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Power Thyristors & Rectifiers: Current Status & Advances

E. Spenke and P. Voss
Siemens A G, Werk Halbleiter, Frankfurter Ring 152, 8000 Miinchen 46, F. R. Germany
This review is mostly concerned with the
thyristor. Recent advances in thyristor
technology are described, e.g., the consequences of the introduction of silicon
starting material that is homogeneously
doped by means of neutron irradiation, new
surface treatments that improve surface
stability against electrical breakdown and
electron irradiation as a means to control
carrier lifetime. The turn-on of thyristors and plasma spreading are discussed
with special attention given to two-stage
designs, interdigitation and light firing.
A section on thyristor turn-off is predominantly devoted to gate-assisted turnoff. In another section special arrangements
like two terminal pnpn-structures are desc~ibed. Finally the special aspects of
power rectifiers are treated.
Over the years power semiconductor technology has reached a high degree of maturity
and now progresses at a steady pace. With
the thyristor the development goes essentially in two directionsl towards larger
areas and towards better dynamio properties. The gain in area is exploited either
to increase the current capability or to
raise the blocking voltage. The development
of rectifiers goes essentially in parallel
except for the fast turn-off devices.
In the case of the thyristor we will go
into some detail when we try to illuminate
recent advances in technology and design.
Emphasis in this review will be on the thyristor, but much of what is said in oonnection with this devioe applies to rectifiers
as well. For a more detailed description
of the topics treated in this paper we refer to the review articles of Gerlach and
Kohl (1), Herlet (2), Spenke (3), Leturcq
(4), Mattera (5) and Gerlach (6).
Even though thyristors have become very
versatile, from the standpoint of applications there can be no doubt that the
standard thyristor still leaves some important features to be desired. The main
drawbacks are
the lack of gate turn-off
the slow turn-on and turnoff properties.
There is continuing effort to develop thyristors that can be turned off, but
currently more work seems to be assigned
to improving the dynamic properties and to
bringing the other thyristor parameters
closer to the principally feasible limit.
When we look at the thyristor market, we
have on the one end the vast range of lowcost devices, mostly in the low and medium
voltage range. Relatively recent developments. in this field are the power modules
and the fast turn-off (10 fa) devices with
repetitive blocking voltages around 500 V
at elevated junction temperatures, as desired for the use in battery operated
At the other end we have the high-priced
state-of-the-art devices which often find
only very limited application. In Fig. 1
we have plotted for reverse blocking and
reverse conducting devices in the current
range between 100 A and 800 A the currently available maximum forward blocking
voltages versus turn-off time.
Over the last two years the limit of the
repetitive peak voltage of commercially
available thyristors was raised beyond
3 kV. On the other hand a number of lowvoltage fast thyristors was introduced
that have turn-off times as low as 10 fS.
Newcomers are medium-fast high-voltage
reverse blocking thyristors with typical
turn-off times around 50 ps and repetitive
peak voltages up to 1800 V. High-voltage
reverse conducting thyristors can be even
faster, since thinner silicon wafers can
be employed for these. Many of the devices
listed in Fig. 1 are interdigitated structures.
The diagram gives an idea of the trade-offs
one has to take today. The future might
bring a shift of these curves to somewhat
higher voltages as larger silicon wafers
are introduced. Both curves could in principle shift parallel along the turn-off
E. Spenke and P. Voss
time axis to about half the value of the
turn-off time whenever gate assisted turnoff is feasible. An extension of the
curves to turn-off times beyond 800 fS
appears not very likely, in view of the
demands for phase-control devices.
pelk yoltlg<
low doped n-base (Fig. 2 b) and that, in
addition, there has to be some separation
from the opposite p-emitter to reduce the
cur~ent gain~pnp. Since the forward conducting characteristic and such dynamic
properties as plasma spreading velocity
are adversely affected by any increase in
width of the bases 1 ), this separation has
to be kept as small as possible.
The extension of the space charge region
at junction breakdown and hence the breakdown voltage VB itself are coupled to the
doping of the n-base, i.e., to the resistivity qn of the starting silicon (see,
e.g., SZE (9)). For diffused junction the
dependence can be expressed as
VB ~
Diameter : Di.m.II'
c38mm I
c •
where c is a proportionality constant.
500 fU 1000
Turn-off time
Maximum blocking voltage vs.
turn-off time of commercial
thyristors. The curve for reverse conducting thyristors
contains only one point. The
drawn slope indicates that revers~ conducting thyristors
can have approximately twice
the blocking voltage of reverse blocking thyristors for
the same turn-off time (see
Fig. 4 and the accompanying
text in section 2.1.3).
Not included in Fig. 1 are the large and
the giant phase-control high-current thyristors with diameters between 65 mm and
102 mm (de Warga and Mungenast (7)), as
used in the welding and in the chemical
industries. These devices with blocking
voltages ranging from around 1300 V down
to 600 V have current ratings somewhere
between 1600 A and 3000 A, respectively.
In reviewing some of the recent advances
of thyristor design and technology we will
proceed at first along a line which corresponds in many ways to the path the designer has to take in order to arrive at
the desired results. He would, e.g., start
out by choosing the proper starting silicon
that meets his needs for the intended blocking voltage for a given set of compatible
current and dynamic parameters.
