91.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 37 (9.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 111 (26.9%), 176 (42.7%) and 88 (21.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness was noted. 77 QUESTION 5: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (a) From the given instance about hyper competition which financial service industry has faced, candidates were required to give a presentation on which elements are needed for a successful strategy include possible reasons for the given situation. Candidates were required to: (b) Explain various means of controlling the actions of the Executive Management by the shareholders. (c) Analyze internal control policies and procedures. (d) Analyze the importance of data base management in a business firm. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 286 candidates who answered the question, 185 (64.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 101 (35.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 119 (41.6%), 63 (22.0%) and 03 (01.1%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively No major weakness was noted in this question, however, some candidates failed to describe possible reasons for the hyper competition. QUESTION 6: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, GOVERNANCE RISK MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Identify and elaborate key essential features of a Business Plan. (b) Discuss various strategies a businessman can use to do business ethically in order to face the competitive nature of business. (c) Discuss steps under risk assessment in an organization. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 349 candidates who answered the question, 290 (83.0%), candidates passed while the remaining 59 (17.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 102 (29.2%), 109 (31.2%) and 79 (22.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates could not prepare themselves well for these topics. 78 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Paper The panel of examiners found the paper to be quite adequate in terms of the questions examined and time allocated for each question, with a wider spread of topics within the syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 476 candidates who answered the examination, 402 (84.4%) candidates passed while the remaining 74 (15.6%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 321 (67.4%), 80 (16.8%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 8.1.11 TABLE 8.1.11 B6 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS NO. OF CANDIDATES (FREQUENCY) PERCENTAGE 00-39 74 40-59 321 60-79 80 15.6 67.4 16.8 80-100 TOTAL 01 476 0.2 100 TABLE 8.1.12 B6 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 1,003 79 % 93.8 No. of candidates passed 402 % 84.4 FINAL LEVEL EXAMINATIONS The Final Level examinations are the last level of the three-tier professional examination system of the Board. The final level examinations consist of four subjects as mentioned hereunder: C1 C2 C3 C4 Corporate Reporting Auditing and Assurance Business and Corporate Finance Public Finance and Taxation II These examination papers have been tested in this examination session. The examination draws candidates from: (a) Candidates who were referring P15 Financial Reporting II and P20 Contemporary Issues in Accounting in the phased out syllabus where these candidates sat for C1 Corporate Reporting in the current syllabus (b) Candidates who were referring P18 Auditing and Assurance Services in the phased out syllabus where these candidates sat for C2 Auditing and Assurance Services (c) Candidates who were referring P16 International Finance in the phased out syllabus where these candidates sat for C3 Business and Corporate Finance in the current syllabus and (d) Candidates who were referring P17 Public Finance and Taxation in the phased out syllabus where these candidates sat for C4 Advanced Taxation in the current syllabus The performance of the candidates who attempted both modules is shown at the end of the level’s report. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS During the November 2020 examination session, 1,477 candidates sat for Final Level examinations out of whom 244 (16.9%) have passed this level and therefore eligible for the award of STATEMENT OF SUCCESS, 624 (42.2%) have passed some of the subjects while 604 (40.9%) have failed the examinations. The general performance subject-wise for the final level examination in this session is as shown on Table 9.1 TABLE 9.1 FINAL LEVEL SUBJECT -WISE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: NOVEMBER 2019 AND NOVEMBER 2020 Code Subject Performance November 2019 C1 C2 C3 C4 Entrie s 997 969 991 726 Corporate Reporting Auditing and Assurance Business and Corporate Finance Advanced Taxation 80 Pass 394 465 240 484 November 2020 % 39.5 48.0 24.2 66.7 Entrie s 616 607 571 424 Pass 191 398 170 402 % 31.0 57.1 29.8 76.7 C1 CORPORATE REPORTING I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates’ ability to financial reporting standards and corporate law in preparing, analyzing and evaluating corporate reports by entities, both in the private and public sectors. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER This examination paper comprised two sections with six questions. Candidates were required to answer four questions. Question one which carried 40 % of the total marks was compulsory III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, topics examined and candidates’ performances were as follows: QUESTION 1: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF GROUP ENTITIES Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Prepare the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position of the given company’s group as at the given period in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). (b) Explain if the given company decides to go ahead with the debt factoring arrangements, explain the Financial Reporting principles involved and advise how each of the above arrangements would impact upon the Financial Statements of future years. (c) Discuss the ethical issues which arise from the proposal by the given company. (d) Describe the purpose of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 616 candidates who answered the question, only, 245 (39.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 371 (60.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 231 (37.5%) and 14 (2.3%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most candidates did not understand the concept and accounting for factoring receivables. Most of them did not understand the purpose of conceptual framework for financial reporting. QUESTION 2: IAS 8 — ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND ERRORS Candidates were required to use given information to: (a) Re-draft the Income Statements of the given company for the given period (b) (i) As a graduate accountant to be: Present the extract from the of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income of the given company reflecting the change in accounting policy, in accordance with IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 81 (ii)Compute the given company’s retained earnings at the given period and the restated retained earnings as at the given period (iii)Evaluate how statement of changes in equity for the given year end should be presented in the company’s financial statements. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 359 candidates who answered the question only 58 (16.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 301 (86.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 56 (15.6%) and 02 (0.6%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most of the candidates demonstrated poor understanding of the ISA 8. QUESTION 3: IAS 33 (EPS), IAS 38 (SEGMENT REPORTING), IFRS 15, IFRS 5 AND IFRS 9 Candidates were required to use the given figures to answer the following questions: (a)(i) Compute basic and diluted earnings per share as at the given period. (ii) Discuss two (2) major limitations of using earnings per share as a measure of a company’s performance. (iii) Compute basic and diluted earnings per share as at the given period. (c) Advise the given company as to which of the segments are reportable in its operating segments disclosure note. (d) Discuss the correct accounting treatment of the given transactions for the given year end. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 516 candidates who answered the question only 143 (27.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 373 (72.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 122 (23.6%) and 21 (4.1%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Many candidates showed understanding of the provisions of standards but failed to interpret and apply those provisions in different scenarios. 82 QUESTION 4: PRESENTATION OF ACCOUNTING & DISCLOSURE; ENHANCING FINANCIAL REPORTING, PPE, ISA 16, IAS 40 AND IFRS 5 Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Compute the Economic Value Added (EVATM) and comment on the difference between “Economic Value Added” versus “Profit-based” measures of performance. (b) In each of the given case, candidates were required to show entries in the Financial Statements of the given company in the given year end resulting from recording the events described. Also they should clearly identify any depreciation charges involved and how each transaction may impact upon if at all, the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income of the given company at the given year end. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 236 candidates who answered the question, 04 (1.7%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 232 (98.3%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this question It seems that most candidates had poor knowledge on the topics tested in this question. QUESTION 5:FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE; CASH FLOW STATEMENTS AND IAS 38 Candidates were required to use the give information to: (a) (i) Prepare a report for the given client which analyses and discusses the financial performance and position of the given company as portrayed by the above financial statements and the additional information provided. (ii) Calculate the given company’s net cash flow generated from operating activities in accordance with IAS 7 – Statement of Cash Flows. (c) Prepare the journal entries to record the initial and subsequent measurement of this financial instrument in the financial statements of the given company at the given period. (d) Discuss the principles and practices to be used by the given company in accounting for the valuation and recognition issues in the given case. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 608 candidates who answered the question only 62 (10.2%) candidates passed while the remaining 346 (56.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 51 (8.4%), 10 (1.6%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates had problems with part (c) of the question that required adequate knowledge of IAS 38-Intangible Assets. 83 QUESTION 6: IFRS 5: NON-CURRENT ASSETTS HELF FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Discuss the accounting treatment of each of the above events in the financial statements of the given company for the given year end considering the implications of events occurring after the end of the reporting period. (b) (i) Discuss the accounting treatment of the hedge in the given year end. (ii) Outline the accounting treatment of the inventory sale and the futures contract settlement on the given period. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 331 candidates who answered the question only, 02 (0.6%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 285 (86.1%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Most candidates lacked adequate knowledge on IFRS 5 (Non- Current Assets Held for Sale), IFRS 2 (Share Base Payments) and also hedging accounting 84 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found that the question had an appropriate mixture of questions, the distribution of marks and the time allocated was adequate. The paper had easy and difficult questions which were all within the prescribed syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance of the paper Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was not satisfactory. Out of 616 candidates who answered the examination only, 192 (31.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 625 (69.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 190 (30.8%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 9.1.1 TABLE 9.1.1 C1 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks No. of Candidates (Frequency) Percentage 0-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 Total 425 190 01 00 616 69.0 30.8 0.2 0.0 100 TABLE 9.1.2 C1 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 November 2020 No. of candidates passed % 394 out of 997 No. of candidates passed 35.9 192 out of 616 85 % 31.0 C2 AUDITING AND ASSURANCE SERVICES I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply auditing and assurance standards and relevant laws in undertaking and managing auditing and assurance engagements in complex auditing and reporting situations. