Current and Future Uses of the Computer: Industrial R&D in the United States Alan L. Porter School of Industrial & Systems Engineering Frederick A. Rossini Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and School of Social Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332, USA. Abstract This study of 158 organizations sought to depict current uses of computers in R&D. A survey of senior R&D management by the Industrial Research Institute identifies a number of salient features. Routine computer use is becoming a characteristic of scientists, engineers, and managers. Yet characteristics of usage differ markedly by size of R&D unit and by line of business. Moreover, patterns of responses suggest on-going changes toward the time when R&D will be strongly coloured by the context of an integrated, intelligent computer environment. This implies new roles and skill requirements for R&D managers, professionals, and support staff. Keywords: computer use, computer application, R&D, scientists, engineers, managers, industrial, future The expanding capabilities of the computer have prompted its application in almost every work environment. One of the most important and intriguing areas of application is Research and Development. In this domain, scientists and engineers create new knowledge in their subject areas. In so doing, they not only make use of stateof-theart technology, but they also push those technological frontiers ever outward. Today, computers constitute the technology doing most to change the nature of how science and engineering are done. In turn, the way R&D uses computers and its demands for future capabilities influence computer developments disproportionately to its size as a computer market. Information on the use of computers in R&D Management 16,4, 1986 R&D is surprisingly scarce. Computerized search of a half-dozendatabases on this topic turned up no systematic surveys and little else (it missed the study by Morse et al., 1984). However, we did piece together a chronology of computer applications and concerns in chemicaVbiochemicaVbiomedical research over the past twenty years (includingone short-livedjournal, ‘Computers in Chemical and Biochemical Research’): 1965 - ‘Biomedical computing, . . repre sents one of the major contributions to biomedical science in this century’ (Stacy and Waxman, 1965). Chapters in this edited volume emphasize analysis, along with early efforts at modelling with the computer: * Statistical packages in biomedical computation * Computers in multiphasic screening * Computational methods in protein structure analysis * Computer analysis of the electrocardiogram * A neural network model. 1972 - Computer applications in chemical research are classified into passive (e.g., data acquisition and processing, file searching, and display) and active (e.g., automated control, real-time computer interaction with experiments, and computer-user interactive experimentation). The keynote speaker at this symposium points out that laboratory computing systems have tended to be ‘highly individual systems,’ and notes that ‘Some users advocate the use of small dedicated computers rather than large central computers’ (Powell, 1972). 1974 - Clinical applications have become significant as ‘the laboratory workload about doubles every five years’ (Toren et al., 1974). 279 ALAN L. PORTER AND FREDERICK A. ROSSIN1 280 Specific topics include automation of laboratory test procedures, their analyses (e.g., glucose determination), and data reporting. 1978 - In the industrial setting, concerns are raised about dependence of R&D on data processing with its business oriented systems, whereas R&D want ‘to have their processes automated with dedicated computer systems. In an overall view, minicomputers appear to be a logical way out of this compounded dilemma’ (Hornisch, 1978). 1983 - Another column on ‘Computer Applications in Chemistry’ raises issues qualitatively advanced from earlier concerns (Heller and Potenzone, 1983): Chemical inf rmation systems A centralize computer system for the acquisition d interpretation of analytical data Local area networks, fourth generation languages and microelectronics in the research lab Computer-assisted structure elucidation system Application of pattern recognition methods in chemistry Computer-assisted drug design. In sum, computer use in R&D is changing on many dimensions. Not only is usage becoming more pervasive, it is involving different individuals, accomplishingdifferent aims. The Industrial Research Institute (IRI), the consortium of industrial research directors, perceived the importance of computers to modern R&D. They mailed a survey to their member companies on August 24,1984, concerning the state of the art in computer application. We believe the results of that survey give the most complete profile of computers in R&D yet reported (Rossini and Porter, 1985). This paper synthesizes information from that survey of computers in industrial R&D in the United States. After describing the survey, we consider (1) profiles of computer application, and (2) for what those computers are being used now and will be used in the future. We then offer observations on what this portends. s THE SURVEY IRI, through its Research