2.1 Blocking Voltage
2.1.1 Bulk-limited blocking behavior. The
blocking voltage of a thyristor is determined either by its bulk or by its surface properties. Depending on the design
of the thyristor, the bulk blocking voltage
can in turn be limited either by junction
breakdown or by punchthrough (Herlet (8)).
Most thyristors are designed to have a
blocking voltage slightly below the breakdown voltags of the junctions. This means
that the space charge region supporting
the voltage has to extend freely inside the
Homogeneously doped silicon
Spoc:I chorgo
Inhomog""oully dope-d silicon
SpICI chorgl
Fig. 2
Schematic representation of
the influence of the doping
of the n-base on the space
charge region
(a) distribution of fieldstrength for case (b);
(b) homogeneously doped nbase;
(c) inhomogeneously doped
n-base which has to be
wider than in case (b).
Doping of the starting silicon is usually
performed during the crystal pulling process. This results in nonuniformities of
the resistivity across the silicon slices
and in variations from slice to slice.
The extension of the space charge region
inside the devices varies accordingly
(Fig. 2 c). In order to compensate for
this, it is necessary to make the n-base
overly wide.
1) See Section 2.3.2
Current status of power thyristors and rectifiers
The problem of doping variations and inaccurate doping has recently been overcome by the introduction of a new doping
method which takes advantage of a nuclear
reaction of the isotope Si-;O with thermal
neutrons (Tanenbaum and Mills (10); Schnoller (11) I Berman and Berzer (12) I Janus and
Malmros (1;); Baas and Schnoller (14)).
Silicon is transmuted into the dopant
;OSi (n,,) ;1 Si4 31 p.
Using this method a very uniform and accurate doping can be achieved.
The first devices to benefit from this doping process were phase-control thyristors
with repetitive peak voltages up to 3,5 kV
as they are used in high-voltage de systems
and motor controls. Though similar devices
had been around before (Ogawa, Kamei and
Morita (15)), it was the advent of the new
starting material that allowed a large
scale production of such devices with high
In the meantime it has been realized that
the homogeneously doped silicon can also
be profitably used with other devices, although it is still slightly more expensive
than conventionally doped silicon. As the
tendency is right now, it seems that neutron-irradiated silicon will soon be employed exclusively for most high-power devices and possibly for many low-power devices as well.
2.1.2 Surface breakdown. Besides demanding
tighter controls of the diffusion processes,
the increase in voltage has made the problem of surface breakdown more critical.
Surface breakdown can be safely prevented
for one polarity by applying a positive
bevel at the respective blocking junction.
For the other polarity, which is usually
that in forward blocking direction, a low
angle negative bevel is used (Davies and
Gentry (16); Cornu (17); Bakowskyand
Lundstrom (18)). The purpose of the bevel
is to spread the space charge region at
the surface and thus reduce the field
strength there. The double bevel has become the standard edge contour for largearea devices (Fig. 3 a).
Deep moat (small devices)
~\ I
- , '
Fig. ;
housed in a hermetically sealing case.
Bere the single or double deep moat in
combination with glass passivation is
more and more becoming the usual (Fig. 3b).
The glass provides for the surface charge
that is necessary in this case to obtain
a spreading of the space charge region
near the surface and it seals the junction
hermetically from the environment.
2.1.3 The npinp-thyristor. If the blocking voltage of a thyristor would be the
only parameter of importance, it could be
significantly raised beyond the level of
today's thyristors by increasing the resistiVity and the width of the n-base.
But there are other aspects to be considered, like forward voltage drop,
current carrying capability, surge current
capability and thermal stability, furthermore a string of dynamic requirements with
respect to turn-off time, plasma spreading, di/dt-capability etc. Therefore, it
seems unlikely that the blocking capability of today's reverse blocking thyristors will be significantly surpassed in
the future.
One way to get beyond these limits is to
sacrifice the reverse blocking capability.
Especially in chopper circuits, the reverse blocking capability is often not
needed. In this case it is expedient to
replace the slightly doped n-base of the
npnp-structure by a double layer consisting of an almost intrinsic i-region and a
highly doped n-region (Fig. 4, Tsurushima
and Kataoka (19); Gerlach and Kohl (1);
Kokosa (20); Crees, Nichols and Wood (21);
van Iseghem (22)). By this measure the
structure of the pn-b~ses is changed to
that of a pin-diode. 2 j
- L_ _
=fE]_[J. {G~_0=
Forwlrd directton
Fig. 4
Surface contours
Also very critical for the surface breakdown properties is the proper coating of
the junct±ons. This holds true particularly for low-power devices where double
beveling is economically infeasible and
costs dictate a trend towards low-cost
encapsulation where the device is not
Space charge regions in npnp and
npinp-structures with no n-emitter
shorts. In the npinp-struc~ure the
reverse blocking capability is
sacrificed almost entirely in favor of an enlarged forward blocking capabil1 ty.
The p-emitter is sometimes supplied with
distributed shorts. This improves the
blocking characteristios at high temperatures (Gerlach and Kohl (1); Kokosa
E. Spenke and P. Voss
At the bottom of Fig. 4 the position of
the space charge regions and the corresponding field distributions under forward and
reTerse blocking conditions, respectively,
are indicated. The top of Fig. 4 gives the
case of the npnp-structure for comparison.
