Uploaded by Jaquel Scoville

syllabus-english ii-2020-2021

English II
Ms. Brito
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to promote academic excellence in
English through the study of world literature and through enriched hands-on experiences
in reading analysis, composition, speech, and listening skills.
Methodology: The objectives for this course will be met utilizing My School Online (the
lessons and activities presented in the online K12.com educational program).
Materials: Students are required to have a laptop or tablet that is compatible with the
K12 platform and Newrow.
Grading Policy: The grading scale used is the M-DCPS grade scale. Some
assignments will be worth more than one grade. After grading, the grade will be posted
in the MDCPS online gradebook, which can be accessed for viewing from both the
student portal and the parent portal. There will be a minimum of two grades entered
each week in the gradebook. Please note the following:
1. All work must be submitted using the required submission method by the assigned
due date.
2. There is no working ahead. If a student attempts to submit work for units that have not
been correctly taught and presented by the teacher, that work will be deleted and will
have to be resubmitted when properly assigned.
Attendance Policy: You must respond on camera (LIVE) when roll is called to be
marked present for that day. Students entering the classroom meeting after roll has been
taken will be marked tardy. NOTE: You must be present until dismissed by the teacher
to be marked present for that day.
Discipline Policy: Class rules are those traditionally associated with mature and
respectful student behavior in a classroom setting. Additionally, because of the use of a
digital classroom, the following rules and procedures must be followed:
1. During classroom meetings (using Newrow), the student must be sitting up and
attentive. Reclining of any kind, whether in a chair or bed, is not permitted.
2. The student must be wearing the required Ferguson uniform top of a white, gray, or
black polo shirt. School spirit shirts are permitted on Fridays.
3. The student must use his/her first name and last name on all accounts, screens, and
activity submissions, as well as any other situations that may arise in which the name is
4. During classroom meetings, the student’s camera must be on at all times clearly
displaying the student’s face LIVE. Please note that Newrow does not have backgrounds
for use during meetings.
5. Use of the group chat during classroom meetings is not permissible. Questions must
be reserved for after the lesson. Please write down questions as needed. After the
lesson and activity instructions have been explained, I will remain LIVE on Newrow to
answer questions for the remainder of class.