on Research Committee, administered a survey covering over a hundred discrete aspects of computer use. Completed surveys from 158 R&D organizations reflect the computer use by some 43,000 industrial scientists and engineers in the U.S. plus an equal number of support personnel. Rossini and Porter (1985; 1986), with guidance from the Research on Research Committee, analyzed the responses and reported these to the IRI. In a small number of cases, more than one research unit responded for a given company. These multiple responses represented R&D units of diverse character (e.g., a central, basic chemical laboratory and an applied geosciences unit of an energy company). Hence, we decided to include each survey as a separate entity. The preponderance of the items yielded discrete responses (e.g., counts, percentages, yes/no answers - c.f., Tables 1 and 2). Some open-ended items allowed respondents to list issues of concern. We consolidated variations in responses to generate more usable categorizations (c.f., Tables 3 and 4). We first processed responses for the 158 R&D units taken together. We then explored potential distinctions among the firms, settling on two dimensions as particularly important. Table 1 shows how selected computer characteristics vary by size of the R&D organization measured in terms of number of professional employees. The scaling was chosen on the basis of organizational function and the distribution of responses. Table 2 breaks out these characteristics according to the line of business involved. The authors and Michael R. Waller, representing the IRI Research on Research Committee, determined a set of categories and placed each unit in the most suitable one. (Standard Industrial Codes were not employed because of the multifaceted nature of the business of many of these firms and differences among units within those firms.) This survey of industrial R&D computerization yields valuable insights into current operations and future needs. Nonetheless, it should not be taken as precisely representative of all American industrial R&D. The R&D Management 16.4.1986 Current and future uses of the computer 281 IRI membership is somewhat skewed toward chemical and consumer products. These two lines of business constitute just over half of the respondents (Table 2). This accentuates the utility of considering differences among types of firms. k COMPUTERS IN R&D Computers are used regularly (as opposed to rarely or never) by 42 per cent of the engineers and scientists encompassed in the survey. That same figure describes the number of interactive terminals in use per professional employee (Table 2). Incidentally, or perhaps not, of the senior R&D managers responding to the survey, 42 per cent had terminals on their desks. We will consider this ‘42 per cent’ computerization again in our ‘Implications’section. Setting aside that image of consistency, the data also indicate substantial variation. For instance, interactive terminals in use per 100 R&Dprofessionals (Table 2) range from 28 in Chemical laboratories (or an even lower 21 in the ‘Other’ category) to a resounding 82 per 100 professionals in energy R&D operations. Figure 1 elaborates further. This ‘box and whisker’ diagram presents measures of central tendency and dispersion for micros, minis, mainframes, and terminals. The ‘x’ in the box shows the mean (42 per cent for terminals) while the middle line indicates the median (the 50th percentile 30 per cent in this case). In each instance the mean is larger because the data are not distributed evenly - the high values are more extreme than the low values. The limits of the boxes are the 25th and 75th percentiles; in other words, half the respondents fit inside the box. Terminals per 100 professionals show a tremendous range: o n e quarter of the organizations have on the order of 1 terminal for 10 professionals and one-quarter have more than 1 terminal for each 2 (also shown in Table 1). Even more striking, observe how distant the outliers Table 1 Selected Computer Characteristics: Overall and by Size of R&D Organization Overall Percentile Characteristics 25th 50th By Size (Number of R&D Professionalsin Unit) 75th Number of organizations represented 21-50 51-100 101-200’201-400 400 26 34 39 26 32 Size (N of R&D professionals degree or equivalent) % of R&D capital budget devoted to cumputer hardware 65 148 345 2.4 7.5 17.4 8 8 14 13 17 Interactive terminals/ 100 R&D professionals 13 30 56 32 36 35 46 64 0.2 0.7 1.5 2.3 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.5 NA NA NA 31 41 61 76 90 20 37 59 39 31 39 50 54 2 4.3 7.9 8.4 6 7 6.2 7.3 NA NA NA 46 41 62 65 78 Mainframe/ 100 R&D professionals % Planning major (over $25K) software purchase within year % of R&D Scientists & Engineers using computers routinely Computer support personnel/ 1 0 0 R&D professionals % with Local Area Network in use NOTE: Values ‘Overall‘ reflect those of the 158 R&D units which responded (usually virtually all did 80). The 50th percentile is the median. The 25th-75th percentile range (the interquartile range) indicates the middle half of those responding. Values ‘By Size’ are means for the respective groupings of R&D organizations. Variables reported as #/lo0 R&D professionalsare