In the intrinsic region the high field
strength remains almost constant, whereas
in the slightly n-doped base of the npnpstructure it falls off about linearly to
zero. Correspondingly, the forward blocking voltage is approximately doubled in
the first case, while the dynamic properties stay the same. For details on the
performance of npinp-structures see
Gamo (23); Okamura (24) •
2.2 Carrier Lifetime Control
One of the crucial steps during the production of thyristors is the adjustment
of the carrier lifetime. This step is
first of all performed in order to set the
desired turn-off time of the device. A controlled amount of recombination centers is
introduced for this purpose. Setting the
carrier lifetime is very critical, because
the lifetime affects several static and
dynamic properties and a careful balance
is needed to obtain an optimum device.
2.2.1 Thyristor properties affected by
carrier lifetime. Some of the effects to
be considered are:
1. A decrease of the carrier lifetime under high injection conditions accelerates
the decay of stored charge at turn-off and
thus reduces the turn-off time. Turn-off
time amounts to approximately ten times
the carrier lifetime.
2. Depending on the thickness of the base
regions, carrier lifetime may strongly influence the on-state voltage drop. Fig. 5
shows the dependence of the on-state voltage drop on the carrier lifetime with the
total width of the base regions as a parameter (Burtscher, Dannhauser and Krausse
(25)). At low carrier lifetime the onstate voltage drop rises very sharply.
3. The decrease of minority carrier lifetime in the neutral zone of the n-base under static blocking conditions (see Fig.
2 b) reduces the current gain cLpnp of the
pnp-transistor section. For this reason,
as the lifetime is lowered, the blocking
voltage may in principle reach values closer to the junction breakdown voltage
(Fig. 6, at high currents).
4. Especially at high temperatures, this
beneficial effect may be more than offset
by an increase of the generation current
inside the space charge region (Fig. 6, at
low currents).
It is essentially a matter of the tolerable
current level (e.g., 11 or 12 in Fig. 6)
which one of the cases 3. and 4. becomes
more important.
volt.g. drop
2. 01 +-----lr---+lr---+--+Jf-------l------j
2d-totll b... width
Fig. 5
10 2
10 3
Dependence of the forward voltage drop on carrier lifetime
at a current density of 200 A/cm 2
(Burtscher et al. (25)). Turnoff time is taken to be seven
times carrier lifetime.
High carrier
Fig. 6
Schematical representation of
the influence of the carrier
lifetime on the forward and
reverse blocking characteristics
2.2.2 Methods of carrier lifetime control.
The most widely used method to control
carrier lifetime in thyristors and silicon
devices in general is the diffusion with
gold (Bullis (26)). The properties of gold
as a recombination center are such that it
allows one to build thyristors with turnoff times below 10 ~s with an economically
acceptable forward voltage drop. Gold does,
however, have several disadvantages: it
causes high generation currents, it may
change the doping level and it is strongly
gettered by other dopants like phosphorus
and by crystal dislocations. In general
this causes an uneven distribution of the
gold in axial as well as in lateral dimensions and makes reproducible production
rather difficult. This holds independent
Current status of power thyristors and rectifiers
of whether the-thyristor is a low-voltage device wi th a turn-off time of 10 ps or a highvol tage one with a turn-off -time of 400 p.s.
A strong contender to replace gold are recombination centers produced by electron
irradiation damage (Tame ja and Bartko (27) ;
Rai-Choudhury, Bartko and Johnson (28)).
This method of lifetime control offers one
particular advantage: lifetime adjustment
can be performed on the otherwise finished
device and if necessary, on an individual
basis. This is a convenience that can improve the yield noticeably. Annealing of
the centers starts at temperatures around
250 0 C. Devices manufactured in this fashion
are commercially available. Turn-off times
of these devices range down to 10 ps. General properties do not seem significantly
different from those doped with gold, as
far as one can judge from published data
(Chu and Donlon (29)).
2.3 Dynamic Processes
Having treated some parameters that can be
considered along one- or two-dimensional
cross-cuts of thyristors, we will now turn
to those thyristor properties that in all
their consequences can only be considered
in three dimensions. Such properties are
plasma spreading, turn-on and turn-off. In
this context we will also treat the shorted
2.3.1 The shorted n-emitter. Every modern
thyristor contains some kind of local nemitter shorts (Fig. 7). Such shorts are
needed to decrease the n-emitter efficiency at low emitter currents. This is
necessary in order to fix a minimum gate
current below which the device does not
turn on and in order to prevent an ungated
turn-on that may arise from currents
either thermally generated inside the
space charge region or generated by rapid
changes in the voltage across the device
(dv/dt turn-on). The shorts provide an
exit for these currents (Fig. 7) so that
the lateral voltage drop underneath the
n-emitter reaches at no location the
value initiating turn-on. This value isof
the order of 0.5 V (Frohmader (30)).
Fig. 7
tain fraction of the total area is allotted
to the shorts, a dense pattern of fine
shorts is more effective than a more widely
spaced pattern of large dots (Burtscher
and Spenke (32)).
While the forward voltage drop at high
current densities is within limits only
slightly affected by the degree of nemitter shorting, other thyristor parameters may be influenced very adversely
by the shorting. This holds true primarily for the plasma spreading behavior.
