LABORATORY REPORT CHM361 ANALYSIS OF COORDINATION COMPOUND K3[Fe(C2O4)3]. 3H2O NAME : SITI NUR WATIQAH BTE ADILAH STUDENT ID : 2018275972 GROUP : AS1205A1 CRITERIA FUL L Procedure 2% Results / Data / Observation (Datasheet) 2% Data Analysis / Justification / Validation 4% Question 2% Discussion 2% Conclusion 1% Format 2% Data Sheet EXP 1 5% Total 20% OBTAINED 1.0 OBJECTIVE -To synthesis a coordination compound, potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) Trihydrate under carefully controlled conditions. - To standardize the Potassium Permanganate Solution - To determine the percentage of ligands in K ! 3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O 2.0 INTRODUCTION Coordination compound is a compound consisting of a central metal ion chemically bound by a coordinate covalent bond to one or more atoms or groups of atoms known as ligands. Potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) is a metal complex of iron with three oxalate ligands C2O42− bonded to every central metal atom. These ligands are binds to the metal atom at two different places. It has a chemical formula of K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O . The structure is also 3 dimensional structure that is proposed in figure 1. In experiment 2, , to synthesis a coordination compound, potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) Trihydrate, this compound will be synthesised by adding Oxalic acid to ferrous ammonium sulphate hexahydrate Fe(NH4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O under acidic conditions. This will then form 2 iron(II) Oxalate FeC2O4with a yellow precipitate which is then, added to Potassium Oxalate K2C2O4 and hydrogen peroxide. Lastly a synthesised product is formed. Fe(NH4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O (aq) + H2C2O4 (aq) 2 FeC2O4 + K2C2O4 ∙ H2O+H2O2 Fe(OH3) + H2O2 + K2C2O4 FeC2O4 (s) + … etc ——-> (1) Fe(OH3) (s) + …etc ———> (2 and 3) K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O (aq) +… etc ———> (4) Next, in experiment 3, to determine the percentage of ligands in K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O, the coordination compound that is used in this experiment is the compound that has been synthesised from experiment 2 , which is potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) trihydrate. This compound will then be titrated with standard potassium permanganate solution. In this session, two parts of experiment are performed. The titration process takes place in both part. In part A, the potassium permanganate solution is standardised. This part is important in order to calculate the molarity of the potassium permanganate solution. Later on, the potassium permanganate solution will be used as the titrant for part B. In part B, the titration process for the coordination compound that has been prepared in previous experiment are performed. The compound is potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) trihydrate. This compound is titrated with standard potassium permanganate solution. This experiment also required the percentage of ligands in the coordination compound, thus it needed to be calculated. The molarity of the Potassium permanganate solution that acts as the titrant in part B needed to be calculated too, as well as the molarity for the coordination compound which later being converted its form from solid to solution by adding sulphuric acid to its solution. 3.0 APPARATUS 3.1 Balance 3.2 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask 3.3 Measuring cylinder, 50 mL (2 pieces) 3.4 Beaker, 400 mL 3.5 Glass rod 3.6 Ice bath 3.7 Bunsen burner 3.8 Tripod stand 3.9 Thermometer 3.10 Buchner Funnel 3.11 Vacuum filtration apparatus 3.12 Filter paper 3.13 Beakers ( two mL, one 250 mL) 3.14 Volumetric flask (250 mL) 3.15 Storage bottle( 250 mL) 3.16 Pipette (20 mL) 3.17 Pipette filler 3.18 Burette and stand 3.19 Filter funnel 3.20 Conical flask ( 250 mL) 4.0 CHEMICALS 4.1 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Fe(NH4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O 2 4.2 0.5 M oxalic acid , H2C2O4 (aq) 4.3 1M potassium oxalate monohydrate K2C2O4 ∙ H2O (aq) 4.4 3M sulphuric acid H2 SO4 4.5 6% hydrogen peroxide , H2O2 4.6 Ethanol 4.7 1:1 ethanol/water solution 4.8 Deionised water 4.9 Potassium permanganate solution , K MnO4 0.02M (300mL) 4.10 Oxalic acid H2C2O4 ∙ 2H2O , 0,05 M (250 mL) 4.11 sulphuric acid H2 SO4 1M (250 mL) 4.12 Complex compound 4.13 K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O 5.0 PROCEDURE SYNTHESIS OF POTASSIUM TRIS (OXALATO) FERRATE(III) TRIHYDRATE 5.1 About 5g ferrous ammonium sulphate salt is weighted. The actual weight used was recorded. It was put into a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. This compound was dissolved with 15 mL of distilled water and 5 drops of 3M sulphuric acid was added. 