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONPAPER This examination paper comprised two sections with six questions. Candidates were required to answer four questions. Question one carried 40% of the total marks was compulsory. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, topics examined and candidates’ performances were as follows: QUESTION 1: LEGAL, REGULATORY AND ETHICAL ISSUES; ACCEPTING ENGAGEMENT AND MANAGING ASSIGNMENT; PLANNING AND UNDERTAKING AUDIT WORK Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Discuss the implication of the external auditor providing an internal audit service to a client, explaining the current ethical guidance on the provision of other services to clients. (b) (i) (ii) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) Describe how adequate audit planning benefits an audit of financial statements. For each of the aspects of the given company’s operations outlined in the scenario above, explain how they will affect audit strategy of the company Explain the meaning of true and fair view in respect of the audit report issued by an external auditor. For each matter, clearly evaluate whether the Audit Supervisor’s proposed audit opinion is appropriate, and if not, recommended an alternative. Explain the contents and importance of the following basic elements of the auditor’s report: i) Opinion paragraph ii) Key audit matters paragraph Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 697 candidates who answered the question, 354 (50.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 343 (49.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 317 (45.5%), 36 (5.2%) and 01 (0.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 86 Some candidates failed to know audit strategy in accordance with the given case. Also they failed to know circumstances lead to which audit opinion, and some were confusing -key audit matters with emphasis of matters contents and importance. QUESTION 2: DRAWING CONCLUSIONS AND REPORTING Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a)(i) Briefly explain what do you understand about the “risk of material misstatement” at financial statement level. (ii) Explain the risk assessment procedures as referred above. (d) Identify and explain the four (4) components of the corporate governance in any organization. (c)(i) Analyze the event that occurred on 31st May 2020, in view of IAS 10: “Events after the reporting period” and explain to your staff whether the event is adjusting or non-adjusting. (ii) Explain the responsibilities of the external auditor in relation to this event. Additionally, state what audit procedures should be carried out to discharge your duties as auditors, while auditing the events after the reporting period. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 569 candidates who answered the question only 164 (28.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 405 (71.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 140 (24.6%) and 24 (4.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Some candidates failed to differentiate between adjusting and non- adjusting from the given cases QUESTION 3: ACCEPTING ENGAGEMENTS AND MANAGING ASSIGNMENTS; PLANNING AND UNDERTAKING AUDIT WORKS Candidates were required to use given information to:(a) Explain the responsibilities of the successor and predecessor auditors when a company is changing auditors. (b) Discuss the ways in which the auditor’s observations made during the course of the plant tour will be of help in planning and conducting the audit. (c)(i) You tested stock amounts totaling TZS.2,339,000,000 and found TZS.23,390,000 in overstatements. Ignoring sampling risk, what is your estimate of the total misstatement in stock? (ii) Based on the audit of the assets accounts and ignoring other accounts, explain if the overall financial statements are acceptable. 87 (iii) What do the auditor supposed to do in such circumstances? Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 244 candidates who answered the question only 21 (8.6%) candidates passed while the remaining 223 (91.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 16 (6.6%) and 05 (2.0%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Candidates failed to differentiate successor and predecessor auditors as many of them mixed the two terms. Candidates failed to work out materiality level and its effects, others failed to differentiate the benefits of audit plan tour. Most provided answers for benefit of audit plan rather than plant tour. QUESTION 4: LEVEL, REGULATORY AND ETHICAL ISSUE AND DRAWING CONCLUSIONS AND REPORTING Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Describe the ethical threats which may occur and how they can be minimized in the above four (4) situations. (b) (i) Identify and justify the type of opinion you will issue (ii) Prepare the appropriate paragraphs under management responsibility, auditor’s responsibility and the auditor’s opinion for inclusion in the audit report of the given company. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 656 candidates who answered the question, 522 (79.6%) candidates passed while the remaining 134 (20.4%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 311 (47.4%), 172 (26.2%) and 39 (5.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively Those who failed in this question, were unable to prepare the appropriate paragraphs that elaborate the responsibilities of management and auditors. Majority ended rushing to the answers instead of elaborating the responsibilities in full. QUESTION 5: DRAWING CONCLUSIONS AND REPORTING Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Comment on the sufficiency and appropriateness of the audit evidence obtained. (b) Recommend further audit procedures to be performed by the audit team. 88 (c) Explain the matters which should be included in a report in accordance with ISA 265: Communicating Deficiencies in Internal controls to those charged with Governance and Management. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 398 candidates who answered the question, 203 (51.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 195 (49.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 134 (33.7%), 61 (15.3%) and 08 (2.0%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Those who failed were unable to relate sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence to the case study given. They failed to differentiate audit report to those charged with governance from audit report to shareholders. QUESTION 6: LEGAL, REGULATORY AND ETHICAL ISSUES; DRAWING CONCLUSIONS AND REPORTING Candidates were required use the information to: (a) Identify and elaborate irregularities that you suspect regarding sales and inventories in a given case. (b) (i) Describe actions that auditors can take when being threatened with removal by the Directors. (ii) State the requirements of the IFAC’s Code of Ethics relating to the supply of non-audit services to public company audit clients. (iii) Explain why there are sometimes negative perceptions when auditors provide non audit services to their audit clients. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 225 candidates who answered the question, 105 (46.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 120 (53.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 80 (35.6%) and 25 (11.1%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Those who failed were unable to provide concise answer in part (a). They could not provide good elaboration on the required irregularities. 89 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found that the question had an appropriate mixture of questions, the distribution of marks and the time allocated was adequate. The paper had easy and difficult questions which were all within the prescribed syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance of the paper Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 697 candidates who answered the examination, 398 (57.1%), candidates passed while the remaining 299 (42.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 393 (56.4%) and 05 (0.7%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 9.1.3 TABLE 9.1.3 C2 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks 0-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 No. of Candidates (Frequency) 299 393 05 00 Percentage 42.9 56.4 0.7 0.0 Total 697 100 TABLE 9.1.4 C2 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 465 out of 969 November 2020 % 48.0 90 No. of candidates passed 398 out of 697 % 57.1 C3 BUSINESS AND CORPORATE FINANCE I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply business and financial theories, concepts and analytical frameworks in evaluating and assessing business strategy, business and financing options as well as financial engineering products and provide advice based on such assessments. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER This examination paper comprised two sections with six questions. Candidates were required to answer four questions. Question one carried 40% of the total marks was compulsory III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, topics examined and candidates’ performances were as follows: QUESTION 1: MERGERS AND ACQUISITION; INTERNATIONAL DIVERSIFICATION AND THE INTERNATIONAL CAPM Candidates were required to use given information to:(a) (i) Discuss the merits and demerits of mergers and acquisition as an expansion strategy. (ii) Discuss the qualities of an appropriate acquisition strategy. (b) Write a report to the CEO by showing relevant computations to assist him to: (i) decide whether to invest in the domestic market or the foreign market. (ii) establish how returns from the domestic market are correlated with those of the foreign market. (iii)know whether establishing an equally invested portfolio will reduce the firm’s investment risk. (c) Prepare a briefing note to the Chairman of the Board in which you demonstrate the computation of the value of the firm using the Gordon’s Model and Discounted Cash Flow Method. Propose an issue price based on each of the two valuation approaches. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 571 candidates who answered the question 132 (23.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 439 (76.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 123 (21.5%) and 09 (1.6%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Most candidates failed to link the required calculations in the report asked. Some showed weaknesses on the part of applying the required formula to the relevant requirements. 91 QUESTION 2: FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND MANAGEMENT OF RISKS (a) Explain main types of foreign exchange rate systems and discuss how such systems might affect the ability of Financial Managers to forecast exchange rates. (b) Candidates were required to use the given information to: (i) Evaluate the proposed forward rate agreement as a way of managing the interest rate risk anticipated by the given company. (ii) Analyze the foreign currency risk associated with the future interest payment of the given company and briefly discuss ways that this risk might be hedged. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 422 candidates who answered the question only 76 (18.0%) candidates passed while the remaining 346 (82.0%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 71 (16.8%) and 05 (1.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Forward rate agreement was a problem to majority of candidates as many could not answer the question. QUESTION 3: FINANCIAL ENGINEERING AND PLANNING Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) Write a briefing note to the directors in which you describe the APV approach, its applicability and limitations. (b) As a financial analyst, provide a description of the arguments for and against hedging foreign exchange risk and inform the directors of what multinational companies do in practice with respect to the management of foreign exchange risk. (c) (i) (ii) Estimate the current given period’s value for the given company Assess and comment on the performance of the management by using the Market Value Added (MVA) approach and describe the problems with the EVA Approach. Candidates performance in this question was not satisfactory as all 322 (100%) candidates who answered the question failed Most candidates were not good in Adjusted Present Value method. They showed poor understanding on arguing for the people who support hedging and the bases of their support. 92 QUESTION 4: GLOBAL BUSINESS; ENVIRONMENTAL & FINANCIAL ENGINEERING AND PLANNING Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a)(i) Briefly discuss the meaning of “fixed exchange rate”. (ii) Discuss the cases for and against a country using fixed exchange rate system. (b) Design a plan vanilla swap that will appear equally attractive to both companies and net a bank acting as intermediary 0.1% per annum. (c) Estimate the following: (i) The initial margin to be deposited with the clearing house (ii) The total gain/loss due to price decrease (iii) The total gain/loss due to price increase (iv) The balance in the trader’s margin account after 15 days Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 445 candidates who answered the question only 46 (10.