100 Basic Japanese Words Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 食べる taberu to eat 初めて彼女と話した。 I talked to her for the first time. to eat Oishii mono taberu? • • Do you want to eat something delicious? 人生について話そう。 • • Let's talk about life. おいしいもの食べる? おいしい delicious; tasty もの thing; object; stuff たくさん食べてね。 • • Eat as much as you like. • • たくさん many; much; a lot 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 言う iu 初めて for the first time; first 彼女 she; girlfriend 人生 life 〜について about; concerning; as to; 仕事につい て話しましょう。Let's talk about work. しゃべる shaberu to speak; to talk; more casual and colloquial than はな す 朝まで友達 としゃべった 。 I talked with my friend until morning. 最初に名前を言ってください。 • • • Please say your name first. 彼はほとんどしゃべらない。 • • • He barely speaks. to say 最初 first 名前 name 〜てください please ___; 食べてください。Please eat. • • 朝 morning 〜まで to; till; until 友達 friend 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) ほとんど almost; nearly; mostly もっと大きい声で言って! Say it louder! • • • もっと more 大きい big; large; great 声 voice 書く kaku to write 自分の名前を書いてください。 Please write your name. 話す hanasu • 自分 oneself Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 1 • 名前 name もっときれいに書いて! Write it more neatly! • • もっと more きれい beautiful; pretty; clean 聞く kiku to hear; to listen; to ask 私の話を聞いて! Listen to what I'm saying! • • 私I 話 story; talk 最初に説明を聞いてください。 Please listen to the explanation first. • • 最初 first 説明 explanation; 説明する to explain • • 大事 important; serious 話 story; talk いる iru to be; to exist; to stay (used for people and other animals) うちには犬がいます 。 We have a dog at our house. • • うち home; family 犬 dog 日本に友達いる? Do you have friends in Japan? • • 日本 Japan 友達 friend 行く iku to go 読む yomu 東京に行きます。 I am going to Tokyo. to read 本、読んだ? • 東京 Tokyo Did you read the book? 学校行く? • Are you going to school? 本 book 問題をよく読んでください! Please read the questions carefully! • • • 問題 problem; question よく good; well; often; 日本によく行くます。I go to Japan often. 〜てください please ___; 食べてください。Please eat. • 学校 school 来る kuru to come 友達が遊びに来た。 A friend came to hang out. ある aru • • to be; to exist; to have (possession); to happen; to occur; (used for objects) 家に来る? うれしい事あったの? Did something good happen? • • • うれしい glad; happy 事 thing 〜の emphasizes a question 友達 friend 遊ぶ to play Want to come to my house? • 家 house; home 見る miru to see; to look; to watch; to check 大事な話があります。 目を見てください。 I have something important to discuss. Look me in the eyes. Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 2 • • 目 eye; ordinal number suffic (-th) 〜てください please ___; 食べてください。Please eat. 佐藤さん見た? Did you see Mr. Sato? • もっと more できる dekiru to be able to do; to be ready; to be made 思う omou 彼は仕事ができる。 to think; to believe; to feel; to expect • • うまい方法だと思う。 I think it's a good method. • • うまい delicious; tasty; good at 方法 way; method 私かわいいと思う? He's good at his job. いい本ができたね。 You wrote a good book. • • Do you think I am cute? • かわいい cute; nice; lovely 感じる kanjiru 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work いい good 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 分かる wakaru to understand to feel 人の心は分からない。 この仕事は面白いと感じた。 I find this job interesting. • • • この this 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 面白い interesting; fun; funny 目で見て心で感じる。 See with your eyes and feel with your heart. • • • 目 eye; ordinal number suffix (-th) 見る to see; to look; to watch; to check 心 mind; heart; thought; feeling 考える kangaeru to think; 考える often involves more careful thinking than 思う 心で感じて頭で考える。 Feel with your heart and think with your head. • • • 心 mind; heart; thought; feeling 感じる to feel 頭 head もっと考えて。 Think more carefully. You never know what a person is really thinking. • • 人 person; people; human being 心 mind; heart; thought; feeling いつ結果が分かるの? When are you going to find out the results? • • いつ when 結果 result 入る hairu to enter; to come in; to go in 早く家に入って! Hurry up and get in the house! • • 早い early; soon 家 house; home たくさん入るバッグだね。 What a roomy bag. • • たくさん many; much; a lot 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 3 don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 出る deru to go out; to come out; to attend 部屋から出て! Get out of the room! • • 部屋 room 〜から from; 日本から来ました。I am from Japan. I will be a mother soon. • • もうすぐ soon 母 mother 部屋がきれいになったね。 