2.3.2 Lateral plasma spreading. Lateral
plasma spreading is a thyristor property
that is implicit in several thyristor
parameters, e.g., in the static and in
the dynamic on-state characteristics and
in the di/dt-limit. Experiments have
shown that the velocity of plasma spreading increases with rising current density, increasing carrier lifetime and rising temperature. It decreases as the total
width of the bases becomes larger and the
amount of emitter shorting is increased
(Mapham (36); Longini and Melngailis (37);
Gerlach (38); Ruhl (39); Somos and Piccone
(40); Terasawa (41); Matzusawa (42);
Rosch (43); Yamasaki (44)).
One widely used method: to detect plasma is
the observation of the infrared recombination radiation emitted from the current
carrying area through perforated electrodes
(Gerlach (38); Somos and Piccone (40);
Yamasaki (44); Voss (45)). Fig. 8 shows an
example of such an observation. In this
case a gated infrared converter was used
(45). The six dark beams that become
visible at longer times are current terminals. The device investigated was a
1300 V-thyristor with an emitter diameter
of 28 mm and a turn-off time of 25 ps. The
photographs show that the edge of tne
turned-on area is clearly defined. The
edge bulges between the emitter shorts
visible here as a radial pattern of dark
dots. The total spreading time is above
200 fS.
n-emitter shorts
Fig. 8
The shorted emitter has lately been given
increasing attention (Ghu (31); Burtscher
and Spenke (32); Strack (33) ; Hartmann (34) ;
Munoz-Yague and Leturcq (35)). Evidently,
the more the- n-emitter is shorted, the
more the resistance against unwanted turnon will improve. If we assume that a cer-
Infrared observation of plasma
spreading in a thyristor (VDIlM =
1300 V, tq = 25 ps) with perforated electrOdes for a constant
current of 600 A. Distance between observation holes: 0.5 mm.
The six beams visible at 200 ~s
are current terminals.
E. Spenke and P. Voss
In thyristors with shorts, plasma spreading is an oscillating acceleration and deceleration in the areas between shorts.
Fig. 9 gives an evaluation of the spreading velocity versus the radius for a thyristor with a circular arrangement of
shorts (Strack (33)). Especially during
toe passage of the first two rows of
shorts the spreading is severely delayed.
Pllltm•• pr'~inTV_Y'_loc_it_y
l...L.-----.--'..L..-_----'-'---......L-L-L.JL....-_ _--j
Fig. 9
Influence of n-emitter shorts
on plasma spreading (Strack (41)).
Double-dashed lines indicate
location of shorts that are
arranged in a circular fashion.
Fig. 10 gives another evaluation of a set
of measurements by which the influence of
the emitter shorts and that of lifetime
doping was studied. Spreading velocity is
plotted versus current density. These thyristors had identical thickness and went,
except for the gold diffusion through
identical process steps. Similar curves
have been published by other investigators (39), (4 1 ), (42), (44).
PI..... spro.dinV velocity
t mm/,..
1 11
1 11
... -,
I , I
_No''frt~=j:'~ __ •
No short•. w~h gol~ .....
-- ..../
With shorts. no ~Id
.. lllli~
With iOI"ith\Vold
40 60 80 100
400 600 1000
Fig. 10
.... V
But this correlation depends also on
other parameters. In Fig. 11 on the left
hand side one sees thyristors which have
short turn-off times inspite of their fast
spreading velocity. This is reached on
account of the blocking voltage which is
lower for these thyris.ors than for the
thyristors on the right hand side.
Fig. 11 shows the result of spreading velocity measurements on a variety of thyristors with different blocking voltages,
corresponding to different overall thicknesses, for a current density of 500 A/cm 2•
Obviously, the spreading velocity decrease.
significantly as the blocking voltage is
raised •
1O. 2+
ties, in this case around a value of
0.11 mm/~s. For the thyristors with
shorts and with low carrier lifetime, the
velocity decreases markedly. The lowest
velocity is obtained for the combination
of both. But it is just this combination
that one has to choose if o~e wishes to
have a short turn-off time 3J.
Alcm 2 4000
Curr.nt density
Influence of emitter shorting and gold diffusion on
~lasma spreading. Thyristors
l VDRM - 1650 V) went through
identical processing steps
except for the gold diffusion.
The curves in Fig. 10 indicate that for
these thyristors the spreading velocity
almost saturates for high current densi-
Plasma spreading velocity
t mm/"".
TImes given are
turn- ft times
Fig. 11
kV 5
Ropeli!iYe pe.k Yollege
Plasma spreading velocity
(T ';>; 23°C) in thyristors with
different blocking voltages
at a current density of
500 A/cm 2
For high-current, high-voltage thyristors
that due to their relatively poor forward
conducting performance are necessarily
large-areas devices (~50 mm diameter),
plasma spreading may become a limiting
factor even in phase-control applications.
In such cases one may have to resort to
interdigitated arrangements, a topic to
which we will return later (
2.3.3 Thyristor turn-on Primary turn-on. In its initial
phases, thyristor turn-on follows its own
rules and has to be considered separately
from pure plasma spreading. Gated turn-on
takes place at the edge of the n-emitter,
adjacent to the gate. It has been established by means of different experimental techniques (Gerlach (38); Piccone and
3) See Section 2.3.4
Current status of power thyristors and rectifiers
Somos (46); Voss (45), (48); Cordingley
(47)) that the turn-on often occurs only
in one or a few narrow spots. Fast rising
currents, especially when reaching high
levels, may overload these spots and thus
cause thermal destruction.