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 399 (89.7%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 45 (10.1%) and 01 (0.2%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. The major weakness was on financial engineering where candidates were not able to analyze the plain vanilla swap and trading in the futures exchange market. QUESTION 5: BUSINESS VALUATION (a) Compare and contrast operating cash flows and free cash flows as used in the valuation of a business operation. (b) Candidates were required to use the given information to:(i) Estimate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) to the company for the year given year end (ii) Estimate the value of the company for the given year (iii) Estimate the value of equity and the value per share for the given year end by using the FCF approach. (c) Discuss any two (2) major types of risks on a bond. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 231 candidates who answered the question only 34 (14.7%) candidates passed while 93 the remaining 197 (85.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 27 (11.7%), 05 (2.2%) and 02 (0.9%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates failed to answer Part b(ii) and (iii) of the question. QUESTION 6: FUTURE S, OPTIONS, SWAPS AND FORWARD RATE AGREEMENT Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Briefly explain each criteria stated above and suggest factors that could be used to assess them. (b) (i) Illustrate how the given company might hedge its foreign exchange risk using currency futures (ii) Explain the meaning of basis risk and show what basis risk is involved in the proposed hedge. (iii) Assuming the spot exchange rate is 120 yen/US$ on 1st September and that basis risk decreases steadily in a linear manner, calculate what the result of the hedge is expected to be. Briefly discuss why this result might not occur. (iv) In addition, the given company is concerned about its exposure to variable interest rate borrowing. Discuss the relevant considerations when deciding between futures and options to hedge a company’s interest rate risk. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 295 candidates who answered the question only 85 (28.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 210 (71.2%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 77 (26.1%), 06 (2.0%) and 02 (0.7%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most candidates demonstrated poor computations, did not follow the necessary steps. 94 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found that the question had an appropriate mixture of questions, the distribution of marks and the time allocated was adequate. The paper had easy and difficult questions which were all within the prescribed syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance of the paper Candidates’ performance in this examination paper not was satisfactory. Out of 571 candidates who answered the examination only, 170 (29.8%) candidates passed while the remaining 401 (70.2%) candidates failed. No candidates scored credit or distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 9.1.5 TABLE 9.1.5 C3 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks 0-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 No. of Candidates (Frequency) Percentage 401 170 00 00 70.2 29.8 0.0 0.0 Total 571 100 TABLE 9.1.6 C3 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS November 2019 No. of candidates passed 240 out of 911 % 24.2 95 November 2020 No. of candidates passed 170 out of 571 % 29.8 C4 ADVANCED TAXATION I: PRINCIPAL LEARNING OUTCOME Principal learning outcome of this paper is to test candidates’ ability to apply knowledge of public finance, tax laws and Financial Reporting Standards and Corporate Law in preparing, analyzing and evaluating corporate reports by entities, both in the private and public sectors. II: STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTION PAPER This examination paper comprised two sections with six questions. Candidates were required to answer four questions. Question one carried 40% of the total marks was compulsory. III: TOPICS EXAMINED AND CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE In this paper, topics examined and candidates’ performances were as follows: QUESTION 1: TAXATION OF SPECIALIZED INDUSTRIES; TAX ADMINISTRATION Candidates were required to use the given information: (a) Based on the above facts and from Umeme Rural Electrification Ltd perspective, highlight income tax and Value Added Tax implications of each contract above. (b) Compute taxable corporate business income of the given company along with explaining reasons for adjustment/non-adjustment of items. (c) With reference to Income Tax Act, Cap 332 compare and contrast between taxation of a corporation and that of a partnership. (d) (i) Briefly discuss any three (3) reasons that make taxpayers to practise tax avoidance and tax evasion in Tanzania. (ii) With examples explain the current efforts made by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to reduce the problem of tax avoidance and tax evasion. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 524 candidates who answered the question, 394 (75.2%) candidates passed while the remaining 130 (24.8%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 285 (54.4%) and 109 (20.8%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. No major common weakness was noted. 96 QUESTION 2: TAXATION OF RETIREMENT FUNDS; TAX ADMINISTRATION AND VALUE ADDED TAX; TAX REFORMS (a) Briefly discuss the taxation rules relating to transfer of funds among retirement benefit funds. Candidates were required to use the given information to: (b) Identify three (3) legal and two (2) administration changes in Tanzania from 2018 aiming at achieving such obligations (c) Briefly explain any six (6) of those consequences. (d) Briefly Explain the concept and treatment of partial input tax in VAT Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 334 candidates who answered the question, 248 (74.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 86 (25.8%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 127 (38.0%), 103 (30.8%) and 18 (5.4%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. No major weakness noted in this question. However, some candidates lacked understanding of the treatment of funds transfer among retirement funds. QUESTION 3: CORPORATE BUSINESS INCOME Candidates were required to use the given information to: (a) (i) Explain five circumstances under which an asset is said to have been realized. (ii) Briefly explain what constitutes the cost of an asset. (b) With reasons, discuss any further five pieces of information you would require to enable you to calculate taxable income of the given company for the given year. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 265 candidates who answered the question, 180 (67.9%) candidates passed while the remaining 85 (32.1%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 95 (35.8%), 57 (21.5%) and 28 (10.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. 97 No major weakness noted in this question. 98 QUESTION 4: INTERNATIONAL TAXATION; TAX ADMINISTRATION; VALUE ADDED TAX Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Discuss any three usefulness and any two limitations of the method. (b) Clarify the functional analysis as used in transfer pricing, clearly showing justification for its use. (c) Briefly explain the circumstances under which VAT registration may be cancelled and state the consequences for such cancellation. (d) discuss in line with Tanzania tax laws, that in Tanzania, ‘tax once assessed must be paid’. Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 352 candidates who answered the question, 191 (54.3%) candidates passed while the remaining 161 (45.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 152 (43.2%) and 39 (11.1%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidate scored distinction marks in this question. Those who failed were not able to produce relevant materials to the question. QUESTION 5: VAT ON INSURANCE BUSINESS; PARTIAL INPUT TAX CREDIT AND VAT REFUND Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) Briefly explain the conditions to be met before an insurer can have a decreasing adjustment. (b) Compute net VAT payable. Candidates’ performance in this question was not satisfactory. Out of 244 candidates who answered the question only, 09 (3.7%) candidates scored pass marks while the remaining 235 (96.3%) candidates failed. There were neither credit nor distinction marks in this question. Candidates missed the concept and fact that income taxation of insurance is different from treatment of VAT on insurance business. They were not able to distinguish between exempt supplies from taxable supplies while others were not able to decide when VAT is considered inclusive or exclusive. 99 100 QUESTION 6: TAXATION OF TRUSTS; INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE TAXATION OF INCOME Candidates were required to use the given information to:(a) (i) Calculate the taxable income of the Trust for the given year and show how much tax they should pay. (ii) compute how much tax they could have paid, if the beneficiaries were to receive the distribution from the given company. (b) Assist the given company on this aspect by answering the following questions: (i) What is international double taxation? (ii) How can it be minimized or eliminated? Candidates’ performance in this question was satisfactory. Out of 380 candidates who answered the question, 327 (86.1%) candidates passed while the remaining 53 (13.9%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 139 (36.6%), 163 (42.9%) and 25 (6.6%) candidates scored pass, credit and distinction marks respectively. Most of the candidates failed to explain tax treatment of the distribution from the Trust. 101 IV: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS (a) Assessment of the Examination The panel of examiners found that the question had an appropriate mixture of questions, the distribution of marks and the time allocated was adequate. The paper had easy and difficult questions which were all within the prescribed syllabus. (b) Candidates’ overall performance of the paper Candidates’ performance in this examination paper was satisfactory. Out of 524 candidates who answered the examination, 402 (76.7%) candidates passed while the remaining 122 (23.3%) candidates failed. Out of those who passed 353 (67.4%) and 44 (9.4%) candidates scored pass and credit marks respectively. No candidates scored distinction marks in this examination paper. The candidates’ over-all performance in the subject is as shown on table 9.1.7 TABLE 9.1.7 C4 CANDIDATES’ PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Classification of Marks No. of Candidates (Frequency) Percentage 0-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 Total 122 353 49 00 524 23.3 67.4 9.4 0.0 100 TABLE 9.1.8 C4 COMPARISON OF PASS RATE WITH NOVEMBER 2019 EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER 2019 No. of candidates passed 484 out of 726 NOVEMBER 2020 % No. of candidates passed 66.7 402 out of 524 102 % 76.7 CHAPTER III EXAMINERS’ RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE TUTORS AND STUDENTS In each examination session, the panel of examiners come up with suggestions to both Tutors and Students which are aimed at improving future candidates’ performance. These recommendations arise from shortcomings observed in the course of marking the candidates’ scripts. RECOMMENDATIONS TO TUTORS Guidance to the candidates 1. Tutors should encourage their students to put more efforts in their studies while preparing for the examinations. They should ensure that only those students who have performed well in the class tests and mock examinations are allowed to sit for the Board’s examinations. 2. Tutors should expose their students to examination techniques including how to tackle a question in on examination room. 3. Tutors should encourage their students to read extensively and do a lot of exercises. They should discourage students from cramming the questions and their solutions as this will not assist them during the examinations. 4. Tutors should encourage their students to create a habit of reading current issues and keeping themselves abreast with the issues taking place within and globally. This will assist them in answering the questions that are of general nature and at the same time improve their vocabulary. 5. Tutors should encourage students to devote more time in their studies and help them to obtain relevant materials and reference books for the particular subjects. Teaching and learning materials 6. Tutors should prepare and update their teaching notes (competence based) that can be made available to their students. 7. Tutors should devote their time to prepare appropriate case study questions and orient students especially those at higher levels on how to tackle case study questions. 8. Tutors should introduce an ‘examination technique’ topic during the course of training. The examination techniques in one of the crucial areas that play a vital role to students when it comes to answering examination questions. 9. Tutors should make sure that they concentrate on teaching using NBAA Learning Materials and other supplementary relevant learning materials to cover the syllabus adequately. It is important that the tutors should prepare work-plans that guide them in covering the entire syllabus of the subjects they teach. 