The room has been cleaned. • • • 二人で町を出よう。 部屋 room きれい beautiful; pretty; clean 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). Let us leave town together. • • 二人 two people 町 town; city 作る tsukuru to make; to create 入れる ireru おいしいもの作って。 to put in; to include • • ポケットに手を入れた。 I put my hand in my pocket. • 手 hand 犬を家に入れて。 Make something tasty. おいしい delicious; tasty もの thing; object; stuff いつ作ったの? When did you make it? • いつ when Take the dog in the house. • • 犬 dog 家 house; home 出す dasu to take out; to pay; to send (a letter) バッグからケータイを出した。 帰る kaeru to go home; to return 早く日本に帰りたい。 I want to go back to Japan soon. • • • I took my cellphone out of my bag. • ケータイ cell phone 父がお金を出した。 My father paid. • • 父 father お金 money なる naru to become; to get; to come; to do; to start; to do; to turn into もうすぐ母になります 。 早く soon; quickly 日本 Japan 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat. 楽しいから帰りたくない。 I do not want to leave because it is fun. • • • 楽しい pleasant; happy; enjoyable 〜から because; since: 雨だから行きません。I won't go because it's raining.; use だから with nouns and na-adjectives. 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat. 使う tsukau to use; to handle Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 4 もっと頭を使って! 店で、食べるものを買いましょう。 Use your head more. Let's buy something to eat at the store. • • • • • もっと more 頭 head パソコン使っていい? Can I use the PC? • • パソコン personal computer いい? Is it OK? 取る toru to take; to get; to have; to pass あの本取って。 終わる owaru to end; to finish 仕事が終わったから帰ろう I think I'll head home since I'm done with work. • • Take that book. • • あの that; those 本 book 明日、休みを取ります。 I will take a break tomorrow. • • 明日 tomorrow 休み holiday, a day off; rest; being closed 店 store; shop; restaurant 食べる to eat もの thing; object; stuff • 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 〜から because; since: 雨だから行きません。I won't go because it's raining.; use だから with nouns and na-adjectives. 帰る to return 全然、勉強が終わらないよ-。 I'm still far from finished studying. • • • 全然 (not) at all; utterly; completely 勉強 study; 勉強する to learn; to study 〜よー emphasizes a sentence 知る shiru 住む sumu to know to live あの店、知ってる? いつか大きい家に住む! Do you know that store? I'm going to live in a big house someday! • • 知らない町に行きたい。 • • • I want to go to a town I've never been to before. 二人で一緒に住もうよ。 • • Let's live together. あの that; those 店 store; shop; restaurant 町 town; city 行く to go 買う kau • • いつか sometime; someday; one day 大きい big; large; great! 家 house 二人 two people 一緒に together; with 乗る noru to buy どの車を買うの? to ride; to get on; to take (transportation) Which car will you buy? よく車に乗りますか? • • • Do you drive cars often? どの which; what 車 car; wheel 〜の? emphasizes a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? • • 車 car; wheel よく often そこに乗らないで! Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 5 Don't get on there! あの人は誰? • Who is that person? そこ there 変わる kawaru to change 時代はどんどん変わる。 The times change rapidly. • • 時代 time; era どんどん rapidly; fast; soon • • あの that; those 人 person; people; human being 誰も学校に行かなかった。 Nobody went to shool. • • 学校 school 行く to go いつ itsu 車、変えたの? Did you get a new car? • • 車 car 〜の? emphasizes a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? 持つ motsu when その車いつ買ったの? When did you buy that car? • • • • to have; to take; to hold その that 車 car; wheel 買う to buy 〜の? emphasises a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? 面白い本持ってる? いつ日本に来る? Do you have any interesting books? When will you come to Japan? • • • • • 面白い interesting; fun; funny 本 book 持ってる with 持つ、 you use the “てる” form to express present situations; 持ってる I have 日本 Japan 来る to come どこ doko このバッグ持って。 Hold this bag. • この this 何 nani what What is this? これ this 彼、何も言わなかった。 He didn't say anything. • • どこに遊びに行こうか? Where should we go to hang out? • • 遊ぶ to play 行く to go その本どこにあった? これ何? • where 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 言う to say; to speak; to talk 誰 dare who; whose; whom Where was that book? • • • その that 本 book ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 彼女 kanojo she; girlfriend 彼女に会いたいなー。 Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 6 I want to see my girlfriend. • • • 会う to meet; to see 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる+ たい =食べたい (I) want to eat. 〜な expresses emotions; emphasises the emotion; softens the sentence; often なー; 日本 へ行きたいな。