5.2 50 mL of oxalic acid was added to this solution and was heated until boiling. Solution was stirred constantly to prevent bumping. 5.3 The Erlenmeyer flask was removed from the heat. Yellow precipitate of FeC2O4 was allowed to settle. The supernatant liquid was decant and the precipitate were washed using 20 mL of hot distilled water. The mixture was swirled and the precipitate was allowed to settle. The washing were repeat and decant once more. 5.4 20 mL of 1M K2C2O4 was added to the precipitate. It was stirred and heat to 40℃, 10 mL of 6% H2O2 was added immediately. It was dropwise and stirred continuously. The temperature was made sure does not go below 40℃ and not above 50℃ during the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Some brown precipitate of Fe(OH3) was form at this time. 5.5 The resulting solution was heated until boiling. 20 ml of 0.5M H2C2O4 was added all at once while maintaining the temperature near boiling. The solution turned clear green. Some brown residue remained, more 0.5M H2C2O4was added dropwise while the solution boiled, until it turned clear green. 5.6 The solution was cloud, a clean 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask was gravity filter. Solution was swirled constantly while 15mL of ethanol was added to the solution slowly. An ice bath was prepared in a 400 mL beaker to allow cooling. The bottom portion of the flask was immersed in the ice bath and the solution was slowly stirred until crystal formed. Stirring was stopped to allow the solution to stand in the ice bath for 20 minutes. A good crop of crystal was formed before the solution was filtered. 5.7 The vacuum filtration apparatus was prepared. 5.8 the supernatant liquid was decant away from the green crystals. The crystal was transferred to the Buchner funnel with the aid of a clean rod and suction was applied for about 2 minutes. 5.9 The suction was stopped and 10 mL 1:1 ethanol/water solution was added. Wait for 30 seconds and suction was applied for 2 minutes. The washing process was repeated . The suction was allowed to continue for a further 2 minutes after the final wash. 5.10 The crystal was transferred to a preweighted labelled dry 50 mL beaker . The Wash solution was discarded. 6.0 PROCEDURE PART A STANDARDISATION OF POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE SOLUTION 6.1 The burette was filled with the K MnO4 solution to be standardised 6.2 20 mL of the standard oxalic acid solution was pipette into a 250 mL conical flask and 20 mL of 2 M H2 SO4 was added. 6.3 The conical flask warmed for about 80℃ and the permanganate solution was titrated against the oxalic acid solution. The K MnO4 solution was added slowly or manganese IV oxide ( a brown solid) may form instead of manganese (II) ion. The end point was reached when the addition of one drop permanganate solution produce a permanent pink colour. The results was recorded in a table shown below. 6.4 The titration was repeated until consistent results are obtained. PART B DETERMINATION OF THE PERCENTAGE LIGANDS IN K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O 6.5 0.20 g of the coordination compound that was previously prepared was weighted out . 6.6 The sample was boiled with 50 mL of 1M sulphuric acid in a conical flask. 6.7 The solution was allow to ccol down to 60℃ and titrated slowly with the K MnO4 solution provided . 6.8 The endpoint reached when the addition of one drop of permanganate solution produced a permanent pink colour. The results was recorded in the table shown below. 6.9 The titration was repeated until consistent results are obtained. 7.0 RESULT Synthesis of potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) 1. Mass of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O used = 5.0246 g 2. Moles of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O used = 0.0128 mol 3. Mass of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O obtained = 4.9822 g 4. Theoretical yield of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O (moles) = 0. 