103 10. Tutors should devote their time to attend NBAA seminars, workshops and Training of Trainers workshops in order to be aware of current emerging professional issues. Evaluating the candidates 11. Tutors should at a certain point of time, prepare mock examinations that would test the students understanding and segregate weak from strong students whom should be given more exercises and attention before they can be allowed to register for the examinations. The mock examinations should cover typical examination questions in an examination atmosphere thereby familiarizing the students to similar conditions that they would encounter when taking their examinations. Effective teaching 12. Tutors should prepare scheme of works/lesson plans that will guide them during the teaching process. Teaching plans have to be provided to enable the students be aware of what has to be covered and at what time. 13. Tutors should ensure that they are using relevant and up-to-date teaching materials in order to avoid misleading the students. 14. Tutors should ensure that they attend short courses regarding teaching methodologies in order to improve their teaching styles and acquire modern teaching methodologies. 15. Tutors should take time to read comments prepared by markers which have been summarized in the Examiners’ and Performance Report. By so doing they will understand their shortfalls and improve in the respective areas mentioned by the markers. 16. For the subjects which need practical orientation like auditing, it would be much better for the trainers to invite practicing auditors to teach some of the topics. 17. Tutors should avoid spoon feeding the students, instead they have to apply various participatory teaching methods in order to bring about effective learning among the students. 18. Tutors should in as much as possible try to observe the weaknesses of their students and address them by equipping them with different skills on the subject matter especially on new statutes. 19. Tutors should at all times be up-to-date with emerging teaching techniques and should apply them. Tutors should also apply the techniques that make the learner think more rather than cramming. 20. Tutors should ensure that they equip themselves with knowledge and skills that are required to teach effectively the students under competence based syllabi 21. Tutors should assist students on how to use the learning materials for effectively learning 104 RECOMMENDATIONS TO STUDENTS Applying appropriate learning styles 22. Students should develop study schedules that will guide them during the preparations for the examinations and ensure that they have covered each and every topic in the syllabus. 23. Changes taking place in the accounting, auditing, tax, law regimes are vast and hence students should keep up-to-date with those changes. For example, definitions and terminologies in accounting and auditing have been modified since the adoption of the International Accounting/Auditing Standards. Students need to know these changes in order to be able to apply them in their course of study and in their work places. 24. Students should develop a culture of reading NBAA Learning materials, various textbooks and journals in order to get an in depth knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. 25. Students should put more effort on Public Sector Accounting/Auditing as it seems they do not give special attention on the area. 26. Students should work hard, think critically and do more practice to enhance their competence and confidence in attempting examination papers. 27. Students should make sure that they respond to the requirements of the question asked rather than answering what has not been asked. They should not formulate their own questions and provide their own answers. 28. Students are required to do comprehensive preparations. They should not base their preparations on occurrence of topics on past examinations. Self motivation towards learning 29. Students need to take personal initiative to improve their mastery of English Language. This can be achieved in many ways – through reading daily newspapers, magazines, books and through speaking the language. Language limitations has affected majority of candidates as they fail to express themselves properly let alone giving them flexibility in answering the questions. 30. Students should take an initiative of improving their case study analysis. Should seek assistance from their trainers on how to analyze a case study questions. 31. Students should develop their own learning strategies; they should not depend entirely on their trainers. 105 Assurance of knowledge mastery 32. Students should work hard and not rush to sit for the examinations before they have assured themselves that they are ready for the examinations. They should not take chances and play a game of chance (doing examination is not gambling), hoping that they will find the examinations questions they are familiar with. They need to ensure that they get value for the money they have used as tuition and examination fees. 33. Students to take seriously initiative and effort t o cover the whole syllabus requirement material through reading various books, journals and published articles not to concentrate mostly in teaching questions and answers of past examinations. 34. Students should avoid attempting the examination unless they have covered a major part of the respective syllabus; also devote more time in private and group discussions study rather than considering the examination as “going concern”. 35. Students should make a good use of the learning materials in order to improve their learning 36. Students should ensure that they avoid learning through memorisation, instead they have to study and understand subject matters in details Appropriate preparation for examinations and examination techniques 37. When attempting the examinations, students/candidates are urged to first read the instructions, and then read the questions properly before they start attempting the question. Make a viable choice in case there are optional questions or even the choice of questions they should start attempting. 38. Students should learn how to organize their answers during the examination attempts. This can be achieved through practice. 39. Students should have extensive course contents coverage and attempt many questions in the preparation of their examination in the form of self exercise to build their ability to tackle questions properly and to be able to understand different term used in examinations. 40. Students should ensure that they attend review classes without giving any excuses for not enrolling to these reviews. 41. Students should take time to read about examination techniques that are published regularly in the NBAA Students’ Newsletters and other publications in order to acquire rightful techniques in dealing and answering examination questions. 42. Students should make use of the syllabus outlines during their preparations in order to countercheck that they have adequately covered the syllabus. 43. Students should make use of group discussions in order to enhance their understanding through such discussion. 106 44. Students should orient themselves with different type of questions, theoretical and computational type of questions and do thorough preparations during the study sessions. They should also equip themselves with analytical skills, especially as at the higher levels in order to be tackle questions that require such skills. 45. Students should change their reading behaviour of memorizing various questions and answers by devoting their time in reading various books and get an insight of the subject matters. 46. Students should make thorough preparation for the examination by reading extensively the recommendations text books to supplement what they are getting from the review classes. 47. Students are advised to apply the following techniques among others in order to pass their examinations. 47.1 Ensuring well coverage of the syllabus Candidates are required to use the syllabus as their base of determining whether they are ready to sit for the examinations or not. The problem of most candidates is total dependence on the trainers. It is not funny to find a candidate attending a review class without having a syllabus. It is difficult for such a candidate to know what has been covered by the trainer and what has been left out. Some candidates instead of ensuring that they have covered the syllabus adequately they rely on Question and Answers (Qs and As) booklets. Questions and Answers of previous examinations are good but they are not supplements of the syllabus. By reading Question and Answer booklets students cannot get sufficient knowledge about the subject matter. The best way of making use of Qs and as is after the completion of the syllabus to see how examination questions are set and the best ways to approach them. 47.2 Active participation in the classroom sessions The education system of most countries including Tanzania does not prepare students/candidates to take active role in the classroom. The predominant teaching method used i.e. lecturing is characterized by various shortcomings including: subject experts are not always good teachers, students are passive, learning is difficult to gauge and communication is one way i.e. students are just listening to lectures and do not participate actively. If a student goes to the class waiting for a trainer to come and dish information to be grasped, automatically learning becomes impaired. An effective learning to take place requires the learners to take effective role in the learning process. Experience shows that students who ask questions and pose challenges during the learning process they do well in their examinations. Asking a question or posing a challenge to a trainer does not come from nowhere, it come only if a student is interested to what he is learning. An interested student in the learning process is the one who takes trouble to read what is going to be taught before entering the class. Therefore, trainers are required to prepare course outlines derived from the prescribe syllabus so as to enable students to follow. Students can make use of the course outline to prepare on their own before they go to the classroom. The lesson becomes enjoyable when both 107 students and the trainers are prepared before entering the classroom. In short, student’s active role in the class is fundamental factor in the effective learning process. 47.3 Review class attendance Review classes are quite different from formal schooling. In the formal schooling context trainers exercise authority of controlling students’ attendance. They can penalize students who miss classes without genuine reasons. This does not happen in the review classes because those who are attending review classes are heterogeneous. Some are employees, some are self employed, and others are fresh graduates from colleges while others are occupied with various social responsibilities. It becomes difficult for the trainers to control attendance of such categories of learners. But we should bear in mind that at higher level education, classroom attendance is not a responsibility of the trainer. If there is any candidate who misses classes just because there is no one to question about it, such a student must have some problems. No one is expecting to see a student missing a class without having genuine reasons at this level of education. But, generally there is lack of seriousness among most candidates especially in the case of classroom attendance. Candidates are therefore reminded that attending classroom sessions appropriately should be self-motivated. There is a good number of candidates who never attend review classes with confidence that they know each and every thing. They register themselves for examinations as private candidates. Experience shows that candidates who are attending review classes have a far better chance to pass their examinations than those who do not attend. Some of the candidates attend review classes only when they sit for the examinations on the first time but when they are required to refer or re-seat the examinations they neglect to register for review classes. They claim to have adequate and sufficient materials and therefore they can study on their own. This is not always a good decision. Human brain is characterized by the nature of forgetting. A famous study on forgetting textbook materials compared the percentage of material remembered after different intervals of time. The results were as follows: After 1 day After 7 days After 14 days After 21 days After 28 days After 63 days 54% was remembered. 35% was remembered. 21% was remembered. 18% was remembered. 19% was remembered. 17% was remembered. Remembering what you have heard in lectures is even more difficult to recall because you are not able to slow down, pause, reflect, or to reread unless you take excellent notes! In a study on recall after listening to a lecture, students forgot more than 90% of the points from the lecture after 14 days! (Engle, Susan: Context is everything: The nature of memory. W.H. Freeman & Co, 1999). If that is the case, then there is no way a candidate may decide not to attend review classes. 