I want to go to Japan; かわいいなー。 It's so cute. 彼女だれ? Who is she? • だれ who; whose; whom 彼 kare he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 彼、できた? Did you get a boyfriend? • できる to be able to do; to be ready; to be made; to be good at; e.g. 彼女ができる=to find a girlfriend、友達ができる=to make a friend 彼は子どもが好きだ。 しか shika only; just; no more than お金これしかないの? Is this all the money you have? • • • • 母しか知らない事です。 It is something only my mother knows. • • • • 子ども child 好き favorite; to like; to love 母 mother 知る to know 事 thing かも kamo maybe もう仕事終わったかも。 He might be finished with work. • He likes children. • お金 money これ this ない not; nonexistent; not being (there) 〜の emphasizes a question • • もう already; soon; again; strengthens expression of an emotion 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 終わる to end; to finish 彼は知ってるかもね。 なんか nanka He might know. such as; like; things like ...; or something like that; (conversation filler) • • • なんか食べる物ある? Do you have anything to eat? • • • 食べる to eat 物 thing; object; stuff ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals この店なんか感じ悪い。 There is something off-putting about this store. • • • • この this 店 store; shop; restaurant 感じ feeling; impression; atmosphere 悪い bad • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 知る to know 〜ている verb form to express continuation; 食 べる + ている = 食べている eating; てる is a colloquial version of ている 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see) 元気 genki well (health); energetic 母は元気です。 My mother is healthy. • 母 mother なんか元気が出ないよー。 I have no energy for some reason. Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 7 • • • • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) なんか such as; like; things like ...; or something like that; (conversation filler) 出る to go out; to come out; to attend 〜よ introduces new information; emphasises a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! He's good at his job • • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) できる to be able to do; to be ready; to be made; to be good at; e.g. 彼女ができる=to find a girlfriend、 友達ができる=to make a friend 好きな仕事をしたいな。 好き suki I want a job that I enjoy. • 好き favorite; to like; to love to like; to love • 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat. 本が好きです。 I like books. • 本 book どの国が好き? 生活(する) seikatsu (suru) (daily) life; 生活する to live Which country do you like? 一緒に生活しよう。 • • Let's live together. どの which; what 国 country 必要 hitsuyou necessary; (noun) necessity 必要な物を買いましょう。 Let's buy what is necessary. • • 物 thing 買う to buy • 一緒 together 生活は大変だった。 Life was hard. • 大変 serious; terrible; hard; difficult 上 ue top; above; up; on ペンを上に置いてください。 人生には友達が必要だ。 Please put the pen on top. Friends are an essential part of life. • 置く to put; to place; to leave • • • 〜てください please ___; 食べてください。Please eat. 人生 life 友達 friends 大変 taihen serious; terrible; hard; difficult 大変な日だった。 上を見て歩こう。 Look up as you walk. • • 見る to see; to look; to watch; to check 歩く to walk It was a hard day. 下 shita • below; under 日 day; sun 仕事、大変? ボールが車の下にある。 Is your work hard? The ball is under the car. • • • 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 車 car ある to buy 仕事(する) shigoto (suru) 下の子が生まれた。 work, job; (verb) to work A younger child was born. 彼は仕事ができる。 • 子 child Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 8 • 生まれる to be born 中 naka inside; in; into 部屋の中に入らないで! it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 家 ie below; under Don't go into the room. 彼女はほとんど家にいる。 • • She is almost always at home. 部屋 room 入る to enter; to come in; to go in 中に何があるの? What's inside? • • • 何 what ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 〜の? emphasizes a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? 外 soto • • • 大きい家に住みたいなー。 I want to live in a big house. • • • 大きい big; large; great 住む to live 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + た い = 食べたい (I) want to eat • 〜な expresses emotions; emphasises the emotion; softens the sentence; often なー; 日本 へ行きたいな。I want to go to Japan; かわいいなー。 It's so cute. outside 家の外で会おう。 Let's meet outside the house. • • 家 house; home 会う to meet; so see 彼女 she; girlfriend ほとんど almost; nearly; mostly いる to be; to exist; to stay; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 会社 kaisha company 外に出て! 