computed by dividing the respective entity as reported for each organization by the number of professionals in that R&D organization (degree or equivalent, not including technicians). R&D Management 16,4, 1986 282 ALAN L. PORTER AND FREDERICK A. ROSSINI are. Two companies reported 2 terminals per professional, implying many in use by support staff and/or a variety of dedicated terminals with distinct functions. R&D organization size relates to computer use, but not in a uniform fashion. Both capital budget for computers and local area networks in use step up at about 100 professionals; both terminal density and routine use of computers go up sharply at 200. In fact, highly significant linear relationships show up in the form of correlations between the number of professional R&D employees and these factors. Is this an economy of scale operating? In terms of major software purchases and mainframes, such appears to be the case. Software can ‘be used by proportionately more people in a larger facility, reducing the expense per user. A mainframe can likewise serve many users. Proposed software purchases increase (as do actual purchases for the past W o years, not shown), and mainframes per 100 professionals decrease sharply with increasing size (Table 1). Interestingly, the drop in mainframes per 100 professionals is less than 1:l with increasing size and the intensity of terminal use increases with size. LEGEND Outliers O O 108 100 I O Outer Fence 200 (2) 75th Percentile 182.1 25th Percentile The scale to the outliers may be discontinuous. The ‘Outer Fence’ is a measure of dispersion = 3 x (distance between the 25th and 75th percentiles) beyond the 75th (or 25th) percentile 77.8 76.9 NOTE: I * 72.8 50 4 x- 40 39.5 C ._ I -- r g 30 0 a U 8 23.7 3 20 k. P X L 7 18.8 18.3 18.0 - 4 5 z 10 i 3 6’4 0 Figure I Ratio of Computers to R&D Professionals R&D Management 16.4, 1986 Current andfuture uses of the computer suggesting that larger laboratories are more involved with mainframebased interactive computing. Measures not tabulated in Table 1 elaborate on this differentiation in computer use by organization size. For example, responses to whether they have a ‘mainframe with hardwired terminals and local network to specified (or to all) minis/micros’ shows the two smaller sizes of organization averaging 36 per cent with such hardware, but the three larger sizes (i.e., those over 100 professionals) averaging 89 per cent. Larger organizations demonstrate the highest proportion of the more advanced architectures. The percentage of computing done on an interactive basis tracks this same sort of pattern - here the breakpoint comes for the smallest (50 or fewer professionals) averaging 48 per cent interactive vs. the larger R&D units, with all four sizes at about 70 per cent. This suggests a progression, with the larger R&D organizations leading in the adoption of interactive network computing. Other data support this interpretation. While terminals per professional are more prevalent and mainframes per professional are less prevalent in larger R&D units, micros and minis per professional do not show significant deviations. This implies that the increased use of computers by scientists and engineers in the larger units reflects more interactive computing. Computer support personnel per 100 professionals vary dramatically across our respondents. The ‘E operations in Table 2 - energy, engineering, electronics evidence markedly more support personnel than the ‘C operations - chemicals and consumer products. The overall distribution (Table 1) shows a factor of 4 spread for the interquartile range. In separate tabulations per 100 R&D professionals, the median was 1 each for programmers, computer operators, and other computer specialists (not shown). More striking, at least a quarter of the responding organizations reported ‘none’ for each of the computer support personnel categories. At the other extreme, a handful of organizations were in double figures on each (presumably engaged in computerrelated R&D). The variability in computer support personnel suggests great diversity in how the respondents deal with their comR&D Management 16,4, 1986 283 puting needs. Levels of computer support personnel, though highly variable, do not vary systematically by organization size (Table 1). We probed the patterns for programmers, operators, and other computer specialists taken separately. Only one difference stood out as statistically significant, and it appears interpretable along the lines just developed. The concentration of computer operators is high by a factor of 2-3 for the smallest size labs, those with the highest concentration of mainframes and batch operations. Another issue is whether .the computer substitutes for R&D support personnel in general (not just computer support personnel). We correlated totdprofessional employment in R&D with computer usage and found no correlation ( r = .01). We see no evidence of computers saving labour. A policy issue of considerable relevance to the computer industry concerns who decides on purchases. In almost half the cases (45 per cent), the individual researcher determines the piece of hardware to be purchased. But the issue gets complicated 48 per cent of the R&D