Entropy and Gibbs free energy 1. Spontaneous Change A spontaneous change is one that occurs without a continuous input of energy from outside the system. All chemical processes require energy (activation energy) to take place, but once a spontaneous process has begun, no further input of energy is needed. 2 A nonspontaneous change occurs only if the surroundings continuously supply energy to the system. 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l) 2H2O(l)→2H2(g) + O2(g) If a change is spontaneous in one direction, it will be nonspontaneous in the reverse direction. 3 DH Does Not Predict Spontaneous Change Ba(OH)2 ·8H2O(s) + 2NH4NO3(s) → Ba2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + 2NH3(aq) + 10H2O(l) DHθ = +62.3 kJ water This reaction occurs spontaneously when the solids are mixed. The reaction mixture absorbs heat from the surroundings so quickly that the beaker freezes to a wet block. 4 反应总是在一定条件下进行的。要讨论反应的自发性,也要指明反应条件。如果没有 交代反应条件,只讲“某某反应不自发”“某某反应自发”,实际上是指在常温常压下进 行的反应。“一定条件”指“一定的温度一定压强”。 例如,反应 CaCO3== CaO + CO2↑ 在常温常压是非自发的,而在高温下则是自发发 生的。 “外界帮助”这句话中,指的是为反应体系提供能量。“帮助”并不是指提供反应发生的 温度和压强等反应条件,也不是点燃、使用催化剂等等。一定的温度、一定的压强 是反应所需要的条件。很多场合下,提高温度,往往是为了加速反应。氢气氧气化合 成水的反应在常温下也是自发的。常温下将H2与O2混合,不能观察到有明显现象, 在氢氧燃料电池中,反应在常温下就能进行。在钯粉催化下H2与O2的混合气体也能 快速生成水。点燃氢气氧气,能迅速化合成水,也只是加速了反应速率。 “外界帮助”指的是对体系做“有用功”。例如,水的分解在常温常压下是不自发的,但 通电,为体系提供电能,可以使水分解成H2和O2. 5 Q1: Which of the following changes are likely to be spontaneous? i sugar dissolving in water spontaneous (because there are more ways of spreading out the sugar molecules when they dissolve) ii the smell from an open bottle of aqueous ammonia diffusing throughout a room spontaneous (because there are more ways of spreading out the ammonia molecules when they mix with the air molecules) iii water turning to ice at 10℃ not spontaneous (because ice forms at 0 ℃ and the energy transferred from the surroundings at 10℃ gives the molecules enough energy to move semi-independently of each other and so there are a greater number of ways of arranging the energy in the liquid than in the solid) iv ethanol vaporising at 20℃ spontaneous (because there is enough energy given to the molecules at 20 ℃for some of them to escape, thus allowing more spreading out of molecules in the vapour than in the liquid) v water mixing completely with cooking oil not spontaneous (because the strength of the bonding between water molecules alone is greater than the strength between water and oil molecules; so the oil molecules cannot mix and spread between the water molecules) vi limestone decomposing at room temperature not spontaneous (because the temperature is not high enough to break bonds in the limestone (calcium carbonate); the ions in the calcium carbonate remain ordered) 6 law of thermodynamics First law of thermoldynamics Energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed. The total energy of the universe is constant: DEsys = -DEsurr or DEsys + DEsurr = DEuniv = 0 Second law of thermoldynamics A reaction is spontaneous if entropy change for the universe or total is positive. 7 DH=0 When the stopcock opens, the number of microstates is 2n, where n is the number of particles. 8 2. Entropy Entropy is a measure of the dispersal of energy at a specific temperature, either from systerm to the surroundings or from the surroundings to the system. Entropy can also be thought of as a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system. The higher randomness or disorder, ther greater entropy of the system. 9 2.1 Comparing entropy values Entropy can also be thought of as a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system. To make any comparison of entropy values fair, we must use standard conditions. a pressure of 105Pa a temperature of 298K each substance involved in the reaction is in its normal physical state(solid, liquid or gas) at 105Pa and 298K 10 ①Entropy and phase Sθ (J/K•mol) H2O(gas) 188.8 H2O(liq) 69.9 H2O (s) 47.9 11 The entropy change accompanying the dissolution of a salt. pure solid MIX pure liquid solution The entropy of a salt solution is usually greater than that of the solid and of water, but it is affected by the organization of the water molecules around each ion. 12 ②Entropy and temperature The entropy of a substance increases with temperature. Increasing the temperature of a solid makes the molecules, atoms or ions vibrate more. Increasing the temperature of a liquid or gas increases the entropy. Because it increases the disorder of particles. 