会社に電話する? Get out! Are you going to call the company? • • 出る to go out; to come out; to attend 本当 hontou truth; right; really 本当の事を教えて。 Tell me the truth. • • 事 thing 教える to teach; to tell 本当に面白い本だね。 電話する telephone; call; 電話する to call (on the phone) 毎日、会社に行きます。 I go to work everyday. • • 毎日 every day 行く to go 学校 gakkou school It's a really interesting book. 学校は大変だよ。 • • • School is hard. 本 book 面白い interesting; fun; funny 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't • 大変 serious; terrible; hard; difficult 学校の友達と遊びたいなー。 I want to hand out with my school friends. Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 9 • • • 友達 friend 彼は大事な友達です。 遊ぶ to play He is a precious friend. 〜な expresses emotions; emphasises the emotion; softens the sentence; often なー; 日本 へ行きたいな。I want to go to Japan; かわいいなー。 It's so cute. • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) • 大事 important; serious 問題 mondai problem; question この会社は問題が多いですね。 This company has many problems. • • • • この this 会社 company; firm 多い many; much; a lot of 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 子供 kodomo child 子どもに勉強を教えています。 I am teaching the children. • • 勉強 study; 勉強する to learn; to study 教える to teach; to tell 子どもはいますか? Do you have children? • いる to be; to exist; to stay (used for people and other animals) 国 kuni 簡単な問題を作ったよ。 I made an easy question. • • • 簡単 easy 作る to make; to create; to cook 〜よ introduces new information; emphasises a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! country アメリカは大きい国だ。 America is a big country. • • アメリカ The United States of America 大きい big; large; great 先生 sensei いろいろな国に行きたいな。 teacher • • • 学校で先生と話した。 I talked to my teacher at school. • • 学校 school 話す to talk; to tell; to speak I want to go to various countries. • 私の先生です。 This is my teacher. いろいろ various 行く to go 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat 〜な expresses emotions; emphasizes the emotion; softens the sentence; often なー; 日本 へ行きたいな。I want to go to Japan; かわいいなー。 It's so cute. 友達 tomodachi 日本 nihon friend Japan いつも友達と学校に行きます。 日本はいい国です。 I always go to school with my friends. Japan is a nice country. • • • • • いつも always; always; all the time 学校 school 行く to go いい good 国 country ずっと日本に住んでます。 Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 10 I have always lived in Japan. Please raise your hand. • • • あげる to raise; to lift • 〜てください please ___; 食べてください。Please eat. 住む to live 〜ている verb form to express continuation; 食 べる + ている = 食べている eating; てる is a colloquial version of ている 話 hanashi story; talk 昔の話は聞きたくない。 I don't want to listen to stories of the past. • • • 昔 ancient times; in the past; once 聞く to hear; to listen; to ask; to obey 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat 目 me eye; ordinal number suffix (-th) 目がきれいですね。 Your eyes are beautiful. • • きれい beautiful; pretty; clean 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 目を見て話して! 大事な話があります。 Look me in the eyes when you speak! I have something important to tell you. • • 見る to see; to look; to watch; to check 話す to talk; to tell; to speak • 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). • • 大事 important; serious ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 人 hito 日 hi person; people; human being 面白い人だね。 day; the sun You're an interesting person. 楽しい日だったね。 • 面白い interesting; fun; funny It was a fun day. • 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 人が多い。 There are a lot of people. • 多い many; much; a lot of 手 te hand • 楽しい pleasant; happy; enjoyable 母の日っていつ? When is Mother’s day? 意味 imi meaning 意味わかんない。 I don't get it. • 分かる to understand; to see それ、どういう意味? 父は手が大きい。 What does it mean? My father has big hands. • • 父 father 大きい big; large; great 手を上げてください。 最初 saisho first Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 11 最初に説明してよ。 Explain first. • 説明 explanation; 説明する to explain 最初に会社に行こう。 Let's go to work first. • • 会社 company; firm 行く to go 最後 saigo 前 mae before; front; previous 前を見て歩いて! Look where you are going! • 歩く to walk 前から知ってた。 I have known for awhile. • • 〜から from; 日本から来ました。I'm from Japan. 知る to know 形 katachi last 最後に彼に会ったのはいつ? When was the last time you have seen him? • • • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 会う to meet; to see いつ when form; shape; figure 面白い形の車だね。 That car has an interesting shape. これ最後に食べる。 • • I will eat this last. いろんな形のパンを作ろう! 面白い interesting 車 car Let’s make bread in various shapes! 最近 saikin recently; lately 最近、仕事が楽しいよ。 Work has been fun lately. • • 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 楽しい pleasant; happy; enjoyable • • • いろんな various パン bread 作る to make; to create; to cook 一緒 issho together; with この店、最近できたよ。 友達と一緒に遊びたい。 The store was opened recently. I want to hang out with my friends. • • • • 店 store; shop; restaurant できる to be able to do; to be ready; to be made; to be good at; e.g. 彼女ができる=to find a girlfriend、 友達ができる=to make a friend 次 tsugi next; following; coming 友達 friend 遊ぶ to play 一緒においしい物を食べよう! Let’s eat something delicious together! • • • • 物 thing; object; stuff おいしい delicious 作る to make; to create; to cook 食べる to eat 次はどこ行く? Where are we going next? 心 kokoro • • mind; heart; thought; feeling どこ where 行く to go 次の日は仕事だった。 子どもの心がわからない。 The next day was work. I don’t understand what my child is thinking. • • • • 日 day; the sun 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 子ども child 分かる to understand; to see Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 12 心からうれしいと思う。 I can’t see your face well. I am happy from the bottom of my heart. • • • • • 〜から from; 日本から来ました。I'm from Japan. うれしい glad; happy 思う to think; to believe; to feel; to expect 気持ち kimochi before; front; previous よく good; well; often; 日本によく行くます。I go to Japan often. 見る to see; to look; to watch; to check 事 koto together; with なんかいい事あった? 犬の気持ちが分かるの? Did something good happen? Can you understand how dogs feel? • • • • なんか such as; like; things like ...; or something like that; (conversation filler) • • いい good ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 犬 dog 分かる to understand; to see 〜の? emphasizes a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? なんか気持ち悪い 。 There is something creepy about it. • なんか such as; like; things like ...; or something like that; (conversation filler) • 悪い bad (お)金 (o)kane money; お金 and 金 are both common, but お金 is more polite たくさん話す事があります。 I have a lot to talk about. • たくさん many; much; a lot • 話す to talk; to tell; to speak いい ii good 生活にお金がかかります。 いい名前だね。 It costs money to live. That is a good name. • • • 生活する life; 生活する to live かかる to take (time, resource); to cost; to hang 名前 name お金そんなに使わないで。 いい店知っているよ。 Don’t spend so much money. I know a good store. • • • • 使う to use; to handle そんな that; such そんな事はできない。I can't do such a thing. 顔 kao 店 store; shop; restaurant 知る to know 悪い warui bad face この人は悪い人です。 顔になんかついてるよ。 There is something on your face. • • • なんか such as; like; things like ...; or something like that; (conversation filler) つく to stick; to be stained with 〜ている verb form to express continuation; 食 べる + ている = 食べている eating; てる is a colloquial version of ている This person is a bad person. • 人 person; people; human being 悪い結果が出るかも。 There might be bad results. • • • 結果 result 出る to go out; to come out; to attend 〜かも perhaps; maybe 顔がよく見えない。 Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 13 すごい sugoi fantastic; wonderful; amazing; (adverb) very これ、すごいおいしい! This is so delicious! • • これ this おいしい delicious; tasty 全部分かるなんてすごい! It is amazing that you know all of them! • • 全部 all; whole; entire なんて such~; なんて大きなな家だ。 Such a big house; things like; 日本なんて行きたくない。I don't want to go to a country like Japan. 大きい ookii • 子ども child 高い takai high; tall; expensive 高い場所に行こう。 Let's go somewhere high up. • • 場所 place; spot; position 行く to go この店高いね。 This store is expensive. • • • together; with この this 店 store; shop; restaurant 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 大きい会社だね。 It is a big company. • 会社 company; firm • 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 子ども大きくなったね。 低い hikui short; small; low 声、低いね。 Your voice is deep. • • The kids have really grown up. • 子ども child • なる to become; to get; to come; to do; to start; to do; to turn into 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). • 声 voice 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 水は低いところに行く。 Water flows to the lowest point. • • • 水 water ところ place; point; part; aspect; area 行く to go 小さい chiisai 安い yasui good cheap シンガポールは小さい国です。 安い車はありますか? Singapore is a small country. Are there any cheap cars? • • • 国 country 子どもはまだ小さいです。 The children are still small. • まだ yet; still; まだ帰れない。