For this reason, most high-current thyristors are nowadays equipped with some
kind of two-stage gate design. All designs make directly or indirectly use of
an auxiliary thyristor. The benefits from
the auxiliary thyristor are two-folds
when properly designed, it turns on the
main thyristor very uniformly. Furthermore, the initial turn-on area is relieved very quickly, since the auxiliary
thyristor usually carries the major part of
the load current only less than a microsecond.
Fig. 12 shows as an example the turn-on
sequence of a high-voltage thyristor with
a concentric amplifying gate, as observed
with a gated image converter (Voss (45)).
The corresponding voltage and current
waveforms are depicted in the osoillograph. Time is oounted from the end of
the turn-on delay, i.e., from the time
when the steep voltage fall sets in. The
relative exposure times are given in
Fig. 12
2 3 ....s
0.1 ....s(40)
Turn-on of an amplifying
gate thyristor. Numbers in
parentheses indicate relative exposure times.
The photographs show that during the turnon delay phase both thyristors, the auxiliary as well as the main thyristor, draw
the load ourrent quite uniformly (0.0 ~s).
Current ohannels then form very suddenly
in the auxiliary thyristor, whereas the
ourrent flow in the main thyristor re-
mains uniform. After two mioroseoonds the
load current already flows predominantly
through the main thyristor and the auxiliary thyristor begins to turn off. The
design oonditions that ensure such an
initial turn-on at the auxiliary thyristor have been investigated by several
authors (Voss (48); Kokosa and Wolley
(49); Silard and Marinesch (50)).
Even though the two-stage gate arrangements have not proved to be indestruotible
under arbitrary gating and operating conditions, when properly laid out and
operated they have made it possible to
meet almost any di/dt-requirement. Interdigitation. As we have
mentioned before, the plasma spreading
velocity is low in high-voltage devices
and in those low-voltage devices that
have a short turn-off time. Since the
latter devices are to be operated at high
frequencies, it became necessary to fit
large-area devices with distributed gates
in order to be able to make use of the
full area and 1n order to reduce turn-on
A combination of interdigitation and a
gate of the amplifying gate type has
proved to be of particular advantage.
This is due to the fact that the auxiliary
thyristor in any kind of two-stage gate
arrangement is not only a source of high
gate current for the main thyristor, but
also effects a strong reduction of the
voltage across the device before the main
thyristor turns on. At reduced thyristor
voltages there is no longer a tendency to
form current channels. In fact, the turnon at low voltages can be uniform for
typical distributed gate lengt~of 30 to
40 cm even if the gate current amounts
only to a few amperes.
In Fig. 13 the turn-on of an interdigitated thyristor with a repetitive peak voltage of 900 V and a turn-off time of 10 fS
is shown. Turn-on of the auxiliary thyr~­
stor is not very uniform. The turn-on of
the main thyristor, however, is almost
completetely uniform.
Two of the emitter finger electrodes at
the bottom right of Fig. 13 are supplied
with observation holes. It is apparent
from the photographs in Fig. 13 that full
turn-on is accomplished after about 25 ~s.
The same result is obtained from a
measurement of the dynamio forward voltage drop under oonstant current conditions (Fig. 14). The static voltage
drop is reached shortly after 25 FS'
Such measurements of the dynamic forward
voltage drop are a very easy way of determining plasma spreading properties in
general as long as one oan assume homogeneity over the area. From comparing
such measurements with infrared observations we have found this to be a le-
E. Spenke and P. Voss
gitimate method, except for an initial
time interval of the order of 10 ~s after
turn-on, depending on the type of device.
Fig. 13
Turn-on and plasma spreading in
an interdigitated thyristor with
amplifying gate. Two of the
emitter fingers at the bottom
right of this figure have observation holes in order to observe plasma spreading. Numbers
in parentheses give relative
exposure times.
",. 40
Fig. 14
Oscillographs of voltage and
current vs. time for thyristor
shown in Fig. 13. Turn-on with
low voltage applied. Voltage
approaches the static value of
2.05 V shortly after 25 ps.
Interdigitation is as yet mostly used in
fast and medium-fast thyristors, i.e., in
thyristors to be operated at frequencies
up to around 10 kRz. At these applications
where the turn-on and plasma spreading
losses become very significant, the provision of _sufficient data for the user poses a major problem for the manufacturer.
The permissible load conditions for each
application case have to be meticulously
calculated on the basis of the more or
less well known physical Froperties of the
devioes (Tobin and Wu (51); Somos and
Piccone (52», taking into account the
soatter in each variable with good judgement of its respective influence. Light firing. Interest has lately
been revived in the direct light firing
of thyristors. Direct light firing promises some major advantagesl the carriers
initiating turn-on are generated in the
bulk of the device and the gating circuit
can be completely insulated electrically
from the thyristor by means of glass fibers. Such separation is particularly useful in any application where several thyristors are operated in series, as is the
case, e.g., in high-voltage dc-systems and
whenever there is danger of capacitive
pickup in the gate circuit.