13 The increase in entropy during phase changes from solid to liquid to gas. The irregular arrangement of particles in the liquid which are close together and rotating changes to an irregular arrangment of particles, which are free to move around rapidly because they are far apart from each other. The regulary arranged lattice of particles close together in the solid changes to an irregular arrangement of particles, which are close together bur rotate and slide over each other in liquid. 14 ③Entropy and structures For similar types of substances, harder substance have a lower entropy value. θ θ S of graphite is 5.69 J/mol·K, whereas S of diamond is 2.44 J/mol·K. ion pairs Sθ (J/K•mol) MgO Mg2+ / O2- 26.9 NaF Na+ / F- 51.5 These trends only hold for substances in the same physical state. 15 For compound, entropy increases with chemical complexity. Simpler substances with fewer atoms have lower entropy values than more complex substances with a greater number of atoms. 16 Q2: Explain the difference in the entropy of each ot the following pairs of substances in terms of their state and structure. i Br2(l) Sθ= 151.6 JK-1mol-1 and I2(s) Sθ= 116.8 JK-1mol-1 Bromine is a liquid, so its molecules are able to rotate/slide over each other so there is more disorder (higher entropy) than in iodine, which is a solid, in which the molecules cannot move. ii H2(g) Sθ= 130.6 JK-1mol-1 and CH4(g) Sθ= 186.2 JK-1mol-1 Both are gases but methane, CH4, is a more complex molecule with two different types of atom. Complex molecules tend tohave greater entropy values than simpler molecules. iii Hg(l) Sθ= 76.00 JK-1mol-1 and Na(s) Sθ= 51.20 JK-1mol-1 Mercury is a liquid, so its atoms are able to rotate/slide over each other so there is more disorder (higher entropy) than in sodium, which is a solid, in which the atoms cannot move. iv SO2(g) Sθ= 248.1 JK-1mol-1 and SO3(l) Sθ= 95.60 JK-1mol-1 Although SO3 has only one oxygen atom more than SO2, which makes SO3 a slightly more complex molecule, SO2 has a much greater entropy because it is a gas, whereas SO3 is a liquid. The particles in gases move freely from place to place and so there is more disorder are many more ways of spreading out the energy than in liquids whose particles can only rotate/slide over each other and vibrate. 17 2.2 Entropy change in reactions We assume that gases have high entropy and solids have low entropy. If there is a change in the number of gaseous molecules in a reaction, there is likely be a significant entropy change. There are greater number of molecules in products than in reactants. In addition, there are two different types of molecules, but only one type of reactant. This is also contributes to greater disorder in products. 18 Q3: Suggest whether the entropy of the reactants or the products will be greater or whether it is difficult to decide. a The entropy of the reactants is greater. Two gases (high entropy and two molecules) are being converted to a solid (low entropy and one molecule). b Difficult to decide. The product SO2 is a gas, which is likely to have a higher entropy than oxygen because it is a more complex molecule. However, there are two molecules on the left and only one on the right. The entropy of the solid sulfur, however, is low. cThe entropy of the reactants is greater. One d The entropy of the reactants is greater. One of the reactants, chlorine, is a gas, so has a very high entropy. This outweighs the entropies of the single product which is a solid. Solids have low entropies. of the reactants, carbon dioxide, is a gas, so has a very high entropy. This outweighs the entropies of the products which are both solids. Solids have low entropies. 19 Q3: Suggest whether the entropy of the reactants or the products will be greater or whether it is difficult to decide. e The entropy of the products is greater. Two gases are produced (2 moles of gases) both of which have high entropy. The reactants have only one gas (1 mole of gas). The entropies of the solids are much smaller than those of the gases and so can be ignored. f Difficult to decide. There are equal numbers of moles of gases on each side of the equation. We would have to know the individual values of the entropies of each molecule. g The entropy of the products is greater.Reactants: potassium has low entropy because it is a solid; water has medium entropy because it is a liquid.Products: aqueous potassium hydroxide has medium entropy (not only is it a liquid, but potassium ions and hydroxide ions are spread out randomly in the solution); hydrogen has high entropy because it is a gas. 20 3. Calculating entropy changes 3.1 Calculating DS for a Reaction/System △Sθ = S Sθ (products) - S Sθ (reactants) Note that: 1. We need to take account of the stoichiometry of the equation. 