IoT & Smart Building Technology Class Test 1 – Revision Lecture Lecture 1 Key Learning Points Smart Nation To have a smart nation, we need an array of sensors, which are interconnected via computer networks Building up “Smartness” Necessary “preconditions” for change Areas in which change is most beneficial Actionable units of change Things don’t happen overnight, especially largescale, nationwide stuff. Sometimes, a lot of infrastructure have to be in place before nationwide IT initiatives can happen or be effective. Key Enablers “Things” that made these possible are called “enablers” Enablers of enablers: High rate of computing device ownership Highly computer literate population High penetration of internet access (via fiber, 3G/4G, WiFi hotspots) The areas that in which “smart nation-building” will have the most impact on its citizens are the Key Domains. Key Domains Identifying key domains can help to segregate and distribute resources needed to achieve targets in these areas. Some examples of Key Domains include Transport Home and Environment Business Productivity Health and enabled Aging Public Sector Services Transport Home & environment Business productivity Health and enabled ageing ENABLERS Facilitating smart solutions Nurturing a culture of experimentation and sustaining innovation Investment in Research & Development Living laboratory Industry and Start-up ecosystem Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Building computational capabilities Public sector services Initiatives are actual action on the ground to push forward specific part of the nationwide agenda of smart nation. Initiatives Each initiatives will target specific groups within each key domain. Initiatives are the “actionable item” of the overall “smart nation-building” and makes large, complex program manageable by executing them in “bitesize” • Assistive Tech & Robotics • HealthHub Portal • National Steps Challenge • Tele-Health • Contactless Payment Solution • FinTech “SandBox” • Public Service at Fingertips • Informed of our Environment • Smart Homes Health Living Services Mobility • Contactless Fare Payment • Data Analytics & Transport • Mobility-ondemand • Self-driving Vehicle Tech & Research Devices connected to the Internet exchanging data and performing tasks with minimal human intervention IoT – Internet of Things 1. Data generated How IoT Works 2. Data captured 3. Data analyzed 1. 2. 3. 4. Current data Archived data Trends and pattern matching Turned into information 4. Done automatically - almost Link anybody or anything to anything else, anywhere in the world at any time Potential Example - Connected car What can IoT do? - Analyse engine parameters and anticipate failures - Owner is able to carry out pre-emptive maintenance - Impacts society as the car will not break down on the road, causing jams Smart Fridge linked to major supermarkets can… More Potential IoT Applications Pre-empt when the milk runs out, based on your habits Let you order your milk online before you run out Tell you which stores are having a discount Warn you that the milk is going to expire You can scan the milk packaging directly via the fridge when you first put the milk into the fridge Or if you order online, the milk’s expiry is automatically updated to the fridge’s computer upon delivery… Activity: What kind of technology does a smart fridge need to have in order to achieve this? Fridge is linked to internet via wired or wireless connection Software will need your ID and authorisation for online delivery; parental control Vendors need to offer online delivery to home Some possible answers Integrated online payment system from fridge to bank to vendor Weight/Pressure sensors in milk, bottled/packaged drink compartment to detect “full/empty level” as well as collect data for trend analysis CPU with AI to analyse and track consumption patterns “X-code” scanner for milk packaging; Businesses need to include expire date in “X-code” as industry practice Issues in Availability Where we are right now Issues in Security Where we are right now Issues in Data Privacy Where we are right now - Strava keeps track of >3 trillion GPS data points and aggregates them on their site - This included military personnel in secret army bases, if they use the “default privacy settings” - The data is publicly available for everyone to see Lecture 2 Identify various electronics components and symbols Learning Objectives Draw basic electronic circuit diagram Layout basic electronics circuit on a breadboard Control electronic circuit operation with an Arduino Electricity will always flow from higher to lower potential (voltage) The voltage/potential drop across a component is can be found by applying the basic formula, V= IR Electronics 101.1 where V = Voltage, I = current (ampere or A), and R = resistance (ohms or Ω) This is also known as Ohm’s Law The GND or common is usually of lower potential