organizations have rules restricting the choice of hardware to a specific manufacturer. Concerning microcomputers explicitly, 59 per cent of the firms have some policies in place. The most common element in such policies (90 per cent) is approval of hardware selection, followed by restrictions on approval or support of communications (68 per cent) and software (62 per cent). Authority over computer purchases is shared by corporate officials, R&D managers, and individual researchers. At one pole, R&D must mesh its needs with those of the company in general. At the other pole, R&D management balances its concerns for coordination against individual scientist/engineer hardware and software preferences. Shifting attention to Table 2, the ordering from the ‘C‘ industries to the ‘E’ industries reflects increasing general emphasis on the use of computers. Budget, terminals, software purchases, and routine usage share this pattern. Within the ‘Fs,’ emphases vary. The electro-mechanicallelectronics Organizations show the greatest proportion of their scientists and engineers using computers 284 ALAN L. PORTER AND FREDERlCK A. ROSSINI Table 2 Selected Computer Characteristics by L i e of Business Characteristic Metal Engy Engr dlec 53 16 11 27 11 5 287 157 492 286 358 53 Total Chem Cons Number of organizations represented 158 35 Size (N of RBD professionals-degreed or equivalent) 272 227 % of R&D capital budget devoted to computer hardware Interactive terminals/ 100 R&D professionals Mainframes/100 RBD professionals Other 12 5 9 13 13 19 28 6 42 28 36 46 82 52 63 21 1.2 1 0.9 1.5 1.5 1 0.6 5.2 60 46 56 50 64 81 91 40 % Planning major (over S25K) software purchase within year % of MID Scientists & Engineem using computers routinely Computer support personnel/ 100 RBD professiorials 42 37 39 41 45 48 6.9 3.4 5.1 6.6 8.6 11.1 65 14.8 8.4 59 60 64 4 4 6 4 52 64 60 96 with Local Area Network in use 28 NOTE: Organizationscategorid under the guidance of the Industrial Research Institute’s Research on Research Committee as: Chem = Chemicals Cons = Consumer Products Metal = Metals Engy = Energy Engr = Engineering (mostly mechanical) Elec = Electro-mechanical/Electronics Other = Other (includes forast products) Values are means. Variables reported as #/ 100 R%D professionalsare computed by dividing the respective entity as reported for each organization by the number of profubsionetsIn that organization (degread or equivalent, not including technicians). routinely. Relatively few mainframes and many terminals, along with the most micros per professional (mean of 34 per 100 compared to 20 per 100 for engineering and 10 per 100 for energy) suggest highly decentralized computing in operation in these firms. The relatively larger energy R&D laboratories are more heavily into interactive computing linked to mainframes. within a firm? Such concerns, expressed in various guises, pose the great current challenge for industrial computerization. We consider an approach to the integration issue in the ‘Implications’ section. APPLICATIONS: PRESENT AND FUTURE Their number of terminals greatly exceeds To this point we have focussed on computer the number of regular professional users of computers. Local area networks are in use in about 60 per cent of these R&D organizations, with relatively little variation by line of business. This, in conjunction with the other computerization features noted, suggests hardware coming into place for a potentially ‘on-line’ professional staff. Shared databases, integrated software, electronic communications, and so on loom as emerging issues. How can one best tie together information within R&D? Beyond that, how can one effectively link across all the technical enterprises (e.g., R&D. engineering, and manufacturing) capabilities in industrial R&D; now we direct attention to their uses. Table 3 summarizes what the senior research managers consider to be the most important current and coming applications. The list is ordered in terms of current mentions as ‘the three most important application areas of R&D computer usage, excluding administrative and accounting functions.’ Four dominate, being noted by about half or more of the managers: statistics, laboratory automation, database handling, and modelling. A second tier might be taken as professional support functions: professional support and calculation; CAD/ CAE and graphics. R t D Management 16,4, 1986 Current and future uses of the computer 285 Table 3 Current Uses of Computers in Industrial R&D Category Statistical Analysis of Data Laboratory Automation/Data Gathering/ Process Contr.ol Data Barn Management, Storage, and Retrieval Modelling and Simulation Scientific and Engineering Calculations CADlCAMlCAE Professional Support Graphics Communications Software Development and Engineering Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Hardware Development/Supercomputers/etc. Robotics Current Uses % Future Uses % 71.52 65.82 53.80 48.73 28.48 19.62 17.72 14.56 6.96 5.06 1.90 24.68 53.16 36.08 39.24 16.46 22.15 20.89 12.03 20.25 5.06 25.95 3.80 3.16 0.00 0.00 % Future/ %Current 0.35 0.81 0.67 0.81 0.58 1.13 1.18 0.83 2.91 1.00 13.67 infin infin NOTE: % reflects the number of times item mentioned, divided by 158 R&D organizations