108 47.4 Group discussions By not sharing ones knowledge of understanding about a particular subject matter a candidate may think that he knows much about the subject but when it comes into examination, such a candidate fails! It is very easy for someone to cheat himself that he knows much about a particular subject matter due to lack of sharing knowledge with others. Going to the library daily or doing daily self-study is not a direct ticket to pass examinations. There is a belief that when you are taught something by your fellow student who understands the subject matter, the knowledge sticks into your mind than being taught by a trainer. Group discussions are said to be a good source of learning and sharing of knowledge and experiences due to its nature of open interaction. Although most candidates who are preparing for the professional examinations are facing limited time to organize group discussions, they should not ignore it at all. They should be aware that sometimes it is far better to discuss a subject/topic in a group than going to the library for self study. Group discussion is a potential source of learning but it is ignored by most candidates. Candidates are therefore obliged to form group discussions to discuss various topics especially those which are most difficult or complicated. 47.5 Practise deep learning One of the major factors that lead to poor performance in the examinations is learning things in shallow. Most candidates have ample time to study but they do not do it until the ‘late hours’. They keep on saying ‘there is enough time to study’. But since time does not on the favour of anyone in this universe they find themselves running shortage of time. What follows after this is to make ‘ad hoc’ preparations. In this case therefore they practise what the psychologists call ‘rote learning’. By definition rote learning is a learning technique which avoids understanding the inner complexities and inferences of the subject that is being learned and instead focuses on memorizing the materials so that it can be recalled by the learner exactly the way it was read or heard. In other words, it is learning "just for the test". The major practice involved in rote learning techniques is learning by repetition, based on the idea that one will be able to recall the meaning of the material the more they repeat it. However, in many fields, especially mathematics and related disciplines, this can often produce poor results. Rote learning is not the best way of studying. Students are required to study a subject matter in deep. This will make them to own what they have learnt and express it in their own words. In rote learning a student tries to reproduce what he has read as it was read. ‘If a student reads something with the aim of reproducing it as it is, that is not understanding. This method limits a student to learn many things because memory capacity for human beings is also limited. Students should also be aware that rote learning does not develop interest to learn. As you memorize new materials the old ones fade out. 109 47.6 Conclusion Candidates should take trouble to read various techniques for passing examinations Rather than concentrating only on studying topics that will appear in the examinations. Those who have been able to make use of various study techniques have found themselves enjoying learning and finally pass their examinations. Studying for the examinations should be enjoyable rather than becoming cumbersome and boring exercise for the candidates. This is possible if the candidates apply appropriate techniques in their studies. 110 CHAPTE IV CANDIDATURE DISTRIBUTION The Board’s examination candidature comes from various training institutions (Tuition Providers) in the country. The November 2020 examination session drew candidates from the following institutions as per Table 10: TABLE 10 NO OF CANDIDATES S/NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NAME ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS ADONIJAH BUSINESS CONSULTANCY LTD ATTITUDE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS BCC FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS BETA BUSINESS CONSULTANTS BRIGHT PROFESSIONALS TANZANIA CFC ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION-MBEYA CAMPUS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS DSM CPA REVIEW CENTER EMINENT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS EVIN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION FB TRAINING CENTER FILADEFIA FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY GENTCONCEPT CONSULTANCY ATEC I ATEC II FOUNDATION LEVEL INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 3 1 8 16 3 31 0 0 2 10 7 19 0 1 2 7 3 13 0 0 7 15 12 34 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 19 4 26 0 0 9 63 60 132 1 0 4 21 17 43 0 0 1 1 0 2 5 5 1 3 2 16 17 30 150 584 341 1122 2 5 22 51 18 98 0 0 0 4 4 8 0 0 3 85 70 158 0 1 26 281 279 587 2 4 6 38 21 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 22 12 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 FINAL LEVEL TOTAL 22 IDIANA CONSULTANCY AND CPA(T) REVIEW CLASS INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANCY ARUSHA KAS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL (T) LTD 23 KMC ASSOCIATES 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 MZUMBE UNIVERSITY MZUMBE UNIVERSITY DAR ES SALAAM CAMPUS MZUMBE UNIVERSITYMBEYA CAMPUS COLLEGE 0 0 0 38 0 38 0 0 2 3 0 5 0 0 1 5 0 6 PAC ARUSHA CANDIDATES WHO SAT AS A PRIVATE ST.JOSEPH COMMERCIAL SCHOOL STAR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS STEP AHEAD FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS TABORA GENERAL CONSULTANTS 0 6 19 87 45 157 8 33 103 511 358 1013 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 2 28 24 54 0 0 6 65 47 118 0 0 1 2 1 4 TCCG DODOMA THE ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 6 64 58 128 TIA SINGIDA CAMPUS UPTAKE BUSINESS RESOURCES(T) LTD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 37 99 VUGA EAGLE CO.LTD WADE-THROUGH FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 0 0 1 56 27 84 0 0 0 1 0 1 WAME INVESTMENT WEXITO CONSULTING GROUP ZANZIBAR INTERLLECTUAL &BUSINESS CONSULTANTS ZENJI REVIEW CLASS AND CONSULTANCY 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 17 74 42 133 0 0 2 6 2 10 0 0 2 31 18 51 TOTAL APPLIED 48 92 420 2270 1517 4347 ABSENTEESIM 2 0 29 140 45 216 TOTAL SAT 46 92 391 2130 1472 4131 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0 0 2 7 4 13 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 3 3 2 0 13 112 KEY NAME OF S/N INSTITUTION 1 PRIVATE 2 PT ATTITUDE 3 PT CCA 4 PT CORNERSTONE 5 PT STEP AHEAD FIN. 6 PT EXCEL- MOSHI 7 PT KAS REVIEW CENTRE Candidate who did not get an opportunity to attend review classes/or have attended review classes in the previous examination sessions - 8 PT PAC- ARUSHA 9 PT TABORA G.C. PT SJCS 10 - PT MU-DSM - 11 12 PT AFC 13 PT BRIGHT MOROGORO 14 PT EVIN 15 PT WAME MWANZA PT EMINENT 16 17 PT VUGA ARUSHA 18 PT COVENANT- FC 19 20 21 22 - PT UPTAKE - PT FILADEFIA F.C DODOMA PT ZENJI - PT ADONIJAH - - PT IDIANA CONSULT. 23 24 PT STAR FIN. CONS. NAME OF S/N INSTITUTION PT BBC 25 - Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Attitude Financial Consultants Mwanza Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Commercial College of Arusha Review Classes conducted by Cornerstone Financial Part-Time Consultants - DSM Part Time Review Class conducted by Step Ahead Financial Consultants -Part-Time Dodoma Review Classes Conducted by Excel Financial & Tax Solutions of Moshi Part-Time Review Classes conducted by KAS Institute of Professionals (T) Ltd. – Review DSM. Classes Conducted by PAC Consultants of Arusha Part-Time Part Time Review Class conducted by Tabora General Consultancy Part Time Review Class conducted by St. Joseph’s Commercial School – Tanga Part Time Review Class conducted by Mzumbe University – DSM Campus Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Accountants and Financial Consultants Ltd - DSM Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Bright Professionals Tanzania Morogoro Review Classes conducted by Evin School of Part-Time Management DSM Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by WAME Investment Mwanza Part Time Review Class conducted by Eminent Financial Consultants DSMTime Review Class conducted by Vuga Eagles Company Ltd Part Arusha Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Covenant Financial Consultants – DSM Part Time review classes conducted by UPTAKE Business Resources (T) Ltd – DSMReview Classes conducted by Filadefia Financial Part-Time Consultancy - DODOMA Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Zenji Review and Consultancy Zanzibar Part Time Review Class conducted by Adonijar Business Consultancy Njombe Review Classes conducted by Idiana Consultancy Part-Time Mbeya Part Time Review Class conducted by Star Financial Consultants Mwanza REVIEW CENTRE Part Time Review Class conducted by BBC 113 26 PT BCC - 27 PT CAG - PT – PYTHAGORAS F.C. Part Time Review Class conducted by Controller and Auditor General - Part Time Review Class conducted by College of Business Education DSM - Part Time Review Class conducted by CFC ONLINE - Part-Time Review Classes conducted by EIGHT SKYS Consulting Ltd - Part Time Review Class conducted by Mzumbe University – Mbeya Campus - Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by National Audit Office – DSM - Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by Professional Training Centre - Mwanza Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Pythagoras Financial Consultancy PT - TCCG - PT – WADE ARUSHA - PT - WEXITO - 28 PT CBE DAR 29 PT - CFC ONLINE 30 PT – EIGHT SKYS 31 PT – MU MBEYA 32 PT - NAO 33 PT – PTC MWANZA 34 35 36 37 38 PT - ZIBCO 39 Part Time Review Class conducted by BCC PT - ACG 40 PT- ACTS FIN. CONSULT. 41 PT- CBE DODOMA - Part-Time Review Classes conducted by Tanzania Centre for Corporate Governance Part-Time Review Classes conducted by WADE Through Financial Consultants - ARUSHA Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by Wexito Consulting Group Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by Zanzibar Intellectual and Business Consultants Part-Time Review Classes Conducted by Accountant General’s Office - 42 PT – DSM CPA REVIEW - Part Time Review Class conducted by College of Business Education DODOMA Part Time Review Class conducted by DSM CPA review 114 INSTITUTIONAL PERFORMANCE The assessment of institutional performance is done using two approaches: 1. Best Candidate Approach: The best institution under this approach is the one which produces the “NBAA Best Level Candidate”, a candidate who obtained the highest marks in aggregate, at a single examination attempt. Using this approach, the best candidate for each of the Board’s examination levels is as follows: Examination Best Candidates came from ATEC Level I PT – KAS ATEC Level II PT -Covenant F.C FOUNDATION LEVEL: PT – Covenant F.C INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: PT – Covenant F.C FINAL LEVEL: PT – Covenant F. C 2. Performance Approach: Under this approach, the best institution is that which obtains the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) in relation to the total number of A ,B, C, F grades obtained by candidates in comparison with total number of papers sat by candidates in that level. The following formula is applied Subject GPA = Where (NaPa + NbPb + NcPc + NfPf) (Na + Nb + Nc + Nf) Na = Total Number of Candidates who have scored A in an institution at that level Nb = Total Number of Candidates who have scored B in an institution at that level Nc = Total Number of Candidates who have scored C in an institution at that level Nf = Total Number of Candidates who have scored F in an institution at that level Pa = The weight of Grade A = 3 Pb = The weight of Grade B = 2 Pc = The weight of Grade C = 1 Pf = The weight of Grade F = 0 115 Arising from the above, the best three institutions under this approach for each examination level are as indicated hereunder: (See tables 15.1 to 15.5(b) on pages 145 to 154 of this report). Examination Level ATEC I: Category A: 1-5 Candidates Category B: Above 5 Candidates ATEC II: Category A: 1-5 Candidates Best Institution 1st 2nd - PT BRIGHT PROFESSIONAL - PT CBE - PT ACT F.C 1st - PT COVENANT F.C 1st 2nd 3rd - PT ATTITUDE F.C - PT FILADEFIA F.C - PT ACT F.C F.C - 1st 2nd - PT COVENANT FC - PT PAC ARUSHA 1st 2nd 3rd - PT MU –DAR CAMPUS PT AFC -PT STEP AHEAD FIN. 1st 2nd 3rd - PT EVIN - PT CORNERSTONE - PT COVENANT F.C 1st 2nd 3rd - PT CBE – MBEYA CAMPUS - PT BCC F.C - PT MU- MBEYA CAMPUS 1st 2nd 3rd - PTXCEL - PT MU- MOROGORO - PT COVENANT F.C Category A: 1-20 Candidates 1st 2nd 3rd - PT BETA - PT ACT F.C. - PT CORNERSTONE Category B: Above 20 Candidates 1st 2nd 3rd - PT EXCEL MOSHI - PT COVENANT F.C - PT VUGA EAGLE LTD Category B: Above 5 Candidates FOUNDATION LEVEL: Category A: 1-20 Candidates Category B: Above 20 Candidates INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: Category A: 1-20 Candidates Category B: Above 20 Candidates FINAL LEVEL: 116 TABLE 11.