as compared to the power source (i.e. battery, USB port) In a series circuit, voltage is distributed, current is shared • Resistors have no polarity • Resistors comes in a few standard values, like dollar denominations Resistors • Resistors are thus colour coded so we can tell their resistance value • LEDs gives out light when enough electricity passes thru it in the right direction LED – Light Emitting Diode Different coloured LEDs are made from different semiconductor compound and require slightly different voltages (e.g. red uses Gallium(III) phosphide, while blue uses Zinc selenide) • Typical voltage for LEDs Red, orange, yellow: 1.9 to 2.1 V Green and blue: 3.0 to 3.4 V Violet, pink, purple, white: 2.9 to 4.2 V Top and bottom rows are horizontally connected, and are often called the power rails as they are used to carry power to all the components on the board Breadboard Layout The middle columns are vertically connected, and are where your sensors and other components go Parts of note • USB Port • GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) Pins • Digital pins (top) can take digital input only (on/off) • Selected digital pins can produce analog output (those indicated "~") • Analog input pins (bottom) can take in and decode varying voltages The Arduino A circuit diagram shows how electronics components are connected in a simplified pictorial form There are standard symbols used in a circuit diagram Circuit Symbols and Diagrams A circuit diagram can always be translated onto a breadboard, but the actual wiring maybe more complicated than the diagram Circuit diagrams are also called schematics My First Circuit Diagram A button switch is a common electronic component used to control electricity flow manually and may be used to activate or deactivate certain function by simply pressing the button to “close” the circuit. The button switch Pin 2 5V The button switch Connecting the pushbutton for the Arduino to read is a little different from before. Build the following circuit – We will explain each part in greater detail later. 10 kΩ GND 29 The button switch 30 The resistor pulls the reading down to ground when it is disconnected The button switch If a pin is not pulled, it gives undefined, noisy results – This is known as floating The resistor prevents shorts, and allows the 5V to safely "override" it 31 Lecture 3 Learning Objectives Describe the various parts of an Arduino System Describe the program structure of an Arduino Sketch Read and Modify sample Arduino Sketch • The “brain” of the Arduino board is a small, low power computer processor, called a microcontroller The Arduino – Microcontroller • The one on the Mega board is a ATmega2560 microcontroller, running at 16MHz. • Pins on the Arduino board are physically connected to “pins” on the microcontroller The pins are used for collecting information from the real world (input) and controlling “devices” (output) The Arduino Family • A sketch is the name that Arduino uses for a program/code. Arduino Sketch • It's also the unit of code that is uploaded to the Arduino’s EEPROM (memory) which is then run on the microcontroller • EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Meaning once uploaded, even if you turn off the power, the code will remain in the memory (ROM), akin to a harddisk. Compared to RAM (Random Access Memory) on PCs, Laptops, Consoles that will lose its content without power. An Arduino Sketch will always have the 2 default functions below: Setup () – used to initialise pins and connected device state Sketch Structure This function will be run exactly once and only once It will always run when the Arduino board is first powered on As long as the Arduino board is not powered down, it will not run again It will always run before loop() Loop() – runs the main bulk of the program logic, inputs/outputs Always runs after setup() has completed Will keep running forever unless code stops the process or Arduino is powered down Arduino programming is largely involved with working with the GPIO pins Pins can be used for input or output common arduino operations Output: Arduino sends information into the real world Input: Arduino takes information in from the real world Pins can exchange analog or digital information Digital: Information only representing two stages (on/off, true/false) Written as HIGH or LOW Analog: Information represents a range of values (e.g. 0 – 255; 0 – 1023) 38 Within the setup() function, we need to declare which pins are to be used as inputs and outputs. If we omit this step, the pins may not behave correctly! common arduino commands pinMode(pinNum, mode); E.g. pinMode(13, OUTPUT); Sets Pin 13 as an output pin E.g. pinMode(2, INPUT); Sets Pin 2 as an input pin 39 To switch a pin on or off, use the digitalWrite() function common arduino commands digitalWrite(pinNum, value); On the Arduino, Pin 13 is connected to an on-board LED. To switch