2. When looking up entropy values in tables of data, we need to choose the data for the correct state. 21 22 Q4: Calculate the standard entropy change of the system in each of the following reactions using the standard molar entropy values given here: (Values for Sθ in J K-1mol-1: Cl2(g)=165.0 H2O(l)=69.90 Na(s)=51.20 a Fe(s)= 27.30 H2O2(l) =109.6 NH4NO3(s)=151.1 Fe2O3(s)=87.40 Mg(s)=32.70 N2O(g)=219.7 H2(g)=130.6 MgO(s)=26.90 O2(g)=205.0 ) H2O2(l) → 2H2O(l)+O2(g) b NH4NO3(S) → N2O(g) + 2H2O(g) c 2Mg(s) +O2(g) → 2MgO(s) d 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s) e 3Mg(s) + Fe2O3(s) → 3MgO(s) + 2Fe(s) 23 Q4: If Entropy DECREASES, Why is this a SPONTANEOUS REACTION?? —— Second law of thermoldynamics 24 Second law of thermoldynamics A reaction is spontaneous if entropy change for the universe or total is positive. DSuniverse = DSsystem + DSsurroundings DSuniverse > 0 for spontaneous process First calc. entropy created by matter dispersal (DSsystem) Next, calc. entropy created by energy dispersal (DSsurround) 25 3.2 Calculating DS for the surroundings Since entropy depends on temperature, DS°surr is also affected by the temperature at which heat is transferred. For any reaction, qsystem = -qsurroundings The impact on the surroundings is larger when the surroundings are at lower temperature, because there is a greater relative change in Ssurroundings 26 Where △Hrθ is the standard enthalpy change of the reaction. T is the temperature in Kelvin. At standard temperature, the value is 298K. Note: When performing calcualtions to find △Sθ sorroundings the value of △Hrθ in kJ/mol should be multiplied by 1000. This is because entropy changes are measured in units of joules per kelvin per mole. The negative sign in front of △Hrθ is part of equation and not the sign of the enthalpy change. 27 28 29 Q5: Calculate the entropy change of the surroundings in each of the following reactions. Assume that the value of △H does not change with temperature. a C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) carried out at 0℃ △Hθreaction = -393.5kJ/mol b 2C(s) + N2(g) → C2N2(g) carried out at 300℃ △Hθreaction = +307.9kJ/mol c H2(g) + F2(g) → 2HF(g) △Hθreaction = -271.1kJ/mol carried out at standard temperature d Si(s) + 2H2(g) → SiH4(g) carried out at -3℃ △Hθreaction = +34.30kJ/mol 30 3.3 Calculating DS for the total 31 Q6: Calculate the the total standard entropy change in each of the following reactions using the standard molar entropy values given here. ( Values for Sθ in J K-1mol-1: C(graphite)=5.700, C2N2(g)=242.1, H2(g)=130.6, H2O(l)=69.90, O2(g)=205.0, P(s)=41.10, C3H8(g)=269.9, CO2(g)=213.6, H2S(g)=205.7, N2(g)=191.6, P4O10(s)=228.0, S(s)=31.80) a S(s) + H2(g) → H2S(g) △Hθreaction = -20.6kJ/mol b 2C(graphite) + N2(g) → C2N2(g) △Hθreaction = +307.9kJ/mol c 4P(s) + 5O2(g) → P4O10(s) △Hθreaction = -2984.0kJ/mol d C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) △Hθreaction = -2219.2kJ/mol 32 3.4 Entropy and temperature Determining Reaction Spontaneity Q7: At 298 K, the formation of ammonia has a negative DS θ sys; N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g); DSθ sys = -197 J/K Calculate DS θ total, and state whether the reaction occurs spontaneously at this temperature. -91.8 kJ x DSsurr = - DHsys T 1000 J 1 kJ =- = 308 J/K 298 K DSθtotal = DSθsys + DSθsurr = -197 J/K + 308 J/K = +111 J/K Since DSθtotal > 0, the reaction occurs spontaneously at 298 K. Q8: Is this reaction occurs spontaneously at 600K? 33 Q9: The decomposition of calcium carbonate , CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g), does not take place at room temperature. a Explain in terms of entropy changes why heating the calcium carbonate to a high temperature increases the likelihood of this reaction taking place. b In a closed system at high temperature, the reactants and products are in equilibrium. CaCO3(s) ⇌ CaO(s) + CO2(g) i Explain the meaning of the term closed system. ii Explain in terms of entropy changes what happens when the pressure on this system is increased. iii What is the value of the standard total entropy change at equilibrium? 