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVEL AND INSTITUTION WISE 1-5 CANDIDATES - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN LEVEL I Institution BRIGHT PROFESSIONALS TANZANIA Ente Absent red 1 0 Sat No of papers 1 1 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 1 ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 3 1 2 4 ST.JOSEPH COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 4 0 4 11 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA 5 KAS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL (T) LTD 5 CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 2 EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION 2 Subtotals 23 0 0 0 0 1 5 5 2 0 2 1 22 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2.00 1 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1.00 2 0 0.0% 1 25.0% 2 50.0% 1 25.0% 1.00 2 0 0.0% 1 9.1% 5 45.5% 5 45.5% 0.64 4 0 0.0% 1 16.7% 1 16.7% 4 66.7% 0.50 5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7 41.2% 10 58.8% 0.41 6 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 40.0% 3 60.0% 0.40 7 0 0.0% 1 20.0% 0 0.0% 4 80.0% 0.40 7 0 0.0% 6 11.5% 18 34.6% 28 53.8% 0.58 3 6 17 5 5 52 RANKING 1ST PT BRIGHT PROFESSIONAL 2ND PT CBE PT ACT F.C Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 117 TABLE 11.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVEL AND INSTITUTION WISE ABOVE 5 CANDIDATES - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN LEVEL I Institution CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS Subtotals RANKING 1ST - Entered Absent Sat No of papers 17 0 17 30 17 0 17 30 No of A % of A 0 0 No of B % of B No of C % of C 0.0% 7 0.0% 7 No of F % of F GPA Ranking 23.3% 9 23.3% 9 30.0% 14 46.7% 0.77 1 30.0% 14 46.7% PT COVENSNT F.C. Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level? 118 TABLE 11.2 SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVEL AND INSTITUTION WISE 1-5 CANDIDATES - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN LEVEL II Institution Entered Absent Sat No of papers 1 2 ATTITUDE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 1 FILADEFIA FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY 2 ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 1 0 1 3 CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 5 0 5 8 EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION 4 0 0 0 2 4 EVIN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 1 0 1 4 WAME INVESTMENT 1 0 1 1 KAS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL (T) LTD 3 0 3 4 Subtotals RANKING 1ST 2ND 3RD - 23 0 23 % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 0 0.0% 1.50 1 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1.00 2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 66.7% 1 33.3% 0.67 3 1 12.5% 0 0.0% 2 25.0% 5 62.5% 0.63 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 50.0% 3 50.0% 0.50 5 0 0.0% 1 12.5% 0 0.0% 7 87.5% 0.25 6 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 100.0% 0.00 7 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0.00 7 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 100.0% 0.00 7 1 2.6% 3 7.7% 9 23.1% 26 66.7% 6 5 5 No of B 3 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA 0 No of A % of A 8 39 PT ATTITUDE F.C PT FILADEFIA F.C. PT ACT F.C. Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 119 TABLE 11.2 (b) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVEL AND INSTITUTION WISE ABOVE 5 CANDIDATES - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN LEVEL II Entered Absent Sat No of papers CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 30 0 30 94 PAC ARUSHA 6 0 6 13 Subtotals 36 0 36 107 Institution RANKING 1ST 2ND - No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 1 1.1% 25 26.6% 27 28.7% 41 43.6% 0.85 1 0 0.0% 2 15.4% 2 15.4% 9 69.2% 0.46 2 1 0.9% 27 25.2% 29 27.1% 50 46.7% PT COVENANT F.C PT PAC ARUSHA Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 120 TABLE 11.3 (a) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS 1- 20 CANDIDATES - FOUNDATION LEVEL Institution Entered Absent Sat No of papers MZUMBE UNIVERSITY DAR ES SALAAM CAMPUS 2 0 2 8 THE ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 6 STEP AHEAD FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 6 0 6 24 MZUMBE UNIVERSITYMBEYA CAMPUS COLLEGE 1 0 1 3 TABORA GENERAL CONSULTANTS 1 0 1 5 BRIGHT PROFESSIONALS TANZANIA 2 0 2 3 ZANZIBAR INTERLLECTUAL &BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 2 ZENJI REVIEW CLASS AND CONSULTANCY 2 ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 8 0 8 19 CFC ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE 9 0 9 23 17 2 ADONIJAH BUSINESS CONSULTANCY LTD 2 0 KAS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL (T) LTD 3 FILADEFIA FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY 10 2 8 14 IDIANA CONSULTANCY AND CPA(T) REVIEW CLASS 2 0 2 5 WEXITO CONSULTING GROUP 0 0 0 0 6 2 2 15 2 3 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 1 12.5% 1 12.5% 4 50.0% 2 25.0% 1.13 1 1 9.1% 3 27.3% 3 27.3% 4 36.4% 1.09 2 1 4.2% 6 25.0% 11 45.8% 6 25.0% 1.08 3 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 1 20.0% 3 60.0% 1 20.0% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 1 25.0% 2 50.0% 1 25.0% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 100.0% 0 0.0% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 6 31.6% 7 36.8% 6 31.6% 1.00 4 0 0.0% 5 21.7% 9 39.1% 9 39.1% 0.83 10 0 0.0% 5 11.4% 22 50.0% 17 38.6% 0.73 11 0 0.0% 1 14.3% 3 42.9% 3 42.9% 0.71 12 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 66.7% 2 33.3% 0.67 13 0 0.0% 1 7.1% 7 50.0% 6 42.9% 0.64 14 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 60.0% 2 40.0% 0.60 15 11 4 2 44 7 6 121 Institution Entered Absent Sat No of papers BCC FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 7 0 7 10 PAC ARUSHA 19 2 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA 1 0 TANZANIA CENTRE FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1 0 STAR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 2 EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION 6 0 ATTITUDE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 2 0 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 4 0 4 11 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION-MBEYA CAMPUS 1 1 0 0 VUGA EAGLE CO.LTD 1 0 1 1 EMINENT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 3 1 2 3 120 9 105 274 Subtotals 1 17 1 1 1 44 2 % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 1 10.0% 4 40.0% 5 50.0% 0.60 15 0 0.0% 5 11.4% 16 36.4% 23 52.3% 0.59 17 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 0.50 18 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 0.50 18 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 0.50 18 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 8 50.0% 8 50.0% 0.50 18 0 0.0% 1 20.0% 0 0.0% 4 80.0% 0.40 22 0 0.0% 2 18.2% 0 0.0% 9 81.8% 0.36 23 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00 24 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0.00 24 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 100.0% 0.00 24 3 1.1% 41 15.0% 113 41.2% 117 42.7% 2 2 16 2 No of A 5 RANKING 1ST 2nd 3RD - PT MU- DAR CAMPUS PT AFC PT STEP AHEAD FIN. Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 122 TABLE 11.3 (b) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS ABOVE 20 CANDIDATES - FOUNDATION LEVEL Entered Absent Sat No of papers EVIN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 26 2 24 44 CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 22 CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 150 7 143 336 198 10 184 438 Institution Subtotals 1 17 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 10 22.7% 17 38.6% 17 38.6% 0.84 1 0 0.0% 11 19.0% 25 43.1% 22 37.9% 0.81 2 9 2.7% 50 14.9% 139 41.4% 138 41.1% 0.79 3 9 2.1% 71 16.2% 181 41.3% 177 40.4% 58 RANKING 1ST 2ND 3RD - PT EVIN PT CORNERSTONE PT COVENANT F.C Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of Number of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 123 TABLE 11.4 (a) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS 1-20 CANDIDATES - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Entered Absent Sat No of papers COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION-MBEYA CAMPUS 1 0 1 1 BCC FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 15 MZUMBE UNIVERSITYMBEYA CAMPUS COLLEGE 5 DSM CPA REVIEW CENTER 4 1 3 7 ZANZIBAR INTERLLECTUAL &BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 6 1 5 7 WADE-THROUGH FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 1 TANZANIA CENTRE FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 6 0 6 13 TCCG DODOMA 5 0 5 5 WAME INVESTMENT 1 0 1 6 TABORA GENERAL CONSULTANTS 2 0 2 3 MZUMBE UNIVERSITY DAR ES SALAAM CAMPUS 3 IDIANA CONSULTANCY AND CPA(T) REVIEW CLASS 7 BRIGHT PROFESSIONALS TANZANIA 19 0 19 37 ADONIJAH BUSINESS CONSULTANCY LTD 10 1 9 17 ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 16 1 15 30 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA 3 0 3 5 Institution 0 1 0 1 1 15 4 1 2 6 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 1.00 1 0 0.0% 2 6.9% 14 48.3% 13 44.8% 0.62 2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 60.0% 4 40.0% 0.60 3 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 57.1% 3 42.9% 0.57 4 0 0.0% 1 14.3% 2 28.6% 4 57.1% 0.57 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 0.50 6 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 46.2% 7 53.8% 0.46 7 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 40.0% 3 60.0% 0.40 8 0 0.0% 1 16.7% 0 0.0% 5 83.3% 0.33 9 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 2 66.7% 0.33 9 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 33.3% 2 66.7% 0.33 9 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 33.3% 8 66.7% 0.33 9 0 0.0% 1 2.7% 10 27.0% 26 70.3% 0.32 13 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5 29.4% 12 70.6% 0.29 14 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 8 26.7% 22 73.3% 0.27 15 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 20.0% 4 80.0% 0.20 16 29 10 2 3 12 124 Entered Absent Sat No of papers ATTITUDE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 7 0 7 16 INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANCY ARUSHA 1 ST.JOSEPH COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 1 0 1 1 KAS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL (T) LTD 2 0 2 4 Institution Subtotals 115 0 7 1 108 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 12.5% 14 87.5% 0.13 17 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0.00 18 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0.00 18 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 100.0% 0.00 18 0 0.0% 5 2.4% 68 32.5% 136 65.1% 1 209 RANKING 1ST 2ND 3RD - PT CBE – MBEYA CAMPUS PT BBC F.C PT MU- MBEYA CAMPUS Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of Number of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 125 TABLE 11.4 (b) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS ABOVE 20 CANDIDATES - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Entered Absent Sat No of papers EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION 38 2 36 78 MZUMBE UNIVERSITY 38 1 37 188 CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 587 29 558 1318 PAC ARUSHA 87 4 83 175 EVIN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 276 17 259 490 WEXITO CONSULTING GROUP 73 2 71 146 CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 50 5 45 96 UPTAKE BUSINESS RESOURCES(T) LTD 61 4 57 105 VUGA EAGLE CO.LTD 55 3 52 86 STEP AHEAD FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 65 3 62 133 ZENJI REVIEW CLASS AND CONSULTANCY 31 0 31 49 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 21 2 19 30 EMINENT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 85 5 80 140 CFC ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE 62 THE ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 64 Institution 7 6 55 58 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 1 1.3% 3 3.8% 44 56.4% 30 38.5% 0.68 1 0 0.0% 6 3.2% 97 51.6% 85 45.2% 0.58 2 0 0.0% 74 5.6% 601 45.6% 643 48.8% 0.57 3 0 0.0% 7 4.0% 81 46.3% 87 49.7% 0.54 4 0 0.0% 24 4.9% 200 40.8% 266 54.3% 0.51 5 0 0.0% 4 2.7% 60 41.1% 82 56.2% 0.47 6 0 0.0% 2 2.1% 38 39.6% 56 58.3% 0.44 7 0 0.0% 1 1.0% 43 41.0% 61 58.1% 0.43 8 0 0.0% 2 2.3% 32 37.2% 52 60.5% 0.42 9 0 0.0% 2 1.5% 51 38.3% 80 60.2% 0.41 10 0 0.0% 1 2.0% 18 36.7% 30 61.2% 0.41 11 0 0.0% 2 6.7% 7 23.3% 21 70.0% 0.37 12 0 0.0% 2 1.4% 47 33.6% 91 65.0% 0.36 13 0 0.0% 2 2.2% 29 31.9% 60 65.9% 0.36 14 0 0.0% 2 1.9% 33 31.1% 71 67.0% 0.35 15 91 106 126 Entered Absent Sat No of papers STAR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 28 1 27 47 FILADEFIA FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY 22 0 22 36 1643 91 1552 3314 Institution Subtotals No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 1 2.1% 10 21.3% 36 76.6% 0.26 16 0.22 17 0 0.0% 1 2.8% 6 16.7% 29 80.6% 1 0.0% 136 4.1% 1397 42.2% 1780 53.7% RANKING 1ST 2ND 3RD - PT EXCEL PT MU- MOROGORO CAMPUS COVENANT F.C. Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted(∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 127 TABLE 11.4 (a) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS 1-20 CANDIDATES - FINAL LEVEL Entered Absent Sat No of papers BETA BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 1 0 1 1 ACT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 3 CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 19 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ARUSHA 2 BRIGHT PROFESSIONALS TANZANIA 4 0 4 6 DSM CPA REVIEW CENTER 4 0 4 6 BCC FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 12 0 12 24 IDIANA CONSULTANCY AND CPA(T) REVIEW CLASS 4 0 4 6 ZENJI REVIEW CLASS AND CONSULTANCY 17 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION 17 FILADEFIA FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY 12 ADONIJAH BUSINESS CONSULTANCY LTD 7 ATTITUDE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 3 TABORA GENERAL CONSULTANTS 1 Institution 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 17 2 17 15 12 7 3 1 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 1.00 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 80.0% 1 20.0% 0.80 2 0 0.0% 3 8.6% 21 60.0% 11 31.4% 0.77 3 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 66.7% 1 33.3% 0.67 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 66.7% 2 33.3% 0.67 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 66.7% 2 33.3% 0.67 4 0 0.0% 1 4.2% 14 58.3% 9 37.5% 0.67 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 50.0% 3 50.0% 0.50 8 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 13 44.8% 16 55.2% 0.45 9 0 0.0% 1 4.0% 7 28.0% 17 68.0% 0.36 10 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 35.3% 11 64.7% 0.35 11 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 33.3% 6 66.7% 0.33 12 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 25.0% 3 75.0% 0.25 13 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0.00 14 5 35 3 29 25 17 9 4 1 128 Institution ZANZIBAR INTERLLECTUAL &BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Subtotals Entered Absent Sat No of papers 2 1 1 2 108 5 103 173 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 100.0% 0.00 14 0 0 5 2.9% 83 48.0% 85 49.1% RANKING 1ST 2ND 2RD - P T BETA - PT ACT F.C - PT CORNERSTONE Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 129 TABLE 11.5 (b) SUMMARY OF RESULTS BY EXAMINATION LEVELS AND INSTITUTIONS ABOVE 20 CANDIDATES - FINAL LEVEL Institution Entered Absent Sat No of papers EXCEL FINANCIAL AND TAX FOUNDATION 21 0 21 36 CONVENANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 342 VUGA EAGLE CO.LTD 27 1 26 43 PAC ARUSHA 47 0 47 71 STEP AHEAD FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 47 0 47 80 EVIN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 278 WEXITO CONSULTING GROUP 42 CFC ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE 60 THE ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 56 UPTAKE BUSINESS RESOURCES(T) LTD 37 EMINENT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 70 STAR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 24 Subtotals 1051 12 6 0 3 2 2 1 0 27 330 272 42 57 54 35 69 24 1024 No of A % of A No of B % of B No of C % of C No of F % of F GPA Ranking 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 26 72.2% 10 27.8% 0.72 1 0 0.0% 25 4.2% 286 48.1% 284 47.7% 0.56 2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 24 55.8% 19 44.2% 0.56 3 0 0.0% 1 1.4% 37 52.1% 33 46.5% 0.55 4 0 0.0% 3 3.8% 37 46.3% 40 50.0% 0.54 5 0 0.0% 8 1.8% 207 47.6% 220 50.6% 0.51 6 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 43 49.4% 44 50.6% 0.49 7 0 0.0% 1 1.1% 40 42.1% 54 56.8% 0.44 8 0 0.0% 1 1.2% 34 40.5% 49 58.3% 0.43 9 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 22 41.5% 31 58.5% 0.42 10 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 35 37.2% 59 62.8% 0.37 11 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 10 26.3% 28 73.7% 0.26 12 0 0.0% 39 2.3% 801 46.8% 871 50.9% 595 435 87 95 84 53 94 38 1711 130 RANKING 1ST 2ND 3RD - PT EXCEL MOSHI PT COVENANT F.C PT VUGA EAGLE LTD Key: Total No of Papers Attempted – Is calculated as sum of No of Candidates times Papers Attempted (∑ of Candidates x No of Papers) Number of Grades – Is Number of Grades (A-F) scored by that Institution in all papers in that particular level. 131 CHAPTER V ACCOUNTING MANPOWER CREATED BY THE BOARD UP TO NOVEMBER 2020 In an effort to meet the demand of the highly needed accounting personnel in the country, the Board has been able to create cumulatively 24,812 accounting manpower since its inception in May 1975. These qualified accounting personnel created are categorized in the following groups: (1) Certified Public Accountants CPA (T) (2) Certified Public Accountants CPA (T) Equivalent (3 National Accountancy Diploma (NAD) (Phased out in November 1991) (4) (5) (6) 10,498 210 1,537 National Book-keeping Certificate (NABOCE) (phased out in May 1991) Basic Book-keeping Certificate (BBC) (phased out in November 1990) 5,746 2,971 Accounting Technician Certificate (ATEC) 4,035 Table 12 below shows the statistics of graduates per session and cumulatively since May 1975 to November 2020 TABLE 12 TABE 4: NBAA GRADUATES – CUMULATIVE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS MAY 1975 TO NOVEMBER 2020 EXAMINATION SESSION BBC NO. 1ST SESSION MAY 1975 NOV 1975 – MAY 2013 78th SESSION NOV. 2013 79th SESSION MAY 2014 80th SESSION NOV. 2014 81st SESSION MAY 2015 - NABOCE ATEC CUM . NO. CUM . NO. - 04 04 - NAD CUM. - CPA CPA (T) EQUIVALE NT TOTAL NO. CUM. NO. CUM. - - NO. CUM. 01 01 NE NE - - 05 05 18,438 18443 - 2971 - 5746 36 3434 - 1537 377 5,168 - - 413 18,856 - 2971 - 5746 46 3480 - 1537 478 5,646 - - 524 19,380 - 2971 - 5746 43 3523 - 1537 369 6,015 01 01 413 19,793 - 2971 - 5746 42 3565 - 1537 600 6,615 08 09 650 20,443 132 1st Mid-SESSION AUGUST 2015 82nd SESSION MAY 2016 2ND MIDSESSION FEBRUARY 2016 83rd SESSION MAY 2016 3RD MIDSESSION AUGUST 2016 84TH SESSION NOVEMBER 2016 4TH MIDSESSION FEBRUARY 2017 85TH SESSION MAY 2017 5TH MIDSESSION AUGUST 2017 86TH SESSION NOVEMBER 2017 6TH MIDSESSION FEBRUARY 2018 90thSESSSION MAY 2018 7TH MIDSESSION AUGUST 2018 88TH SESSION NOVEMBER 2018 8TH MIDSESSION FEBRUARY 2019 89TH SESSION MAY 2019 9TH MID-SESSION AUGUST 2019 90TH SESSION NOVEMBER 2019 10TH MID-SESSION FEBRUARY 2020 91ST SESSION MAY (AUGUST)2020 92ND SESSION NOVEMBER 2020 - 2971 - 5746 - 3565 - 1537 03 6,618 04 13 07 20,450 - 2971 - 5746 42 3607 - 1537 270 6,888 03 16 315 20,765 - 2971 - 5746 - 3607 - 1537 01 6,889 07 23 08 20,773 - 2971 - 5746 40 3647 - 1537 282 7,171 11 34 333 21,106 - 2971 - 5746 - 3647 - 1537 06 7,177 05 39 11 21,117 - 2971 - 5746 49 3,696 - 1537 420 7,597 19 58 488 21,605 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,696 - 1537 - 7,597 05 63 05 21,610 - 2971 - 5746 65 3,761 - 1537 410 8,007 17 80 492 22,102 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,761 - 1537 02 8,009 04 84 06 22,108 - 2971 - 5746 39 3,800 - 1537 450 8,459 20 104 509 22,617 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,800 - 1537 - 8,459 04 108 04 22,621 - 2971 - 5746 28 3,828 - 1537 63 8,522 15 123 106 22,727 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,828 - 1537 03 8,525 04 127 07 22,734 - 2971 - 5746 63 3,891 - 1537 371 8,896 17 144 451 23,185 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,891 - 1537 02 8,898 01 145 03 23,188 - 2971 - 5746 49 3,940 - 1537 433 9,525 20 165 502 23,690 - 2971 - 5746 - 3,940 - 1537 10 9,535 09 165 19 23,709 - 2971 - 5746 53 3,993 - 1537 325 9,860 17 182 395 24,104 - 2971 - 5746 53 3,993 - 1537 41 9,901 03 185 44 24,148 - 2971 - 5746 28 4,021 - 1537 354 10,255 16 201 398 24,546 14 4,035 - 1537 243 10,498 09 210 266 24,812 2971 5746 Note: (An extract from May 1975 to November 2020 133 CHAPTER VI CANDIDATES WINNING THE SPECIAL PRIZES – NOVEMBER 2020 EXAMINATION SESSION 1.0 PRIZES OFFERED BY NBAA NBAA offers prizes in the following categories: 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 Best Level Performance Prize Single Subject Prize Best Female Prizes 1.1 Minimum Requirement to Win the Prize In order to win any of the above prizes offered by NBAA, the minimum requirement is for a candidate to obtain an overall pass in a level, having attempted whole set of subjects in that level and passing at a single examination attempt. 1.2 Amount offered in each Examination level: 1.2.1 NBAA Best Level Performance Prize This prize is awarded to the best candidate who completes an examination level in the first attempt and scores highest marks in aggregate in that level. Examination Level Exam Paper Codes T01 – T08 A1 – A6 B1 – B6 C1 – C4 Accounting Technician Levels I & II Foundation Level Intermediate Level Final Level 1.2.2 Amounts Tshs. 100,000 120,000 160,000 200,000 Single Subject Prize (Subject to Subject) Performance Prize The prize is awarded to the best candidate who has excelled in a subject by attaining at least a credit mark – 70% or above in the Accounting Technician Examination Scheme, 60% or above in the Professional Examination Scheme. Examination Level Accounting Technician Levels I & II Foundation Level Intermediate Level Final Level 134 Exam Paper Codes T01 – T08 A1 – A6 B1 – B6 C1 – C4 Amounts Tshs. 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 1.2.3 Best Female Prizes In motivating female candidates to work harder in their studies and perform better in the Board’s examination, two categories of prizes are offered to female candidates as follows: Best Level Female Performance Prize: This prize is offered to a female candidate as long as the score in aggregate in a level is 70% and above in ATEC examinations and 60% and above in professional examinations. Examination Level Accounting Technician Level I Accounting Technician Level II Foundation Level Intermediate Level Final Stage Level Exam Paper Codes T01 – T04 T05 – T08 A1 – A6 B1 – B6 C1 – C4 Amounts Tshs. 100,000 100,000 120,000 160,000 200,000 Best Female Graduate Prize: The second category of prize is the Best Graduate Prize which is offered to the female candidate who scores highest marks in aggregate among female candidates in ATEC II or CPA (T). Examination Level Best ATEC Female Graduate Prize Award Best CPA (T) Female Graduate Prize Award 135 Exam Paper Codes T05 – T08 C1 – C4 Amounts Tshs. 500,000 1,000,000 1.3 Prizes won by Candidates: 1.3.1 NBAA Best Level Performance Prize: Code and Subject Name Name CR No. Accounting Technician Level I LEONARD MSUYA 135254 Amount Tshs. 100,000 Accounting Technician Level II HAPPYINESS MASSAWE 236280 100,000 Foundation Level MIRAJI COLMAN 334962 120,000 Intermediate Level JERRY PASAPE 436330 160,000 Final Level JOAN TEMU 532657 200,000 1.3.2 Subject to Subject Performance Prize The prize is offered to the best candidate who has excelled in a subject by attaining at least a credit mark 70% or above in Technician Examination Scheme or 60% or above in professional examination scheme. The following candidates qualify for the prizes in each examination layer: Accounting Technician Level I Code and Subject Name T.01 – Bookkeeping and Accounts T.02 – Elements of Business Maths and Statistics T.03 – Introduction to Information and Communication Technology T.04 – Business Communication Skills Accounting Technician Level II Code and Subject Name T.05 – Principles of Accounting and Auditing T.06 – Principles of Cost Accounting and Procurement T.07 – Elements of Commercial Knowledge and Taxation T.08 – Accounting for Public Sector and Cooperatives Name CR No. No Candidate qualified for the Award BEATUS NSIMBA Amount Tshs. 80,000 136279 80,000 LEONARD MSUYA 135254 No Candidate qualified for the Award Name No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award HAPPYINESS MASSAWE No Candidate qualified for the Award 80,000 80,000 CR No. Amount Tshs. 80,000 80,000 236280 80,000 80,000 *Score Equal marks 136 FOUNDATION LEVEL Code and Subject Name Name CR No. A1 – Quantitative Techniques NOLA MATOLO 336304 Amount Tshs. 100,000 A2 – Business and Management SAIDI BRAMBATH 335631 100,000 A3 – Financial Accounting A4 – Cost Accounting No Candidate qualified for the Award MIRAJI COLMAN 334962 100,000 A5 – Business Law NOLA MATOLO 336304 100,000 A6 – Business Economics IRENE BRIGHTONE 335611 100,000 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Code and Subject Name B1 – Financial Management B2 – Financial Reporting B3 – Auditing Principles and Practice B4 – Public Finance and Taxation B5 – Performance Management B6 – Management, Governance and Ethics FINAL LEVEL Code and Subject Name C1 – Corporate Reporting C2 – Auditing and Assurance Services C3 –Business and Corporate Finance C4 – Advanced Taxation Name No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award JULIETH KIIZA No Candidate qualified for the Award JERRY PASAPE Name No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award JOAN TEMU 137 100,000 CR No. Amount Tshs. 120,000 120,000 120,000 436336 120,000 120,000 436330 CR No. 120,000 Amount Tshs. 140,000 140,000 140,000 532657 140,000 1.3.3 NBAA Best Female Prizes: In motivating female candidates to work harder in their studies and perform better in the Board’s examinations, two categories of prizes shall be offered to female candidates. NBAA Female Prizes: This prize shall be offered to a female candidate as long as the score in aggregate in a level is 70% and above in ATEC examinations and 60% and above in professional examinations. Code and Subject Name Name CR No. Accounting Technician Level I AISHA SUPHIANI 136487 Amount Tshs. 100,000 Accounting Technician Level II HAPPYINESS MASSAWE 236280 100,000 Foundation Level NOLA MATOLO 336304 120,000 Intermediate Level JULIETH KIIZA 436336 160,000 Final Level JOAN TEMU 532657 200,000 NBAA Best Graduate Female Prizes The second category of prize is the Best Graduate