surveyed. Looking to the future (unspecifiedhorizon), columns 2 and 3 provide complementary perspectives. Column 2 suggests a broadening of computer functions in R&D areas. Column 3 points to a relative explosion in AI/expert systems use and communications developments. What do these future perceptions mean? An application can be perceived as having future importance, even though it is currently only beginning to be developed. As initial applications commence, prospective users can see more uses and developers can augment capabilities in those directions. As the application matures, further improvements become incremental, and the area may recede into the background consciousness of ‘routine’ activity. This sort of perception seems to explain the ebbs and flows of Table 3. Maturing, routine applications (e.g., statistical analyses, database management, scientifidengineering calculation) fade in the listing of Future Uses. (That does not mean they will not actually account for major portions of computer use, just that they are taken for granted.) Other applications currently in use promise s u b stantial future development (e.g., lab automation, modelling, CAD/CAE, graphics). Most intriguing are the application areas not currently substantial, but nonetheless perceived as important for the future (e.g. communications and, especially, AI). On the other hand, we were somewhat surprised at R 1 D Management 16,4, 1986 the lack of interest in supercomputers and robotics. The two targets for massive future expansion in R&D use, communications and AI, certainly make sense. Expanded communication uses fit with our perception of considerable interactive capability in place. Moreover, while this survey presents data from a single point in time, our sense is that rapid build-up is taking place. Enhanced communication also fits with our view that serious integration of databases, analyses, and needs - including R&D and all other technical units of the firm - is rapidly becoming highest priority. Expert systems appear to be on the very brink of successful applications in many domains. R&D offers special promise in the coming together of specialized knowledge, repetitive operations, and strenuous analyses. This report has emphasized scientific and engineering applications. The survey also addressed managerial uses of computers. Most mentioned were budgeting uses (49 per cent of the units), followed by project/ programme management, communications, and report preparation/graphics (each noted by 27 per cent of the respondents). The management computer use profile emphasizes relatively mature applications. Communications, however, appear to be the exception, the area with great potential for change. Managerial communication uses would appear to complement scientific/ 286 ALAN L. PORTER AND FREDERICK A. ROSSINI engineering communications, and provide a vital bridge to corporate integration efforts. Table 4 tallies what R&Dmanagers see as ‘the three most burning issues with respect to computing in R&D - for scientific applications.’ Justification and control issues predominate. Interestingly, over 98 per cent of our respondents believed that computer systems have been of value in research operations. More striking than this ‘motherhood and apple pie’ response, half of the organizations had conducted some form of study to ascertain that value. Several of the other hot items fit our sense of increasing focus on integration: networkinglcommunications, documentation/ standardization of software, and R&D databases, in particular. Note that other than modest concerns with availability of computing capacity and centralized vs. distributed processing, no hardware issue makes the list. Neither does computing power seem to be a priority issue. Respondents were asked to generate another classification of burning issues concerning managerial uses of computers. Justification and control concerns were an overwhelminf:No. 1, followed by networking/ communications as No. 2 (same priority as for the scientific issues). Training nudged up to No. 3, followed by Security, No. 4, and Documentatiodstandadaation as No. 5. Software development did not make the list for managerial applications (consistent with Table 4 our earlier comment that managerial uses of computers seem relatively mature). Speaking of software, we also asked who generated their own. Half of these organizations generate more than half of their own application software. In the majority of cases, the author of any such software is responsible for documentation and maintenance. Training in software use, applications packages, and programming is provided inhouse by a majority of these American R&D organizations. About a third provide training through outside contractors on various topics. R&D is self-sufficient when it comes to its software. That is consistent with the model of the fiercely independent scientist, but not with the well-integrated system. One might speculate that the trend will be toward use of more coordinated packages with organized maintenance programmes. IMPLICATIONS The ‘bottom line’ to any study of computer usage is to anticipate what is to come. A severe handicap must be overcome in seeking this information from the present results - the survey reflects a single point in time. To surmount this difficulty, we have tried multiple approaches. First, the survey tallies anticipated future uses and concerns. Comparison of the present and future applications suggests dramatic increases in Burning lasue in Scientific Use of Computers in Industrial R&D ISSM Justificationf Cspkal/Control/Policy Networking/Communieations Documentation/Standardizationof Software Training/Underutilizstkn of Computers Software Development/Expanslon/lmprovemnt Security R&D Databases Availability of Computing Capacity Centralized vs. Datributed Processing Over-relianceon Computers Internal vs. Purchased Software 96 24.7 19.6 17.7 17.1 15.8 8.9 8.2 7.6 7.6 7.6 4.4 NOTE: Respondentswere aaked to nominate the three most burning issues with respect to scientific use of computing in RBD. We compiled responses to produce this ordering. % reflects the number of nominationsdivided by 158 R&D organizationssurveyed. R&D Management 16,4, 1986 Current andfuture uses of the computer 287 communicating, integrated systems, and in personnel taken one year earlier (Morse et use of A1 capabilities. al., 1984). The European study also crossed A second approach is premised on a industrial sectors, although 77 per cent of general innovation model. The commercial- the responding organizations were governization of many technologies follows the ment departments or government owned pattern of a logistic curve (the ‘S-shaped’ establishments. It, too, spanned different growth curve). If we assume the temporal sizes of R&D unit, althopgh smaller on dynamics of computerization of R&D will average - 37.5 per cent of their organizations hold to this pattern, we then need to locate that denoted size had 50 or fewer qualified the present state of computerization along scientists and engineers (QSEs) compared to this curve. Ths most suggestive. data on our 16.5 per cent; only 21.6 per cent of their penetration of computers into R&D cluster units exceeded 250 compared to our 33.1 at 42 per cent (i.e., per cent of scientists and per cent over that many professionals. engineers using computers routinely, ratio As a generalization, the present findings of terminals to professionals, and per cent of seem to represent the step forward anticipated senior managers with terminals). The logistic by Morse et al. T o what extent the curve has an ordinate range from 0 to 100 differences represent a US lead over the UK per cent. It begins slowly, then commences and/or the one year time difference is an exponential increase to an inflection point uncertain. Nevertheless, the two studies at 50 per cent, from which growth slows taken together point toward continued toward the 100 per cent saturation value. At computerization of R&D: 42 per cent, or thereabouts, R&D computer1) The UK study found an average of 1 ization is undergoing its most rapid rate of micro for 8 Q S h , and it anticipated ‘in five change. Unfortunately, in the absence of years’ time there will be fewer than 3 QSEs/ another data point in time, it is not possible micro.’ Our study finds 1 micro for 6 QSEs, to predict when the curve will reach various but when combined with the separate degrees of penetration. category of ‘intelligent terminals’ (1 per 5 Third, we can extract a sense of ongoing QSEs, not shown in the tables), the net is change from the survey differences among slightly fewer than 3 QSEs per micro. (One organizations. Both Tables 1 and 2 yield interesting contrast deserves mention - in interpretable patterns of leaders and lagers. the UK, chemical industries, along with The large research organizations show electronics and engineering, are leaders in substantially higher usage rates by pro- adoption of micros; in the US, electronics fessionals and greater development of inter- and engineering lead in computerization, but active computer capabilities. The ‘E indus- chemicals lag far behind - Table 2.) tries, likewise, lead the ‘C‘ industries in 2) The UK respondents indicated growing adoption of the computer into the daily life popularity of information handling applio of the scientist and engineer. This suggests ations, including ‘using the microcomputer that the laggards will follow in the footsteps as an intelligent terminal with access to a of the leaders toward everincreasing reliance wider network of information.’ Some 49 per on computers, in particular, interactive cent reported any form of interconnections computing. It also suggests that a variety of among their computers, of whom only 2 per different computer configurations will co- cent denoted a local area network (LAN) exist at any given time. per se. Again, the US respondents verify the As a fourth source of information, we can change vector - 59 per cent reported LANs reflect back on the literature scanned on the in use. introduction of computers into chemical and 3) Uses seem to track the same develop related research areas. While not quantit- ment profile. UK users emphasize manageative, this affirms a sense of change toward ment and experimentation, followed by more extensive and sophisticated use of calculation, information handling, and modelcomputers. The hypothesis that computer ling. The US users were queried separately use is static is untenable. about administrative and technical uses. Fourth, the present findings do compare Combining responses, one s e a management directly with those of a sample of UK R&D uses (budget and project), calculations, Rc%DManagement 16,4, 1986 288 experimental control, modelling, and information handling. The UK respondents perceive potential for graphical forms; the use of CAD/CAM/CAE$ professional support, and graphics packages shows significantly in the US sampie (Table 3). While ‘few [UK] respondents could envisage any impact of application using the possibilities of artificial intelligence,’ Morse et al. do anticipate ‘the revolutionary technologies of knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence will enter the laboratory.’ Again, the US respondents seem to bespeak the next stage - no significant application yet, but growing awareness of the potential (Table 4). Taken together, these indicators point toward computer use becoming increasingly routine for researchers. The survey results further point to software changes as more vital than hardware. The hardware emphases include networks and interactive capabilities, not more powerful processing. Above all, two features of particular importance emerge: integration and intelligence. In the past, computer use in R&D has been marked by independence. Individuals adopted machines and wrote their own programmes. Today, scientists and engineers feel more constraints from coherent corporate policies and take advantage of off-theshelf software, although not in a wellcoordinated fashion. In the future, anticipate increased demand by management, and by professionals, h r integration. Interactive computing promotes coordination of hardware and software. Integration within R&D and eventually across all technical organizations within the company will be pushed. Networks are largely in place and survey respondents placed a high priority on computer communications. Engineers elsewhere are voicing concerns about needs to integrate the design process. Ways must be found- to share databases, use common analyses from development through production, and manage information throughout engineering processes. The islands of computerization must be joined to form effective systems. The complementary emphasis lies in intelligence. Expert systems and other A1 type capabilities have much to offer in the eyes of American R&D managers. The bases for such anticipation are the progressive ALAN L. PORTER AND FREDERlCK A. ROSSINI sophistication of computer applications in the laboratory plus the broad perception of A1 being poised to deliver. Note that the anticipation is not based on present ‘intelligent’ applications per se. It could therefore be overly optimistic. This all adds up to the suggestion that computerization of R&D is moving on to a new phase wherein research and development will be conducted in an integrated, intelligent computer environment. In the 1960s the computer was a tool to aid in performing the same old research processes a little faster. It has now moved on to become an integral part of the researcher’s professional life. It is a tool providing capabilities that otherwise would not exist. In the future, it will be the system. The R&D professional will be embedded in a fully computerized environment. That means new ways to perform research, new roles and skill requirements for professionals and support staff, and new organizational structures. It means new opportunities for providers of computer hardware and software, but in a changed environment. There will be less of a role for the stand-alone programme, machine, or supplier. Laboratory automation, data handling, advanced analytical routines, and various intelligent adjuncts to the R&D process will all have to attend to ‘the system.’ R&D managers and professionals are entering a new era of research in the Information Age. REFERENCES Heller. S. R. and Potenzone, R., Jr., eds.. (1983) Computer Applications in Chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Hornisch. F. C.. (Mar. 1978). ‘Your Own Mini‘, Indusrriul Research/Developmenf.Vol. 20. No. 3. pp. 110- 112. Morse. G.. Ong. C. H. and Pearson. A. W. (1984). ‘Computers in R&D; A Brief Report of a Survey of UK R&D Estahlishnients‘. R&D Management. Vol. 14. No. 4. pp. 261-267. Powell, H. (1972). ’Opening Address’. in The Applications of Computer Techniques in Chemical Research. P. Hepple. ed.. Institute of Petroleum. London. pp. 1-2. Rossini. F. A. and Porter. A. L.. (Oct. 1985). ‘The Use of Computers in Industrial Research and Development: An Analysis of the Industrial Research Institute Survey’. The Industrial Research Institute. New York. Rossini. F. A. and Porter. A. L.(1986).’Who’s Using Computers in Industrial R&V - and for What’. Research Management. Vol. 29. pp. 09-44. Stacy. R. W. and Waxman. R. V.. (1965). ‘Computers in R i p medical Research. Academic Press. New York. R&D Management 16,4, 1986 Current andfuture uses of the computer Toren, E. C.. Jr., Eggert, A. A. and Larson. F. C.. (1974). ‘Applications of Computers in the Clinical Laboratory’. in Computers in Chemical and Biochemical Research, C. E. Klopfenstein and C. L. Wilkins, eds.. Academic Press, New York,pp. 126- 175. R&D Management 16,4, 1986