34 4.1 Gibbs Free energy DSuniv = DSsurr + DSsys DSuniv = DH sys T + DSsys -TDSuniv =△G= DHsys - TDSsys DG = θ θ DH reaction - θ TDS system a pressure of 105Pa a temperature of 298K each substance involved in the reaction is in its normal physical state(solid, liquid or gas) at 105Pa and 298K 35 4.2 Calculating free energy NOTE: the entropy chagne of the system in J K-1 mol-1 the enthalpy change of the system in J mol-1 , we have to multiply the value of the enthalpy change by 1000 because the entropy chang is in joules per kelvin per mol the temperature; under standard conditions, this is 298K Q10: Calculate the Gibbs free energy change for the decomposition of zinc carbonate at 298K. ZnCO3(s) → ZnO(s) + CO2(g) △Hθr=+71.0kJ mol-1 (Values for Sθ in J K-1mol-1: CO2(g)=+213.6, ZnCO3(s)=+82.4, ZnO(s)=+43.6) 36 Q11: Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy of reaction in each of the following using the standard molar entropy values given. Express your answers to 3 significant figures in kJ mol-1, and in each case state whether the reaction is spontaneous or not under standard conditions. (Values for S in J K-1 mol-1: Ag2CO3(s)=167.4, Ag2O(s)=121.3, CH4(g)=186.2, Cl2(g)=165, CO2(g)=213.6, H2(g)=130.6, HCl(g)=186.8, H2O(l)=69.9, Mg(s)=37.2, MgCl2(s)=89.6, Na(s)=51.2, Na2O2(s)=95.0, O2(g)=205.0) a H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g) △Hθr= -184.6kJ mol-1 b CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2HCl(l) △Hθr= -890.3kJ mol-1 c 2Na(s) + O2(g) → Na2O2(s) △Hθr= -510.9kJ mol-1 d Mg(s) + Cl2(g) → MgCl2(s) △Hθr= -641.3kJ mol-1 e Ag2CO3(s) → Ag2O(s) + CO2(g) △Hθr=+167.5kJ mol-1 37 4.3 standard Gibbs free energy change of reaction △Gθf is the Gibbs free energy change whenthe amounts of the reactants shown in the stiochiometric equation react under standard conditions to give products. △Gθf of an element is zero. Many compounds in the solid state have high negative values of Gibbs free energy change of formation. Many gases and liquids have positive Gibbs free energy change of formation. 38 Q12: Draw a Gibbs free energy cycle to calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change of decomposition of sodium hydrogencarbonate. 2NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) The relevant Gibbs free energy values are: △Gθf [NaHCO3(s)] =-851.0kJmol-1 △Gθf [Na2CO3(s)] =-1044.5kJmol-1 △Gθf [CO2(g)] =-394.4kJmol-1 △Gθf [H2O(l)] =-237.2kJmol-1 39 4.4 Free energy and spontaneous reactions DG= DHreaction - T DSsys DG < 0 for a spontaneous process DG > 0 for a nonspontaneous process DG = 0 for a process at equilibrium DH DS -TDS DG – + – – Spontaneous at all T + – + + Nonspontaneous at all T + + – + or – Spontaneous at higher T; Description nonspontaneous at lower T – – + + or – Spontaneous at lower T; nonspontaneous at higher T 40 Q13: The following scenes represent a familiar phase change for water. (a) What are the signs of DH and DS for this process? Explain. (b) Is the process spontaneous at all T, no T, low T, or high T? Explain. 41 Determining the Effect of Temperature on ΔG Q14: A key step in the production of sulfuric acid is the oxidation of SO2(g) to SO3(g): 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g) At 298 K, DG = -141.6 kJ; DH = -198.4 kJ; and DS = -187.9 J/K (a) Use the data to decide if this reaction is spontaneous at 25℃, and predict how DG will change with increasing T. (b) Assuming DH and DS are constant with increasing T, is the reaction spontaneous at 900 ℃? 42 thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates and nitrates XCO3 →XO + CO2 2X(NO3)2 →2XO + 4NO2 + O2 The temperature at which thermal decomposition takes place increases going down Group 2. 43 5. DG, Equilibrium, and Reaction Direction K is related to reaction favorability. If △G < 0, reaction is product-favored. But systems often reach a state of equilibrium in which reactants have not converted completely to products. 44 DGθ = - RT lnK 45 When a system is chemical equilibrium and the amounts of products and reactants balance, the value of 46 47 48