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Communication Activity: Context, Tech, & Function

Name: ​Dianne Andrea D. Saligumba
Year and Section : ​BSCS-1C
Student Number: ​202011001
Date Submitted: ​Sept. 28, 2020
Activity #1
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Identify a context in which you find it easy and difficult to communicate. Explain
why. What do you think is its implication?
● I have difficulty when it comes with physical context where communication
literally takes place because I depend my interaction on the place or
situation involved. For instance, I get to observe my own surroundings first
before I ought to talk to somebody for some reason. I often examine the
people around me and look for the right place or moment to change
conversations with them. I am reserved anyway. While on the other hand,
I get easily in touch with the psychological context where my mood or
feelings over anything else is highly obtained. I communicate with other
people and exchange thoughts influenced by what I’m currently feeling on
that situation.
2. How do new technologies of communication affect your interactions?
● Modern technology is a great medium for communication. In fact, this
provides us the fastest and hassle-free way to interact and communicate
with other people even at different places. It is now more easy for us to
talk with our friends and family who live in far places. Communication is
now suitable for everyone owning technology mediums like smartphones. I
can easily access various social media platforms where I can simply have
conversations with the people around me.
3. List down all the communication episodes you had today. Categorize each
episode according to the function of communication it serves. ( at least 10 )
Communication Episode
Function of Communication
1.) Peer Conversations
We communicate to develop
2.) Counseling
We communicate to enhance or
maintain our sense of self.
3.) Seminars/Trainings
We communicate to influence others.
4.) Virtual Forums
We communicate to exchange
5.) Online Consultation with Health
We communicate to meet needs.
6.) Online Meetings/Classes
We communicate to meet needs.or/
We communicate to exchange
7.) Family Hour (Conversations)
We communicate to exchange
We communicate to develop
We communicate to fulfill social
8.) Church Meetings
We communicate to fulfill social
We communicate to meet needs.
9.) Neighborhood Conversations
We communicate to develop
10.) Chatting with virtual friends
We communicate to develop
We communicate to exchange