The general feasibility of direct light
firing has been realized almost as long
as the thyristor exists. However, the concept of the directly fired thyristor was
not further pursued, mainly for lack of
suitable light sources and transmitters.
This situation has now changed, as neodymium-lasers are in existence and as semiconductor light emitting diodes and lasers
have become more reliable. A number of papers have recently been published on development work on light activated thyristors (Grekhov, Levinshtein and Sergeev
(53); Davis (54); Davis and Roberts (55);
Silber and Flillmann (56); Silber, Winter
and Flillmann (57); de Bruyne and Sittig
(58); Temple and Ferro (59».An extensive
review of this topic is given by Gerlach
At it stands, development seems to be
headed in two directionsl one development
effort is directed towards devices that
make use of the carrier generation in the
bulk, in order to achieve an instant turnon of large areas, as is necessary for devioes used in high-current pulse applications. In these cases the high light
flux from neodymium lasers is utilized to
swamp the bulk with carriers (53) - (55).
The main aspect of the second path of development is the eleotrical insulation of
the gate circuit of thyristors for normal
applications, i.e., in any kind of converter. For such applications the cost of the
light souroe should be as low as possible for the
arrangement to be oompetitive in price.
Currently GaAs-LEDs with a low light flux
and standard optical fibers are used. Thus,
these thyristors have to be extremely
light sensitive while all other properties like dv/dt- and di/dt-capability and
a short turn-on delay time have to be retained. Different solutions have been
published for gate structures that come
close to this design goal (56) - (59). Further improvements are to be expected once
semiconductor lasers have proved their
long term reliability and can be reduced
in price.
One possible realization of a light fired
thyristoris shown in Fig. 15 (Silber (56), (57».
Not the whole arrangement is light~fired
but only an auxiliary thyristor, the
Current status of power thyristors and rectifiers
2.;.4 Thyristor turn-off
2.;.4.1 Non-Assisted turn-off. The normal
n-emitter of which is penetrated by the
Opti••Uy fired
IUlililry thyriltor
ESESi£\iu_'f("'@ES25 \
Fig. 15
Light fired th~istor
(Silberetal.l56). (57))
One basic design feature of another highly
light sensitive device (de Bruyne and Sittig
(58)) is shown in Fig. 16. In this devioe
the forward blocking junotion is interrupted. because it is curved and thus extends
to the upper surface of the silicon slice.
The opening at the upper surface is kept
so small that the space charge region fills
it completely at voltages above approximately 100 V. Hence there is no problem with
passivation. Within the opening the light
can be radiated directly into the space
charge region. This increases the quantum
efficiency to values close to one.
large-area thyristor can only be turned off
by reducing the applied voltage to zero or
to negative values. In the latter case the
current reverts until the reverse bloc~ing
junction begins to block. One of the major
shortcomings of the thyristor is its relatively long turn-off time. i.e •• the time
that has to pass before the forward blocking capability is reestablished. This behavior is caused by the fact that not all
the stored charge that is built up during
the forward conducting stage can be removed
by external means during the reverse blocking stage.
Once the maximum reverse blocking voltage
is reached. the quasi-neutral cloud of charge
carriers remaining in the base regions outside of the space charge region can only
be extracted inasmuch as holes reach the
space charge region by ambipolar diffusion.
The rest has to disappear by means of recombination to a degree that the current
generated when the forward voltage is reapplied flows predominantly into the nemitter shorts and hence does not turn on
the device (Fig. 17).
$pie. ch.rg.
Fig. 17
Fig. 16
Light activated thyristor in
which the space charge region
extends to the upper surface
(de Bruyne and Sittig (58))
In this device the curved pn-junotionleads
to a reduced forward blocking voltage in
the region of curvature. The reduction can
be controlled by the width of the opening
at the upper surface. Therefore. if the device is used as an auxiliary thyristor in
a two-stage gate arrangement. it may be
safely fired by exceeding the breakover
One of the crucial factors that will determine the long term success of highly
sensitive light activated thyristors will
no doubt be their turn-on delay behavior.
Turn-on delay times should not be significantly lQnger than for gated turn-on. The
published results appear promising.
especially if one takes into aocount that
one may be able to replace the LEns by
semiconductor lasers.
Turn-off time; current flow
during recovery of forward
blocking voltage
The fact that there is still some stored
charge inside the device at the recurrence
of the voltage distinguishes this case
from that of pure dV/dt turn-on. where
one starts from thermal equilibrium with
its low carrier concentrations. But otherwise the situation is quite similar. The
more the n-emitter is shorted. the shorter the turn-off time will be. The turnoff time can thus be adjusted by means of
the carrier lifetime as well as by emitter
shorting. However. as pointed out before.
lifetime reduction and emitter shorting
have to be applied with c~re. if acceptable
on-state g~aracteristics5) and good plasma
spreading ) properties are to be retained.