0128mol 5. Theoretical yield of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O (mass) =6.2851g 6. Percent yield of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O = 79.27% A. Standardization of potassium permanganate solution Rough Accurate titrations estimation 1 2 Final burette reading (mL) 19.00 18.55 38.45 Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 20.00 Vol. of KMnO4 used (mL) 19.00 Mean vol. of KMnO4 used (mL) 18.55 18.45 18.50 B. Determination of Percentage of Ligands in K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O Rough Accurate titrations estimation 1 2 Mass of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O (g) 0.2012 0.2004 0.2002 Final burette reading (mL) 23.20 22.50 32.20 Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 10.00 Vol. of KMnO4 used (mL) Mean vol. of KMnO4 used (mL) 23.20 22.50 22.35 22.20 8.0 CALCULATION SYNTHESIS OF POTASSIUM TRIS (OXALATO) FERRATE (III) ! Fe(NH 4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O (aq) + !H2C2O4 (aq) ! FeC 2O4 (s) + … etc ——-> (1) 2 5.0246g Fe(NH ! ! ! 4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O × 2 1 m ol Fe(NH4)2(SO4 ) ∙ 6H2O 392.13 g /m olFe(NH4)2(SO4 ) ∙ 6H2O = 0.0128 mol FeC2O4 + K2C2O4 ∙ H2O+H2O2 H2O !Fe 3+ + HO−2 + + Fe(OH3) (s) + …etc 2Fe 2+ → 2Fe 3+ + ———> (2 and 3) 3OH − 3OH − → Fe(OH )3 0.0128 mol !FeC2O4 ! × = 0.0128 mol !Fe(OH3) 1 m ol Fe2+ × 1 m ol FeC2O4 Fe(OH3) + H2O2 + K2C2O4 0.0128 mol K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O × 2 m ol 2 m ol Fe 3+ Fe2+ × 1 m ol Fe(OH )3 1 m ol Fe 3+ K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O (aq) +… etc 2 m ol 2 ———> (4) K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O m ol Fe(OH )3 = 0.0128 mol K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O Theoretical yield 0.0128 mol K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O × 6.2851 g K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O Percentage yield 4.9822g × 6.2851 100 = 79.27% 491.21 g /m ol 1 m ol K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O Fe(C2O4 )3 ∙ 3H2O PART A STANDARDISATION OF POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE SOLUTION 2K MnO4 + 3H2 SO4 + 5H2C2O4 ∙ 2H2O ⟶ K2 SO4 + 1) No of moles of oxalic acid 0.05M × 0.020 L mol= 1 × 10−3 5 mol of C2O4 : 2 mol of MnO− 4 1 × 10−3 mol : 4 × 10−4 Molarity of Potassium permanganate M= mol/L M= 4 × 10−4 m ol 0.01850l M= 0.0216 2Mn SO4 + 18H2O + 10CO2 PART B DETERMINATION OF THE PERCENTAGE LIGANDS IN K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O 22.50 + 22.20 = 2 22.35ml 2(MnO4− + 5e − + H + ⟶ Mn2+ + 4H2O) 5(H2C2O4 ⟶ 2CO2 + 2e − + 2H +) 2MnO−4 + 6H + + 5H2C2O4 ⟶ 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2 Moles of MnO− 4 = M(L) 2 moles of MnO− 4 = 5 moles ofH2C2O4 0.0216M = ×( 4.83 × 10−4 4.83 × 10−4 20.35 ml × 1l ) 1000ml m ol m ol MnO−4 × 5 m oles of H2C2O4 2 m oles of MnO−4 Mass of potassium tris (oxalato)ferrate (III) trihydrate. 1.21 × 10−3 m ol × 88.02 g/mol = 0.1065g 0.1065g × 0.2003 100 = 53.17% = 1.21 × 10−3 m ol H2C2O4 9.0 DISCUSSION The objective of this experiment is to synthesis a coordination compound, Potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) trihydrate under carefully controlled conditions, and to standardise the potassium permanganate solution as well as, to discover the percentage of ligands in ! 3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O. The concept of the experiment is based on the purpose of synthesising a K coordination compound. The synthesising process is generally applied in many chemical researches. Synthesis process often involves a number of chemical reactions. Moreover, for the experiment of synthesising potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III), it involves in the formation of a new compound called coordination compound. Coordination compounds can be defined as compounds in which several ligands are coordinated to a transition metal cation. Ligands are coordinated to a transition metal cation. A ligand is any substance (neutral or anion) which can act as a Lewis base donating electron to the transition metal which act as a Lewis acid. Thus, coordination complex must contain a transition metal cation and a several ligands. The potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) trihydrate, is synthesised by two processes. The first reaction involves dissolving of ferrous ammonium sulphate in excess oxalic acid. The process result in the isolation of the iron (II) oxalate, FeC ! 