I can't go home yet. 車 car; wheel ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals この店安いね。 Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 14 This store is inexpensive. • • • この this 店 store; shop; restaurant important; serious important; serious 多い ooi many; much; a lot of この町は大学が多い。 There are many universities in this town. • • • この this 町 town; city 大学 university 最初は覚える事が多いよ。 There's a lot to learn in the beginning. • • • • 最初 first 覚える to learn; to remember; to memorize 事 thing 〜よ introduces new information; emphasises a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! 少ない sukunai • • • すごい fantastic; wonderful; terrible 分かる to understand; to see 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). あの店よく行くの? Do you go to that store often? • • • • あの that; those 店 store; shop; restaurant 行く to go 〜の? emphasizes a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? かなり kanari a lot, considerably 町までかなり歩くよ。 It's a long walk to town. • • • • 町 town; city 〜まで to; till; until 歩く to walk 〜よ introduces new information; emphasises a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! 仕事かなり大変かも。 few いい店って少ないよね。 There aren't many good stores. • • • いい good 店 store; shop; restaurant 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn't it?; don't you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 今は子どもが少ない。 There aren't many children now. • • 今 now 子ども child The work might be pretty hard. • • • 結構 kekkou adv. quite, fairly; na-adj. good 結構お金かかるね。 It costs quite a lot of money. • • • よく yoku good; well; often すごい、よく分かったね。 Wow, I'm impressed you knew that. 仕事 work, job; 仕事する to work 大変 serious; terrible; hard; difficult 〜かも perhaps; maybe お金 money かかる to take (time, resource); to cost; to hang 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 部屋、結構きれいだったよ。 The room was pretty clean. • 部屋 room Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 15 • • きれい beautiful; pretty; clean 〜よ emphasizes a sentence 少し sukoshi すぐ終わるよ。 I will finish soon. • • a little; a few このお店少し高いね。 The store is a little expensive. • • • • この this 店 store; shop; restaurant 高い high; tall; expensive 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 少しだけ勉強する。 I am going to study for a bit. • • 〜だけ only; alone; merely 勉強する study; 勉強する to learn; to study ちょっと chotto (just) a little bit; (conversation filler) ちょっとだけ食べたいな。 I want to eat a bit. • • • 〜だけ only; alone; merely 食べる to eat 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat. この本ちょっと面白いよ。 This book is kind of interesting. • • • • この this 本 book 面白い interesting; fun; funny 〜よ emphasizes a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! すぐ sugu immediately; right away すぐ会社に来て! 終わる to end; to finish 〜よ introduces new information; emphasises a sentence; 朝だよ! It's morning! まだ mada yet; still まだ帰らないの? Aren't you going home yet? • • 帰る to return 〜の? emphasises a question: 本当にできるの? Can you really do it? この本まだ読んでない。 I haven't read this book yet. • • • この this 本 book 読む to read いろんな ironna various いろんな家に住みたい。 I want to live in various houses. • • • 家 house; home 住む to live 〜たい verb form to express desire; 食べる + たい = 食べたい (I) want to eat. いろんな本読むんだね。 You sure read a variety of books. • • • 本 book 読む to read 〜ね shares information or experiences; softens a sentence; expects an agreement; isn’t it?; don’t you?; 雨だね。Oh, it's raining (as you can see). 例えば tatoeba for example; such as Come to work right away! 大きいもの、例えば家です。 • • Something big, like a house. 会社 company; firm 来る to come Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 16 • • • 大きい big; large; great もの thing 家 house; home 例えば、彼ならどうする? For example, what would he do? • • • • 彼 he; boyfriend (also 彼氏) 〜なら if, in case: 雨なら行きません。I won't go if it's raining; as for; 東京ならよく知ってます。I know a lot about Tokyo. どう how; what; どう思う?What do you think? する to do; to make; to decide on; to choose 特に tokuni especially; particularly 特に言う事はありません。 I don't have anything in particular to say. • • • 言う to say; to speak; to talk 事 thing ある to be (existence); to have (possession); to happen; use ある for objects and いる for people and animals 特に犬が好き。 I especially like dogs. • • 犬 dog 好き favourite; to like; to love Did someone share this with you? Check out https://www.japanesevocabularyshortcut.com/ for more vocabulary lessons. 17