2.;.4.2 Gate assisted turn-off (GAT). One
way that has been suocessfully tried to
withdraw high currents out of the p-base
5) See Section 2.2 and Fig. 5
6) See Section 2.;.2 and Figs. 9 and 10
E. Spenke and P. Voss
during the r~currence of the forward voltage, without impairing other thyristor
properties, is the application of a negativ voltage gate pulse (New, Frobenius,
Desmond and Hamilton (60); Raderecht (61);
Brewster and Schlegel (62); Schlegel (63);
Shimizu, Oka, Funakawa, Gamo, Iida and
Kawakami (64)). This method is called gate
assisted turn-off (GAT). It is commonly
used for low-power thyristors that are
operated in TV deflection circuits at frequencies up to around 20 kHz. Turn-off
times are reduced by more than 50 %.
Values as low as 2.5 FS can be obtained
for 800 V devices. It should be pointed
out that the negative gate pulse has little
effect on withdrawing charge as long as
the reverse blocking voltage is applied.
Therefore, it suffices to apply the negative voltage shortly before the thyristor voltage reaches positive values
(63), (64).
assisted turn-off thyristors have been
operated at frequencies up to 100 kHz (61).,
2·3·4·3 Gated turn-off (GTO). One step
further than GAT is gated turn-off (GTO).
From the standpoint of operation the only
difference between the two modes is that
for GTO the negative gate current is raised to such a level that the thyristor
will turn-off even when in the forward
conduction mode. In practice the GTO-thyristor requires a much more carefully
balanced design than the GAT-thyristor,
especially when a high turn-off gain is
desired (Wolley (65); Wolley, Yu,Steigerwald and Matteson (66); Kao and Brewster
(67); Becke and Neilson (68)). A review
of the current status of GTO-thyristors
is given by Okamura (24).
Available GTO-thyristors have maximum
current ratings around 10 A, whereas
values as high as 200 A have been reported for laboratory samples (66). One of
the main obstacles slowing the appearance
of GTO-thyristors on the market appears
to be their property to go into second
breakdown when improperly operated.
2.4 Special Arrangements
Fig. 18
We will now turn to devices that deviate
in some aspect from the usual thyristor
design, but are either directly derived
from the thyristor structure or resemble
the thyristor in their electrical properties.
Turn-off time; current flow
during gate-assisted mode
The maximum negative voltage that can be
applied is limited by the breakdown voltage of the n-emitter pn-junction. This
voltage is usually of the order of 20 V.
G.te current
Anode yoltage and current
Glte assist pulse
Fig. 19
Gate assisted turn-off. Gate
pulses with respect to anode
voltage and current transients
For large-area devices dense interdigitation is a prerequisite for this mode of
operation. Gate assisted turn-off of such
arrangements has been described by several
authors (60)-(64). In (62) it was found
that the losses in the GAT-mode at forward
recovery may equal the turn-off losses. Nevertheless, as the TV-example shows, GAT
has its merits where a fast turn-off is of
prime importance. In radar equipment gate-
2.4.1 Two-terminal pnpn-structures (Reverse switching rectifier, breakdown
diode). Two different designs of twoterminal pnpn-power devices have been
marketed, the reverse switching rectifier (RSR) (Gardenghi, Hooper and Zimmermann (69); Gardenghi (70)) and the highvoltage Shockley (breakover) diode (BOD)
(Schroen (71)). The RST is a device that
is turned on in forward direction by
means of a high dV/dt. For this mode of
operation it is essential that the critical dv/dt is well surpassed. The high capacitive current then acts like a distributed gate current which turns on large
areas of the device. This can be particularly useful in applications where high
di/dt-values arise. Devices with a di/dtcapability of 2500 A/fs up to values of
5000 A have been reported.
The high-voltage breakover diode is a lowpower device 'used for over-voltage protection of high-power high-voltage thyristors. The device is turned on by exceeding the breakover voltage. In a highvoltage thyristor, breakover turn-on will
usually be destructive, unless the di/dt
and the current are strongly limited.
Though the breakover di/dt-capability can
be much improved with special thyristor
designs (see Voss (72) and references
there), this has so far not led to a
practical device. The BOD is in principle
Current status of power thyristors and rectifiers
not a high-di/dt-device, but rather profits from being connected externally to
the main thyristor (Fig. 20). This allows
an effective current limiting (e.g., by a
resistor) in the path from the auxiliary
BOD to the main thyristor gate.
Brellkover diode
Main thyristor
Fig. 20
Principle of externally
connected Shockley breakover diode
2.4.2 Integrated devices (reverse conducting thyristor). Integration of several
power devices into a single silicon chip
has as yet proved to be useful in only a
few cases. The most widely accepted concept is the already treated two-stage
gate of various design in which an auxiliary thyristor is employed. Another concept is the integration of a thyristor
and a diode in antiparallel, an arrangement which is commonly called the reverse
conducting thyristor (Gerlach and Kohl (1);
Kokosa (20); Yatsuo, Kamei, Terasawa,
Ogawa, Wajima and Morita (73)). Since the
reverse blocking capability is not exploited in this case, the thyristor section can be a npinp-structure (see Fig. 4).
Reverse conducting thyristors may therefore have dynamic properties that cannot
be achieved with reverse blocking thyristors. For example, a combination of
2500 V repetitive peak voltage with a
turn-off time of 30 ps is possible (compare Fig. 1). A review on the state of the
art of reverse conducting thyristors is
given by Gamo (23).