Prize which is to be offered to the female candidates who scores highest marks in aggregate among female candidates in ATEC II or CPA (T). The following female candidates qualify for the award: Level Name CR No. ATEC GRADUATE HAPPYINESS MASSAWE 236280 Amount Tshs. 500,000 CPA (T) GRADUATE JOAN TEMU 532657 1,000,000 138 2.0 PRIZES FROM SPONSORING INSTITUTIONS In support of the Board’s effort to improve candidates’ examination performance a number of professional progressive institutions have willingly offered different prizes for the best performers. The names of organizations and amounts offered in each examination session are indicated hereunder: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 3 4 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 14.4.4 14.4.5 14.4.6 14.4.7 14.4.8 15 15.1 15.2 16 16.1 16.2 PricewaterhouseCoopers Prizes: PricewaterhouseCoopers: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize PricewaterhouseCoopers: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Tanna Sreekumar Grant Thornton Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize STANBIC Tanzania Ltd Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize TAC Associates Prize: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize A.I Khatri & Company Prize: Corporate Reporting (C1) Prize Ernst & Young Prize: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize Best CPA (T) Graduate Overall Prize Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize IPP Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Tax Plan Associates Prize: Best Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize TIB Development Bank Ltd: International Finance Prizes 1st TIB: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize 2nd TIB: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize 3rd TIB: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange Prize: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize Deloitte &Touche Prize: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize Capital Markets and Securities Authority Prize: Best Financial Management (B1) Prize KPMG Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Accountant General’s Office Prizes: Best CPA (T) Graduate Overall Prize Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize Performance Management (B5) Prize Best Core Subject Prizes: Financial Accounting (A3) Prize Cost Accounting (A4) Prize Financial Management (B1) Prize Financial Reporting (B2) Prize Auditing Principles and Practice (B3) Prize Corporate Reporting (C1) Prize Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize Tshs.600,000 Tshs.1,000,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.400,000 US$ 100 Tshs.200,000 Tshs.200,000 Tshs.300,000 Tshs.100,000 Tshs.100,000 Tshs.200,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.500,000, Tshs.350,000 & Tshs.200,000 Tshs.150,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.500,000 US$ 100 Tshs.800,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.30,000 Tshs.30,000 Tshs.50,000 Tshs.50,000 Tshs.50,000 Tshs.100,000 Tshs.100,000 Tshs.100,000 NEXIA SJ Tanzania Accountants & Business Adviser Prize: NEXIA SJ Tanzania Accountants & Business Adviser: Best Performance Management (B5) Prize NEXIA SJ Tanzania Accountants & Business Adviser: Best Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize Offer of Employment Offer of Employment Innovex Prizes: Innovex Best CPA(T) Graduate Prize Innovex Best CPA(T) Female Graduate Prize Tshs.150,000 Tshs.150,000 139 17 17.1 17.2 18 19 19.1 19.2 20 Controller and Auditor General’s Office Prizes CAG: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize CAG: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Peoples Bank of Zanzibar Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize TAA Best Candidates’ Prizes TAA Best Two ATEC Candidates Prizes TAA Best Two CPA (T) Candidates Prizes RSM EASTERN AFRICA Prize: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize 21 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Watumishi Housing Company Prize Overall Best Candidate in ATEC II Level Prize Best Financial Management (B1) Prize Performance Management (B5) Prize Corporate Reporting (C1) Prize 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 22 22.1 Tanzania Association of Women Certified Accountants Prize TAWCA: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate 100,000 23 23.1 Green Mark International Prizes GMI: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize 100,000 24 24.1 MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES PRIZE MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: Auditing And Assurance Services (C2) Prize 24.2 MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: BEST CPA (T) Graduate Prize 24.3 MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize 25 25.1 Bakhresa Group Prize Bakhresa Group: Best Level Accounting Technician II Prize 200,000 26 26.1 The Hanif and Nooreen Habib Prize Award: The Hanif and Nooreen Habib Prize Award: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize 555,000 27 27.1 BAKERTILLY TANZANIA PRIZE BAKERTILLY TANZANIA PRIZE: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize Tshs.1,000,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.500,000 Tshs.100,000 Tshs.200,000 Tshs.500,000 & Employment 300,000 & Employment 400,000 & Employment 300,000 & Employment 500,000 & Employment 140 1. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS PRIZES Name of Prize PWC: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize PWC: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Name of Winner No Candidate qualified for the Award CR No. Amount 600,000 JOAN TEMU 532657 1,000,000 PWC: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate JOAN TEMU 532657 500,000 2. TANNA SREEKUMAR GRANT THORNTON: PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU Tanna Sreekumar Grant Thornton: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize 3. STANBIC TANZANIA LIMITED PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU STANBIC TANZANIA LIMITED: Best CPA [T] Graduate Prize 4. TAC ASSOCIATES PRIZES Name of Prize TAC ASSOCIATES: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize Name of Winner No Candidate qualified for the Award CR No. 532657 Amount CR No. Amount 200,000 CR No. Amount 200,000 Name of Winner No Candidate qualified for the Award CR No. JOAN TEMU 532657 JOAN TEMU 532657 Amount 300,000 100,000 100,000 7. IPP BEST CPA (T) GRADUATE PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner IPP: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Amount 400,000 US$ 100 5. KHATRI AND COMPANY PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner KHATRI AND COMPANY FINANCIAL: Corporate Reporting No Candidate qualified for the Award (C1) 6. ERNST & YOUNG PRIZES Name of Prize ERNST & YOUNG: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) PRIZE ERNST & YOUNG: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize ERNST & YOUNG: Best CPA (T) Female GRADUATE PRIZE CR No. 532657 JOAN TEMU 8. TAXPLAN ASSOCIATES PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU TAXPLAN ASSOCIATES: Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize CR No. Amount 532657 200,000 CR No. 532657 141 Amount 500,000 9. TIB DEVELOPMENT BANK LTD PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner TIB Development Bank Ltd: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) 1ST No Candidate qualified for the Prize Award CR No. Amount 500,000 22ND No Candidate qualified for the Award 3RD No Candidate qualified for the Award 10. DAR ES SALAAM STOCK EXCHANGE PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner DSE: Business and Corporate No Candidate qualified for the Finance (C3) Prize CR No. 12. CAPITAL MARKETS AND SECURITIES AUTHORITY PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner CMSA: Best Financial No Candidate qualified for the Award Management (B1) Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU 142 200,000 Award 11. DELOITTE & TOUCHE PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner DELOITTE & TOUCHE: No Candidate qualified for the Award Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize 13. KPMG PRIZES Name of Prize KPMG: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize 350,000 Amount 150,000 CR No. Amount 500,000 CR No. Amount 500,000 CR No. 532657 Amount US$100 14. ACCOUNTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE PRIZES The Office of the Accountant General offers special prize awards to candidates with excellent performance in the Board’s examinations. The awards worth Tshs.2, 440,000 are offered in each examination session. The conditions of winning the prizes are: A candidate must obtain an overall pass at a single sitting in the first examination attempt and must score a credit pass (60%) or above either overall, or in the subject be awarded a prize in the professional examinations as the case may be. Candidates winning the prizes for the November 2018 examinations are as shown below: Name of Prize AG’S: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU AG’S: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) Prize AG’S: Best Performance Management (B5) Prize No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award AG’S BEST CORE SUBJECT PERFORMANCE PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner AG’S: Financial Accounting (A3) Prize No Candidate qualified for the Award AG’S: Cost Accounting (A4) Prize MIRAJI COLMAN AG’S: Financial Management (B1) Prize AG’S: Financial Reporting (B2) Prize AG’S: Auditing Principles and Practice (B3) Prize AG’S: Corporate Reporting (C1) Prize AG’S: Business and Corporate Finance (C3) Prize AG’S: Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award JOAN TEMU CR No. 532657 500,000 500,000 CR No. 16. INNOVEX PRIZES Name of Prize INNOVEX: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize INNOVEX: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize No Candidate qualified for the Award JOAN TEMU Amount 30,000 334962 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 532657 15. NEXIA SJ TANZANIA ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS ADVISERS PRIZES: Name of Prize Name of Winner CR No. NEXIA SJ TANZANIA: Best Performance Management (B5) Prize NEXIA SJ TANZANIA: Advanced Taxation (C4) Prize Amount 800,000 100,000 Amount Employment 532657 Employment Name of Winner JOAN TEMU CR No. Amount 532657 150,000 JOAN TEMU 532657 150,000 17. CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL’S OFFICE PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner CAG: Auditing and Assurance Services (C2) No Candidate qualified for the Prize Award CAG: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize JOAN TEMU 143 CR No. Amount 1,000,000 532657 500,000 18. PEOPLE’S BANK OF ZANZIBAR PRIZE Name of Prize Name of Winner PBZ: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize JOAN TEMU 19. TANZANIA ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTANTS PRIZES Name of Winner TAA: Best Two ATEC Candidate Prize HAPPYINESS MASSAWE TAA: Best Two CPA (T) Candidate Prize 236280 ELVIN JULIUS 234741 50,000 JOAN TEMU 532657 100,000 534787 100,000 Name of Winner JOAN TEMU 21. WATUMISHI HOUSING COMPANY PRIZE Name of Prize Name of Winner WATUMISHI HOUSING CO: Overall Best HAPPYINESS MASSAWE Candidate in ATEC II Level Prize WATUMISHI HOUSING CO: Best Financial Management (B1) Prize WATUMISHI HOUSING CO: Best Performance Management (B5) Prize WATUMISHI HOUSING CO: Best corporate Reporting (C1) Prize Amount 500,000 Amount 50,000 NENGILANG'ET LOVILILO 20. RSM EASTERN AFRICA PRIZES Name of Prize RSM Eastern Africa: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize CR No. 532657 CR No. CR No. 532657 CR No. 236280 No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award No Candidate qualified for the Award Amount 500,000 & Employment Amount 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 22. TANZANIA ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS PRIZE Name of Prize Name of Winner CR No. TAWCA: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate JOAN TEMU 532657 Amount 100,000 23. GREEN MARK INTERNATIONAL PRIZES Name of Prize Name of Winner GMI: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize JOAN TEMU Amount 100,000 144 CR No. 532657 24. MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES PRIZE Name of Prize Name of Winner CR No. Amount Tshs. 300,000 & Employment MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: Auditing And Assurance Services (C2) Prize No Candidate qualified for the Award MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: Best CPA (T) Graduate Prize JOAN TEMU 532657 200,000 & Employment MAZARS WISCON ASSOCIATES: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize JOAN TEMU 532657 300,000 & Employment 25. BAKHRESA GROUP PRIZE Name of Prize Bakhresa Group: Best Level Accounting Technician II Prize Name of Winner HAPPYINESS MASSAWE 236280 Amount 200,000 26. THE HANIF AND NOOREEN HABIB PRIZE AWARD Name of Prize Name of Winner JOAN TEMU The Hanif and Nooreen Habib Prize Award: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize CR No. 532657 Amount 555,000 27. BAKERTILLY TANZANIA PRIZE Name of Prize BAKERTILLY TANZANIA PRIZE: Best Female CPA (T) Graduate Prize CR No. 532657 Amount 500,000 & Employment Name of Winner JOAN TEMU ____________________ 145 CR No.