2O4, in the form of yellow precipitation. Fe(NH4 )2(SO4) ∙ 6H2O (aq) + H2C2O4 (aq) 2 FeC2O4 (s) + H2 SO4 +(NH4 )2(SO4 ) + 6H2O The compound is then heated to ensure dehydration of solution and isolation all of the iron as ferrous oxalate. After all the yellow precipitates allowed settling, decantation of the supernatant is performed. This step is essential to remove more oxalic acid and improves purity of precipitate. In the second process potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) trihydrate was formed after addition of potassium oxalate, hydrogen peroxide and oxalic acid . First during the heating of iron complex with potassium oxalate, continuous stirring are essential to prepare a well mixed uniform suspension for a complete oxidation in the next step. Secondly, during the addition of H2O2 the hot suspension to oxidise the iron in the suspended particles from ferrous to ferric, it is a must to keep solution at 40℃ throughout handling this step. Since they are solid tiny crystals they only react through their surface area. Stirring and several minutes cooking time are also necessarily here. This step should completely dissolve the yellow precipitate. At some point, a brown precipitate of Fe(OH3) remains and is reluctant to dissolve. This will affect the yield as not all ferric iron is available to make the ferric oxalate molecular anion for the core of the green crystals. After addition of potassium oxalate and hydrogen peroxide has occurred, the equation involved in H2O Fe 3+ + HO−2 + + 2Fe 2+ → 2Fe 3+ + 3OH − 3OH − → Fe(OH )3 Because of the high concentration of OH − ion brown precipitate was formed. After that, more oxalic acid was added which caused the brown precipitate to dissolve and the soluble complex was formed. The full equation is 3K2C2O4 + 3H2C2O4 → 2K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 2Fe(OH )3 + 3H2O + 3H2O After crystallization, a bright green crystal was formed. From this, the actual yield is obtained by weighting. The theoretical yield is calculated by using the number of moles of product from the limiting reactant, which is 6.2851g. The percentage yield obtained with the formula of Act u al yiel d T h eoret ical yiel d × 100 which is equal to 79.27% Next for, the experiment of determination of percentage ligands K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O. In order to find the percentage , titration method that involves redox titration process must first be conducted, to identify the amount of oxalate ligands that are attached to each of the metal centers. For this experiment, potassium permanganate solution is used as the titrant. In the first part of the experiment, the standardisation of potassium permanganate solution takes place. For the titration, the standard solution is oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is suitable to be used because it is available in solid form so it is not hygroscopic. The titration was stopped once a permanent pink colour was produced. This indicates that the procedure already reached the end 2+ point as there was no more oxalic acid able to reduce MnO− 4 ion to Mn . The overall reaction involved is as below : 2MnO−4 + 6H + + 5H2C2O4 ⟶ 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2 Because the molarity and volume of oxalic acid has already been calculated, therefore, the amount of oxalic acid that reacted with potassium permanganate solution can be identified. For the equation above, the molarity of potassium permanganate is 0.0216 M In part B, the determination of the percentage ligands in K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O takes place. The coordination compound that was prepared earlier was titrated with a standardised potassium permanganate solution until it produced a permanent pink colour to show the end point had already reached. The percentage by weight of ligands in K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O was 53.17% Some errors might occur during handling these experiments. During transferring compounds from, some of it left in the weighting boat, leading to inaccuracy of the compound mass. The compound was