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Essay on Tolerance: Definition, Importance, and Education

Mario O. Villar Jr.
In-depth essay about of “Tolerance”
Tolerance is a broad topic referring to the capacity to acknowledge diversity and
to “exist” and allow others to live. An individual having a high tolerance would have the
option to rehearse a reasonable and target conduct towards those whose viewpoints vary
from his viewpoint. Every individual has his view on how he defines the word,
“tolerance” since every person is a unit of society. As stated in an article named
arabnews.com (2016) that tolerance is a fundamental law of Islam and that It is a
religious moral duty. Furthermore, they have added that Muslims live tolerance in reality.
The Qur’an and Sunnah urge us to be tolerant and forgive others. In my point of view,
this is essential to living a healthy and tranquil lifestyle. We exist in a world with a
mixture of rich cultural traditions from different parts of the world and this points to the
significant differences among the individuals. We are obliged to interact with other
people of differing cultures, traditions, nationalities, and races.
Tolerance does not have to be described or use the word, “endurance” to another
party because when a person is tolerant, he or she accepts people who are unlike them or
put up with stuff they don't like, one is considering and acquiring knowledge from others,
valuing their contrasts, dismissing uncalled for preconceptions, bridging cultural
dissimilarities, and making bonds to other individuals without any distractions. They do
show strength in a way they deal with something different from their own. The
fundamental right of each individual is the right to life itself. As I have mentioned,
tolerance is something that is built into our behavior neither accepting any other kinds of
behaviors. Basically, those behaviors inclined with the opposite of wanting to be treated
with respect should not be tolerated.
A lack of tolerance can lead to ignorance and fear. Sticking to one self’s values is
fairly considerable, but it can mean more sense to assess the self, particularly if they can
affect others. It has to be clear that everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and
values and that these essential to be accepted. If one wants to live in a peaceful society,
then definitely, there is no available as another possibility or choice to tolerance. A
person does not have to desire the same music as his or her friends or meals they prefer
eating, dress the same way as their own. But he or she might want to be free to learn
about those differences with no issues being presented. As Helen Keller says, “The
highest result of education is tolerance”, then in conclusion, “Quality” education and
constant issuing of resources spread tolerance in the society and it straightly guarantees
the strength of a society.