2.4.3 Power modules. In the current range
up to 50 A, power modules with many individual devices combined in one case on an
electrically insulated mounting plate
have become quite common. Several manufacturers use glass passivated chips that
can also be acquired as single unencapsusalted elements. Current ratings of mo~
dules are also steadily increasing and
have now reached values of 120 A average
current per thyristor in units containing
two thyristors. It is foreseeable that
this may still just be the beginning of
the rise in the current ratings of modules. If the trend remains as it is,
power modules are likely to displace
stud-mounted thyristors in many applications.
2.4.4 Triacs. Advancement with triacs
(Gentry, Scace and Flowers (74)) has as
with most thyristors proceeded on the
general technological level. While the
triac has found widespread use in lowpower phase-control applications, the use
of high-power triacs is still limited,
due to their inferior commutation dv/dtcapability, when compared with an arrangement of two thyristors in antiparallel.
Typical maximum ratings of currently
available high-power triacs are 1000 V,
200 A, in conjunction with a commutation
dV/dt of 50 v/~s.
The commutation problem may be overcome by
the light-activated triac (Yatsuo, Konishi,
Sugawara and Wazima (75)), the schematic
of which is shown in Fig. 22. The device
has a central funnel-shaped groove into
which the light from a LED is coupled. In
this way the triac exhibits a very similar
turn-on behavior for both polarities,
while the two sections can be decoupled
better than in the gate fired triac.
Pulse- . . .
Pulse- •
Fig. 22
Diode AnodeL
Reve,se biased thy,istor
Reve,se biased thy,isto,
non conducting
Fig. 21
Reverse conducting thyristor;
npinp-thyristor with integrated
\ "\7' /
\ /
Schematic representation
of light activated triac
(Yatsuo, Konishi, Sugawara
and Wazima (75))
The technology of power rectifiers is very
similar to that of thyristors. This is the
reason why rectifier development often
has become an offshoot of thyristor development. Just as with the thyristor, the
trend is toward higher voltages, higher
currents and higher turn-off speed. Rectifiers with voltage ratings of 5 kV are now
E. Spenke and P. Voss
sold by many manufacturers, in part with
the extra bonus of exhibiting avalanche
capability. For applications in the welding and the chemical industries rectifiers
with diameters up to 76 mm are available
(Rai-Choudhury, Kiggins and Pittmann (76);
de Warga and Mungenast (7)).
Many of the developments currently under
way are aimed at medium and high frequency applications. We will become
accustomed to reverse conducting thyristors and probably also to gate-assisted
turn-off thyristors.
Development of fast high-power rectifiers
is impeded by an increasing demand for softrecovery characteris~ics, i.e., for a lack
of snap-off behavior. This requires a design that is not optimized with respect to
the blocking voltage and the current carrying capability. For a p+nn+-rectifier exhibiting soft recovery the n-base has to
be approximately twice as wide (Fig. 23)
as would be necessary for a snap-off pinrectifier (Cordingley (77) ; Porst (78)). The
current rating decreases correspondingly.
The authors would like to thank P.L.
Hower and P. Rai-Choudhury of Westinghouse Electric Co. and Y. Sato of Fuji
Electric Co. for their help in gathering
the material for this paper and A. Herlet
for his contributions to this paper.
( 1)
Soft recovery
Fig. 23
J. de Warga and J.E. Mungenast,
IEEE IAS Meeting 1974, p. 261 and
IEEE IAS Meeting 1976, p. 69
Snapp-off and soft recovery
In the low-voltage range bipolar rectifiers compete with Schottky-diodes.
Schottky-diodes are now available with
ratings of 45 V and 60 A at 0.6 V forward
voltage drop for reverse recovery times
of 150 ns. However, bipolar rectifiers
have become equally fast. Ion implanted
diodes with a blocking voltage of 150 V
and a forward voltage drop of 0.45 V at
100 A in conjunction with 75 ns reverse
recovery time have been reported.
( 11 )
( 12)
We have tried to show that semiconductor
power devices are still in their full
flow of development. Blocking voltages
have reached the 4 kV level for thyristors and the 6 kV level for rectifiers.
Thyristors are manufactured with diameters of 102 mm" rectifiers with diameters
of 76 mm. A further increase appears
possible in principle; however, the
question arises where all the power to be
handled by such devices is going to come
This question is, of course, already acute
with some of devices having diameters
around 75 mm. Today's market is able to
absorb only relatively few such large devices, and it remains to be seen where the
compromise will be between high developmental costs on the one side and the future market on the other.
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(61) P.S. Raderecht, Intern. J. Electron.
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(62) J.B. Brewster and E.S. Schlegel,
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Dev. ED-23, 888 (1976)
(64) J. Shimizu, H. Oka, S. Funakawa,
H. Gamo, T. Iida and A. Kawakami,
IEEE Transact. Electr. Dev. ED-23,
883 (1976)
(65) E.D. Wolley, IEEE Transact. Electr.
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(7 1 )
E. Spenke and P. Voss
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T. Yatsuo, T. Kamei, Y. Teras~a,
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F.E. Gentry, R.I. Scace and J.K.
Flowers, IEEE Proceed. 22, 355
T. Yatsuo, N. Konishi, Y. Sugawara
and K. Wazima, IEEE Power Electr.
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P. Rai-Choudhury, T.R. Kiggins, P.F.
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B.V. Cordingley, lEE Intern. Conf.
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