not completely dissolved in the solvent before mixing with other solution because of improper stirring condition. There was also an error while transferring the mixture into the Buchner funnel during suction filtration. The mixture was not poured carefully onto the very center of filter paper which may cause the sample to be under the edges of filter paper. During conducting the experiment, there are several safety precautions needed such as, while handling the hot glassware, use tongs to hold and white tile to place the flassware after heating. Next, do not use thermometer to stir the solution. furthermore, pour acid into water, not water into acid and wear gloves as some chemicals such as concentrated acid is corrosive to skin. The eyes must also be perpendicular to the scale to avoid parallax error. In order to improve accuracy, there are several suggestions such as , during transferring the compound from the weighing boat. Rinsing can be done to ensure the entire compound is successfully transferred. Instead of using the glass rod stir, we can also use the magnetic stirrer to ensure that all salts are completely dissolved in the solvent. 10.0 CONCLUSION The objective is achieved and that is, synthesis a coordination compound, potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) Trihydrate under carefully controlled conditions. Hence, Potassium tris (oxalato) Ferrate (III) Trihydrate, was K ! 3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O synthesized. The actual mass obtained 4.9822g while the theoretical yield obtained 6.2851g. Therefore, the percentange yield is 70.13% . Next, the objectives of the experiment to standardised the potassium permanganate solution and to discover the percentage ligands in !K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O was achieved. The amount of molarity of the Potassium permangante is 0.0216M. Thus, based on the result that has been obtained, the percentage of the ligands in !K3 [Fe(C2O4 )3] ∙ 3H2O is found to be 53.17%. 11.0 QUESTIONS PART A 1) From the average volume of K MnO4 solution used, calculate the concentration of the solution. - 0.0216M 2) Why is it necessary to heat the oxalic acid solution? - The oxalic acid is heated before the titration with K MnO4 is because the reaction happens at certain temperature only. If the oxalic acid is not heated, the permanent pink color at the endpoint will turn brown soon and the reaction will take a longer time. 3) In this experiment oxalic acid is used as a reducing agent, could oxalic acid be used as a primary standard to standardise a solution of a base such as sodium hydroxide? Explain your answer. - yes oxalic acid can be used as the primary standard to standardise a solution of a base. This is because it can be precisely weighed out in pure form so that the number of moles present can be accurately determined from the measured weight and the known molar mass. PART B 2+ 1) Given that MnO− ion, and C2O42− ion is being oxidized to CO2, write 4 is being reduced to Mn a balanced redox equation for the above titration. Use the equation to calculate the concentration of the oxalate ions in the coordination compound. - MnO−4 + 16H + + 5C2O4 ⟶ 2Mn2+ + 8H2O - Concentration : 0.63 M + 10CO2 2) Calculate the percentage by weight of oxalate ions in the complex. Compare this with the theoretical value and thus obtain the percentage purity of the complex. Moles of MnO− 4 = M(L) 2 moles of MnO− 4 = 5 moles ofH2C2O4 0.0216M = ×( 4.83 × 10−4 4.83 × 10−4 20.35 ml × 1l ) 1000ml m ol m ol MnO−4 × 5 m oles of H2C2O4 2 m oles of MnO−4 Mass of potassium tris (oxalato)ferrate (III) trihydrate. 1.21 × 10−3 m ol × 88.02 g/mol = 0.1065g 0.1065g × 0.2003 100 = 53.17% = 1.21 × 10−3 m ol H2C2O4 12.0 REFERENCES 1. N., P. (2013). Determine concentration of KMnO4 solution. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from 2. Harvey, D. (2016, July 21). Complexation Titration. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://,_Techniques,_and_E xperiments/General_Lab_Techniques/Titration/Complexation_Titration 3. Bae, J. (2018, April 11). How do you calculate the percentage of ligands bound to receptors given specific kDa and concentration? Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https:// ound_to_receptors_given_specific_kda_and_concentration EXPERIMENT 1 Predicting Molecular Shape and Polarity Using VSEPR Theory