it on, we could say: digitalWrite(13, HIGH); 40 Write code to make your in-built LED blink activity: blinking LED To help you, use the delay function, which makes your program pause for x milliseconds delay(x); 41 To read to see if a pin is receiving power, we use digitalRead(). The value is returned, so store it in a variable for further processing. common arduino commands int reading = digitalRead(pinNum); In our previous example, you can check the state of the pushbutton by reading pin 2. int reading = digitalRead(2); 42 if (pinFiveInput < 500) { // do Thing A } Conditional Statement Example else if (pinFiveInput >= 1000) { // do Thing B } else { // do Thing C } So far, we have been working in the digital domain – Where values are only HIGH or LOW. If we want a range of values (e.g. To dim an LED), we have to use analog control. analog output Analog output is only available on pins marked "~" (ie. Pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11) To produce analog output, write: analogWrite(pinNum, amount) Where amount is a value ranging from 0 to 255. 44 Certain controls also provide analog input Use the A0 to A7 pins to read these analog values analog input Use the analogRead() function: int reading = analogRead(pinNum); 45 The potentiometer has three pins The two outer pins are connected to two ends of a resistive wire The middle pin, called the wiper, makes contact with the resistive wire, and can be rotated Thus, we form a variable resistor between the wiper and either of the output pins potentiometer We can also form a potential divider by connecting the circuit in the manner shown The wiper will give a varying voltage when it is rotated GND A0 5V 46 Lecture 4 Also known as a photo resistor or LDR (light dependent resistor) Resistance will vary with amount of light falling on the light-sensitive element Common application: Light Sensor Mobile phone screen brightness control Turn on the headlight on a car when it is dark Light Sensing module Light Sensor Setup – Potential Divider Serial Communication Arduino communicates with many sensors modules via serial communication Serial communication sends data one at a time thru a single channel of communication, compared to parallel with sends multiple The Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal that communicates by receiving and sending Serial Data. Serial Port Setup and Initialisation void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ if (Serial.available() > 0){ //… do something } } The Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal that communicates by receiving and sending Serial Data. Serial Port Reading and Writing int data; void loop(){ if (Serial.available() > 0){ data =; Serial.println(“Data Received:”); Serial.print(data); } } Sometimes you code did not work as expected and the Arduino complier does not complain about it because it is not a syntax error Using Serial Monitor for debugging One of the ways to check and test for logic error is to use the Serial Monitor Initialise serial communication even if your program does not need it, but using Serial.begin() The, at strategic places in your code, insert a serial.print(“xxx”) statement to show the progress of your code and/or values of certain variables at that point in the execution The Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal that communicates by receiving and sending Serial Data. int LoopCounter; Serial Monitor for Debugging Example //…other code Serial.println(“Beginning of loop”); Serial.print(“LoopCounter value = ”); Serial.println(LoopCounter); //…other code Serial.println(“Reading temperature sensor”); LoopCounter++; //…other code Sometimes, the output is not the final result we want, but it allows us to know that we are going things right or the process is functioning as intended. Output as Feedback This kind of output is what we call Feedback, and is very helpful for troubleshooting during development. It is also useful in both the physical and digital world Example of output as feedback Movement of the timer knob on a heating oven Lift floor display Hourglass icon/cursor in Windows Sensors are electronic devices that measure physical phenomena, like intensity of light (light sensor/meter), weight and pressure (physical and air), sound (microphone/sound meter), temperature (thermometer), orientation (gyroscope), motion (accelerometer), etc. Sensors Input and Output Therefore, Sensors are Input devices Actuators are electro-mechanical that generate motion, like servo motor, dc motor, etc. Therefore, Actuators are Output devices Light (LED), and Sound (speakers) are other common output medium If we do not need to output something physically, we just output to a computer display or just save the data to the harddisk IR Distance Sensor PIR Sensor module Presence and Distance Sensors Ultrasonic Presence sensor LIDAR IR Presence sensor Sensitive to the IR (Infra Red) wavelength (heat) radiated by the human body at ~10um, roughly 37C Has two sensing elements. When one sense a difference in heat compared to the other as a warm body passes thru, it will register a “hit”. PIR (Body Heat) Sensor Body Heat Sensor module Emits a chirp of sound and measures how long it takes to "bounce" off a surface Ultrasonic Sensor We can use v = d ÷ t to calculate the distance, since we know: v (speed) is the speed of sound t (time) is what we have measured d is the total distance travelled by the chirp of sound Note that we have to divide d by two because the sound makes a round trip forward and back void setup() { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Trigger pinMode(3, INPUT); // Echo } Ultrasonic Sensor Code void loop() { // Give the TRIG pin a pulse to activate the sensor digitalWrite(2, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(2, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(2, LOW); // Measure the length of time in which the ECHO pin is HIGH long duration = pulseIn(3, HIGH); float distance = (duration*0.034) / 2.0; Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.println(distance); delay(500); } Position and Orientation Sensors Potentiometers Tilt Sensor Digital compass or gyroscope Accelerometer Flame Sensor Temperature Sensor A thermistor is a device that changes its resistance with temperature. These sensors are easy to interface, but they respond slowly to changes. Flame sensors are tuned to detect open flames such as lighters and candles These sensors use semiconductor technology to detect changes in temperature TMP36 This is calibrated to 10mV per °C with a 500mV offset, ie. Temperature (°C) = (Voltage Detected – 0.5) × 100 Voltage detected = (Analog Reading × 5) ÷ 1024 void setup() { pinMode(A0, INPUT); } Temperature Sensor Code void loop() { int reading = analogRead(A0); float voltage = (reading * 0.5) / 1024.0; float temperature = (voltage – 0.5) * 100; } Humiture is a combination of temperature and humidity and is a better gauge of relative human comfort compared with either value alone. Humiture Sensor At low humidity, even if the temperature is higher, the human body is less likely to perspire and thus remains more comfortable Conversely, at high humidity, one can feel “sticky” on the skin even when temperature is moderate Humiture Sensor module Can sense toxic gas from burning and smoke due to chemically reactive elements of the sensor More sensitive at higher temperature, as high as 200-300C Can adjust built-in potentiometer (variable resistor) to define sensitivity threshold Gas Sensor Gas Sensor module A bend (flex) sensor is a thin strip of plastic that changes its resistance as it is bent. A force-sensitive resistor (FSR or force sensor) changes its resistance depending on the magnitude of force applied to its surface. FSRs are designed for small amounts of force like the pressure from a finger, and they are available in different shapes including long strips and circular pads. Touch and Force Sensors Loadcells are sensors that measure high pressure or weight from kilograms to tons. A flex sensor cannot be used for heavy weight because it will break under these conditions Flex sensor on the left, load cells on the right An integrated sensor that measures the air pressure and temperature, and uses these two metrics to provide an estimated altitude value Requires the Adafruit sensor library (provided in the kit’s download) Digital Barometer Digital Barometer module Sound Sensor A microphone is the simplest and most common device used to detect and measure sound. Sudden changes in volume are the easiest sound elements to read, but processing the sound wave with software (or special hardware) makes it possible to detect specific frequencies or rhythms. A microphone usually requires extra components to amplify the signal before it can be read by a microcontroller Piezo electric film sensors, commonly used in speakers and microphones, can also be used to detect sound. There are two kinds of sensor limitations Firstly – Noise Noise refers to small, random errors that are inherent to sensors We can account for noise by averaging values Second – Context-Dependent Sensor Limitations A sensor can only detect what it is designed to detect, and can't give us additional information about the context of the environment For example, the body heat sensor actually just reacts to the specific range of heat (at roughly 37C), and does not really know if an actual person has passed by. If we can create an artificial heat source at around the same temperature, the body heat sensor will still trigger as if a person has passed by. Furthermore, even if it is indeed a “living” body that passed by, it cannot tell whether it is a human being or an animal. All sensors have limitations and constraints, and knowing what they are will help the designer to make practicable adjustment that will improve its use