CHAPTER 6: JUST IN TIME AND BACKFLUSH ACCOUNTING Just in time means that the production of product were procured as the time it was instructed or ordered. It means that the materials were just received and assembled into products and the products were completed just in time to be shipped out to customers. 5 Key Elements in the operation of JIT system 1. A company must learn to rely on a supplier who is willing to make frequent deliveries in small lots. (lot is the quantity of the product that can be conveniently and economically produced) 2. A company must improve its product flow lines by creating an individual flow line for each separate product. 3. A company must reduce the set up time between production runs. 4. A company must develop a system of total quality control over its parts and materials. 5. A company must develop a flexible workforce. Differences of JIT Costing from Traditional Costing 1. Raw and In process Account is Used (Instead of Materials and Work in Process) 2. No account is created for direct labor. DL and FOH usually charged to Conversion Cost/COGS account. 3. Overhead is not applied to production until they are completed. Backflushing also known as backflush costing or backflush accounting is a shortened version of traditional method of accounting for cost. Its purpose is to simplify and reduce the number of events measured in the system. 1. Account the materials purchased 2. Account the labor and factory overhead (cost of goods sold) 3. Backflush ( From RIP to FG) 4. Backflush (From COGS to FG) 5. Account COGS in terms of RIP & FG Example: Materials purchased on credit RIP beg. Including 4,400 of conversion cost 146,000 15,000 FG beg. including 10,800 conversion cost 36,000 RIP end inc 7,800 conversion cost 24,000 FG end including 6,500 conversion cost 18,000 Conversion cost (80,000 direct labor and 100,000 overhead) 1. Raw and In Process P 146, 000 Accounts Payable P 146, 000 2. Cost of Goods Sold (DL+FOH) 180, 000 Accrued Payroll 80, 000 Factory Overhead 100, 000 3. Finished Goods 140, 400 Raw and In Process 140, 400 Solution: Materials purchased on credit (#1) P 146,000 RIP beg. (15,000-4,400) 10, 600 RIP end (24,000-7,800) (16,200) Amount to be backflushed P 140, 400 4. Cost of Goods Sold 154, 100 Finished Goods 154, 100 Solution: Materials in the FG P 140, 400 FG beg (36,000-10,800) 25, 200 FG end (18,000-6,500) (11, 500) Amount to be backflushed P 154, 100 5. Raw and in process 3, 400 Cost of Goods Sold 3, 400 Cost of Goods Sold 4, 300 Finished Goods 4, 300 Solution: RIP beg (conversion cost) P 4,400 RIP end (conversion cost) 7, 800 Underapplied P (3, 400) FG beg (conversion cost) P 10, 800 FG end (conversion cost) 6, 500 Difference P 4, 300