Uploaded by prashast bhardwaj


Data Science With Python in 2021
by prashast1
As you will progress in data science with python training also learn how to use data science speci c libraries in
program, you will get to know the below things
Python eg. Frequently used libraries in data cleaning like
NumPy, pandas, spicy, groupby, merge; data plotting
Statistics for data science Basic data cleaning techniques libraries like matplotlib, seaborn; machine learningfor model building Converting your raw data into a
based modules available inside scikit learn for building
machine consumable format Working principle of
various regression and classi cation based algorithms,
machine learning models and their applicability
libraries to check model accuracy like confusion matrix,
Understanding the parameters required for checking
MSE, RMSE, Natural Language-based libraries like NLTK,
model accuracy Deploying the model to make it
genism, VADER. These will help learners with applied
available as a service Maintaining the model over a
data science with python
period of time With respect to the above steps, you will
Data Science With Python in 2021: Page 1